So, gang of "youths," attack white people at train stop with hammers and metal bars....

Again show me the law that requires new immigrants to be forced to change their ways if they do not want to..What you are saying is new immigrants have no freedom of choice to live as they like..
Immigrants are allowed to relocate to this nation with the expectation they will "assimilate". Have you heard of the concept of assimilation? It means to adopt to the ways of the nation you have chosen to come to.
There's your freedom of choice, dumb ass!
It is your expectation not theirs you have zero right to expect anyone to live as you do...That my friend is called freedom something you drones do not understand..I don't even want to live like you and I refuse to..
It is your expectation not theirs you have zero right to expect anyone to live as you do...
I have every right to expect people that want to reside in the US to conform to our laws, customs and behavior. For instance, we do not form gangs and attack and rob people one by one laying in wait for them.
That may be status quo behavior in Somalia but not here in the civilized world.

That my friend is called freedom something you drones do not understand..I don't even want to live like you and I refuse to..
Great. Get the fuck out then, asshole! There is also something called a "pact" which is what you make with the nation that allows you to come live here. They let you agree to live by our laws and code of ethics.
I have misjudged you thinking you were just blatantly stupid. I see you also have the morals of a snake.
It is your expectation not theirs you have zero right to expect anyone to live as you do...
I have every right to expect people that want to reside in the US to conform to our laws, customs and behavior. For instance, we do not form gangs and attack and rob people one by one laying in wait for them.
That may be status quo behavior in Somalia but not here in the civilized world.

That my friend is called freedom something you drones do not understand..I don't even want to live like you and I refuse to..
Great. Get the fuck out then, asshole! There is also something called a "pact" which is what you make with the nation that allows you to come live here. They let you agree to live by our laws and code of ethics.
I have misjudged you thinking you were just blatantly stupid. I see you also have the morals of a snake.
Nope you have zero rights on the subject. You can do that to yer family but not to strangers..
Guess what that ratio was true at one point with the brown native population vs the whites..
Guess what? This isn't the 16th century anymore, Dunce Boy!
Circumstances have changed quite a bit and whites here aren't spread out into a number of autonomous competing tribes with no sense of kinship to one another.

Come into the 21st century mindset if you are able, you dumb fucker.
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Nope you have zero rights on the subject. You can do that to yer family but not to strangers..
"Zero rights"? What is that supposed to mean? Most of the people that immigrate here expect to and want to become part of this nation and thoroughly integrate into our culture so you are arguing from a place of stupidity and ignorance.

No one is surprised at that.
This is what happens when you invite inferior cultures from shithole countries into our nation. We need a merit based system of immigration. Somali scientist... GREAT! Somali scrub... kick rocks.
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.
You assume that which you do not know.

Educate me. I'll hear you out. I'm willing to learn.
I see assimilation all the time and have for fifty years of watching people who come to this country.Just because the hoodlums are not white you believe that these kids are not acting American, violence is very prominent in our nation so they are acting just like every new immigrant demographic has..Can't help it if today's kids are stuck in front of a computer if they can afford them.
There are zero aws demanding new immigrants turn to US culture, your nativism is no better that the way your demographic was treated when they were new to the US.
If they do not assimilate then America when there are enough of them, is in trouble. You guys make more excuses then Carter has liver pills. You spout it is not the 1950's anymore then use the 1950's as an exmple. for it is the evolved 21st century where your side has an IQ of over 200. And yet you have the highest percentage in groups that are the most primal in our nation and is represented the same way in other Western nations.
East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions
Several Somali gangs are locked in a bitter dispute.
By Libor Jany Star Tribune

MARCH 4, 2019 — 8:52PM

East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions

The “solution” is to ship them all back to Somalia.

Yes, but is that going to happen ? No, it won't.
Keeping them from coming here in the first place, is really the only one shred of hope, and it's likely to never happen either.
Nope you have zero rights on the subject. You can do that to yer family but not to strangers..
"Zero rights"? What is that supposed to mean? Most of the people that immigrate here expect to and want to become part of this nation and thoroughly integrate into our culture so you are arguing from a place of stupidity and ignorance.

