So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

I wouldn't be so sure. The FBI has many resources. They will interview many of Kavanaughs classmates, as well as thoroughly comb through all of his personal and academic records. They will also want the information in those alleged diaries. You will be surprised just what the FBI can go back and find nobody thought would still be around.

I also hear today that many classmates chimed in on twitter to say that Kavanaugh and his buddies were indeed sloppy, aggressive drunks. I'm sure the FBI will find some corroberating sources, that nobody has even thought about yet.

Then the FBI is going to question everybody involved.

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Hope everybody has their stories straight when the questioning starts.
Mark Judge has written a second letter saying the incident Ford described never happened.

The FBI can and will find out that a 16 year old high school boy acted exactly like a 16 year old high school boy.
He said week max. Maybe less. They interview Judge, who'll say he cannot recall such an incident. They have no one else to speak to. They'll say they cannot corroborate and it will be back to he said she said.

The difference being that finally the FBI investigation is of the table. Won't stop the shrieking, but it takes away one of the talking points.
Flake is obviously a rookie and hasn't learned yet that the leftist jackals will stab him in the back later on down the road. They're playing nicey nice now and he thinks he's making bipartisan friends. He'll learn.

Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

Will it change a single democrat vote either way? I don't think so.
You know, Flake decided to be in favor of the FBI investigation when he got cornered in an elevator by some sexual abuse survivors.

It was shortly after that incident this morning that he came out in favor of the investigation. '
Flake is obviously a rookie and hasn't learned yet that the leftist jackals will stab him in the back later on down the road. They're playing nicey nice now and he thinks he's making bipartisan friends. He'll learn.

Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?
It's been pointed out numerous times by republicans on the committee that the democrats sat on this letter since July. Why wasn't it investigated when Feinstein received the letter?

Obviously, they hoped they wouldn't have to use it because it was so weak.
Yale buddies dispute Kavanaugh's entire representation of himself.
I thought he tried to come off too fucking perfect, too.

Kavanaugh's Yale classmates take issue with his 'choir boy' self-presentation on Fox News

And he's got a gambling problem, too.

Does Brett Kavanaugh have a gambling problem? Sen. Sheldon Whitehou...

Kavanaugh's Washington Nationals tickets have attracted particular notice, since they amounted to between $60,000 and $200,000 of his credit card and personal debts in 2016,........ no senators had asked Kavanaugh about that particular eyebrow-raising aspect of his financial background because there wasn't enough time."""

I guess since the sexual assault did not stick, now you will paint him with a gambling problem.

What's next after that fails?

Whatever it is, you can count on it coming out the day after the investigation is done and the shrieking demands from the usual suspects will be to investigate all over again. They will never, ever, stop and just let the vote happen.

Those autistic shrieks will fall on deaf ears. Grassley has given them all the chances they're going to get. The Dem's entire future rests on this last-minute Hail Mary pass and if they blow it, they have nothing else to play.
If some of you guys would take off your partisan blinders long enough to see the big picture, rather than the narrow view you normally see, you might see that Jeff Flake may have just saved Kavanaugh, and with him a few Republicans who are up for re-election. Have you no idea of how Dr. Ford's testimony has ignited female voters in this country? Have you no idea how much pressure they have already been putting on some of these Senators? If Kavanaugh's confirmation is jammed through with no further action, how pissed off are these women going to be? You may think your view is the only true view, that everyone must think the same as you, but it's not true. If the senators can at least give the appearance they have done everything possible, then they can vote for Kavanaugh with fewer repercussions. And maybe, and I stress the word maybe, a Senator or two facing a tight race might not have the balance tipped against him by angry female voters.
Flake is the best example of a Progressive Republican that you can find. Yes both party s have them, but the Demo Progressives are in control of that party so far.
And because the Dem controlled FBI has shown such favoritism towards the Right lately, we can, of course, expect them to treat Kavanaugh MUCH differently

Perhaps they'll get Mueller to lead the investigation into TRUMPS nominee.

Kavanaugh!, Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh!

Here we go again
You know, Flake decided to be in favor of the FBI investigation when he got cornered in an elevator by some sexual abuse survivors.

It was shortly after that incident this morning that he came out in favor of the investigation. '

Flake wants to be relevant in Arizona politics at a later time. It also gives Manchin, Heitkamp, and Donnelly an out to vote yes next week.

Of course this is contingent on the findings of the FBI investigation. Did Kavanaugh and his boys avoid wanting the investigation, because there is some other victim out there that hasn't been heard of yet the FBI uncovers? A store clerk? A waitress? A dancer at the local topless bar? Somebody's little sister?

