So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

R's are spineless cowards.
Democrats are lying losers. Hopefully, they're going to be kept from any real power for quite a while.

And that's before Trump exposed them as pedophiliac Satan worshipers

Why are the Republicans worried about what the Democrats think?

When the Democrats could care less about Republicans concerning anything.

I detest these RINO Republicans with a passion. .... :mad-61:

Republicans don't care about what Democrats think. Evidently, a few of them care what their constituents think.
Rs are currently pissed at this capitulation.

Rs are constantly pissed at anything that puts the will of the country over what is good for their party.
And all those darn Ds care about is AMERICA!!!
See, here's my problem with this idea of extending the vote in the full Senate: when the Ford allegation first popped up at the last minute (TY Sen. Feinstein) Grassley sent a team of investigators out to CA to depose Prof Ford and the so-called witnesses, under penalty of perjury. The Dems could have sent their own investigators as part of that team, but chose not to. And that decision was made for this very reason, so they could call for the FBI to investigate for up to an additional week once the Committee vote was done, thus delaying the floor vote. They couldn't do that if their own investigators were on the team and came up with bupkis, which of course the Democrats knew was going to happen, cuz they already knew the story was unfounded.

I do not know what tactic they will use next, maybe another allegation that must be investigated. But none of this is about justice or getting the whole truth; an FBI investigation into this matter is not going to change a God Damn thing, and anyone with half a brain knows this. Hell, they can send a number of FBI investigators out there tomorrow morning, and they'll be done by Monday at noon cuz there's nothing to learn. And that's if they take Sunday off. Ford doesn't know where or when, and all of her witnesses have testified under penalty of perjury that it didn't happen or they don't remember. What the hell are they going to do for a week?
Flake is obviously a rookie and hasn't learned yet that the leftist jackals will stab him in the back later on down the road. They're playing nicey nice now and he thinks he's making bipartisan friends. He'll learn.

Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?

The FBI is not magic, and has little to nothing to investigate. According to the accuser, five people, besides herself, were at the function where she was supposedly assaulted. The four named have no recollection of the party, let alone an attempted rape. The fifth individual is unknown. Do you really expect any of them to suddenly regain a memory when the FBI shows up>

And that is where you are wrong...... this won't be confined to the 5 at the party. The democrats will insist that friends and family of the 5 be interviewed, the workers at their summer jobs for that year, the neighbors......and now they have Kavanaughs schedule...the democrats will use that for the next fake accuser, they know where he was most of the time.....

They will then insist that the local liquor stores be interviewed for where they got the beer, if anyone back then remembers buying the beer for Judge, Kavanaugh and the party....

This is nothing more than a lie....and I think Flake was warned about what is coming...he is now their pet Republican.......

The real goal is to bring out the next accuser...and the one after that.....

This is vile, it is disgusting and the ones doing it and who support doing it are monsters.
No matter what ANY FBI investigation reveals, they will still NOT vote for Kavanaugh. Don't fool yourself.

They don't have to vote for him. After a brief FBI investigation turns up nothing, those shithead Republicans who are straddling the fence will vote to confirm him.

We still have a majority. :biggrin:
Go to and demand an immediate vote.

go clean out your drawers
Were that an attempt, all be it pathetic, at humor?

it's pretty obvious when folks start handing out contact info for The White House that someone is either about to have a bad meeting with the Secret Service, or they are crapping their pants.
Which one is it for you?
It’s a feedback site, moron.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

If an investigation takes place in which ALL noted individuals are questioned, locations are documented & confirmed, and the investigation is actually pursued in a professional & non-partisan fashion, I believe valuable information can be gleaned.

Would a single democrat be changed no matter what results were reported? If not, why do it when the truth won't matter?

I don't have that answer; I'm not a Senator.

The truth WILL matter, no matter if Kavanaugh is approved, or not.
Someone committed perjury in that Senate committee yesterday; either Ford, or Kavanaugh.
Which ever one was LYING needs to be held to account, and prosecuted; period.

It is doubtful that either witness committed perjury. I believe that Dr. Ford cited an event that really occurred. I also believe that she mistakenly identified Kavanaugh as the perpetrator. Long distance memories can be very tricky.
The FBI should investigate Feinstein, Ford and Avenetti for obstruction of justice and conspiracy
See, here's my problem with this idea of extending the vote in the full Senate: when the Ford allegation first popped up at the last minute (TY Sen. Feinstein) Grassley sent a team of investigators out to CA to depose Prof Ford and the so-called witnesses, under penalty of perjury. The Dems could have sent their own investigators as part of that team, but chose not to. And that decision was made for this very reason, so they could call for the FBI to investigate for up to an additional week once the Committee vote was done, thus delaying the floor vote. They couldn't do that if their own investigators were on the team and came up with bupkis, which of course the Democrats knew was going to happen, cuz they already knew the story was unfounded.

I do not know what tactic they will use next, maybe another allegation that must be investigated. But none of this is about justice or getting the whole truth; an FBI investigation into this matter is not going to change a God Damn thing, and anyone with half a brain knows this. Hell, they can send a number of FBI investigators out there tomorrow morning, and they'll be done by Monday at noon cuz there's nothing to learn. And that's if they take Sunday off. Ford doesn't know where or when, and all of her witnesses have testified under penalty of perjury that it didn't happen or they don't remember. What the hell are they going to do for a week?

Oh....but then you have to interview the people who know the people who were allegedly there....and their friends and family, where they work...and on and on......otherwise the democrats will say it wasn't a real investigation...after all, why would you only talk to the witnesses and not talk to friends and family to assess their character and history....

