So God Gave Us Trump

It means you need to mind your morals and not worry about every one elses.
An African American guy said to me when I was a lot younger in a conversation of his views "Let me keep my space". To understand that is that we have endless people who violate and interfere with it. So, morals can mean a lot of things. For some reason we treat children like adults and even have them making decisions for the planet when they are kids and should be seen and not heard. So, we introduce many sexual ways and ways to dress as we spend massive amounts of resources to stop them from bullying each other. And there are more issues now. Discipline is needed in schools. Those who do not comply throw out.
It means you need to mind your morals and not worry about every one elses.
That comment has no relevance to what I said in the post you quoted, do you want to try again? Tell me where any 'religion' is telling you what to do that's being enforced by the government.
I don't feed the sealions, sorry.

But go have a look at who is opposing child marriage bans. Or don't. I am not here to turn cultists into normal people. That's a job for psychologists.

So yet another comment with absolutely nothing to back it up, what a fool you are. 🤡
That comment has no relevance to what I said in the post you quoted, do you want to try again? Tell me where any 'religion' is telling you what to do that's being enforced by the government.
This is where sealions come to die. You will get your rhetorical butt kicked every time you try it.
No, I want you to figure it out for yourself. Good luck.

You just said that I'm too stupid to figure it out, so please explain it to me. Who knows, maybe you'll win me over to your 'side'. Or is this just another bullshit comment that is pure innuendo without a shred of anything factual to back it up?

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