So Flake wants a week long FBI investigation

Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.

The democrat Party chose Soros and Satan, they turned so badly toward the darkness they lost Graham. That's what drinking blood, getting punched in the face and fucking kids does to you after prolonged exposure

They lost fucking Lindsay Graham

Nah, that's not it. Someone said he wants to replace Jeff Sessions, so this is a little theater for Trump.
Why do you keep asking ME?
As for the delay, it didn't bother you to delay filling Scalia's seat for a year. So what's the big rush?

Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Actually, very few of Cosby's victims "did it the right way". Most of them stayed silent about it for decades until someone finally spoke out.

Just. Like. Kavanaugh.

Just like Weinstein.

Just like Spacey.
She asked that she remain anonymous. She did not want her letter and her name going anywhere. How the hell does anyone investigate anything when you don't even know who it IS? Grassley said they could have done a CONFIDENTIAL investigation, but that would have required her name, which she was telling Feinstein NOT to disclose.

Then why send the letter? It makes no sense to send the letter if you do not want it made public.

Why did she get a lie detector test done weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?

Why did she scrub her social media account weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?
when she did all of that, she did not know the ''rules of the committee or protocol of the committee'' in handling things like this... she probably thought Feinstein could go to the FBI confidentially, on her own... but the rules do not allow such... I am not certain she really understood the political side and total distrust among committee members??
Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Actually, very few of Cosby's victims "did it the right way". Most of them stayed silent about it for decades until someone finally spoke out.

Just. Like. Kavanaugh.

Just like Weinstein.

Just like Spacey.

Once again, when Ford presses charges I will agree with the Cosby comparison.
She asked that she remain anonymous. She did not want her letter and her name going anywhere. How the hell does anyone investigate anything when you don't even know who it IS? Grassley said they could have done a CONFIDENTIAL investigation, but that would have required her name, which she was telling Feinstein NOT to disclose.

Then why send the letter? It makes no sense to send the letter if you do not want it made public.

Why did she get a lie detector test done weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?

Why did she scrub her social media account weeks prior to the letter being made public, if she did not want it released?
Her massive equivocation on this is part of the reason I believe her. She's too f*'d up to be a DNC plant. Ever see a kid sitting on the edge of the pool, just putting her toe in and then refusing over and over to get in the water. That is exactly what was going on with Ford. But she should have realized that the minute she made that first contact with her representative's office, it was out of her hands.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Actually, very few of Cosby's victims "did it the right way". Most of them stayed silent about it for decades until someone finally spoke out.

Just. Like. Kavanaugh.

Just like Weinstein.

Just like Spacey.

Once again, when Ford presses charges I will agree with the Cosby comparison.
The statute of limitations has expired. That's also why Cosby was not prosecuted for ALL of his victims. He had raped most of them too far in the past.

Your dodge fails.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for a very long time. This is not something she made up just because Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court.

You all can bury your heads in the sand and try to pretend she is lying, but you know she isn't. She told a shrink about it, she told her friends about it, she told her husband about it.

A long time ago.

You know Kavanaugh is lying through his teeth.
Actually I was against that move by the Repubs, I felt they were not doing their duty.

That is the difference between you and I, I do not view the whole world through the partisan sheep brain that you use.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.


And the second one was so clearly lying that it made the first one look less believable.

She so clearly lied in this statement....“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’

I do not know your age, but I am just a tad older than Kavanaugh, we were in college around the same time. Two things in her story that never happened...

First, guy, especially drunk guys, do not use a person's full name. In all my years of partying I never heard another guy do that.

Second, guys, especially drunk teen age guys, are not using the word "penis". I am not sure I have ever heard another man use that word outside of a medical context. There are lots of things that guys call their dick, penis is not one of them.

She is a lying bitch.
You and I agree on that about the Garland appointment. I'm not a partisan. I'm sorry I assumed you were.

I have been one of the most vocal anti-Trump folks on this board, anyone that has been on the board for very long knows that.

But this whole thing just stinks of dirty politics. First Ford and then the even more unbelievable story from the second lady.
Cosby and his supporters said the same thing about his accusers.

Even at his sentencing today, his lawyer claimed racism.

Cosby's accusers went to court, they did it the right way. They let the legal system deal with it instead of just relying on the court of public opinion.

