So God Gave Us Trump

I thought whataboutism was just a deflection tactic, by claiming that the person doing the accusing is just as bad or worse. So I don't see why you can't have whataboutism unless both sides do it, that doesn't make sense imo.

That said, both sides definitely DO do it. All the flippin time.

When that becomes all I see on threads, this is my reaction: :banghead:

What about ism has become so prevalent because Trump persistently claims that he’s not doing anything any differently than any other president has did it and that’s so laughably false that it has to be refuted.

Got really lost when the video invoked "shepherd for the flock", which invokes Jesus. Nope from me. But I'm not inflicted with the "president must be an idol" infection, so I can accept that we elected flawed people to do a job. Not heroes to be idols.

If you’re electing people to do the job, why are you elected Trump who failed to do the job on any score he didn’t protect the country from Covid, he did nothing about police, brutality and racial injustice, and just let the cities burn, and he ranked in millions from foreign governments in violation of the Constitutuon.

Last, but not least, he refused to accept the results of the 2020 election and try to overthrow his own government to stay in power.

Trump said he was going to run the country the way he runs his company and he did keep that promise. He lied cheated and stole from everyone he came in contact with, used bribery and coruotion to get what he wanted, and he left the country deeply in debt, and in on the verge of collapse.

Not only that, but when the nation said “you’re fired” and voted for Biden, Trump refused to give up the job and keeps trying to force Americannto accept him as President.

Condo owners have had to have the sheriff physically remove the Trump corporation from multiple properties when Trump failed to maintain or manage it to the terms of their contracts.

Why are you to continue to want this incompetent idiot running your country is beyond any rational person.

The only way to drain the swamp is to take the big money out of politics. The end the big donor PAC’s, corporate donations, and lobbying money.

Establish clear time lines and spending limits on elections start spending it on the things your nation means.

Start raising charged taxes on the rich and on corporations, and start giving tax credits to young families, elderly and retired people, new business start ups, and infrastructure improvements.

Start dealing with your social problems instead of criminalizing poverty and locking up the poor.
What about ism has become so prevalent because Trump persistently claims that he’s not doing anything any differently than any other president has did it and that’s so laughably false that it has to be refuted.

If you’re electing people to do the job, why are you elected Trump who failed to do the job on any score he didn’t protect the country from Covid, he did nothing about police, brutality and racial injustice, and just let the cities burn, and he ranked in millions from foreign governments in violation of the Constitutuon.

Last, but not least, he refused to accept the results of the 2020 election and try to overthrow his own government to stay in power.

Trump said he was going to run the country the way he runs his company and he did keep that promise. He lied cheated and stole from everyone he came in contact with, used bribery and coruotion to get what he wanted, and he left the country deeply in debt, and in on the verge of collapse.

Not only that, but when the nation said “you’re fired” and voted for Biden, Trump refused to give up the job and keeps trying to force Americannto accept him as President.

Condo owners have had to have the sheriff physically remove the Trump corporation from multiple properties when Trump failed to maintain or manage it to the terms of their contracts.

Why are you to continue to want this incompetent idiot running your country is beyond any rational person.

The only way to drain the swamp is to take the big money out of politics. The end the big donor PAC’s, corporate donations, and lobbying money.

Establish clear time lines and spending limits on elections start spending it on the things your nation means.

Start raising charged taxes on the rich and on corporations, and start giving tax credits to young families, elderly and retired people, new business start ups, and infrastructure improvements.

Start dealing with your social problems instead of criminalizing poverty and locking up the poor.

Thanks, I won't be taking advice from a nation that encourages sick people to just off themselves

Thanks, I won't be taking advice from a nation that encourages sick people to just off themselves

No, you'd rather elect the guy who killed over a million Americans with his failed covid policy and wants to end any hope of universal healthcare for the American people.

Lack of universal health care insurance in the USA killed up to 300,000 people in the USA during covid, and it's estimate that upwards of 40,000 people die in the USA every year due to lack of insurance coverage.

Universal Health Care Could Have Saved More Than 330,000 U.S. Lives during COVID

When your every criticism is based on lies, it doesn't say much for your opinions, does it Sue?

