So God Gave Us Trump

These religious nuts are just that, simply "Nuts". It is amazing, the people that are walking the street, without keepers of some kind.
I am not religious, but am a Christian, if you understand anything understand this, Gods will will be accomplished regardless of who is in the Whitehouse, God allowed Joe Biden to be President, and Joe Biden is an evil human being, God may choose whomever he pleases to accomplish his will. People whom believe men can be pregnant should be locked up
So I guess your 'experience' must mean that all atheists are good, honest, and hard working people and all 'religious' people are frauds, lairs, lazyasses, and crazy?

Churches used as 'militia club houses'? lol How many of those are there? And why only churches, why not outlaw militias no matter where they gather?
militias. proud boys etc are not confined to churches, i'm for taking their guns wherever they are, a quick court martial and crush this dumbest rebellion of all time.
I am not religious, but am a Christian, if you understand anything understand this, Gods will will be accomplished regardless of who is in the Whitehouse, God allowed Joe Biden to be President, and Joe Biden is an evil human being, God may choose whomever he pleases to accomplish his will. People whom believe men can be pregnant should be locked up
and if it is gods will that a man gets pregnant? should he abort it?
militias. proud boys etc are not confined to churches, i'm for taking their guns wherever they are, a quick court martial and crush this dumbest rebellion of all time.

So you don't stand for democracy or constitutional rights, you stand for authoritarianism. Thanks for being so honest, rare in a leftist.
So I guess your 'experience' must mean that all atheists are good, honest, and hard working people and all 'religious' people are frauds, lairs, lazyasses, and crazy?
No, I judge people as individuals. Generalizations on people based on religion, sex, ethnicity, political party, etc are just a lazy crutch for people that look for simple answers, so they do not have to evaluate.
So you don't stand for democracy or constitutional rights, you stand for authoritarianism. Thanks for being so honest, rare in a leftist.
yes, i am a firm believer in democracy and constitutional rights. that might explain why i am appalled at your movement towards authoritarianism. under some weird reinterpretation of the constitution allows a "dictator for a day" and crime with immunity.
So all open carry people are 'gun nuts'? You're such a fucking fraud.
I will say, they have guns and are nuts. Open carry is a tactical error, making one an identified target threat, visible to all. I was trained, you should never see me coming, never know the size of my element, my armament and even if a approaching a projected meeting engagement, that engagement made by the smallest portion of total force at my command, displaying as little of my combat power as possible. There is no advantage to showing people what you've got, casually and continually. Even if you move and conduct yourself courteously, respectfully, even amicably with all people, yet always have a plan on how to kill everybody you meet, there is no need to show people what your plan might entail.
I am not religious, but am a Christian, if you understand anything understand this, Gods will will be accomplished regardless of who is in the Whitehouse, God allowed Joe Biden to be President, and Joe Biden is an evil human being, God may choose whomever he pleases to accomplish his will. People whom believe men can be pregnant should be locked up
Whether Joe is evil or whether you are conditioned to see him as evil are two different things. Also, I would point out, the small minority of people that think men can get pregnant are not one of the major problems faced by this or any other country. You are confusing symptoms with problems.
yes, i am a firm believer in democracy and constitutional rights. that might explain why i am appalled at your movement towards authoritarianism. under some weird reinterpretation of the constitution allows a "dictator for a day" and crime with immunity.

My movement towards authoritarianism??? lol Yet you're the one who wants to round people up and take their right to bear arms away from them, you really can't make this shit up, these leftists actually believe the bullshit they spout.
No, I judge people as individuals. Generalizations on people based on religion, sex, ethnicity, political party, etc are just a lazy crutch for people that look for simple answers, so they do not have to evaluate.

Then why even comment on the 'one' atheist you know that has those characteristics?
I will say, they have guns and are nuts. Open carry is a tactical error, making one an identified target threat, visible to all. I was trained, you should never see me coming, never know the size of my element, my armament and even if a approaching a projected meeting engagement, that engagement made by the smallest portion of total force at my command, displaying as little of my combat power as possible. There is no advantage to showing people what you've got, casually and continually. Even if you move and conduct yourself courteously, respectfully, even amicably with all people, yet always have a plan on how to kill everybody you meet, there is no need to show people what your plan might entail.

Sounds to me as though you are the 'gun nut', a 'plan to kill everyone you meet'? :cuckoo: I do love how you label people based on preconceived notions though.
Whether Joe is evil or whether you are conditioned to see him as evil are two different things. Also, I would point out, the small minority of people that think men can get pregnant are not one of the major problems faced by this or any other country. You are confusing symptoms with problems.

But no one is 'conditioned' to see Trump as evil? It all only works one way? Everything bad said about Trump is the truth, and everything bad said about Biden is a lie?
Sounds to me as though you are the 'gun nut', a 'plan to kill everyone you meet'? :cuckoo: I do love how you label people based on preconceived notions though.
"plan to kill anyone you meet is a quote from trump minion gen mattis. it is a proposed solution to school shootings.

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