So Have We Invented the Charge and Evidence Against Trump Yet?

The charge against him is he won the election and the evidence against him is Hillary had more hits but scored less runs
Let the emotional outburst of coup begin
“This witch-hunting insanity of Russia Russia Russia isn’t just dangerous, it’s a massive breach from reality.”

That’s because, to be plain, the “intellectual mainstream” of our political/media/academic class is currently batshit crazy.
I thought we established the Russians hacked the DNC computers and published all that damning information ... all the Mueller Report said was The Donald wasn't involved ... Russians are still hacking our computers ...
Donald Trump.

You are hearby charged with upsetting the feelings of Hillary Supporters and make them cry.

How do you plead.................

Yep. A Top secret mole Codename: "The Donald Himself" has been spilling the beans.
I have the evidence here.

That's a great short clip illustrating how there is quite a bit of instability among liberal bigots. Doing their impeachment inquiry in a closet doesn't make them look any smarter or stable either. These are the jerks who are trying to tear this country apart. God grant our great President the continued strength to withstand this lunacy.

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