No one is surprised at that.
I may be yet there are no laws to force anyone to change.
Correct. “Multiculturalism” is a lie. Multiple cultures cannot coexist, at least not equally. One always becomes the dominant one. Just look at the Native Americans. Separate nations of different cultures can exist, while respecting each other’s autonomy. But within one nation, it’s not possible.
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?

And you have no point.
The whites will be over ran in this nation like they overran the non-whites.. Simple as that...

Except that in this case, the ones getting overran, are sitting back and allowing it to happen.
That is what they said about us Irish and German..

Yes.... However, there is a fundamental difference between the Irish and German immigration, and what we are seeing today.

The Irish and the Germans came here because their culture in their countries sucked. The people who came to the US, came here to create a new culture. In the short term, yes the Irish and Germans emulated the cultures they came from, but in the long term they did in fact assimilate into the US culture.

One of the primary reasons this happened, is because we did not have an attitude of "multi-culturalism". There was none of that in the past.

I'm reading a book on Andrew Carnegie right now, and one of things they talk about in the book, was when the Carnegies came to the US, they learned how to be an American and started fitting in with the culture.

There was none of this, you come here, and remain the culture you came from. Didn't happen back then. Where ever you came from, you will always be a Scotsman, or a Irishman, or a Brit, or a German.... but here, you fit in and become an American with a heritage.

What we see today, is people coming here, and buying into this idea that you can remain in your old culture, and never assimilate with American culture.

Two different cultures can not co-exist. It's not possible. Never worked in all human history, and won't work today. It's pathetic really, because this is a lesson that goes back thousands of years. The Babylonians understood this, better than a modern left-winger today. That's why the first thing the Babylonians would do when they subjugated a people, was to promote some of their best and brightest to the highest courts in the land. They would promote the conquered people, to assimilate them into the culture.

Something people 4,000 years ago understood, a modern leftist can't wrap his head around.
You assume that which you do not know.

Educate me. I'll hear you out. I'm willing to learn.
I see assimilation all the time and have for fifty years of watching people who come to this country.Just because the hoodlums are not white you believe that these kids are not acting American, violence is very prominent in our nation so they are acting just like every new immigrant demographic has..Can't help it if today's kids are stuck in front of a computer if they can afford them.
There are zero aws demanding new immigrants turn to US culture, your nativism is no better that the way your demographic was treated when they were new to the US.
If they do not assimilate then America when there are enough of them, is in trouble. You guys make more excuses then Carter has liver pills. You spout it is not the 1950's anymore then use the 1950's as an example. for it is the evolved 21st century where your side has an IQ of over 200. And yet you have the highest percentage in groups that are the most primal in our nation and is represented the same way in other Western nations.
You assume way too much for such a small mind...There are zero laws to force anyone to change the way they live. I am sorry you don't like it but playing pejorative projection doesn't make it lawful or moral..
Yet multicultures have existed ever since the days of the first Thanksgiving...Yet you claim the whites were the only ones that showed up-tool.

I said they can’t exist equally. What happened to the Natives? They got overrun by another culture thanks to their open borders policy. Now they have either assimilated or they are irrelevant.
Ain't humans stinkers?

And you have no point.
The whites will be over ran in this nation like they overran the non-whites.. Simple as that...

Except that in this case, the ones getting overran, are sitting back and allowing it to happen.
They probably don't notice it..
I may be yet there are no laws to force anyone to change.
There are all sorts of laws that criminalize the sort of behavior exhibited by Somali "youths" in Minneapolis.

You are just too tragically stupid to recognize them or admit they exist. I'm done baby sitting now.
don't grab guns or tools, grab gun lovers and tool users, and Regulate them well!

State militias can use the extra manpower and should instill civil virtues in the process.

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