So, Do You Think We're Headed For Another Civil War?

Do You Think That We're Headed For Another Civil War?

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I'd say that it was a definite possibility.

No, and I'll tell you why.

During the spool up to the first and only American Civil War two distinct political powers emerged, the North and the South. Each political power raised or already had massive standing armies over which were appointed proven military commanders trained at the best military academies in America. The American army pre-Civil War did splinter and choose sides, but only at the top of the command chain. Lower-level officers and enlisted men either were already members of the Union army or were recruited and trained for the then newly established Confederate army.

In order for a second American civil war to go down, two political sides or powers would have to define themselves, both by political agendas and goals and by region. Each distinct political side or power would need to lay claim to different regions of the present geographical United States. Further, each political side would have to either gain control of the already standing six branches of our military, or convince a number of high ranking already serving military commanders to come over to their "side" and then recruit and raise a "rebel" army.

If we assume the two warring political sides in any second American civil war to be democrat versus republican, then major logistical issues arise when it comes to defining those sides, their political and military goals and the starting territories or parts of the lower 48 they would be in control of at the outset of the conflict. Further, for whichever side (democrat or republican) which declares itself the "rebel side" or insurrectionist side, raising and equipping and training a large enough army to counter the "Union" side would be impossible.

With today's technology and the political left's control of social media, cell phone providers and all other forms of mass, instant communication how exactly would, say, a rebel republican political side, made up of insurrectionists, organize itself, raise an army, train an army etc. without the political left (currently in power) finding out about it and using federal law enforcement and the current military to shut it down?

All of this fantasy lately about a second American civil war is just that: fear porn for armchair politicians and LARPER couch commandos to jerk off to. For some idiotic, unknown reason, Americans who bring up the possibility of a second civil war always seem to think it would mean every AR15 owner grabbing his or her gat and running out into the street to fight. No, children, that's not how it would go down, that's not how civil war works.

Lastly, second civil war hopefuls should stop to remember and think about both our extensive nuclear arsenal, on land and at and under the sea, and foreign powers salivating over the thought of a divided (and weakened) United States of America. I mean, I get it—to some degree. People are tired of the tyrannical bullshit our American government has pulled at every government level and they want to fight for what they believe in. I want that to but it's just not feasible on any grand scale, and it's not gonna happen—not unless one political party or the other lands foreign troops on US soil. Something like that goes down then all options are on the table, including our own government destroying the lower 48 so some foreign assholes can't have it either.

Bloody get real, people.
No, and I'll tell you why.

During the spool up to the first and only American Civil War two distinct political powers emerged, the North and the South. Each political power raised or already had massive standing armies over which were appointed proven military commanders trained at the best military academies in America. The American army pre-Civil War did splinter and choose sides, but only at the top of the command chain. Lower-level officers and enlisted men either were already members of the Union army or were recruited and trained for the then newly established Confederate army.

In order for a second American civil war to go down, two political sides or powers would have to define themselves, both by political agendas and goals and by region. Each distinct political side or power would need to lay claim to different regions of the present geographical United States. Further, each political side would have to either gain control of the already standing six branches of our military, or convince a number of high ranking already serving military commanders to come over to their "side" and then recruit and raise a "rebel" army.

If we assume the two warring political sides in any second American civil war to be democrat versus republican, then major logistical issues arise when it comes to defining those sides, their political and military goals and the starting territories or parts of the lower 48 they would be in control of at the outset of the conflict. Further, for whichever side (democrat or republican) which declares itself the "rebel side" or insurrectionist side, raising and equipping and training a large enough army to counter the "Union" side would be impossible.

With today's technology and the political left's control of social media, cell phone providers and all other forms of mass, instant communication how exactly would, say, a rebel republican political side, made up of insurrectionists, organize itself, raise an army, train an army etc. without the political left (currently in power) finding out about it and using federal law enforcement and the current military to shut it down?

All of this fantasy lately about a second American civil war is just that: fear porn for armchair politicians and LARPER couch commandos to jerk off to. For some idiotic, unknown reason, Americans who bring up the possibility of a second civil war always seem to think it would mean every AR15 owner grabbing his or her gat and running out into the street to fight. No, children, that's not how it would go down, that's not how civil war works.

Lastly, second civil war hopefuls should stop to remember and think about both our extensive nuclear arsenal, on land and at and under the sea, and foreign powers salivating over the thought of a divided (and weakened) United States of America. I mean, I get it—to some degree. People are tired of the tyrannical bullshit our American government has pulled at every government level and they want to fight for what they believe in. I want that to but it's just not feasible on any grand scale, and it's not gonna happen—not unless one political party or the other lands foreign troops on US soil. Something like that goes down then all options are on the table, including our own government destroying the lower 48 so some foreign assholes can't have it either.

Bloody get real, people.

I see your point.
But more to the point, the military before the Civil War was already splintered.
It was based on states.
Each state trained, armed, and paid their own divisions.
That is not how we do it any more.
States have almost nothing to do with the military any more.

