So have ANY GOPers here HEARD of the unfakable SS ID card and the 2010 Immigration Bill?

That would END forever this GOP mess? Because THE WALL certainly won't, will just keep this stupid wedge issue alive for years more...

Securing Identity and Enabling Employment ... - Smart Card Alliance
A smart card-based Social Security card with biometric identity credentials ... Immigration Reform and Employment Identification and Verification Overview ... introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and .... credit card, but what makes it “smart” is the small computer chipbuilt into the card.
Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards | The ...
Jan 31, 2013 - Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards ... If one part of some lawmakers' plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security ... Asked whether he favored “a super Social Security card that would ... A computer system called E-Verify is supposed to catch people who are ...
What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the Feds ...
Dec 23, 2010 - What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the ... In the first half of 2010alone, legislators in 44 states introduced 319 bills .... calls for a high-tech Social Security card with acomputer chip that can't be faked.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card? By Katy Steinmetz / Washington Monday, Mar. 29, 2010. Share ... congressional skirmish over comprehensive immigration reform on the horizon, skeptics from the left and ... Many skeptics also worry about false positives that come not from the computer but from counterfeits or ...
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.
What conspiracy are you talking about? The one about how Russia conspired to leak the dirty laundry of the leftard clown posse party via hacking????? Is that the one????
Your Rothschild bank currency one, Bilderburg, Robin Hood Qaddafi or any of that crap

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! You are such an ignorant fool. You have no fucking clue about the fiat currency debt system and the ones that run the central bank or any history of it going back to the late 1600's or what "money" actually is. Your simplistic view of the financial system is that of a mere child. As far as Qaddafi goes and what was done to the riches of that country and how it was looted? Please explain what happened to their gold and sliver reserves? It simply vanished like a fart in the wind. What was done to the people of Libya is one of the greatest crimes ever in the history of humanity. The torture, murdering, rape.....the outright genocide of these mercenaries funded, recruited and trained by USA.INC and the E.U with the Barrypuppet and Hitlery right out in front of it and then they took this act on the road and headed onto Syria.

Seriously, I thank God every day that I am not as stupid and ignorant as you are. If you lose ten more I.Q points, you will be reduced to a drooling idiot that smears his own shit on the bathrooms walls....SMH.
Evidence? Link? Drivel, dupe.

Franco sez?????? MY beloved leftard gubermint would never hurt anyone due you here me due you.... you flammer???"
What bad they do is no secret giant conspiracy, nutjobs- that only paranoid morons know about...

The fact of the matter is that you are a political infant on every front. It's political party first and foremost even though we KNOW from the e-mails that were leaked that these elitists have no respect for their minions. They want you stupid, uninformed, poor thus easier to control and manipulate....and you are the classic example of that.
That would END forever this GOP mess? Because THE WALL certainly won't, will just keep this stupid wedge issue alive for years more...

Securing Identity and Enabling Employment ... - Smart Card Alliance
A smart card-based Social Security card with biometric identity credentials ... Immigration Reform and Employment Identification and Verification Overview ... introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and .... credit card, but what makes it “smart” is the small computer chipbuilt into the card.
Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards | The ...
Jan 31, 2013 - Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards ... If one part of some lawmakers' plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security ... Asked whether he favored “a super Social Security card that would ... A computer system called E-Verify is supposed to catch people who are ...
What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the Feds ...
Dec 23, 2010 - What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the ... In the first half of 2010alone, legislators in 44 states introduced 319 bills .... calls for a high-tech Social Security card with acomputer chip that can't be faked.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card? By Katy Steinmetz / Washington Monday, Mar. 29, 2010. Share ... congressional skirmish over comprehensive immigration reform on the horizon, skeptics from the left and ... Many skeptics also worry about false positives that come not from the computer but from counterfeits or ...
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
That would END forever this GOP mess? Because THE WALL certainly won't, will just keep this stupid wedge issue alive for years more...

Securing Identity and Enabling Employment ... - Smart Card Alliance
A smart card-based Social Security card with biometric identity credentials ... Immigration Reform and Employment Identification and Verification Overview ... introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and .... credit card, but what makes it “smart” is the small computer chipbuilt into the card.
Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards | The ...
Jan 31, 2013 - Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards ... If one part of some lawmakers' plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security ... Asked whether he favored “a super Social Security card that would ... A computer system called E-Verify is supposed to catch people who are ...
What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the Feds ...
Dec 23, 2010 - What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the ... In the first half of 2010alone, legislators in 44 states introduced 319 bills .... calls for a high-tech Social Security card with acomputer chip that can't be faked.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card? By Katy Steinmetz / Washington Monday, Mar. 29, 2010. Share ... congressional skirmish over comprehensive immigration reform on the horizon, skeptics from the left and ... Many skeptics also worry about false positives that come not from the computer but from counterfeits or ...
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.
That would END forever this GOP mess? Because THE WALL certainly won't, will just keep this stupid wedge issue alive for years more...

