So God Gave Us Trump

It's not our place to question God's plan.

Because Sciencetology is a cult. SCIENCE. That means only brain dead libs believing in global warming make cults.

You should stick to giving blow jobs Stormy because you don't know shit about anything else!

Scientology has NOTHING to do with Science.

Climate change is a fact, not a cult. Right wing Americans think that anything they don't believe in, isn't real, when in fact the opposite is true.

The things the Trump Cult believes in - stolen elections, Trump's intelligence, are fake. Climate change is real.
Deep State has blown out of control since the housing bust. Racking up over $1.5T over-spending every year on average. They live like elite royalty cradle to grave, now destroying whats left of the Country. Police State and stolen Elections are the norm. Anything goes.//

Trump was us…..sensible GOVT. we wanted it cleaned up and reigned in. We sent him, God sent him? Whatever. It was a miracle. We tried. It failed when they launched the virus . They fight anyone or anything trying to slow the corruption, wealth and 24-7 party-time.

Trump is a card carrying member of the wealthy elite who talks down to you because he knows how stupid you are, and then mocks you behind your back.

What makes you such a fool is your belief in Donald Trump, who has lied to you, screwed you over at every turn, and tried to destroy the country.

Using people's faith in God to sell his godless messages of hate and violence. It doesn't get much lower than that. Trump is the most corrupt, dishonest President in history. Tens of millions of dollars coming into his personal account from governments all over the world, and you think Trump wasn't corrupt. $2 billion dollars from the Saudis.

How come God only picks the Republican Presidents? If God picks your leaders, why don't you believe He picked Obama, Biden and Clinton.

Talk about your stupid, gullible fools.
The Trump campaign posted a new ad to Truth Social today. I am genuinely curious, if God gave us Trump, then why did God allow him to lose in 2020? If you’re of the conspiratorial mind that the election was stolen, please explain why it is God allowed election to be stolen?

This is yet another cringe moment of his campaign. Please tell me again, how this is not a cult.

Got really lost when the video invoked "shepherd for the flock", which invokes Jesus. Nope from me. But I'm not inflicted with the "president must be an idol" infection, so I can accept that we elected flawed people to do a job. Not heroes to be idols.
So God Gave Us Trump

Let us speak plainly here. I realize it may be at least 15 IQ points above your ken. The Left created Trump. Early on, Trump was kinda on board with the party-hardy leftwing Hollywood LA scene! But the democrat party has become so toxic in the past decades, so fascist now, so totalitarian-Big Brother, so anti-American, so globalist/ socialist anti-free speech, anti-freedom period that the only possible counterbalance left was a totally self-made man totally pro America-first populist who thumbs his nose at you.
And how would you know this, heathen
Cheeeeesus warned you to be on your toes and spot a false prophet/anti Christ, not fucking vote for him. Just watch Trump's campaign video.

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Cheeeeesus warned you to be on your toes and spot a false prophet/anti Christ, not fucking vote for him. Just watch Trump's campaign video.

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Does it give you deep satisfaction to be the Church Lady you hate? You realize you go around the board telling everyone what Jesus wants them to do, right? And not me, and actual Christian?

But then...if you had more self-awareness, you wouldn't be a liberal.
Does it give you deep satisfaction to be the Church Lady you hate? You realize you go around the board telling everyone what Jesus wants them to do, right? And not me, and actual Christian?

But then...if you had more self-awareness, you wouldn't be a liberal.
This campaign ad by Trump is an insult to every Christian. But you ain't a Christian, just another culture warrior.
I already said I don't like the ad. I don't need a heathen telling me how to be a Christian though, nor what Jesus is thinking on the Throne right now. You don't even believe in Him, right?
I'm the judge of what you need. A few marbles for starters
You should stick to giving blow jobs Stormy because you don't know shit about anything else!

Scientology has NOTHING to do with Science.

Climate change is a fact, not a cult. Right wing Americans think that anything they don't believe in, isn't real, when in fact the opposite is true.

The things the Trump Cult believes in - stolen elections, Trump's intelligence, are fake. Climate change is real.

You should stick to documentaries, because you don't know shit about sarcasm.

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