Had Ford pressed charges then I would have come close to thinking maybe it was something other than bull shit.
Right up until a few days ago, I was saying that since there was only ONE accuser, then Kavanaugh was probably innocent. I said no abuser ever attacks just one person, and that several victims come out of the woodwork after the first one.


And the second one was so clearly lying that it made the first one look less believable.

She so clearly lied in this statement....“Somebody yelled down the hall, ‘Brett Kavanaugh just put his penis in Debbie’s face,’ ” she said. “It was his full name. I don’t think it was just ‘Brett.’

I do not know your age, but I am just a tad older than Kavanaugh, we were in college around the same time. Two things in her story that never happened...

First, guy, especially drunk guys, do not use a person's full name. In all my years of partying I never heard another guy do that.

Second, guys, especially drunk teen age guys, are not using the word "penis". I am not sure I have ever heard another man use that word outside of a medical context. There are lots of things that guys call their dick, penis is not one of them.

She is a lying bitch.
See post 231.
Trump orders FBI to investigate Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations

President Donald Trump on Friday ordered the FBI to conduct an additional background investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who faces several sexual misconduct allegations.

"I've ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file," Trump said in a statement. "As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week."

Trump’s action followed an extraordinary call from several key Republican senators to enlist the FBI to gather more information about the alleged incidents involving Kavanaugh when he was in high school and college before the Senate holds a vote on his confirmation.
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

Republicans will continue to be hated by both their base and the opponents as long as they continue to think by fighting "fair" they can win over both sides.

The time for fighting "fair" is over. Follow procedure, but do not give one fucking inch to the other side unless forced to.

The Left has decided this is all out war, we need people who will act like such on our side.

Ni shagu nazad!

The Left just decided that it was all out war?

In your own words, can you explain the treatment of Merrick Garland or the blocking of judges for years under President Barack Hussein Obama?
Trump orders FBI to investigate Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations

President Donald Trump on Friday ordered the FBI to conduct an additional background investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who faces several sexual misconduct allegations.

"I've ordered the FBI to conduct a supplemental investigation to update Judge Kavanaugh’s file," Trump said in a statement. "As the Senate has requested, this update must be limited in scope and completed in less than one week."

Trump’s action followed an extraordinary call from several key Republican senators to enlist the FBI to gather more information about the alleged incidents involving Kavanaugh when he was in high school and college before the Senate holds a vote on his confirmation.

One has to wonder what your reaction will be if the FBI comes back and says there is nothing to the story.

Somehow I doubt that will satisfy your blood lust
All the ones for which there was credible evidence such a thing took place. Since there is still no credible evidence, there is no need for another one

The FBI will decide if the new evidence is credible. However, you are certainly allowed to give them your opinion.
Why didn't democrats have the FBI idnvestigate this when Feinstein received the letter in July?

Because the Democrats couldn't have the FBI investigate it. The Democrats can't order the FBI to investigate it now. I'm not sure who can order them to do it. I'm guessing it will take the head of the committee, or the white house to do that..

Why didn't the drunken twat report the "Rape" to the local police? No FBI needed

Why did Former Senator Feinstein obstruct justice by not reporting the alleged crime IMMEDIATELY? It;s almost as if she didn't believe the drunken twat either

Back up a minute. I want to make sure you understand that the Democrats couldn't order an investigation, and can't order one now. Are you clear on that point now? Lots of RWNJs have been whining about that particular question, and I suspect they will continue to whine about it, even if it is a stupid question.
Wait. Are you the lawyer?
Republicans surely know the out come if the FBI is allowed to investigate. All that is going to happen is after a week whatever comes out Flake will be pressured once again by the democrats to say something along the lines of with this new information I think we need to postpone the vote for more time, or with this new information I can't vote for Kavanaugh. It's nothing but further stalling and going in circles accomplishing nothing.

Republicans will continue to be hated by both their base and the opponents as long as they continue to think by fighting "fair" they can win over both sides.

The time for fighting "fair" is over. Follow procedure, but do not give one fucking inch to the other side unless forced to.

The Left has decided this is all out war, we need people who will act like such on our side.

Ni shagu nazad!

The Left just decided that it was all out war?

In your own words, can you explain the treatment of Merrick Garland or the blocking of judges for years under President Barack Hussein Obama?

It's the Schumer Rule.

Thank Harry Reid for it too

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