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So Does Obama Know His Place Now?

Come on Marc...the reason the Democratic base didn't come out to vote was because they were so discouraged by the underwhelming performance of the Democrats. Trying to pin the low turn out on Republicans "disenfranchising" Democratic voters is laughable.

The fact is...during the '08 election, Barack Obama turned out record amounts of young voters, black and Hispanic voters. Those same voting groups DIDN'T turn out in 2010 and I'm afraid they aren't going to turn out in record numbers in 2012 either. Obama ran on some vague concepts of Hope and Change. After two years the voters had a fairly good idea of what that meant and they weren't excited about it.

If you want to prove that you know more about the Democratic base then I do...then stop making silly assertions like you have here.

And yet and still you continue to purport to know more about the Democratic base than I do...*SMH* :cuckoo:

What is with you RWers and this victim mentality!??!? I never said or implied that it's because of the CON$ disenfranchising, that was a side issue, a matter-of-fact, they've been doing that disenfranchisement for generations....nothing new.

I stated plain as day that the MAIN reason Obama lost his base is because of the health care debate, Obama. Did. Not. Deliver. The. Public. Option. That and that alone is what deflated their idea of hope and change. The job situation only made it worse, as they didn't have that to fall back on. Notice you will NEVER see or hear a Dem or LWer saying anything close to "Obama made it worse" we know and lay the blame SQUARELY at Herr Bush's feet.

Again, put a pause on RW radio and open your ears and mind to other POVs.

Thanks. I think I'm going to bed now, it's way past my bedtime.

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Those of us on the left know exactly what is meant by putting him in his "place". There have been many times when I have wished that Obama had the guts of Van Jones - and put them in their "place".

I am disappointed in Obama, but I'm still holding out hope. Maybe he is playing chess while the right is struggling with checkers. We'll see...

The only thing worse than being perceived as "weak" is being perceived as "the angry black man." Obama is very keenly aware of that. Remember the whole Rev. Wright debacle? Boy did those RWers do everything within their power to make that stick to him, but because Obama's so smart and deft, he didn't allow it to. He played them as the fools they are.

If you don't believe me, just look at American history. Namely Jackie Robinson. Now, many know/knew that Jackie was NOT the best player in the league at the time, but yet he was chosen. You know why? It was because of his demeanor. He was THE original Mr. Nice Guy. He had the character it takes to humble himself and just let stuff slide, even the most wrong and vile stuff thrown his way, like spitting, being called the N-word, threats to his life, etc. all for just being black. That's what was needed for the first black player in the MLB. You know who was actually THE best player in the league at the time? Glad you asked....Satchell Paige. He would whoop them all in his sleep and twice on Sunday. However, he was way too cocky. He would have only enraged the whites. Therefore he was not chosen. Look it up.

White people weren't ready for that sort of attitude then, and they aren't ready for it now. Obama's the right President for the right time. He's playing it PERFECTLY.

You'll see.
the sub human Obama ape did nothing to dispel suspicion about his racist affiliation with the animal rev wright !!the left wing white apologist media ignored the facts!!......just what in the hell do you think white Americans owe your sorry black ass??:eusa_eh:

christians and Muslims don't get along remember? So if the president is a Muslim, as you christians believe. Then what proof do you need that he wasn't affiliated? And with the amount of hair on the average white back, I'd let up on the whole "APE" thing.
RW fatso extraordinaire recently said "The Republicans if they have any hope of winning the 2012 election, have got to put this guy in his place using this as their opportunity to do it. No doubt about it." He was referring to the faux-outrage non-story about the date change.

First question, what place does our President need to be in?

Second question, was this a dog-whistle race-baiting code word or not?

Why/why not

Boehner Should Reject Obama's Request for Joint Session Speech

I read something I thought was pretty insightful. It was something like:

As Republicans rant and scream, President Obama continues to lead in his own quiet methodical and well thought out way.

