So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

Hillary Stronger Than Ever As Republicans Panic Over Botched Benghazi Hearing

Thursday’s 11 hour marathon of Hillary Clinton bashing was supposed to be a triumph of partisan politics. It was supposed to be a validation of the use of the House’s most powerful tool, the congressional subpoena, as opposition research. It was supposed to destroy Hillary Clinton’s run for the White House. It was supposed to be a lot of things for Republicans.

What it turned out to be was an absolute disaster that guaranteed a Clinton in the White House if Hillary wins the Democratic primaries.

Instead of a coordinated series of attacks that left the former Secretary of State reeling and on the defensive, we were presented with a series of increasingly unhinged nonsense and Hillary Clinton that walked away with a smile on her face and a swagger in her step. And everyone knew it:

Time: How Hillary Clinton Won the Benghazi Hearing
Time? Why not quote the HRC webste, one in the same.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
Thank you Jillian

you are an inspiration to all right-thinking Americans

Right thinking Americans know that liberals will spend ten times the amount funding research into studying why pornography is more popular with men.

I think we should demand a committee to investigate the 9th Benghazi Committee and make them pay back the millions they wasted out of their own pocket.
good Idea ... lets take it out of their wages each month ... then take that money and put it into social security ... where they've been taking it from ... this way they're not having to raising taxes so they can pay for their wars... that's always a good Idea
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.
The FBI NEVER investigates people who did nothing wrong. Ask the Gotti family who watched Daddy die in Jail.
It is fun to watch valeravi struggle time and time again to say something of value.

She ALWAYS misses -- by a wide margin.

Not a thing worth saying, and like the Energizer fuckin' bunny, she just keeps going and going and going ....


still lying about that, huh?

how desperate of you.

WTF are you babbling about now you imbecile?

Lying about valeravi having nothing to offer?

That's called "the truth."

No wonder you are so terminally confused.

quiet, loon. time for your meds.

Shedap ya harpy twat. You're just projecting again.

But beyond your obvious mental deficiencies, it's good to see you duck when you realize you've just been exposed as a jackass --


It must suck to realize how badly your party buffoons did while trying to derail Hillary and instead helped her gain strength.

How Hillary Clinton Won the Benghazi Hearing

Hillary Clinton won the Benghazi hearing.

Sorry, Republicans, Clinton Won the Benghazi hearing

The Daily 202: Eight reasons Hillary Clinton won the Benghazi hearing

Actually, it must suck to be YOU, kotex and have to try to defend the indefensible behavior and pathological lies of Shrillary all the time.

God damn it boy. She's spoken for.

Just ask Monica.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

It ain't over until you sing lady...
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.
In 2040 the liberal Democratics (i.e., the new proud Socialist Party of America) will still be denying that Shrillary lied and that the Benghazi committee investigation proved it beyond all doubt.

Bwahahaha.....they didn't prove anything, other than what buffoons Republican TeaBag politicians really are.

To waste taxpayer money on a witch hunt is what the Republican party is all about. Conservatives claim they are for smaller government and less spending, but they are nothing but a bunch of liars. They just want to be in control so they can shred the constitution, insert more of their draconian laws into our government and make this country into a third world country.

I enjoy your delusions and the trained seal clapping that follows from the hacks such as Shillian.

But you do remain flatly wrong. There is no honest doubt that Shrillary did lie. As did the Administration TO the American people.
In 2040 the liberal Democratics (i.e., the new proud Socialist Party of America) will still be denying that Shrillary lied and that the Benghazi committee investigation proved it beyond all doubt.

Bwahahaha.....they didn't prove anything, other than what buffoons Republican TeaBag politicians really are.

To waste taxpayer money on a witch hunt is what the Republican party is all about. Conservatives claim they are for smaller government and less spending, but they are nothing but a bunch of liars. They just want to be in control so they can shred the constitution, insert more of their draconian laws into our government and make this country into a third world country.

I enjoy your delusions and the trained seal clapping that follows from the hacks such as Shillian.

But you do remain flatly wrong. There is no honest doubt that Shrillary did lie. As did the Administration TO the American people.
Lied about what EXACTLY?

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The libbies here take the investigation as a game with a score count.

The rules of law and ethics and the urgent need, going forward, to correct the many mistakes made by this inept Administration be damned.
In 2040 the liberal Democratics (i.e., the new proud Socialist Party of America) will still be denying that Shrillary lied and that the Benghazi committee investigation proved it beyond all doubt.

Bwahahaha.....they didn't prove anything, other than what buffoons Republican TeaBag politicians really are.

To waste taxpayer money on a witch hunt is what the Republican party is all about. Conservatives claim they are for smaller government and less spending, but they are nothing but a bunch of liars. They just want to be in control so they can shred the constitution, insert more of their draconian laws into our government and make this country into a third world country.

I enjoy your delusions and the trained seal clapping that follows from the hacks such as Shillian.

But you do remain flatly wrong. There is no honest doubt that Shrillary did lie. As did the Administration TO the American people.
Lied about what EXACTLY?

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Damn. You ask that like you haven't gotten the answer tens of times already in THIS very thread alone.

It's clear you aren't asking a serious question. Otherwise you'd have paid attention by now; and maybe have read the many times that "question" was already answered and proved right here in this thread.
Lied about what EXACTLY?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

They got nothing. A team of prosecutors, ten hours and one giant whiff.
wihosa can't even handle the quote function.

But ok. Sure. The investigation didn't prove any lies by Shrillary.

Run with that.

In fact, go ahead and quote it.
Amazing how delusional USMB right wingers are over this topic. The hearings were a huge success and boost for Clinton and a huge loss and set back for the Republicans thanks to the despicable behavior of the Republican members of the committee.
Clinton proved she could stay calm and cool under the pressure of 11 hours of badgering interrogation. In the end even the chairman had to admit the committee learned nothing new of any substance.
Remember, it was only about a week ago that Republican contenders for the Presidency whined about the length of time of the upcoming debates. Both Trump and Carson insisted two hours was the most they would debate. They threatened to not show up and boycott the debate if it were to held for three hours. Trump could have never withstood what Clinton put up with. He barley made it through the debate and was visibly getting exhausted towards the end of the three hour debate.

Andd somehow you are proud of this? Amazing.

So, you're proud of a blowhard that has already whined that he can't handle a debate longer than 2 hours? Super Amazing!

I'm proud of the fact that he stood his ground and made the media cave. They knew without Trump, their dog and pony show would flop.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

It ain't over until you sing lady...
The FBI will let you know when it's over

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