So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.


If the previous 6 investigations turned up nothing...what good is this one going to be?

On the other hand....

I'm not sure how comprehensive these investigations are by the FBI or other authorities.

Rob Porter, a man who had Oval Office privileges in the Trump White House had a restraining order filed against him by a former wife due to assault. How'd that get past the FBI or Secret Service? I'm not sure the FBI investigates the Staff Secretary but the SS sure should have; one would think. This isn't he said/she said; it is a filed complaint signed by a magistrate in Arlington County VA.

Read the emergency protective order against Rob Porter

It didn't get past the FBI, Porter never had a full security clearance. The FBI found the information what the WH did with that information is in question.

Ok. I stand corrected on the FBI. The SS knew about it though?
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

Republicans will continue to be hated by both their base and the opponents as long as they continue to think by fighting "fair" they can win over both sides.

The time for fighting "fair" is over. Follow procedure, but do not give one fucking inch to the other side unless forced to.

The Left has decided this is all out war, we need people who will act like such on our side.

Ni shagu nazad!

The Left just decided that it was all out war?

In your own words, can you explain the treatment of Merrick Garland or the blocking of judges for years under President Barack Hussein Obama?

None of that involved the Character Assassination we are seeing now. And ask GWB about blocked judge appointments.

What happened to Garland didn't involve his character being attacked, and the Dems had an out, they could have won the election.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

Republicans will continue to be hated by both their base and the opponents as long as they continue to think by fighting "fair" they can win over both sides.

The time for fighting "fair" is over. Follow procedure, but do not give one fucking inch to the other side unless forced to.

The Left has decided this is all out war, we need people who will act like such on our side.

Ni shagu nazad!

The Left just decided that it was all out war?

In your own words, can you explain the treatment of Merrick Garland or the blocking of judges for years under President Barack Hussein Obama?

It's the Schumer Rule.

Thank Harry Reid for it too

The blocking and stalling of judges under Obama was unprecedented and senator McTurtle made it his duty.

How was it "unprecedented"?
Kavanaugh will be confirmed even if the FBI finds out he was Jack the Ripper.

What's amusing about that comment, John is that you on the left have already accused Kavanaugh of everything else BUT being Jack the that something we should look forward to before the end of the week?
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.

I agree. No way can any agency investigate a supposed crime that happened 30+ years ago.

There is nothing to investigate. Ford can't remember anything. There are no witnesses. Those she provided have already said they weren't at the party. No proof of anything.

Just a waste of a week for the FBI.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.

I agree. No way can any agency investigate a supposed crime that happened 30+ years ago.

There is nothing to investigate. Ford can't remember anything. There are no witnesses. Those she provided have already said they weren't at the party. No proof of anything.

Just a waste of a week for the FBI.

And here is her story shredded even more.....

Prosecutor That Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In 5 Page Memo

1. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of when the alleged assault happened:

  • In a July 6 text to the Washington Post, she said it happened in the “mid 1980s.”
  • In her July 30 letter to Senator Feinstein, she said it happened in the “early 80s.”
  • Her August 7 statement to the polygrapher said that it happened one “high school summer in early 80’s,” but she crossed out the word “early” for reasons she did not explain.
  • A September 16 Washington Post article reported that Dr. Ford said it happened in the “summer of 1982.”
  • Similarly, the September 16 article reported that notes from an individual therapy session in 2013 show her describing the assault as occurring in her “late teens.” But she told the Post and the Committee that she was 15 when the assault allegedly occurred. She has not turned over her therapy records for the Committee to review.
  • While it is common for victims to be uncertain about dates, Dr. Ford failed to explain how she was suddenly able to narrow the timeframe to a particular season and particular year
2. Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name:

  • No name was given in her 2012 marriage therapy notes.
  • No name was given in her 2013 individual therapy notes.
  • Dr. Ford’s husband claims to recall that she identified Judge Kavanaugh by name in 2012. At that point, Judge Kavanaugh’s name was widely reported in the press as a potential Supreme Court nominee if Governor Romney won the presidential election.
  • In any event, it took Dr. Ford over thirty years to name her assailant. Delayed disclosure of abuse is common so this is not dispositive.
3. When speaking with her husband, Dr. Ford changed her description of the incident to become less specific:

  • Dr. Ford testified that she told her husband about a “sexual assault” before they were married.
  • But she told the Washington Post that she informed her husband that she was the victim of “physical abuse” at the beginning of their marriage.
  • She testified that, both times, she was referring to the same incident.
4. Dr. Ford has no memory of key details of the night in question—details that could help corroborate her account:

