So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

Amazing how delusional USMB right wingers are over this topic. The hearings were a huge success and boost for Clinton and a huge loss and set back for the Republicans thanks to the despicable behavior of the Republican members of the committee.
Clinton proved she could stay calm and cool under the pressure of 11 hours of badgering interrogation. In the end even the chairman had to admit the committee learned nothing new of any substance.
Remember, it was only about a week ago that Republican contenders for the Presidency whined about the length of time of the upcoming debates. Both Trump and Carson insisted two hours was the most they would debate. They threatened to not show up and boycott the debate if it were to held for three hours. Trump could have never withstood what Clinton put up with. He barley made it through the debate and was visibly getting exhausted towards the end of the three hour debate.

Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.

So, you're proud of a blowhard that has already whined that he can't handle a debate longer than 2 hours? Super Amazing!
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent.
You guys need to keep it general...Specifics and details dont work in your favor
But they do, lying about it doesn't help. Lying is all you have.
Lying about what? Specifically?
Have someone with a wench get your head out of your ass.

The only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think that their buffoon leaders did them proud.

Even Faux News had to give her credit for standing strong even though they found ways to criticize her, which is no surprise.
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent. must have been watching a Faux News filtered version of the hearing. From what I saw....the Republicans looked like a bunch of angry dogs, foaming at the mouth, growling grrrrrr, grrrr.....but Hillary was cool as a cucumber, and just showed them to be the asses they really are.

No other time in History has any person been put through such a rigorous session just to try and get political gains. It just shows that the Republicans are not interested in the welfare of the country, or wasting taxpayer money. They just wanted to make some political points and instead ended up showing their asses and what a bunch of buffoons they really are.

Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Hillary's damn e-mails........and Benghazi was a terrible tragedy, but not even close to the terrible tragedy we suffered under the Doofus, George W. Bush.
The hearing highlighted how the left loves their liars and will coronate them with the crown if they can get good enough at it. You didn't see Cummings at all huh? Looked like a fat zit exploding like a volcano. All to protect their only hope in dragging America further into socialism.

Hillary is quite stupid to think most of America will buy it, only the zombies on the left are in tune.
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent.
You guys need to keep it general...Specifics and details dont work in your favor
But they do, lying about it doesn't help. Lying is all you have.
Lying about what? Specifically?
Have someone with a wench get your head out of your ass.

The only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think that their buffoon leaders did them proud.

Even Faux News had to give her credit for standing strong even though they found ways to criticize her, which is no surprise.
I don't watch CNN so I have no idea what faux news did. I use my own ears and eyes, I don't need your marching orders.
Who are we kidding, Clintons have been getting away with massaging the truth since the 90's.

I think you meant to say "The Clintons have been able to debunk all the scandals and lies that the Republicans have manufactured about them since the 90's."
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent. must have been watching a Faux News filtered version of the hearing. From what I saw....the Republicans looked like a bunch of angry dogs, foaming at the mouth, growling grrrrrr, grrrr.....but Hillary was cool as a cucumber, and just showed them to be the asses they really are.

No other time in History has any person been put through such a rigorous session just to try and get political gains. It just shows that the Republicans are not interested in the welfare of the country, or wasting taxpayer money. They just wanted to make some political points and instead ended up showing their asses and what a bunch of buffoons they really are.

Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Hillary's damn e-mails........and Benghazi was a terrible tragedy, but not even close to the terrible tragedy we suffered under the Doofus, George W. Bush.
The hearing highlighted how the left loves their liars and will coronate them with the crown if they can get good enough at it. You didn't see Cummings at all huh? Looked like a fat zit exploding like a volcano. All to protect their only hope in dragging America further into socialism.

Hillary is quite stupid to think most of America will buy it, only the zombies on the left are in tune.

Cummings wasn't even close to telling the nasty right-wing TeaBags who were grilling Hillary what they needed to hear. The hearing highlighted the Republican committee member's bombastic attitudes and their seemlngly focused attention on the fact that it was blamed on a video, as opposed to who knows what.....because as yet, no one has been able to claim they know exactly what prompted the attack. As if that would have made a difference.

What shallow pieces of crap the Republicans have put in office....God help us all if they succeed in making T-Chump president. Thankfully, the hearing ended up helping Hillary instead of hurting her. Republicans can thank their leader's incompetence for that....:rolleyes:
They proved she's an unethical, incompetent, lying, smug ahole and the Dims are trying desperately to polish the turd, since it's their only real hope. That's money well spent. must have been watching a Faux News filtered version of the hearing. From what I saw....the Republicans looked like a bunch of angry dogs, foaming at the mouth, growling grrrrrr, grrrr.....but Hillary was cool as a cucumber, and just showed them to be the asses they really are.

