So EXCITING! This is going to work out even better than the Trump Tax Cuts, Carrier and Trump Care!

The Art of the Deal had one success for Trump, just one...and its a skating rink in NY, that's it. Trump is all about talk and that talk somehow galvanizes his base, but in real terms, everything the guy has done, hasn't benefited anybody but the Trump family and the rich. All Kim needed from Trump was a meeting....already sanctions from the Asian world is being slightly lifted, so where's the leverage coming from? And by cancelling the war games, Putin can now feel safe as he starts to come in for his share....Trump is just a joke, a shit talker and con. 2 pieces of paper sums up the meeting, what a joke
I don't know what lib news you get your information from but Trump has gotten a stronger peace deal than any other president since the end of WW2

Iran is now asking to come back to the negotiating table because they see that Trump means business -- Trump has taken out 2 of the 3 countries in the axis of evil -- Iran is the only one left -- with no allies, Iran will bend to our will
I remember how Sean Hannity went nutz when Obama said he would meet with the North Korean dictator.
But now, it's OK.
When are we gonna admit, the black guy couldn't do shit because he was a black guy but the white guy can. That Iran deal was months if not years in the makings, was over two thousand pages deep, had everybody with brains on board for advisement......and Trump gives us 2 pages with 4 paragraphs, with only his input and Joe's typing it....and they want to give him a noble peace prize for it.
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks. You can't take them seriously. Once we get blockchain voting even the Los Angeles Mayor race will be competitive.
Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

Nothing? Is that what they said? I don't remember that.

But I do remember the economy that Bush and the GOP handed Obama.

And I remember the economy Obama handed Trump.

Which one was better?
/-------/ "Nothing? Is that what they said? I don't remember that." Learn how to google:
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment 'One of Best Ways to Grow the economy...
Dec 6, 2013 - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ... For every dollar spent on unemployment benefits, the economy grows by, according to one ...
The Art of the Deal had one success for Trump, just one...and its a skating rink in NY, that's it. Trump is all about talk and that talk somehow galvanizes his base, but in real terms, everything the guy has done, hasn't benefited anybody but the Trump family and the rich. All Kim needed from Trump was a meeting....already sanctions from the Asian world is being slightly lifted, so where's the leverage coming from? And by cancelling the war games, Putin can now feel safe as he starts to come in for his share....Trump is just a joke, a shit talker and con. 2 pieces of paper sums up the meeting, what a joke
I don't know what lib news you get your information from but Trump has gotten a stronger peace deal than any other president since the end of WW2

Iran is now asking to come back to the negotiating table because they see that Trump means business -- Trump has taken out 2 of the 3 countries in the axis of evil -- Iran is the only one left -- with no allies, Iran will bend to our will
Fact, since Trumps tough talk with Iran, there has been many invasions since, the war's just not being reported.
Iran’s threat keeps on growing

North Korea’s nuclear program is dominating the headlines, for obvious reasons, but don’t lose sight of the growing danger posed by Iran’s ongoing ballistic-missile program.
In written testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency reported that Iran has successfully deployed a Russian-made anti-aircraft system that marks “a generational improvement” in capabilities.

This means Iran now has “the flexibility of a highly mobile, long-range strategic surface-to-air missile,” the DIA said. A decade ago, the Air Force chief of staff warned that this would provide “a quantum leap” in Iran’s ability to defend against air strikes.

If Iran is willing to come to the table, its because it see's a idiot in charge and like Kim, wants a piece of the idiot pie. As a matter of fact, Iran the muslim bad guy, that's the people we should be worried about, our kids are still fighting wars, duh!!
Can you believe it? Another Trump Deal! He's putting together quite the record.

Tax Cuts: A couple of trillion in new debt, a whopping 13% of the money from the cuts going to an amazing 2.8% of American workers. What a deal.

Carrier: All it cost was millions and sadly, the jobs moved to Mexico anyway. But the good part is no binding contract was signed. Ah, the powers of negotiation from the Great Negotiator himself.

Trump Care: Subsidies were taken away and in October, we will find out how many millions will have no coverage starting Jan 1, 2019. We had to pay for those tax cuts to needy billionaires somehow.

The amazing Tariffs: The cherry on top was that we made enemies of our second largest trading partner, the one partner with which we have a surplus of billions.

Oh man, you know this deal is going to work out even BETTER than the others.