This is vile and disgusting and the ones doing it are monsters.
Flake said it isn't so much to get more info as to extinguish the complaints from the Democrats that an investigation wasn't done.

Sooo, all the other investigations that were done on Kavanaugh didn't count? Is this like a do-over?

Which of the previous investigations included accusations of sexual assault?

All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.
Why didn't democrats have the FBI idnvestigate this when Feinstein received the letter in July?

Because the Democrats couldn't have the FBI investigate it. The Democrats can't order the FBI to investigate it now. I'm not sure who can order them to do it. I'm guessing it will take the head of the committee, or the white house to do that..
The RINO can't get enough support from republicans to run for another term so he is going to retire. He has nothing to lose now so he is out of the political closet and doing everything he can to derail the GOP agenda.

What Flake is really doing is trolling for a plum job offer in the private sector. He couldn't give a damn about diviseness in the country.
Bet he gets an overpaid position in a Democrat owned business.

Sen. Harris asks Kavanaugh why he alleges a Democratic smear campaign — when Gorsuch faced no sexual misconduct claims

  • Sen. Kamala Harris questions Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about why he thinks a sexual assault accusation against him is a Democratic hit job.
  • She asked why Kavanaugh faced an assault claim while Justice Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump's first nominee to the Supreme Court, did not.
  • Kavanaugh says he proved his innocence with calendars and statements. < :laugh: :eusa_liar:

Harris, D-Calif., pressed Kavanaugh about why Justice Neil Gorsuch — whom the Senate narrowly confirmed last year — never faced an assault accusation despite a similar background.

"I did a rough kind of analysis of similarities. You both attended Georgetown Prep, you both attended very prestigious law schools, you both clerked for Justice [Anthony] Kennedy, you were both circuit judges, you were both nominated to the Supreme Court, you were both questioned about your record," Harris said. "The only difference is you have been accused of sexual assault. How do you reconcile your statement about a conspiracy against you with the treatment of someone who was before this body not very long ago?"

Sen. Harris asks Kavanaugh why he alleges a smear campaign — when Gorsuch faced no misconduct claims
No matter what ANY FBI investigation reveals, they will still NOT vote for Kavanaugh. Don't fool yourself.

They don't have to vote for him. After a brief FBI investigation turns up nothing, those shithead Republicans who are straddling the fence will vote to confirm him.

We still have a majority. :biggrin:

I don't think so..... the democrats gave their pet republicans a courtesy call on the next accuser.... now those republicans "owe" the democrats...... However this turns out, Grassely needs to be replaced....he is weak. We need a War Fighter, not a parliamentarian............the democrats have shown for everyone to see, they will do absolutely anything to stop the Court from being conservative...screw elections...they want 5 vote power over this country and they will get it no matter what.

I would say that Kavanaugh needs more security.....the democrats are capable of anything...

Sen. Harris asks Kavanaugh why he alleges a Democratic smear campaign — when Gorsuch faced no sexual misconduct claims

  • Sen. Kamala Harris questions Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about why he thinks a sexual assault accusation against him is a Democratic hit job.
  • She asked why Kavanaugh faced an assault claim while Justice Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump's first nominee to the Supreme Court, did not.
  • Kavanaugh says he proved his innocence with calendars and statements. < :laugh: :eusa_liar:

Harris, D-Calif., pressed Kavanaugh about why Justice Neil Gorsuch — whom the Senate narrowly confirmed last year — never faced an assault accusation despite a similar background.

"I did a rough kind of analysis of similarities. You both attended Georgetown Prep, you both attended very prestigious law schools, you both clerked for Justice [Anthony] Kennedy, you were both circuit judges, you were both nominated to the Supreme Court, you were both questioned about your record," Harris said. "The only difference is you have been accused of sexual assault. How do you reconcile your statement about a conspiracy against you with the treatment of someone who was before this body not very long ago?"

Sen. Harris asks Kavanaugh why he alleges a smear campaign — when Gorsuch faced no misconduct claims

Dumb shit...... That is easy....Gorsuch replaced scalia so there was no need to destroy him....., Kavanaugh actually tilts the court to a conservative 5-4 majority, you dumb ass....... they will do anything to keep him off that court.
Flake said it isn't so much to get more info as to extinguish the complaints from the Democrats that an investigation wasn't done.

Sooo, all the other investigations that were done on Kavanaugh didn't count? Is this like a do-over?

Which of the previous investigations included accusations of sexual assault?

All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.

What "evidence"?

If you are unaware of the recently exposed evidence, I'm not going to take the time to bring you up to speed. Educate yourself.
Flake is obviously a rookie and hasn't learned yet that the leftist jackals will stab him in the back later on down the road. They're playing nicey nice now and he thinks he's making bipartisan friends. He'll learn.

Flake is retiring, he could not give a shit.
If he didn't give a shit he wouldn't have given in. He may be retiring from the Senate, but he's not retiring from politics.
Not everyone sees this as a tug of war. Why wouldn't everyone have wanted this to be investigated? Is it so insignificant? Sexual assault ain't nothin, huh?
It's been pointed out numerous times by republicans on the committee that the democrats sat on this letter since July. Why wasn't it investigated when Feinstein received the letter?
I'll bet you already know the answer to that.

I'll bet that you do too. They do whistleblower investigations and keep the person's name confidential, they could've done this on the QT without leaking Ford's name. But that wasn't enough, not politically convenient for the Dems cuz they didn't care about what the truth was or seeing that justice was done and they sure as hell didn't give a rat's ass about Prof Ford. Their political agenda was delay the vote until after the election when hopefully they win back the Senate. To them, nothing else mattered. NOTHING.

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