  • She does not remember who invited her to the party or how she heard about it.
  • She does not remember how she got to the party.
  • She does not remember in what house the assault allegedly took place or where that house was located with any specificity.
  • Perhaps most importantly, she does not remember how she got from the party back to her house.
    • Her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.
    • She told the Washington Post that the party took place near the Columbia Country Club. The Club is more than 7 miles from her childhood home as the crow flies, and she testified that it was a roughly 20-minute drive from her childhood home.
    • She also agreed for the first time in her testimony that she was driven somewhere that night, either to the party or from the party or both.
    • Dr. Ford was able to describe hiding in the bathroom, locking the door, and subsequently exiting the house. She also described wanting to make sure that she did not look like she had been attacked.
    • But she has no memory of who drove her or when. Nor has anyone come forward to identify him or herself as the driver.
    • Given that this all took place before cell phones, arranging a ride home would not have been easy. Indeed, she stated that she ran out of the house after coming downstairs and did not state that she made a phone call from the house before she did, or that she called anyone else thereafter.
  • She does, however, remember small, distinct details from the party unrelated to the assault. For example, she testified that she had exactly one beer at the party and was taking no medication at the time of the alleged assault.

5. Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend:

  • Dr. Ford has named three people other than Judge Kavanaugh who attended the party— Mark Judge, Patrick “PJ” Smyth, and her lifelong friend Leland Keyser (née Ingham). Dr. Ford testified to the Committee that another boy attended the party, but that she could not remember his name. No others have come forward.
  • All three named eyewitnesses have submitted statements to the Committee denying any memory of the party whatsoever. Most relevantly, in her first statement to the Committee, Ms. Keyser stated through counsel that, “imply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” In a subsequent statement to the Committee through counsel, Ms. Keyser said that “the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate [Dr. Ford’s allegations] because she has no recollection of the incident in question.”
    • Moreover, Dr. Ford testified that her friend Leland, apparently the only other girl at the party, did not follow up with Dr. Ford after the party to ask why she had suddenly disappeared.

6. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault:

  • According to her letter to Senator Feinstein, Dr. Ford heard Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge talking to other partygoers downstairs while she was hiding in the bathroom after the alleged assault. But according to her testimony, she could not hear them talking to anyone.
    • In her letter, she stated, “I locked the door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them.”
    • Kavanaugh or Mark Judge turned up the music in the bedroom so that the people downstairs could not hear her scream. She testified that, after the incident, she ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and heard them going downstairs. But she maintained that she could not hear their conversation with others when they got downstairs. Instead, she testified that she “assum[ed]” a conversation took place.
  • Her account of who was at the party has been inconsistent.
    • According to The Washington Post’s account of her therapy notes, there were four boys in the bedroom in which she was assaulted.
    • She told the Washington Post that the notes were erroneous because there were four boys at the party, but only two in the bedroom.
    • In her letter to Senator Feinstein, she said “me and 4 others” were present at the party.
    • In her testimony, she said there were four boys in addition to Leland Keyser and herself. She could not remember the name of the fourth boy, and no one has come forward.
    • Dr. Ford listed Patrick “PJ” Smyth as a “bystander” in her statement to the polygrapher and in her July 6 text to the Washington Post, although she testified that it was inaccurate to call him a bystander. She did not list Leland Keyser even though they are good friends. Leland Keyser’s presence should have been more memorable than PJ Smyth’s.

7. Dr. Ford has struggled to recall important recent events relating to her allegations, and her testimony regarding recent events raises further questions about her memory:

  • Dr. Ford struggled to remember her interactions with the Washington Post.
    • Dr. Ford could not remember if she showed a full or partial set of therapy notes to the Washington Post reporter.
      • She does not remember whether she showed the Post reporter the therapist’s notes or her own summary of those notes. The Washington Post article said that “portions” of her “therapist’s notes” were “provided by Ford and reviewed by” the Post. But in her testimony, Dr. Ford could not recall whether she summarized the notes for the reporter or showed her the actual records.
    • She does not remember if she actually had a copy of the notes when she texted the Washington Post WhatsApp account on July 6.
      • Dr. Ford said in her first WhatsApp message to the Post that she “ha[d] therapy notes talking about” the incident when she contacted the Post’s tipline. She testified that she had reviewed her therapy notes before contacting the Post to determine whether the mentioned anything about the alleged incident, but could not remember if she had a copy of those notes, as she said in her WhatsApp message, or merely reviewed them in her therapist’s office.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.