If I had one word of advice to Mr. Trump, read Obama's nuclear deal with Iran and figure out what you didn't like and make sure that doesn't happen here. You think he will?

Ah, this takes me back to when Sarah Palin said we need to stand with our North Korean allies. At least Trump knows what our nuclear "Triad" is. I hope.
/----/ No matter what Trump accomplishes, buttsores will find fault with it.
View attachment 197996
Maybe if the man did something of substance and followed through with it maybe he wouldn't be so much of a in point: He reniged on the Tariff's deal, cause his fuckin feelings were hurt, he backed up out of everything Obama signed and replaced it with nothing. Still waiting on the best healthcare deal ever, still waiting on a infastructure bill, still waiting on the wall, still waiting on that zillion dollar tax cut to trickle down to paychecks, still waiting on details on how to verify NK's intent, still waiting on Trump to do anything but get a photo opt and that's it. Our allies are sick of the guy and so are we.
I remember how Sean Hannity went nutz when Obama said he would meet with the North Korean dictator.
But now, it's OK.
When are we gonna admit, the black guy couldn't do shit because he was a black guy but the white guy can. That Iran deal was months if not years in the makings, was over two thousand pages deep, had everybody with brains on board for advisement......and Trump gives us 2 pages with 4 paragraphs, with only his input and Joe's typing it....and they want to give him a noble peace prize for it.

ISIS gave Obama their praise! He gave them $150 Billion and made sure the US left our top end military hardware laying around Iraq for them,
Trump gave blessing to largest company & jobs ever to leave the USA & increased trade deficit by 10%!
Trump gave blessing to largest company & jobs ever to leave the USA & increased trade deficit by 10%!
Donald Trump is no different from any conservative president, they always come in and increase deficit spending and then whine about it when we take over....been there done that, only this time when the shit hits the fan its gonna hit soon, there'll be no Obama or democrat to help these idiots that co signed onto his madness
Trump gave blessing to largest company & jobs ever to leave the USA & increased trade deficit by 10%!
Donald Trump is no different from any conservative president, they always come in and increase deficit spending and then whine about it when we take over....been there done that, only this time when the shit hits the fan its gonna hit soon, there'll be no Obama or democrat to help these idiots that co signed onto his madness

Obama sure fixed the debt and deficit
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Clinton and George W. Bush brought Kim’s Father and his Grand-father to the negotiating table. Neither got a lasting agreement out of it.

So far, all Trump has is a photo op and an agreement to further negotiations. That’s better than exchanging threats via Twitter, but it’s not anything to get excited about. Yet.
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks. You can't take them seriously. Once we get blockchain voting even the Los Angeles Mayor race will be competitive.
Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

Nothing? Is that what they said? I don't remember that.

But I do remember the economy that Bush and the GOP handed Obama.

And I remember the economy Obama handed Trump.

Which one was better?

I did not know Pelosi and Reid were Republicans?

You keep on spewing the lie the GOP handed Obama the failing economy at the time but what you keep on forgetting is Democrats were in control of the House and Senate two years before Obama became President...

So it was Bush and the Democratic lead Congress that handed Obama the failing economy and Obama was a Senator during that period of time!
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Clinton and George W. Bush brought Kim’s Father and his Grand-father to the negotiating table. Neither got a lasting agreement out of it.

So far, all Trump has is a photo op and an agreement to further negotiations. That’s better than exchanging threats via Twitter, but it’s not anything to get excited about. Yet.

Still more than Obama got...
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher
Who said only 2.8% are getting a tax break? Learn to read and don't be stupid. It's not funny and it's not clever. And if you had any sense, you would be embarrassed.
And the rest of your ridiculous post is total nonsense. You should know better.
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks. You can't take them seriously. Once we get blockchain voting even the Los Angeles Mayor race will be competitive.
Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

Nothing? Is that what they said? I don't remember that.

But I do remember the economy that Bush and the GOP handed Obama.

And I remember the economy Obama handed Trump.

Which one was better?

"Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.) - Dec 2013

After 4 years of Obama's great economy!

Pelosi: Extending Unemployment 'One of Best Ways to Grow the Economy'
The quote was: nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

That's the quote I want to see. So let's see it.
Trump gave blessing to largest company & jobs ever to leave the USA & increased trade deficit by 10%!
Donald Trump is no different from any conservative president, they always come in and increase deficit spending and then whine about it when we take over....been there done that, only this time when the shit hits the fan its gonna hit soon, there'll be no Obama or democrat to help these idiots that co signed onto his madness

Obama sure fixed the debt and deficit
Yup! Obama lowered the deficit every year. Trump & Bush Exploded Deficits!
I only school these white wingers because I feel someone has to. Clearly they don't learn if unattended.

