So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Flake is obviously a rookie and hasn't learned yet that the leftist jackals will stab him in the back later on down the road. They're playing nicey nice now and he thinks he's making bipartisan friends. He'll learn.

Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

The FBI is not magic, and has little to nothing to investigate. According to the accuser, five people, besides herself, were at the function where she was supposedly assaulted. The four named have no recollection of the party, let alone an attempted rape. The fifth individual is unknown. Do you really expect any of them to suddenly regain a memory when the FBI shows up>
The stall is in hopes that the demon-crats can re-group, and maybe show up with a better strategy or even pay off money in order to convince confused minds to all of a sudden begin to remember things maybe ?? How can these Demon-crats be trusted anymore after the stunt that they pulled in all of this ? Jeff Flake is a weakling who ought to just put on a Demon-crat shirt already. The double agents are bad these days.
Why are the Republicans worried about what the Democrats think?

When the Democrats could care less about Republicans concerning anything.

I detest these RINO Republicans with a passion. .... :mad-61:

Republicans don't care about what Democrats think. Evidently, a few of them care what their constituents think.
Rs are currently pissed at this capitulation.

Rs are constantly pissed at anything that puts the will of the country over what is good for their party.
And all those darn Ds care about is AMERICA!!!

That's probably not the only thing Ds care about, but it is the main thing.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
From everything I saw, in his speeches, etc. I thought he knew he is a dead man walking already. He is against the Dems and against the president. No one likes him.

He has already announced retirement.
Dumb shit...... That is easy....Gorsuch replaced scalia so there was no need to destroy him....., Kavanaugh actually tilts the court to a conservative 5-4 majority, you dumb ass....... they will do anything to keep him off that court.

it's not unusual for bully boys to get angry when faced with accountability for their OWN actions :itsok:
The DEMs are trying to hold out until the November elections when they hope to regain control of the House and possibly the Senate as well.

Prof Ford may have helped them to do this.

If all the female voters react again now like they did in response to Anita Hill then GOP control is dead, except for Trump in The White House and Roberts in the SCOTUS.
Judging by how the MSM has influenced the thinking of most women friends I have?

If they vote, the GOP is toast. It's hard to imagine this wasn't all planned.
Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

Where does it end? Once they look into the Ford thing and it comes back empty, should they then have a different investigation into the 2nd lady and her bull shit story?

Then after that is done they have this person that Avenatti is keeping in reserve in case the first 2 fail.
My assumption is that the FBI will have the information from all 3 accusers to look into. But this is really doing it bass-ackwards. It should have been done already. So the Judiciary Committee will be throwing this information, if there is any, to the full Senate to review and make a decision on. Let's them off the hook, doesn't it?

Perhaps had the letter been presented when it was received then it could have been done. But that did not happen and to me that is the biggest sign that Ford is full of shit.
She asked that she remain anonymous. She did not want her letter and her name going anywhere. How the hell does anyone investigate anything when you don't even know who it IS? Grassley said they could have done a CONFIDENTIAL investigation, but that would have required her name, which she was telling Feinstein NOT to disclose.
Sooo, all the other investigations that were done on Kavanaugh didn't count? Is this like a do-over?

Which of the previous investigations included accusations of sexual assault?

All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.

What "evidence"?

If you are unaware of the recently exposed evidence, I'm not going to take the time to bring you up to speed. Educate yourself.

hearsay is inadmissible, ask your lawyer sock about it
The hypocristy of the Democrats hollering about an investigation is stunning since they SAT on it for several weeks, then they demanded the FBI investigate it after they REFUSED the standard way of dealing with it as shown in USA Today (September 17,2018) article.

Bolding below are mine

"4:25 p.m.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer says Republicans on the Judiciary Committee can't be trusted to conduct an impartial review of the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Schumer says voting on Kavanaugh scheduled for this week must be delayed so these "serious and credible" allegations can be investigated by the FBI.

He said from the Senate floor, "This has to be done by an independent outside body."

The New York Democrat says he believes Christine Blasey Ford, the college professor accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault while the two were at a party in high school. Kavanaugh denies the allegation.

The Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, wants the panel's top staff to interview Ford and Kavanaugh. Democrats reject that and want a full investigation."

See that? Schumer TURNED down interviews for both parties by staff from Democrats and Republicans top staffers.

Then it goes on with more leftist bullcrap,

"4:35 p.m.

The Senate Judiciary Committee's top Democrat says her party's aides won't participate in a phone call the staff of majority Republicans have planned with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The private interview via phone follows accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein says Republicans gave Democrats just a few hours notice. She says a staff-only call is unacceptable because of the allegations' "enormity and seriousness," and violates how the panel has worked in the past.

Feinstein said the FBI should conduct the interview and let the Judiciary panel decide whether to seek additional information.

Feinstein's statement came as Republicans deflected offers by Kavanaugh and Ford to testify before the committee. Republicans have planned for a committee confirmation vote Thursday, with a full Senate vote later this month."

Again these Democrats turned down another attempt to discuss the allegations, whining they only had a FEW HOURS NOTICE! Gee what are they there for then? Play computer games between politicking?

