So, gang of "youths," attack white people at train stop with hammers and metal bars....

This is what happens when you invite inferior cultures from shithole countries into our nation. We need a merit based system of immigration. Somali scientist... GREAT! Somali scrub... kick rocks.
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.
Apparently, this little incident has been ignored by the media.......but it begs the question.....if you are attacked by a group of "youths," who have hammers and metal bars, the number of youths at least 10.........

Do you want to have a gun to stop the attack, or would you rather take your chances that they won't hit you that hard?

That might explain why the news of a horrific attack on people waiting for a light rail train at the University of Minnesota has been so slow to emerge. A mob of “youths” – it now turns out they are juveniles, so their identities are being protected – believed to be of Somali extraction attacked innocent people waiting for a light rail train at the East Bank University of Minnesota station. They were wielding either hammers or pipes.

A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had “hammers and bars,” and that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white.” The witness, who said he isn’t white, said he didn’t want to “[take] on a bunch of dudes with blunt objects,” and that he “hurried an older white lady away” and they walked a few blocks to catch a bus

If someone had tried that kinda crap when and where I grew up they would have all been shot dead and left laying in the street so of course that kind of shit never happened. We didn't have to lock our doors either because everyone stayed on the straight and narrow.
They didn't want to take the chance of spending any quality time with Josh, our local county chain gang guard. Josh was the atypical southern chain gang guard with bib overalls, straw hat, mirror sunglasses and a 12 gauge resting across his belly. If Josh told them to do something, they'd better damn well do it or die trying or they'd wish they were dead. 30 days with Josh was enough to put anyone back on the straight and narrow.
We enjoyed law and order. Everyone was happy, content and busy striving to make something of themselves to elevate their status in life.
So there was no inmates in jails or prisons where you lived when you grew up? Impossible.
Apparently, this little incident has been ignored by the media.......but it begs the question.....if you are attacked by a group of "youths," who have hammers and metal bars, the number of youths at least 10.........

Do you want to have a gun to stop the attack, or would you rather take your chances that they won't hit you that hard?

That might explain why the news of a horrific attack on people waiting for a light rail train at the University of Minnesota has been so slow to emerge. A mob of “youths” – it now turns out they are juveniles, so their identities are being protected – believed to be of Somali extraction attacked innocent people waiting for a light rail train at the East Bank University of Minnesota station. They were wielding either hammers or pipes.

A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had “hammers and bars,” and that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white.” The witness, who said he isn’t white, said he didn’t want to “[take] on a bunch of dudes with blunt objects,” and that he “hurried an older white lady away” and they walked a few blocks to catch a bus

This is why everyone should pack.

This is repeated wherever there is a Somali settlement. This is the same thing that keeps Somalia a violent backwater. It's the culture. It can't be changed.
I know some Ethiopians and they have little respect for Somalis.

Why cant whites arm themselves and go trapes around in Somali neighborhoods and kill the ones that attack them?

Teach them some manners?
Try it big man..
Apparently, this little incident has been ignored by the media.......but it begs the question.....if you are attacked by a group of "youths," who have hammers and metal bars, the number of youths at least 10.........

Do you want to have a gun to stop the attack, or would you rather take your chances that they won't hit you that hard?

That might explain why the news of a horrific attack on people waiting for a light rail train at the University of Minnesota has been so slow to emerge. A mob of “youths” – it now turns out they are juveniles, so their identities are being protected – believed to be of Somali extraction attacked innocent people waiting for a light rail train at the East Bank University of Minnesota station. They were wielding either hammers or pipes.

A person who claimed on social media to have been at the station when the incident occurred said that the group of males had “hammers and bars,” and that they seemed to be “attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white.” The witness, who said he isn’t white, said he didn’t want to “[take] on a bunch of dudes with blunt objects,” and that he “hurried an older white lady away” and they walked a few blocks to catch a bus
Just once I want a gun used in one of these yute incidents. We could end this fast and it would only cost one worthless African's life.
I see assimilation all the time and have for fifty years of watching people who come to this country.Just because the hoodlums are not white you believe that these kids are not acting American, violence is very prominent in our nation so they are acting just like every new immigrant demographic has..Can't help it if today's kids are stuck in front of a computer if they can afford them.
There are zero aws demanding new immigrants turn to US culture, your nativism is no better that the way your demographic was treated when they were new to the US.
Teddy Roosevelt talked long ago about people immigrating to this nation trying to remain true to the nation they left instead of the one they just arrived in. I suppose that makes him a "nativist" to some people with a love of buzz words with no real understanding of them at all.
We had better take a hammer to the media...if this was widely reported it would stop the bringing of mass amounts of unpatriotic migrants and shoving them into our neighborhoods......its the media that is our biggest enemy....their silence and bias is ruining America....
This is what happens when you invite inferior cultures from shithole countries into our nation. We need a merit based system of immigration. Somali scientist... GREAT! Somali scrub... kick rocks.
Somali scientist????
This is what happens when you invite inferior cultures from shithole countries into our nation. We need a merit based system of immigration. Somali scientist... GREAT! Somali scrub... kick rocks.
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
This is what happens when you invite inferior cultures from shithole countries into our nation. We need a merit based system of immigration. Somali scientist... GREAT! Somali scrub... kick rocks.
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?
How did these creatures end up being settled in that cold state anyway? Obama? Africans HATE the cold, even more than I do.
I see assimilation all the time and have for fifty years of watching people who come to this country.Just because the hoodlums are not white you believe that these kids are not acting American, violence is very prominent in our nation so they are acting just like every new immigrant demographic has..Can't help it if today's kids are stuck in front of a computer if they can afford them.
There are zero aws demanding new immigrants turn to US culture, your nativism is no better that the way your demographic was treated when they were new to the US.
Teddy Roosevelt talked long ago about people immigrating to this nation trying to remain true to the nation they left instead of the one they just arrived in. I suppose that makes him a "nativist" to some people with a love of buzz words with no real understanding of them at all.
Again show me the law that requires new immigrants to be forced to change their ways if they do not want to..What you are saying is new immigrants have no freedom of choice to live as they like..
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?
You seem awfully full of excuses for these violent creatures
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?

And you have no point.
Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.

Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?

And you have no point.
The whites will be over ran in this nation like they overran the non-whites.. Simple as that...
Again show me the law that requires new immigrants to be forced to change their ways if they do not want to..What you are saying is new immigrants have no freedom of choice to live as they like..
Immigrants are allowed to relocate to this nation with the expectation they will "assimilate". Have you heard of the concept of assimilation? It means to adopt to the ways of the nation you have chosen to come to.
There's your freedom of choice, dumb ass!

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