I agree. No way can any agency investigate a supposed crime that happened 30+ years ago.

There is nothing to investigate. Ford can't remember anything. There are no witnesses. Those she provided have already said they weren't at the party. No proof of anything.

Just a waste of a week for the FBI.

And here is her story shredded even more.....

Prosecutor That Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In 5 Page Memo

1. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of when the alleged assault happened:

  • In a July 6 text to the Washington Post, she said it happened in the “mid 1980s.”
  • In her July 30 letter to Senator Feinstein, she said it happened in the “early 80s.”
  • Her August 7 statement to the polygrapher said that it happened one “high school summer in early 80’s,” but she crossed out the word “early” for reasons she did not explain.
  • A September 16 Washington Post article reported that Dr. Ford said it happened in the “summer of 1982.”
  • Similarly, the September 16 article reported that notes from an individual therapy session in 2013 show her describing the assault as occurring in her “late teens.” But she told the Post and the Committee that she was 15 when the assault allegedly occurred. She has not turned over her therapy records for the Committee to review.
  • While it is common for victims to be uncertain about dates, Dr. Ford failed to explain how she was suddenly able to narrow the timeframe to a particular season and particular year
2. Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name:

  • No name was given in her 2012 marriage therapy notes.
  • No name was given in her 2013 individual therapy notes.
  • Dr. Ford’s husband claims to recall that she identified Judge Kavanaugh by name in 2012. At that point, Judge Kavanaugh’s name was widely reported in the press as a potential Supreme Court nominee if Governor Romney won the presidential election.
  • In any event, it took Dr. Ford over thirty years to name her assailant. Delayed disclosure of abuse is common so this is not dispositive.
3. When speaking with her husband, Dr. Ford changed her description of the incident to become less specific:

  • Dr. Ford testified that she told her husband about a “sexual assault” before they were married.
  • But she told the Washington Post that she informed her husband that she was the victim of “physical abuse” at the beginning of their marriage.
  • She testified that, both times, she was referring to the same incident.
4. Dr. Ford has no memory of key details of the night in question—details that could help corroborate her account:

  • She does not remember who invited her to the party or how she heard about it.
  • She does not remember how she got to the party.
  • She does not remember in what house the assault allegedly took place or where that house was located with any specificity.
  • Perhaps most importantly, she does not remember how she got from the party back to her house.
    • Her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.
    • She told the Washington Post that the party took place near the Columbia Country Club. The Club is more than 7 miles from her childhood home as the crow flies, and she testified that it was a roughly 20-minute drive from her childhood home.
    • She also agreed for the first time in her testimony that she was driven somewhere that night, either to the party or from the party or both.
    • Dr. Ford was able to describe hiding in the bathroom, locking the door, and subsequently exiting the house. She also described wanting to make sure that she did not look like she had been attacked.
    • But she has no memory of who drove her or when. Nor has anyone come forward to identify him or herself as the driver.
    • Given that this all took place before cell phones, arranging a ride home would not have been easy. Indeed, she stated that she ran out of the house after coming downstairs and did not state that she made a phone call from the house before she did, or that she called anyone else thereafter.
  • She does, however, remember small, distinct details from the party unrelated to the assault. For example, she testified that she had exactly one beer at the party and was taking no medication at the time of the alleged assault.

5. Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend:

  • Dr. Ford has named three people other than Judge Kavanaugh who attended the party— Mark Judge, Patrick “PJ” Smyth, and her lifelong friend Leland Keyser (née Ingham). Dr. Ford testified to the Committee that another boy attended the party, but that she could not remember his name. No others have come forward.
  • All three named eyewitnesses have submitted statements to the Committee denying any memory of the party whatsoever. Most relevantly, in her first statement to the Committee, Ms. Keyser stated through counsel that, “imply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” In a subsequent statement to the Committee through counsel, Ms. Keyser said that “the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate [Dr. Ford’s allegations] because she has no recollection of the incident in question.”
    • Moreover, Dr. Ford testified that her friend Leland, apparently the only other girl at the party, did not follow up with Dr. Ford after the party to ask why she had suddenly disappeared.

6. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault:

    • According to her letter to Senator Feinstein, Dr. Ford heard Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge talking to other partygoers downstairs while she was hiding in the bathroom after the alleged assault. But according to her testimony, she could not hear them talking to anyone.
      • In her letter, she stated, “I locked the door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them.”
      • Kavanaugh or Mark Judge turned up the music in the bedroom so that the people downstairs could not hear her scream. She testified that, after the incident, she ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and heard them going downstairs. But she maintained that she could not hear their conversation with others when they got downstairs. Instead, she testified that she “assum[ed]” a conversation took place.
    • Her account of who was at the party has been inconsistent.
      • According to The Washington Post’s account of her therapy notes, there were four boys in the bedroom in which she was assaulted.
      • She told the Washington Post that the notes were erroneous because there were four boys at the party, but only two in the bedroom.
      • In her letter to Senator Feinstein, she said “me and 4 others” were present at the party.
      • In her testimony, she said there were four boys in addition to Leland Keyser and herself. She could not remember the name of the fourth boy, and no one has come forward.
      • Dr. Ford listed Patrick “PJ” Smyth as a “bystander” in her statement to the polygrapher and in her July 6 text to the Washington Post, although she testified that it was inaccurate to call him a bystander. She did not list Leland Keyser even though they are good friends. Leland Keyser’s presence should have been more memorable than PJ Smyth’s.
7. Dr. Ford has struggled to recall important recent events relating to her allegations, and her testimony regarding recent events raises further questions about her memory:

    • Dr. Ford struggled to remember her interactions with the Washington Post.
      • Dr. Ford could not remember if she showed a full or partial set of therapy notes to the Washington Post reporter.
        • She does not remember whether she showed the Post reporter the therapist’s notes or her own summary of those notes. The Washington Post article said that “portions” of her “therapist’s notes” were “provided by Ford and reviewed by” the Post. But in her testimony, Dr. Ford could not recall whether she summarized the notes for the reporter or showed her the actual records.
      • She does not remember if she actually had a copy of the notes when she texted the Washington Post WhatsApp account on July 6.
        • Dr. Ford said in her first WhatsApp message to the Post that she “ha[d] therapy notes talking about” the incident when she contacted the Post’s tipline. She testified that she had reviewed her therapy notes before contacting the Post to determine whether the mentioned anything about the alleged incident, but could not remember if she had a copy of those notes, as she said in her WhatsApp message, or merely reviewed them in her therapist’s office.

As I said. The whole thing stinks like week old dead fish.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.

I agree. No way can any agency investigate a supposed crime that happened 30+ years ago.

There is nothing to investigate. Ford can't remember anything. There are no witnesses. Those she provided have already said they weren't at the party. No proof of anything.

Just a waste of a week for the FBI.

And here is her story shredded even more.....

Prosecutor That Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In 5 Page Memo

1. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of when the alleged assault happened:

  • In a July 6 text to the Washington Post, she said it happened in the “mid 1980s.”
  • In her July 30 letter to Senator Feinstein, she said it happened in the “early 80s.”
  • Her August 7 statement to the polygrapher said that it happened one “high school summer in early 80’s,” but she crossed out the word “early” for reasons she did not explain.
  • A September 16 Washington Post article reported that Dr. Ford said it happened in the “summer of 1982.”
  • Similarly, the September 16 article reported that notes from an individual therapy session in 2013 show her describing the assault as occurring in her “late teens.” But she told the Post and the Committee that she was 15 when the assault allegedly occurred. She has not turned over her therapy records for the Committee to review.
  • While it is common for victims to be uncertain about dates, Dr. Ford failed to explain how she was suddenly able to narrow the timeframe to a particular season and particular year
2. Dr. Ford has struggled to identify Judge Kavanaugh as the assailant by name:

  • No name was given in her 2012 marriage therapy notes.
  • No name was given in her 2013 individual therapy notes.
  • Dr. Ford’s husband claims to recall that she identified Judge Kavanaugh by name in 2012. At that point, Judge Kavanaugh’s name was widely reported in the press as a potential Supreme Court nominee if Governor Romney won the presidential election.
  • In any event, it took Dr. Ford over thirty years to name her assailant. Delayed disclosure of abuse is common so this is not dispositive.
3. When speaking with her husband, Dr. Ford changed her description of the incident to become less specific:

  • Dr. Ford testified that she told her husband about a “sexual assault” before they were married.
  • But she told the Washington Post that she informed her husband that she was the victim of “physical abuse” at the beginning of their marriage.
  • She testified that, both times, she was referring to the same incident.
4. Dr. Ford has no memory of key details of the night in question—details that could help corroborate her account:

  • She does not remember who invited her to the party or how she heard about it.
  • She does not remember how she got to the party.
  • She does not remember in what house the assault allegedly took place or where that house was located with any specificity.
  • Perhaps most importantly, she does not remember how she got from the party back to her house.
    • Her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.
    • She told the Washington Post that the party took place near the Columbia Country Club. The Club is more than 7 miles from her childhood home as the crow flies, and she testified that it was a roughly 20-minute drive from her childhood home.
    • She also agreed for the first time in her testimony that she was driven somewhere that night, either to the party or from the party or both.
    • Dr. Ford was able to describe hiding in the bathroom, locking the door, and subsequently exiting the house. She also described wanting to make sure that she did not look like she had been attacked.
    • But she has no memory of who drove her or when. Nor has anyone come forward to identify him or herself as the driver.
    • Given that this all took place before cell phones, arranging a ride home would not have been easy. Indeed, she stated that she ran out of the house after coming downstairs and did not state that she made a phone call from the house before she did, or that she called anyone else thereafter.
  • She does, however, remember small, distinct details from the party unrelated to the assault. For example, she testified that she had exactly one beer at the party and was taking no medication at the time of the alleged assault.

5. Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend:

  • Dr. Ford has named three people other than Judge Kavanaugh who attended the party— Mark Judge, Patrick “PJ” Smyth, and her lifelong friend Leland Keyser (née Ingham). Dr. Ford testified to the Committee that another boy attended the party, but that she could not remember his name. No others have come forward.
  • All three named eyewitnesses have submitted statements to the Committee denying any memory of the party whatsoever. Most relevantly, in her first statement to the Committee, Ms. Keyser stated through counsel that, “imply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.” In a subsequent statement to the Committee through counsel, Ms. Keyser said that “the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate [Dr. Ford’s allegations] because she has no recollection of the incident in question.”
    • Moreover, Dr. Ford testified that her friend Leland, apparently the only other girl at the party, did not follow up with Dr. Ford after the party to ask why she had suddenly disappeared.

6. Dr. Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault:

    • According to her letter to Senator Feinstein, Dr. Ford heard Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge talking to other partygoers downstairs while she was hiding in the bathroom after the alleged assault. But according to her testimony, she could not hear them talking to anyone.
      • In her letter, she stated, “I locked the door behind me. Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them.”
      • Kavanaugh or Mark Judge turned up the music in the bedroom so that the people downstairs could not hear her scream. She testified that, after the incident, she ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and heard them going downstairs. But she maintained that she could not hear their conversation with others when they got downstairs. Instead, she testified that she “assum[ed]” a conversation took place.
    • Her account of who was at the party has been inconsistent.
      • According to The Washington Post’s account of her therapy notes, there were four boys in the bedroom in which she was assaulted.
      • She told the Washington Post that the notes were erroneous because there were four boys at the party, but only two in the bedroom.
      • In her letter to Senator Feinstein, she said “me and 4 others” were present at the party.
      • In her testimony, she said there were four boys in addition to Leland Keyser and herself. She could not remember the name of the fourth boy, and no one has come forward.
      • Dr. Ford listed Patrick “PJ” Smyth as a “bystander” in her statement to the polygrapher and in her July 6 text to the Washington Post, although she testified that it was inaccurate to call him a bystander. She did not list Leland Keyser even though they are good friends. Leland Keyser’s presence should have been more memorable than PJ Smyth’s.
7. Dr. Ford has struggled to recall important recent events relating to her allegations, and her testimony regarding recent events raises further questions about her memory:

    • Dr. Ford struggled to remember her interactions with the Washington Post.
      • Dr. Ford could not remember if she showed a full or partial set of therapy notes to the Washington Post reporter.
        • She does not remember whether she showed the Post reporter the therapist’s notes or her own summary of those notes. The Washington Post article said that “portions” of her “therapist’s notes” were “provided by Ford and reviewed by” the Post. But in her testimony, Dr. Ford could not recall whether she summarized the notes for the reporter or showed her the actual records.
      • She does not remember if she actually had a copy of the notes when she texted the Washington Post WhatsApp account on July 6.
        • Dr. Ford said in her first WhatsApp message to the Post that she “ha[d] therapy notes talking about” the incident when she contacted the Post’s tipline. She testified that she had reviewed her therapy notes before contacting the Post to determine whether the mentioned anything about the alleged incident, but could not remember if she had a copy of those notes, as she said in her WhatsApp message, or merely reviewed them in her therapist’s office.

As I said. The whole thing stinks like week old dead fish.

The problem.....? Murkowsky and collins don't want to vote for him....they want to keep killing babies with Roe, so they are trying to find a way to vote no and not lose the Senate...

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