Before the minions dream up any more rosey scenarios, let's review a few FACTS.

Ask the question, why would L'l Kim give up his nuclear weapons?

Trump says L'l Kim LOVES his people.
They are being starved.
The live in a police state.
Radios and the Internet is either heavily screened or banned altogether.
His people are sick.
They are forced into the military.
L'l Kim kills his own family members.

You can bet if his soldiers have worms, what is it like for the rest of the population?

Doctor describes the horrifying riddled with worms physical condition of North Korean soldier who defected across the border

And now he's going to give up his weapons because he suddenly CARES about his people.
Let me put it this way, L'l Kim cares LESS about his people than Republicans care about American children. OK, that's only a guess.

This was a production to get the rest of the world to notice him. He played Trump the way Trump played retirees with Trump University.
Trump gave blessing to largest company & jobs ever to leave the USA & increased trade deficit by 10%!
Donald Trump is no different from any conservative president, they always come in and increase deficit spending and then whine about it when we take over....been there done that, only this time when the shit hits the fan its gonna hit soon, there'll be no Obama or democrat to help these idiots that co signed onto his madness

Obama sure fixed the debt and deficit
Yup! Obama lowered the deficit every year. Trump & Bush Exploded Deficits!
What was the deficit before Bush?
I like reading Deanie boy's delusional rants about Trump in the morning.

That way I can start the day with a hearty chuckle. ... :thup:
Come on, admit it. You enjoy my posts. It seems you are nearly always the first one to reply. Clearly, you can't wait. Like a little dog begging for a treat.

These posts do breath a little life into the far extreme right who are probably all collecting ssi or social security. They probably haven't figured out that their own party will be pulling the plug on that freebie soon.
I like reading Deanie boy's delusional rants about Trump in the morning.

That way I can start the day with a hearty chuckle. ... :thup:
Come on, admit it. You enjoy my posts. It seems you are nearly always the first one to reply. Clearly, you can't wait. Like a little dog begging for a treat.

These posts do breath a little life into the far extreme right who are probably all collecting ssi or social security. They probably haven't figured out that their own party will be pulling the plug on that freebie soon.

They have this bizarre idea that you can make a silk purse from a sow's ear. You can decorate it. Paint it orange. Call it tax cuts. Call it Trump Care. Call it denuclearization with North Korea.

But it's still a sow's ear. And it will always be a sow's ear, no matter how you attempt to decorate it. It ain't worth sh!t.
Even if the left wing claims are correct, 2.8% of Americans receiving a tax break is 2.8% more than during Hussein's stagnant economic administration. President Trump has already done what no other president has done for 65 years and that is to bring N.K. to the negotiation table and getting China aboard with pressure on N.K. (they were shooting at us 65 years ago during another failed democrat administration) not to mention the release of three Americans held by N.K. The problem is that the petulant childish left refuses to acknowledge the successes because they hate the president.

"I hope there is a recession"....Democrat activist and sometimes comedian Bill Maher

Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks. You can't take them seriously. Once we get blockchain voting even the Los Angeles Mayor race will be competitive.
Dems told us that nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

Nothing? Is that what they said? I don't remember that.

But I do remember the economy that Bush and the GOP handed Obama.

And I remember the economy Obama handed Trump.

Which one was better?

"Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (R-Calif.) - Dec 2013

After 4 years of Obama's great economy!

Pelosi: Extending Unemployment 'One of Best Ways to Grow the Economy'
The quote was: nothing stimulates the economy like unemployment checks.

That's the quote I want to see. So let's see it.
/----/ How many times does the proof have to be posted to get you to STFU?
Pelosi: Extending Unemployment 'One of Best Ways to Grow the economy...
Dec 6, 2013 - "Economists agree that unemployment benefits remain one of the best ways to grow the economy in a very immediate way," House Minority ...
You visited this page on 6/12/18.

Pelosi: Unemployment Benefits Biggest Stimulus for Economy
Jul 7, 2010 - Let me say that unemployment insurance… is one of the biggest stimuluses (sic) to our economy. Economists will tell you, this money is spent ...

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