But I disagree when it comes to nuclear weapons, planes, tanks, missiles, etc.
They have no use in a civil war at all, and are not relevant.
I see your point.
But more to the point, the military before the Civil War was already splintered.
It was based on states.
Each state trained, armed, and paid their own divisions.
That is not how we do it any more.
States have almost nothing to do with the military any more.

I disagree. Military bases stand in individual states. Although technically controlled by the department secretary of whatever military branch, bases could be seized or captured by executive order of whatever governor or even a rogue Attorney General. A coalition of republican or democrat governors could theoretically gain control of military bases in their respective states. The only personnel who carry live ammo 24/7 on most military bases are military police and other special details or units rotating through live fire ranges. Seizing a military base remains a much easier task than most Americans would believe. Homeland Security armed agents number somewhere around 60-80 thousand. It's not too farfetched to imagine federal law enforcement shock troops storming and gaining control of most military bases long before live ammo and ordinance could be issued to troops stationed there.
I disagree. Military bases stand in individual states. Although technically controlled by the department secretary of whatever military branch, bases could be seized or captured by executive order of whatever governor or even a rogue Attorney General. A coalition of republican or democrat governors could theoretically gain control of military bases in their respective states. The only personnel who carry live ammo 24/7 on most military bases are military police and other special details or units rotating through live fire ranges. Seizing a military base remains a much easier task than most Americans would believe. Homeland Security armed agents number somewhere around 60-80 thousand. It's not too farfetched to imagine federal law enforcement shock troops storming and gaining control of most military bases long before live ammo and ordinance could be issued to troops stationed there.

Not sure your point?
My point was the Civil War in 1860 was easy to happen because each state had its own divisions.
While now it is harder because the divisions are owned and controlled more the feds.
But since you mentioned Homeland Security being able to take over these bases, I don't get your point?
That would make Civil War harder.
That's what all the Neo-GOP are being told. But when all the Trumpynutters win the primaries and the voters have to choose which party offers the best option for politic discourse in the main election. When the Democrats retain both Chambers, I'll be looking out for the Neo-GOP's New Political Discourse to begin in earnest,
You really are blind.
I'd say that it was a definite possibility.

Who against whom?

Is there a "shadow government" running things for one side?


Is there a bunch of nuts gathering under a supposed single flag to create a terrorist campaign designed to disrupt and destroy what they can...UP UNTIL they begin slashing one another's throats because the only thing uniting them is anger and fear?

"They" are a bunch of assclowns dying for their shot on CNN.

Who against whom?

Is there a "shadow government" running things for one side?


Is there a bunch of nuts gathering under a supposed single flag to create a terrorist campaign designed to disrupt and destroy what they can...UP UNTIL they begin slashing one another's throats because the only thing uniting them is anger and fear?

"They" are a bunch of assclowns dying for their shot on CNN.

I still don't understand how your avatar can be an American flag when you're one of the biggest anti-American bigots on here. You don't have a fucking clue how this government is supposed to run and you would have a better chance explaining things and teaching it to a dog.
Armed Democrat gangs rioting in the streets.

Democrat Politicians ordering the arrest of political dissidents.

Democrat media personalities and cable news stations spreading hate and disinformation

Wide scale election fraud

Using the force of the government and police against political rivals

civil war? the beginning of this war is far from civil, and especially as compared to our first civil war
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The reason a civil war is possible or even likely, is that there is no unity.
People in congress, the military, business, the general public, all want different things, and are not at all happy with the compromised that have been forced upon them.

The wealthy elite whites as protectors, instead of the way Blacks see them as a deadly threat to their children.
The military is as divided as anyone else, and is not of a single mind or purpose.
I'd say that it was a definite possibility.

The reason a civil war is possible or even likely, is that there is no unity.
People in congress, the military, business, the general public, all want different things, and are not at all happy with the compromised that have been forced upon them.

The wealthy elite whites as protectors, instead of the way Blacks see them as a deadly threat to their children.
The military is as divided as anyone else, and is not of a single mind or purpose.

You are an idiot
You are too narrow minded. There are different kinds of civil wars. Our Civil War was more in the nature of a revolution to split the nation. Much like the way the colonies split from England.

Our current war is more like the Indian wars, fought in homes, towns and camps. The fight is over your home, your business, your family's safety. Just like Indians would attack a settlement and leave no one alive, we are under attack from a savage criminal element.
I still don't understand how your avatar can be an American flag when you're one of the biggest anti-American bigots on here. You don't have a fucking clue how this government is supposed to run and you would have a better chance explaining things and teaching it to a dog.
People trying to overthrow the government while hiding behind the flag, you know, like you are the "anti-Americans."

If my using the flag as an avatar angers and confuses you, GOOD!
We're taking bak the flag from the traitors, you know, like you.
What was the sub doing in American waters? The attack on Pearl had been planned by the Japanese for some time.
Rigby is certifiably insane. Don't even bother engaging with him or you might wind up bleeding from the ears and babbling nonsense.
I'd say that it was a definite possibility.
I keep hoping level heads would prevail, but I'm beginning to doubt it. I would be in favor of Republican states seceding and thus keeping our Bill or Rights, but then, I'm too old to move and am stuck in lefty-loony land.

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