So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Because the Democrats couldn't have the FBI investigate it. The Democrats can't order the FBI to investigate it now. I'm not sure who can order them to do it. I'm guessing it will take the head of the committee, or the white house to do that..

Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.

They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.
Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.

They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.
Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.

They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.
Yes, and they're gonna find nothing. Yes, the committee IS partisan. All Democrats voted against, all Republicans voted for. Everyone's partisan, not just Republicans. Correct?
I Love it... Trumps executive order to investigate these claims also instructs the FBI that any crime found be referred to the appropriate local agency with jurisdiction.

These left wing bigots are in big trouble and they don't know it yet..

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.

They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.

They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.
Yes, and they're gonna find nothing. Yes, the committee IS partisan. All Democrats voted against, all Republicans voted for. Everyone's partisan, not just Republicans. Correct?

Voted for what? The investigation?
What is more divisive than unprovable allegations that were held on to for more than a month and then trotted out at just the right time to delay things till the new year?
Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

As a matter of fact, right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.


All telling the same story, Jake. Their own witnesses say they're lying
Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

As a matter of fact, right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.


All telling the same story, Jake. Their own witnesses say they're lying
And now the FBI has directive from the president to refer all crimes found to local authorities.. This means when they find the people fraudulent and criminally defaming they are to refer it for prosecution...

Their partisan bantering made them forget that the sword has two edges and not only can it cut towards Kavanaugh it can cut towards the lying scum.. You morons asked for and now you will receive...
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They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Really? Then demand Justice Ginsburg resign immediately.
They also made no noise whatsoever about it. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. It just wasn't important until they needed a last ditch political attack.

Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.
Yes, and they're gonna find nothing. Yes, the committee IS partisan. All Democrats voted against, all Republicans voted for. Everyone's partisan, not just Republicans. Correct?

Voted for what? The investigation?
Judge Kavanaugh.
Got it. You gotta whine about something, and that's all you could think of.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Really? Then demand Justice Ginsburg resign immediately.

When did the Notorious RGB whine about the Clintons?
Good thing Keith Ellison isn't being nominated to the Supreme Court, or the Dims would be all over his ass, right ?

Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story

The woman who accused Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic abuse said on Monday that Democrats don’t believe her story and threatened to isolate her over the allegations.

Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text messages and once screamed obscenities at her as he dragged her off a bed by her feet.

Keith Ellison domestic violence accuser says Democratic party doesn't believe her story
Keith needs to remind everyone that beating women is only part of his religion
How about Cory Booker who admitted to assaulting a woman in his younger years? Hell that should be a huge red flag to NOT being on the judiciary committee for any reason.

No thats ok... he was younger then... see if your a democrat your allowed to EVOLVE as a human being because they believe your politics to be acceptable. You can even be a KKK grand wizard. If your a Republican they call you a facist to begin with.
Truth. Democrats sat on it since July. Don't come crying and whining now and demanding we hurry. Spoiled whiney brats.

We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Really? Then demand Justice Ginsburg resign immediately.

When did the Notorious RGB whine about the Clintons?
She whined about Trump. Idiot.
We who? Fortunately, The FBI will do the investigation, not the partisan republican committee.

Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Really? Then demand Justice Ginsburg resign immediately.

When did the Notorious RGB whine about the Clintons?
She whined about Trump. Idiot.

Stating Trump's obvious shortcomings is not whining. Kavinaugh claiming the Clintons are the cause of his problems shows him to be a partisan conspiracy theory nut, just like the president.
Or the hyper-partisan Dims.

Kavanaugh was already whining about Democrats and the Clintons in his introductory statement. A supreme court judge isn't supposed to be a partisan hack.
Really? Then demand Justice Ginsburg resign immediately.

When did the Notorious RGB whine about the Clintons?
She whined about Trump. Idiot.

Stating Trump's obvious shortcomings is not whining. Kavinaugh claiming the Clintons are the cause of his problems shows him to be a partisan conspiracy theory nut, just like the president.
You're a typical biased hypocritical lefty. It's okay when your guy does it, but when a righty does the same thing then they're biased. You really need to look in a mirror if you want to see who's biased.
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Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
Flake is a gutless turd.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
His political career is already toast. That's why he's doing this. However, he thinks he's going to have a career as a lobbyist after the end of his term. Who is he going to lobby, the Republicans he stabbed in the back?

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