No telling who the boys may have roughed up on one of their drunks. They didn't seem to be able to handle their drinking.
Oh well, this will set a new precident. I hope you Democrats are ready for your new future. Every politician now needs to be held liable for whatever They did as a teenager. I'm pretty sure B Clinton never would have made it as president under that scrutiny.

Nor would Obama, given his drug abuse and racist attitudes.
Oh well, this will set a new precident. I hope you Democrats are ready for your new future. Every politician now needs to be held liable for whatever They did as a teenager. I'm pretty sure B Clinton never would have made it as president under that scrutiny.

Nor would Obama, given his drug abuse and racist attitudes.
Trump supporters are immoral, stupid, disgusting human beings as is Trump. May God help them all.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
Flake said it isn't so much to get more info as to extinguish the complaints from the Democrats that an investigation wasn't done.
So Flakes a moron?
Yale buddies dispute Kavanaugh's entire representation of himself.
I thought he tried to come off too fucking perfect, too.

Kavanaugh's Yale classmates take issue with his 'choir boy' self-presentation on Fox News

And he's got a gambling problem, too.

Does Brett Kavanaugh have a gambling problem? Sen. Sheldon Whitehou...

Kavanaugh's Washington Nationals tickets have attracted particular notice, since they amounted to between $60,000 and $200,000 of his credit card and personal debts in 2016,........ no senators had asked Kavanaugh about that particular eyebrow-raising aspect of his financial background because there wasn't enough time."""

I guess since the sexual assault did not stick, now you will paint him with a gambling problem.

What's next after that fails?

Sorry you posted a lie about what she could remember about the attack and got called out on it.
Facts must be a challenge for you.
I didn't accuse him of gambling. Whitehouse did.
I report. You make shit up.

I did not post a lie, I was unaware that she found that bit of her memory.


how long before she remembers the date....

a month? 6 months?

and the address it 'happened'?

a year? 5 years?

And it will miraculously match a date discovered in Kavanaugh's calendars.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
He’s retiring anyway.
Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

Where does it end? Once they look into the Ford thing and it comes back empty, should they then have a different investigation into the 2nd lady and her bull shit story?

Then after that is done they have this person that Avenatti is keeping in reserve in case the first 2 fail.
My assumption is that the FBI will have the information from all 3 accusers to look into. But this is really doing it bass-ackwards. It should have been done already. So the Judiciary Committee will be throwing this information, if there is any, to the full Senate to review and make a decision on. Let's them off the hook, doesn't it?

Perhaps had the letter been presented when it was received then it could have been done. But that did not happen and to me that is the biggest sign that Ford is full of shit.

It's a massive red flag.
Yale buddies dispute Kavanaugh's entire representation of himself.
I thought he tried to come off too fucking perfect, too.

Kavanaugh's Yale classmates take issue with his 'choir boy' self-presentation on Fox News

And he's got a gambling problem, too.

Does Brett Kavanaugh have a gambling problem? Sen. Sheldon Whitehou...

Kavanaugh's Washington Nationals tickets have attracted particular notice, since they amounted to between $60,000 and $200,000 of his credit card and personal debts in 2016,........ no senators had asked Kavanaugh about that particular eyebrow-raising aspect of his financial background because there wasn't enough time."""

I guess since the sexual assault did not stick, now you will paint him with a gambling problem.

What's next after that fails?

Sorry you posted a lie about what she could remember about the attack and got called out on it.
Facts must be a challenge for you.
I didn't accuse him of gambling. Whitehouse did.
I report. You make shit up.

I did not post a lie, I was unaware that she found that bit of her memory.


how long before she remembers the date....

a month? 6 months?

and the address it 'happened'?

a year? 5 years?

Just vote! There's nothing for the FBI to investigate!

They might prove K had a drinking problem.... perhaps he drank more than a six pack at one sitting. That will be enough

Drinking more than a six pack at one sitting while in college is enough for what? To show he was a normal college kid?

It will be enough for the Democrats to say he was a sloppy drunk or whatever else they want to say. I would say all they need is a technicality to say its probable he could have groped the girl while drunk

He was still a minor, and we give minors a break.
Oh well, this will set a new precident. I hope you Democrats are ready for your new future. Every politician now needs to be held liable for whatever They did as a teenager. I'm pretty sure B Clinton never would have made it as president under that scrutiny.

Nor would Obama, given his drug abuse and racist attitudes.
Trump supporters are immoral, stupid, disgusting human beings as is Trump. May God help them all.
Thank you. God is doing a wonderful job. Praise the Lord.

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