Securing Identity and Enabling Employment ... - Smart Card Alliance
A smart card-based Social Security card with biometric identity credentials ... Immigration Reform and Employment Identification and Verification Overview ... introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and .... credit card, but what makes it “smart” is the small computer chipbuilt into the card.
Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards | The ...
Jan 31, 2013 - Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards ... If one part of some lawmakers' plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security ... Asked whether he favored “a super Social Security card that would ... A computer system called E-Verify is supposed to catch people who are ...
What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the Feds ...
Dec 23, 2010 - What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the ... In the first half of 2010alone, legislators in 44 states introduced 319 bills .... calls for a high-tech Social Security card with acomputer chip that can't be faked.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card? By Katy Steinmetz / Washington Monday, Mar. 29, 2010. Share ... congressional skirmish over comprehensive immigration reform on the horizon, skeptics from the left and ... Many skeptics also worry about false positives that come not from the computer but from counterfeits or ...
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

The dailykuss????? The commie news site????? That's legitimate journalism?>?????? Dude, you have LOST it.......
Liberal loser bullshit to keep from crying, BOOOHOOHOODEHOOHOOHOOWIT WHOO HOO OOOH HOO HOO. Loser liberal walking dead. singing the praises of their murdering scum idols.
That would END forever this GOP mess? Because THE WALL certainly won't, will just keep this stupid wedge issue alive for years more...

Securing Identity and Enabling Employment ... - Smart Card Alliance
A smart card-based Social Security card with biometric identity credentials ... Immigration Reform and Employment Identification and Verification Overview ... introduced the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and .... credit card, but what makes it “smart” is the small computer chipbuilt into the card.
Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards | The ...
Jan 31, 2013 - Immigration Reform Could Lead To Biometric ID Cards ... If one part of some lawmakers' plan for comprehensive immigration reform goes through, Social Security ... Asked whether he favored “a super Social Security card that would ... A computer system called E-Verify is supposed to catch people who are ...
What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the Feds ...
Dec 23, 2010 - What Would Comprehensive Immigration Reform Look Like If the ... In the first half of 2010alone, legislators in 44 states introduced 319 bills .... calls for a high-tech Social Security card with acomputer chip that can't be faked.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Ready for Your Biometric Social Security Card? By Katy Steinmetz / Washington Monday, Mar. 29, 2010. Share ... congressional skirmish over comprehensive immigration reform on the horizon, skeptics from the left and ... Many skeptics also worry about false positives that come not from the computer but from counterfeits or ...
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
There is nothing that would fix the GOP mess. They are ignorant and so very fucked up. They make enemies the world over (except for Russia and Vladimir Putin of course).
The entire world is asking what happened to America. Why do they hate us? Referring to people that helped the Bush administration.

According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
Finally! Link to infowars and Jones, the wackiest of the wacky. NATO and AlQaeda together of course. LOL. Where is Libya five years after Gadhafi's death? -
According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
Finally! Link to infowars and Jones, the wackiest of the wacky. NATO and AlQaeda together of course. LOL. Where is Libya five years after Gadhafi's death? -

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! CNN???? Are you fucking KIDDING me???? You might as well post another link from the dailykuss..........
According to rdean, USA.INC is only loved unless we have a commie president. I doubt that Libyans, Syrians or the people in Bahrain have the warm fuzzies for the outgoing admin...throw in Egypt as well.
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
Finally! Link to infowars and Jones, the wackiest of the wacky. NATO and AlQaeda together of course. LOL. Where is Libya five years after Gadhafi's death? -
Libyans do, ditz.

Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
Finally! Link to infowars and Jones, the wackiest of the wacky. NATO and AlQaeda together of course. LOL. Where is Libya five years after Gadhafi's death? -
That made a little sense. Michel Chossudovsky - Wikipedia
Dude, you are out of your ever-lovin' fucking mind if you think the Libyan people have anything but hatred for Barrypuppet and Hitlery. Hitlery is referred to over there as the "butcher".
Libyan People Thank Obama ! (While Qaddafi Thanks the GOP)
You're out of your mind.

NATO Loots Libyan Gold As Tripoli Falls
Finally! Link to infowars and Jones, the wackiest of the wacky. NATO and AlQaeda together of course. LOL. Where is Libya five years after Gadhafi's death? -
That made a little sense. Michel Chossudovsky - Wikipedia

Seriously???? You throw out a U.N puppet as a point of rebuttal? Dude, you couldn't be more of a joke even if you are fucking C-L-U-E-L-E-S-S..........

What the fuck is wrong with this site? Where are the leftards/libs that can actually make an argument?
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.