"5:25 p.m.

A person familiar with the Senate's effort to confirm Brett Kavanaugh says Republican aides on a Senate panel were planning to talk to the Supreme Court nominee Monday to discuss the allegation that he sexually assaulted a woman when both were in high school in the 1980s.

The source says GOP aides on the Senate Judiciary Committee were hoping to arrange a similar phone call on Tuesday with his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Democrats say they won't participate in the call because the accusations merit more attention. They want Republicans to delay Thursday's planned Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Kavanaugh's nomination so the FBI can investigate the charge...…."

See how Democrats keeps STOPPING attempts for the Senate Subcommittee to do start investigating Dr. Fords allegations.

Meanwhile Republicans are planning a PUBLIC session, while the Democrats go silent from their repeated drive to prevent simple interview from happening.

"6:10 p.m.

The White House says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is ready to testify in the Senate as soon as Tuesday so "he can clear his name of this false allegation" about a sexual assault while in high school.

Republicans say plans are in the works for a public session for both Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, the college professor who is accusing him of sexual assault when they were high-school age. Kavanaugh has denied the allegation...…………"

Then the FBI made clear they don't consider this their area of importance, but the democrats keeps chanting FBI! FBI! FBI! to this day ELEVEN DAYS later.....

"8:15 p.m.

The Justice Department says the sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh "does not involve any potential federal crime" for the FBI to investigate.

The department said in a statement Monday night that the FBI's role during background investigations is to evaluate whether the nominee could pose a national security risk and then provide that information "for the use of the decision makers."

The department says it's not the job of the FBI to judge the significance or the credibility of an accusation.

In the case of Kavanaugh, the FBI received a letter Sept. 12 with allegations of misconduct in the 1980s, when both Kavanaugh and his accuser were teenagers.

The Justice Department says the FBI forwarded the letter to the White House counsel's office."


Meanwhile the FBI was involved in the 1991 mess when the Bush Administration ordered them to investigate Anita Hill's accusation, which they duly stated three days later to be UNFOUNDED, thereby the Chairman Biden trashes the FBI report as being IRRELEVANT:

D’oh – Democrat Joe Biden Explains Irrelevance of FBI Investigations Within SCOTUS Nomination Process….

Priceless, thanx. . . .

Cold Opening
Sooo, all the other investigations that were done on Kavanaugh didn't count? Is this like a do-over?

Which of the previous investigations included accusations of sexual assault?

All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.
Why didn't democrats have the FBI idnvestigate this when Feinstein received the letter in July?

Because the Democrats couldn't have the FBI investigate it. The Democrats can't order the FBI to investigate it now. I'm not sure who can order them to do it. I'm guessing it will take the head of the committee, or the white house to do that..

Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either
I wonder how many more distressed damsels will come forward with fake conjured up allegations given a delay?

It doesn't matter. It's already been said that none of the other allegations will be investigated by the FBI, and the investigation will amount to nothing more than another "background check". Kavanaugh has already had six of them, so one more won't turn up anything.

We might however see that Ford woman charged with lying o the FBI. That would be awesome. :biggrin:
The democrat Party chose Soros and Satan, they turned so badly toward the darkness they lost Graham. That's what drinking blood, getting punched in the face and fucking kids does to you after prolonged exposure

They lost fucking Lindsay Graham

Which of the previous investigations included accusations of sexual assault?

All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.
Why didn't democrats have the FBI idnvestigate this when Feinstein received the letter in July?

Because the Democrats couldn't have the FBI investigate it. The Democrats can't order the FBI to investigate it now. I'm not sure who can order them to do it. I'm guessing it will take the head of the committee, or the white house to do that..

Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.
She asked that she remain anonymous. She did not want her letter and her name going anywhere. How the hell does anyone investigate anything when you don't even know who it IS? Grassley said they could have done a CONFIDENTIAL investigation, but that would have required her name, which she was telling Feinstein NOT to disclose.

Then why send the letter? It makes no sense to send the letter if you do not want it made public.

Why did she get a lie detector test done weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?

Why did she scrub her social media account weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?
it's other republicans that want it before voting, and in order to get yes votes from all republicans, they have to do it... if they get a yes vote for kavanaugh from all republicans, then kavanaugh will be the next justice without a single democratic vote needed.
This just gives the Dem's another week to come up with more nonsense to further delay the vote.

The Dem's end game is to keep delaying the vote until after the elections in the hope they will win enough seats to get control, and put their own nominee on the Supreme Court. .... :cool:
but even if the Democrats do win in the Senate which is unlikely, they do not take control until January 2019, which keeps the Republicans in the majority... they would have 2 months to get another Republican Nominee thru, if they can hold them to a party line vote for the new person... it ain't over till the fat lady sings.... Republicans do have another shot at it...
You would have to ask Senator Flake why he cares about half of the country's voters. Something to do with divisiveness, he says...

What is more divisive than unprovable allegations that were held on to for more than a month and then trotted out at just the right time to delay things till the new year?
Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

As a matter of fact, right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.

What is more divisive than unprovable allegations that were held on to for more than a month and then trotted out at just the right time to delay things till the new year?
Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.

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