So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

Republicans will continue to be hated by both their base and the opponents as long as they continue to think by fighting "fair" they can win over both sides.

The time for fighting "fair" is over. Follow procedure, but do not give one fucking inch to the other side unless forced to.

The Left has decided this is all out war, we need people who will act like such on our side.

Ni shagu nazad!

The Left just decided that it was all out war?

In your own words, can you explain the treatment of Merrick Garland or the blocking of judges for years under President Barack Hussein Obama?

It's the Schumer Rule.

Thank Harry Reid for it too

The blocking and stalling of judges under Obama was unprecedented and senator McTurtle made it his duty.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
Delay is the goal, for the Democrats think they can get enough illegal votes to swing the election into their favor. If they fail all they have lost is nothing, they have blown the whole ball of wax. If all people can not see this then they are very strange people. Most Americans are pretty smart about those in DC and just from all the Air Time they have gotten from the Media has put their faces and words out for all to see. To me they are so screwed.
If some of you guys would take off your partisan blinders long enough to see the big picture, rather than the narrow view you normally see, you might see that Jeff Flake may have just saved Kavanaugh, and with him a few Republicans who are up for re-election. Have you no idea of how Dr. Ford's testimony has ignited female voters in this country? Have you no idea how much pressure they have already been putting on some of these Senators? If Kavanaugh's confirmation is jammed through with no further action, how pissed off are these women going to be? You may think your view is the only true view, that everyone must think the same as you, but it's not true. If the senators can at least give the appearance they have done everything possible, then they can vote for Kavanaugh with fewer repercussions. And maybe, and I stress the word maybe, a Senator or two facing a tight race might not have the balance tipped against him by angry female voters.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
A lying strict constructionist who was a boozing teen who molested teenaged girls is still better on the SCOTUS than Ginsberg.
That's exactly what a trumpanzee would believe and say.....I mean....look at what they voted for and support. :71:
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

Where does it end? Once they look into the Ford thing and it comes back empty, should they then have a different investigation into the 2nd lady and her bull shit story?

Then after that is done they have this person that Avenatti is keeping in reserve in case the first 2 fail.
My assumption is that the FBI will have the information from all 3 accusers to look into. But this is really doing it bass-ackwards. It should have been done already. So the Judiciary Committee will be throwing this information, if there is any, to the full Senate to review and make a decision on. Let's them off the hook, doesn't it?

Perhaps had the letter been presented when it was received then it could have been done. But that did not happen and to me that is the biggest sign that Ford is full of shit.
She asked that she remain anonymous. She did not want her letter and her name going anywhere. How the hell does anyone investigate anything when you don't even know who it IS? Grassley said they could have done a CONFIDENTIAL investigation, but that would have required her name, which she was telling Feinstein NOT to disclose.

She did not plan on remaining anonymous...that was a game to give her credibility.....she planned on coming out all along....
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
The focus should be on truth not politics.
This is a very sad situation for all involved. Truth will set everyone free.
Everything under Trump is turning into a shit show.
The world laughs at us.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
The focus should be on truth not politics.
This is a very sad situation for all involved. Truth will set everyone free.
Everything under Trump is turning into a shit show.
The world laughs at us.
I am sure laughing.
Why are the Republicans worried about what the Democrats think?

When the Democrats could care less about Republicans concerning anything.

I detest these RINO Republicans with a passion. .... :mad-61:
Fricking idiot. The truth is never a concern for Trump followers.
This should be about truth.
If some of you guys would take off your partisan blinders long enough to see the big picture, rather than the narrow view you normally see, you might see that Jeff Flake may have just saved Kavanaugh, and with him a few Republicans who are up for re-election. Have you no idea of how Dr. Ford's testimony has ignited female voters in this country? Have you no idea how much pressure they have already been putting on some of these Senators? If Kavanaugh's confirmation is jammed through with no further action, how pissed off are these women going to be? You may think your view is the only true view, that everyone must think the same as you, but it's not true. If the senators can at least give the appearance they have done everything possible, then they can vote for Kavanaugh with fewer repercussions. And maybe, and I stress the word maybe, a Senator or two facing a tight race might not have the balance tipped against him by angry female voters.
It should be doing what is right for both Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. Not a sham to get votes.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.
link to the FBI actually saying this, please.

Probably Gateway Pundit

No, dickhead. NBC News.

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.
link to the FBI actually saying this, please.

Probably Gateway Pundit

No, dickhead. NBC News.

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole

Once the FBI does their little investigation, Flake, Murkowski & Collins are going to vote for Kavanaugh, assswipe. You're not going to be a happy camper come 2020. But you'll get over it.

it's other republicans that want it before voting, and in order to get yes votes from all republicans, they have to do it... if they get a yes vote for kavanaugh from all republicans, then kavanaugh will be the next justice without a single democratic vote needed.
This just gives the Dem's another week to come up with more nonsense to further delay the vote.

The Dem's end game is to keep delaying the vote until after the elections in the hope they will win enough seats to get control, and put their own nominee on the Supreme Court. .... :cool:

That's a brilliant idea - how did you know? I mean, it's not like Mitch McTurtle didn't refuse to hold a hearing on Garland for almost a year because it was "too close to the election". What goes around comes around.

Not holding a hearing does not equate to ruining a man's life with unprovable accusations from 35ish years ago, since she cannot even remember when it happened.

She remembered the important things.
Nuff said

Not the stuff that helps substantiate her story.
ElmerMudd...I agree with you completely. And I think it was done9the call for another investigation) in regards to Ford and Kavanaugh. I think Flake is one of the few senators who understand the hearing yesterday was about those two, and was not about political parties. Unfortunately, very few on either side of the aisle understood that. It was all about pushing their own party agenda, and I found it disgusting. However, I think what I said in the original post is going to be the result of the investigation.
Yale buddies dispute Kavanaugh's entire representation of himself.
I thought he tried to come off too fucking perfect, too.

Kavanaugh's Yale classmates take issue with his 'choir boy' self-presentation on Fox News

And he's got a gambling problem, too.

Does Brett Kavanaugh have a gambling problem? Sen. Sheldon Whitehou...

Kavanaugh's Washington Nationals tickets have attracted particular notice, since they amounted to between $60,000 and $200,000 of his credit card and personal debts in 2016,........ no senators had asked Kavanaugh about that particular eyebrow-raising aspect of his financial background because there wasn't enough time."""

I guess since the sexual assault did not stick, now you will paint him with a gambling problem.

What's next after that fails?

Whatever it is, you can count on it coming out the day after the investigation is done and the shrieking demands from the usual suspects will be to investigate all over again. They will never, ever, stop and just let the vote happen.
I don't remember any pseudocons screaming in protest about Comey reopening the Clinton investigation when new information came to light just weeks before an election.

Does anyone?

Chimney exonerated Hillary before the investigation started, so there was no point.
I hope for this:

I hope there's a woman, just like in the Cosby case, that has material evidence of a sexual assault by Kavanaughty that is within the statute of limitations, and she's sitting on it, waiting for him to be confirmed.
Then she goes public and hires an attorney.
That would be sweet, seeing this alcoholic liar getting impeached.

You have strange, hateful little fantasies.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.
link to the FBI actually saying this, please.

Okay who is the FBI going to interview? There's nobody, all the people in involved have already testified under oath or in signed affidavits under penalty of perjury and prison.
Judge. He's hiding out.

He already gave a statement under penalty of perjury do you honestly think he's going to change his statement now you idiot.

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