I'm neither ranting nor screaming, Rdean. I don't have to. All I have to do is quite calmly point out what Barack Obama has done (or not done) in the two and a half years he's been President. The man's record speaks for itself. All this screaming and yelling about racism? That's coming from "your" side of the debate...and it's coming because most of you want to discuss just about anything else OTHER than the economy and jobs.

When Republicans refer to him as "boyking" and "manchild" or say he's a product of "Kenyan colonialism", it's all code for racism of the worst sort.

When they filibuster everything he does or wants to do it's not lost on the American people. In fact, where he has been most successful is where Republicans can't stop him. Taking out Bin Laden. Getting of Moammar without a single US casualty. Taking out al Qaeda senior officers one at a time.

What are Republicans going to run on? They can't use "Jobs jobs jobs" again. What else is left? "We stopped Obama from helping the American Middle Class"?
You guys are STILL pushing that blatant RW lie?!??

They had 2 years of legislating to get it right and the RWers got a LOT of what they wanted. Obama didn't even put the Public Option on the table which the MAJORITY of Americans actually wanted.

WTF are you talking about fool?!??

Yeah, I find that hilarious.

58 Dems and two I's with one being Lieberman who has an axe to grind against the Dems is their "filibuster proof majority." Not to mention the blue dogs Webb and Nelson stood with the GoP and wouldn't vote for cloture.

If the ability to jam thru legislation actually existed we would have at minimum a public option.

Ah, I think I already pointed out that it was the Blue Dog Democrats that kept Obama from getting much of his progressive agenda passed. You just reinforced my argument. Thanks.

Don't forget the Al Franken debacle. The right wing has been going at it, hot and heavy from the word go.
He caused the conflicting schedule. He should be the one to fix it. He's not God, he doesn't have the right to pop a squat on Congress. You think we should all get down on our knees and kiss his ass for him correcting a situation HE caused? You have very low standards.

YOU would have BEGGED to kiss bush's ass if he even corrected ONE of his many fuck up's.

RepubliCON$ will SWIFTLY drop to their knees to kiss an A$$ when it suits them. Their lips are in a perpetual state of pursement awaiting a RW leader to kiss. And they will kiss it with a fervent fury. Don't believe me? Just whisper the word "Ronald Reagan" in a RWer's ear and watch them go to work.


Well, as the right wing always says: It's o.k. to kiss ass, as long as you wipe your mouth when you're done.:bowdown:
Right. Because calling an older African-American male a "boy" is choosen solely because that person is male.

You should stop now.

Actually, white guys do call each other 'boy' all the time. It's a kind of affectionate friendship sort of thing.

Black guys are WAY over-sensitive about it.

That's not for you to say. You're being very presumptuous. We cannot tell someone else how to feel. Anymore than we can criticize a person's choice of food because we don't like their choices.

Everybody has demons and some hurtful childhood memories. And anyone of those, "black guys that are WAY over sensitive," might have bad memories of being called boy. You don't know. Maybe he was bullied and called boy. Who knows??? I think your attitude is very insensitive.

I'll bet he didn't say that when they showed the reaction of whites when o.j. got aquitted. HELL! He probably didn't even blink when whites snapped over the cancellation of M.A.S.H.
YOU would have BEGGED to kiss bush's ass if he even corrected ONE of his many fuck up's.

RepubliCON$ will SWIFTLY drop to their knees to kiss an A$$ when it suits them. Their lips are in a perpetual state of pursement awaiting a RW leader to kiss. And they will kiss it with a fervent fury. Don't believe me? Just whisper the word "Ronald Reagan" in a RWer's ear and watch them go to work.


Good to see that you've given up any pretense at having a rational discussion and gone right to the name calling. That's usually how you can tell who's losing a debate here.

Name calling? Do you have ANY grasp of the definition of English words? :confused:
His place is NOT above Congress.

"Please fetch my Congress now" -- is not the respect for that office either.

I not a true fan of Rush -- but I listen enough to know he is not a racist or biggot.. There's more to the quote than the snippet you posted.

Supply the context or quit posting one-liners out of context with tiresome accusations.. Just like the stupid "black cloud" controversy. How desparate are you to distract? I really can't take more than 11 of these "outrages" a week...