Canada allows people who are suffering from terminal illnesses with no hope of recovery, to choose their end of life care. No one is encouraged to "off themselves" at all. In fact, they have to be of sound mind, and go through a 90 day assessment period, before they can qualify. But go with the lies. It's working so well for right wingers.
The Trump campaign posted a new ad to Truth Social today. I am genuinely curious, if God gave us Trump, then why did God allow him to lose in 2020? If you’re of the conspiratorial mind that the election was stolen, please explain why it is God allowed election to be stolen?

This is yet another cringe moment of his campaign. Please tell me again, how this is not a cult.

Also gave us cancer.... committed genocide in Noah's era... I mean, he got angry at humans and then wiped out most land based animals.

God has proven time and again he'd make a Trump kind of guy.

with all due respect, which isn't much btw Trump (after all, YOU started the cold war against China and got me drawn into that), you're NOT a messiah! AND YOU WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTIONS WITH LIES!
Karen Johnson went to her Lutheran church so regularly as a child that she won a perfect attendance award. As an adult, she taught Sunday school. But these days, Ms. Johnson, a 67-year-old counter attendant at a slot-machine parlor, no longer goes to church.

She still identifies as an evangelical Christian, but she doesn’t believe going to church is necessary to commune with God. “I have my own little thing with the Lord,” she says.

Ms. Johnson’s thing includes frequent prayer, she said, as well as podcasts and YouTube channels that discuss politics and “what’s going on in the world” from a right-wing, and sometimes Christian, worldview. No one plays a more central role in her perspective than Donald J. Trump, the man she believes can defeat the Democrats who, she is certain, are destroying the country and bound for hell.


Where do all these nuts come from?
Karen Johnson went to her Lutheran church so regularly as a child that she won a perfect attendance award. As an adult, she taught Sunday school. But these days, Ms. Johnson, a 67-year-old counter attendant at a slot-machine parlor, no longer goes to church.

She still identifies as an evangelical Christian, but she doesn’t believe going to church is necessary to commune with God. “I have my own little thing with the Lord,” she says.

Ms. Johnson’s thing includes frequent prayer, she said, as well as podcasts and YouTube channels that discuss politics and “what’s going on in the world” from a right-wing, and sometimes Christian, worldview. No one plays a more central role in her perspective than Donald J. Trump, the man she believes can defeat the Democrats who, she is certain, are destroying the country and bound for hell.

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Where do all these nuts come from?
from the unseen. and they're not nuts.
Atheists are the dregs of society.
I had a friend for years that was and probably still is an atheist. He was probably the most honest and ethical person, I ever met, as well as being knowledgeable, effective, proficient, and hardworking.
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I had a friend for years that was and probably till is an atheist. He was probably the most honest and ethical person, I ever met, as well as being knowledgeable, effective, proficient, and hardworking.

So I guess your 'experience' must mean that all atheists are good, honest, and hard working people and all 'religious' people are frauds, lairs, lazyasses, and crazy?
From the article: “Trump has long had a solid base of support among evangelical Christians in the United States, and polls show that a high portion believes that God anointed him to rule.”


How many Arabs claim Allah runs their lives. I never see the cult shit on them.

They regurgitate these ridiculous and baseless 'articles' ad nauseum and call it 'journalism', when they're nothing but a farce of lies and bullshit that mean and say nothing. Morons eat that shit up all day, every day.
I don't mind open carry on other people. It is easier to spot the gun nuts as possible dangers to be watched, as I move about my daily life, carrying concealed (with permit, of course).

So all open carry people are 'gun nuts'? You're such a fucking fraud.
from the unseen. and they're not nuts.
they are seen. and n
Yeah, you better seize all weapons from any 'religious' people and round them all up and put them behind bars for everyone's safety. That's the only way to preserve 'democracy'. 🤡
no, i don't want that at all. but certainly any churches who are being used as militia club houses are open to the treatment israelis gives mosques or that reno so justly called upon koresh.
Why is it that those anti-Trump sites, and Business Insider is HUGELY anti-Trump, almost never post the video they are talking about? Even when they do it is usually heavily edited making it impossible to determine the context.

Because they play to people like the op who believe everything they see, hear, or read on the interwebs, i.e. fools.
they are seen. and n

no, i don't want that at all. but certainly any churches who are being used as militia club houses are open to the treatment israelis gives mosques or that reno so justly called upon koresh.

Churches used as 'militia club houses'? lol How many of those are there? And why only churches, why not outlaw militias no matter where they gather?

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