So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.
Flake said it isn't so much to get more info as to extinguish the complaints from the Democrats that an investigation wasn't done.
And in the meantime more nonsense will surface. You can not extinguish the faucet of filth that is the lefts political agenda.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
His political career is already toast. That's why he's doing this. However, he thinks he's going to have a career as a lobbyist after the end of his term. Who is he going to lobby, the Republicans he stabbed in the back?

I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on MSNBC or CNN.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
His political career is already toast. That's why he's doing this. However, he thinks he's going to have a career as a lobbyist after the end of his term. Who is he going to lobby, the Republicans he stabbed in the back?
Flake is a lowlife spineless turd.
So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why? Dem's have already said they will impeach Kavanaugh if he's confirmed, an FBI investigation won't change that. Lets remember Dem's said they would vote no on Kavanaugh BEFORE the confirmation hearings even began.

Flake's political career is toast if he votes no on Kavanaugh, he'd have to join the Dem party.
His political career is already toast. That's why he's doing this. However, he thinks he's going to have a career as a lobbyist after the end of his term. Who is he going to lobby, the Republicans he stabbed in the back?

I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on MSNBC or CNN.
They already have their token RINO.
FBI has alrdy said there is nothing to investigate.
link to the FBI actually saying this, please.

Probably Gateway Pundit

No, dickhead. NBC News.

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole

Once the FBI does their little investigation, Flake, Murkowski & Collins are going to vote for Kavanaugh, assswipe. You're not going to be a happy camper come 2020. But you'll get over it.

I can't wait to see the meltdown around here on November 6th :cool:

Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.


If the previous 6 investigations turned up nothing...what good is this one going to be?

On the other hand....

I'm not sure how comprehensive these investigations are by the FBI or other authorities.

Rob Porter, a man who had Oval Office privileges in the Trump White House had a restraining order filed against him by a former wife due to assault. How'd that get past the FBI or Secret Service? I'm not sure the FBI investigates the Staff Secretary but the SS sure should have; one would think. This isn't he said/she said; it is a filed complaint signed by a magistrate in Arlington County VA.

Read the emergency protective order against Rob Porter
Is there still time to impeach Sen Jeff Flake for “dereliction of conservative duty”?...
link to the FBI actually saying this, please.

Probably Gateway Pundit

No, dickhead. NBC News.

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole

Once the FBI does their little investigation, Flake, Murkowski & Collins are going to vote for Kavanaugh, assswipe. You're not going to be a happy camper come 2020. But you'll get over it.

I can't wait to see the meltdown around here on November 6th :cool:

Be careful what you wish for.

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole

Once the FBI does their little investigation, Flake, Murkowski & Collins are going to vote for Kavanaugh, assswipe. You're not going to be a happy camper come 2020. But you'll get over it.

I can't wait to see the meltdown around here on November 6th :cool:

Be careful what you wish for.

If you had a quarter the smarts of Dr Ford, you'd be dangerous. :)

Dickhead ^ contends that FBI said the there is nothing to investigate.
DICKHEAD is a certifiable IDIOT - Talk to Flake, Murkowski & Collins - THEN get back to me asshole

Once the FBI does their little investigation, Flake, Murkowski & Collins are going to vote for Kavanaugh, assswipe. You're not going to be a happy camper come 2020. But you'll get over it.

I can't wait to see the meltdown around here on November 6th :cool:

Be careful what you wish for.

If you had a quarter the smarts of Dr Ford, you'd be dangerous. :)
yeah, she's so smart she claimed to be afraid of flying when it would be easier than hell to prove she was lying. She's so smart she named four witnesses that all said she's lying. I could go on, but you get the jist.
here is the investigation/hearings in total--I'll save the US hundreds of thousands $$$
CF--''he ''did something /wanted to do '''something''/dreamed about raping''/ ' to me
BK--''no I did not''
Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?
It's been pointed out numerous times by republicans on the committee that the democrats sat on this letter since July. Why wasn't it investigated when Feinstein received the letter?
I'll bet you already know the answer to that.

I'll bet that you do too. They do whistleblower investigations and keep the person's name confidential, they could've done this on the QT without leaking Ford's name. But that wasn't enough, not politically convenient for the Dems cuz they didn't care about what the truth was or seeing that justice was done and they sure as hell didn't give a rat's ass about Prof Ford. Their political agenda was delay the vote until after the election when hopefully they win back the Senate. To them, nothing else mattered. NOTHING.

I think she planned on coming out...they needed her at a hearing to put a face on the resistance, just like Anita Hill......
here is the investigation/hearings in total--I'll save the US hundreds of thousands $$$
CF--''he ''did something /wanted to do '''something''/dreamed about raping''/ ' to me
BK--''no I did not''

But........ one more week to prepare another last minute accuser...who now has Judge Kavanaugh's calendar for the entire year so that the democrats and the accuser can more accurately put a time and place for the fake allegation....

here is the investigation/hearings in total--I'll save the US hundreds of thousands $$$
CF--''he ''did something /wanted to do '''something''/dreamed about raping''/ ' to me
BK--''no I did not''

But........ one more week to prepare another last minute accuser...who now has Judge Kavanaugh's calendar for the entire year so that the democrats and the accuser can more accurately put a time and place for the fake allegation....

a calendar???!!!!????????
exactly how Columbo would solve the case !
here is the investigation/hearings in total--I'll save the US hundreds of thousands $$$
CF--''he ''did something /wanted to do '''something''/dreamed about raping''/ ' to me
BK--''no I did not''

But........ one more week to prepare another last minute accuser...who now has Judge Kavanaugh's calendar for the entire year so that the democrats and the accuser can more accurately put a time and place for the fake allegation....

a calendar???!!!!????????
exactly how Columbo would solve the case !

What you don't understand is that the Ford allegation is weak because she can't name a place or a time...and she couldn't do that because she didn't know where Kavanaugh, they know large portions of his schedule, so they can pick a time and place that he can't defend ...... or that puts him at the scene of the alleged attack...... That is the advantage they have now over Ford......
here is the investigation/hearings in total--I'll save the US hundreds of thousands $$$
CF--''he ''did something /wanted to do '''something''/dreamed about raping''/ ' to me
BK--''no I did not''

But........ one more week to prepare another last minute accuser...who now has Judge Kavanaugh's calendar for the entire year so that the democrats and the accuser can more accurately put a time and place for the fake allegation....

a calendar???!!!!????????
exactly how Columbo would solve the case !

What you don't understand is that the Ford allegation is weak because she can't name a place or a time...and she couldn't do that because she didn't know where Kavanaugh, they know large portions of his schedule, so they can pick a time and place that he can't defend ...... or that puts him at the scene of the alleged attack...... That is the advantage they have now over Ford......
I don't understand how they even let Ford even talk!!
there's no evidence whatsoever
I could claim heraped me!!
I can claim that now for every nominee
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.


If the previous 6 investigations turned up nothing...what good is this one going to be?

On the other hand....

I'm not sure how comprehensive these investigations are by the FBI or other authorities.

Rob Porter, a man who had Oval Office privileges in the Trump White House had a restraining order filed against him by a former wife due to assault. How'd that get past the FBI or Secret Service? I'm not sure the FBI investigates the Staff Secretary but the SS sure should have; one would think. This isn't he said/she said; it is a filed complaint signed by a magistrate in Arlington County VA.

Read the emergency protective order against Rob Porter

It didn't get past the FBI, Porter never had a full security clearance. The FBI found the information what the WH did with that information is in question.


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