I listen to that fat dope fiend also. If you don't think he's a racist, then it it only bolsters the point that, you're racist so often, that you don't know when you're doing it.:eusa_shhh:

I am sure he appreciates your support.

If you REALLY listened to him, like you pretend to on this thread. You'd know what he does to left leaning callers on his show.
I listen to that fat dope fiend also. If you don't think he's a racist, then it it only bolsters the point that, you're racist so often, that you don't know when you're doing it.:eusa_shhh:

I am sure he appreciates your support.

If you REALLY listened to him, like you pretend to on this thread. You'd know what he does to left leaning callers on his show.

But I don't listen to him. He's a hypocrite.
I read something I thought was pretty insightful. It was something like:

As Republicans rant and scream, President Obama continues to lead in his own quiet methodical and well thought out way.

I'm neither ranting nor screaming, Rdean. I don't have to. All I have to do is quite calmly point out what Barack Obama has done (or not done) in the two and a half years he's been President. The man's record speaks for itself. All this screaming and yelling about racism? That's coming from "your" side of the debate...and it's coming because most of you want to discuss just about anything else OTHER than the economy and jobs.

When Republicans refer to him as "boyking" and "manchild" or say he's a product of "Kenyan colonialism", it's all code for racism of the worst sort.

When they filibuster everything he does or wants to do it's not lost on the American people. In fact, where he has been most successful is where Republicans can't stop him. Taking out Bin Laden. Getting of Moammar without a single US casualty. Taking out al Qaeda senior officers one at a time.

What are Republicans going to run on? They can't use "Jobs jobs jobs" again. What else is left? "We stopped Obama from helping the American Middle Class"?

Don't forget that recently he took out obl's NEW 2nd in command. Fox won't report that. The fact that I'll bet half of THESE tea baggers are googling it right now to counter me, proves my point.
I am sure he appreciates your support.

If you REALLY listened to him, like you pretend to on this thread. You'd know what he does to left leaning callers on his show.

But I don't listen to him. He's a hypocrite.

But you'll quote him. And before you say you don't, I've already heard talking points from you, that the house has made, that started in the house that rush built. Sorry.
If you REALLY listened to him, like you pretend to on this thread. You'd know what he does to left leaning callers on his show.

But I don't listen to him. He's a hypocrite.

But you'll quote him. And before you say you don't, I've already heard talking points from you, that the house has made, that started in the house that rush built. Sorry.

what the fuck are you talking about, asswipe?
But you'll quote him. And before you say you don't, I've already heard talking points from you, that the house has made, that started in the house that rush built. Sorry.

what the fuck are you talking about, asswipe?

That's probably what "YOU PEOPLE" say to your history teachers, too.

I don't quote Limbaugh, Boehner, or any of the other fuckheads you obsess over, so go fuck yourself.
I have a pretty good handle on history.
Come on Marc...the reason the Democratic base didn't come out to vote was because they were so discouraged by the underwhelming performance of the Democrats. Trying to pin the low turn out on Republicans "disenfranchising" Democratic voters is laughable.

The fact is...during the '08 election, Barack Obama turned out record amounts of young voters, black and Hispanic voters. Those same voting groups DIDN'T turn out in 2010 and I'm afraid they aren't going to turn out in record numbers in 2012 either. Obama ran on some vague concepts of Hope and Change. After two years the voters had a fairly good idea of what that meant and they weren't excited about it.

If you want to prove that you know more about the Democratic base then I do...then stop making silly assertions like you have here.

And yet and still you continue to purport to know more about the Democratic base than I do...*SMH* :cuckoo:

What is with you RWers and this victim mentality!??!? I never said or implied that it's because of the CON$ disenfranchising, that was a side issue, a matter-of-fact, they've been doing that disenfranchisement for generations....nothing new.

I stated plain as day that the MAIN reason Obama lost his base is because of the health care debate, Obama. Did. Not. Deliver. The. Public. Option. That and that alone is what deflated their idea of hope and change. The job situation only made it worse, as they didn't have that to fall back on. Notice you will NEVER see or hear a Dem or LWer saying anything close to "Obama made it worse" we know and lay the blame SQUARELY at Herr Bush's feet.