I would be just fine if you never again replied to one of my posts because you offer nothing in the way of rebuttal. The takeover of Libya was just another in a long line of countries that didn't have the means to fend off the international bankers that coveted their resources and couldn't stand the fact that the IMF wasn't holding debt over their heads which is why Syria has been targeted and why Iran is in their cross hairs. You don't have the slightest fucking clue because you lack the intellect to wrap your mind around it. You are fucking boring and you have nothing intelligent to offer. I use you as a "prop" to alert others....your participation isn't needed at all.
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.

I would be just fine if you never again replied to one of my posts because you offer nothing in the way of rebuttal. The takeover of Libya was just another in a long line of countries that didn't have the means to fend off the international bankers that coveted their resources and couldn't stand the fact that the IMF wasn't holding debt over their heads which is why Syria has been targeted and why Iran is in their cross hairs. You don't have the slightest fucking clue because you lack the intellect to wrap your mind around it. You are fucking boring and you have nothing intelligent to offer. I use you as a "prop" to alert others....your participation isn't needed at all.
This is my thread, dingbat. My Masters in History says your conspiracies are horseshytte.
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.

I would be just fine if you never again replied to one of my posts because you offer nothing in the way of rebuttal. The takeover of Libya was just another in a long line of countries that didn't have the means to fend off the international bankers that coveted their resources and couldn't stand the fact that the IMF wasn't holding debt over their heads which is why Syria has been targeted and why Iran is in their cross hairs. You don't have the slightest fucking clue because you lack the intellect to wrap your mind around it. You are fucking boring and you have nothing intelligent to offer. I use you as a "prop" to alert others....your participation isn't needed at all.
This is my thread, dingbat. My Masters in History says your conspiracies are horseshytte.

But it isn't YOUR forum and you don't have the autonomy to decide whom can or can't reply nor can you prevent me from using your fool-fueled rants to make my point and refute. You have a Master's in History??? Do tell? Which college and what time period was your study? What was your thesis about?????? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" have such a poor command of the English language???? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" be so void of critical thinking skills????? Has academia really fallen that far?????
Great job by RW fake news ignoring this, along with cowardly corporate....

Wall? Heard of ships, airplanes, tunnels, just overstaying overstaying visas like 40% do?
Yeah... We've heard of those. We've also heard of razor wire, drones, land mines, seismometers, ground penetrating radar, satellites, and dogs...
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.

I would be just fine if you never again replied to one of my posts because you offer nothing in the way of rebuttal. The takeover of Libya was just another in a long line of countries that didn't have the means to fend off the international bankers that coveted their resources and couldn't stand the fact that the IMF wasn't holding debt over their heads which is why Syria has been targeted and why Iran is in their cross hairs. You don't have the slightest fucking clue because you lack the intellect to wrap your mind around it. You are fucking boring and you have nothing intelligent to offer. I use you as a "prop" to alert others....your participation isn't needed at all.
This is my thread, dingbat. My Masters in History says your conspiracies are horseshytte.

But it isn't YOUR forum and you don't have the autonomy to decide whom can or can't reply nor can you prevent me from using your fool-fueled rants to make my point and refute. You have a Master's in History??? Do tell? Which college and what time period was your study? What was your thesis about?????? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" have such a poor command of the English language???? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" be so void of critical thinking skills????? Has academia really fallen that far?????
Remain calm lol. I'm slumming, conspiracy nutjob/ignoramus.
Great job by RW fake news ignoring this, along with cowardly corporate....

Wall? Heard of ships, airplanes, tunnels, just overstaying overstaying visas like 40% do?
Yeah... We've heard of those. We've also heard of razor wire, drones, land mines, seismometers, ground penetrating radar, satellites, and dogs...
Have you heard of un-American and useless? lol. Only a good SS ID card will end this GOP mess.
So why did the revolution start in February? I'm still against terrorist dictators who promise to massacre entire cities who wanted democracy. He was no longer holding the country together. Iraq was much worse.

You should be glad to have someone even listen to your conspiracy rants.

I would be just fine if you never again replied to one of my posts because you offer nothing in the way of rebuttal. The takeover of Libya was just another in a long line of countries that didn't have the means to fend off the international bankers that coveted their resources and couldn't stand the fact that the IMF wasn't holding debt over their heads which is why Syria has been targeted and why Iran is in their cross hairs. You don't have the slightest fucking clue because you lack the intellect to wrap your mind around it. You are fucking boring and you have nothing intelligent to offer. I use you as a "prop" to alert others....your participation isn't needed at all.
This is my thread, dingbat. My Masters in History says your conspiracies are horseshytte.

But it isn't YOUR forum and you don't have the autonomy to decide whom can or can't reply nor can you prevent me from using your fool-fueled rants to make my point and refute. You have a Master's in History??? Do tell? Which college and what time period was your study? What was your thesis about?????? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" have such a poor command of the English language???? How can someone with an alleged "Master's Degree" be so void of critical thinking skills????? Has academia really fallen that far?????
Remain calm lol. I'm slumming, conspiracy nutjob/ignoramus.

In other words, you were lying........

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