No other time in History has any person been put through such a rigorous session just to try and get political gains. It just shows that the Republicans are not interested in the welfare of the country, or wasting taxpayer money. They just wanted to make some political points and instead ended up showing their asses and what a bunch of buffoons they really are.

Everyone is sick and tired of hearing about Hillary's damn e-mails........and Benghazi was a terrible tragedy, but not even close to the terrible tragedy we suffered under the Doofus, George W. Bush.
The hearing highlighted how the left loves their liars and will coronate them with the crown if they can get good enough at it. You didn't see Cummings at all huh? Looked like a fat zit exploding like a volcano. All to protect their only hope in dragging America further into socialism.

Hillary is quite stupid to think most of America will buy it, only the zombies on the left are in tune.

Cummings wasn't even close to telling the nasty right-wing TeaBags who were grilling Hillary what they needed to hear. The hearing highlighted the Republican committee member's bombastic attitudes and their seemlngly focused attention on the fact that it was blamed on a video, as opposed to who knows what.....because as yet, no one has been able to claim they know exactly what prompted the attack. As if that would have made a difference.

What shallow pieces of crap the Republicans have put in office....God help us all if they succeed in making T-Chump president. Thankfully, the hearing ended up helping Hillary instead of hurting her. Republicans can thank their leader's incompetence for that....:rolleyes:
You're stuck on a spin cycle or something. Maybe there's a sock stuck in your agitator?
You guys need to keep it general...Specifics and details dont work in your favor
But they do, lying about it doesn't help. Lying is all you have.
Lying about what? Specifically?
Have someone with a wench get your head out of your ass.

The only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think that their buffoon leaders did them proud.

Even Faux News had to give her credit for standing strong even though they found ways to criticize her, which is no surprise.
I don't watch CNN so I have no idea what faux news did. I use my own ears and eyes, I don't need your marching orders.

I don't see any "marching orders" in my post, but maybe you're referring to your previous suggestion for a wench to get head out of which I said the only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think their buffoon leaders did them proud. So, thank you for admitting you are one of them, and I respect your decision to keep your head up your ass....:rolleyes:
But they do, lying about it doesn't help. Lying is all you have.
Lying about what? Specifically?
Have someone with a wench get your head out of your ass.

The only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think that their buffoon leaders did them proud.

Even Faux News had to give her credit for standing strong even though they found ways to criticize her, which is no surprise.
I don't watch CNN so I have no idea what faux news did. I use my own ears and eyes, I don't need your marching orders.

I don't see any "marching orders" in my post, but maybe you're referring to your previous suggestion for a wench to get head out of which I said the only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think their buffoon leaders did them proud. So, thank you for admitting you are one of them, and I respect your decision to keep your head up your ass....:rolleyes:
How old are you?
Lying about what? Specifically?
Have someone with a wench get your head out of your ass.

The only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think that their buffoon leaders did them proud.

Even Faux News had to give her credit for standing strong even though they found ways to criticize her, which is no surprise.
I don't watch CNN so I have no idea what faux news did. I use my own ears and eyes, I don't need your marching orders.

I don't see any "marching orders" in my post, but maybe you're referring to your previous suggestion for a wench to get head out of which I said the only ones with their head up their ass are the Republican/conservatives who continue to think their buffoon leaders did them proud. So, thank you for admitting you are one of them, and I respect your decision to keep your head up your ass....:rolleyes:
How old are you?

Old enough to assess your buffoonish posts.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


Exposing her lies and incompetence, it's a bargain.

Who outside of your wingnut bubble has been convinced of that?
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.

Which equates to utter failure on the part of the GOP given that the stated purpose of the Benghazi witch hunt committee was to harm Hillary's chances in 2016.

She's now on record when it comes to what happened. You have to give the diggers time to come up with any contradictions or questions, and of course, if anything comes out later that directly contradicts what she said in the hearing....

Who are we kidding, Clintons have been getting away with massaging the truth since the 90's.

Your incompetent chairman already admitted that she didn't contribute anything that hasn't already been hashed over a thousand times.

Still was worth it to watch all you message board progressive hacks come out of the wood work to whine about the cost and defend your hero.

It's also been worth it to see you wingnuts struggle to come up with a justification for it all.
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.

Which equates to utter failure on the part of the GOP given that the stated purpose of the Benghazi witch hunt committee was to harm Hillary's chances in 2016.

They sure did get Kevin McCarthy out of there quick when he told the truth about the hearings

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought."

He described effect, not cause.

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