Again, put a pause on RW radio and open your ears and mind to other POVs.

Thanks. I think I'm going to bed now, it's way past my bedtime.


Victim mentality? In what way have I displayed a victim mentality? I've simply pointed out why I think you're wrong. As for "disenfranchising" being a "side issue"? No kidding! It's not only a side issue...it's a non issue. But you felt you had to throw it in there because it goes along with your predictable diatribe about this being a racial issue.

I disagree with you about the lack of a public option costing Barack Obama his base. Not getting the public option did enrage the progressive wing of the Democratic Party but those people are the ones that will ALWAYS turn out for Obama despite all their pissing and moaning about him not being liberal enough for them. Where Obama lost voting support was amongst the independents, young voters, blacks and Hispanics that voted for him in overwhelming numbers in '08.

Young voters got a slap in the face with the jobs situation. They were getting out of college and there was no work to be had. All of a sudden Obama's Hope and Change wasn't looking so wonderful when they were having to move back in with Mom and Dad because they couldn't support themselves. A lot of them sat out the 2010 election and I predict will probably do so again in 2012.

Blacks thought that with Obama in the Oval Office that they would finally get rewarded for all their votes. That didn't happen. Obama did nothing more for them than any other President has. So why would they kill themselves getting out the vote for him again?

The independent voters were looking for a new type of leadership. They bought into the whole "this guy is brilliant and will surround himself with brilliant people" story. Instead they got two years of Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Christina Romer, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano and a laundry list of academic progressives that were clueless about running a country. Those independent voters are the ones that Obama really lost. They simply stopped believing the sound bites. They looked at where we were...and where it looked like we were headed...and said "Whoa...this is getting crazy."

And just so you know, Marc? I don't listen to radio of any kind. Nice try at stereotyping though.
If you REALLY listened to him, like you pretend to on this thread. You'd know what he does to left leaning callers on his show.

But I don't listen to him. He's a hypocrite.

But you'll quote him. And before you say you don't, I've already heard talking points from you, that the house has made, that started in the house that rush built. Sorry.

Elvis is about as straight a shooter and non-partisan a poster as there is here.
I read something I thought was pretty insightful. It was something like:

As Republicans rant and scream, President Obama continues to lead in his own quiet methodical and well thought out way.

I'm neither ranting nor screaming, Rdean. I don't have to. All I have to do is quite calmly point out what Barack Obama has done (or not done) in the two and a half years he's been President. The man's record speaks for itself. All this screaming and yelling about racism? That's coming from "your" side of the debate...and it's coming because most of you want to discuss just about anything else OTHER than the economy and jobs.

When Republicans refer to him as "boyking" and "manchild" or say he's a product of "Kenyan colonialism", it's all code for racism of the worst sort.

When they filibuster everything he does or wants to do it's not lost on the American people. In fact, where he has been most successful is where Republicans can't stop him. Taking out Bin Laden. Getting of Moammar without a single US casualty. Taking out al Qaeda senior officers one at a time.

What are Republicans going to run on? They can't use "Jobs jobs jobs" again. What else is left? "We stopped Obama from helping the American Middle Class"?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Rdean but what you refer to as the area that Obama has been most "successful"? That's the area that has been run by a hold over from the Bush Administration, Republican Robert Gates. We'll have to see how the Department of Defense does now that it's being run by someone that Obama selected.

You're honestly the gift that keeps on giving...
what the fuck are you talking about, asswipe?

That's probably what "YOU PEOPLE" say to your history teachers, too.

I don't quote Limbaugh, Boehner, or any of the other fuckheads you obsess over, so go fuck yourself.
I have a pretty good handle on history.

Sorry it took me so long to get back. It takes me forever to cum when I fuck myself. I'm a tease. As far as your history:doubt: And since when do I fawn over these retards? they're in your camp pulling strings not mine. Once again...History revised.

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