So Hillary-Deranged Wingers, How'd You Do For Your Twenty Million Dollars?

THE HOUSE Select Committee on Benghazi further discredited itself on Thursday as its Republican members attempted to fuel largely insubstantial suspicions about Hillary Clinton's role in the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Grilling Ms. Clinton all day, they elicited little new information and offered little hope that their inquiry would find anything significant that seven previous investigations didn't. [The Washington Post, 10/22/15]
Last Few Night after hours of tossing and turning a worn out Trey Gowdy falls a sleep...then the Dreams began hahahahahahahaha waahahahahahahahahaha

Good point


Gowdy looks like banjo boy

he probably shouldn't elongate his face by having his hair tight and high

that said, at least he did what the wingers on the board haven;t ---admitted that they got nothing out of the hearing

I did, found out she she told her daughter that night and Egypt the next day it was a terrorist act.

Ya know what's amusing to me Nixion had to Resign from the presidency after erasing 18 minutes of tape, Hillary erases what 30,000 e mails lies to the American public it wad just about a video, her state department mis places / loses 6 billion dollars and you guys still want to vote for her...

Your partisanship has no boundrys......


you mean partisanship that is based in the real world.

ok. :cuckoo:

but thanks for the rightwingnut talking points... all of which have been debunked.

p.s. again, nixon did not resign because he erased 18 minutes of tape. he resigned because he participated in a conspiracy to cover up a criminal act.

you loons don't know when to stop.

Nixon lied about a break in of a political office. No one died, no one was injured.

HRC lied about the reasons that 4 americans were murdered by islamic terrorists, she lied about landing under sniper fire, she lied about her husbands perverted sex life, if she is talking, she is lying.

the loons here are the ones who continue to support this lying old bitch.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


We know that Hillary helped Obama cover up that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and not over a video that no one saw
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.


We know that Hillary helped Obama cover up that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and not over a video that no one saw

libs don't care. they would vote for her if she pissed in their coffee.
Well if incompetence is you game then Clinton is a winner.

Said proudly by a (no-less) T-Chump drooler, who has already whined that he can't handle a debate longer than 2 hours......bwahahaha...:)

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

"T-Chump" is better than "What difference does it make?" HIldebeast any day of the week.

The fact that you support that POS Hildebeast tells everyone everything they need to know about your partisan ass. You'd vote for Jack the Ripper for POTUS as long as he were a Dem.
I believe we are status quo. No one's mind's were changed.

Which equates to utter failure on the part of the GOP given that the stated purpose of the Benghazi witch hunt committee was to harm Hillary's chances in 2016.

She's now on record when it comes to what happened. You have to give the diggers time to come up with any contradictions or questions, and of course, if anything comes out later that directly contradicts what she said in the hearing....

Who are we kidding, Clintons have been getting away with massaging the truth since the 90's.

Your incompetent chairman already admitted that she didn't contribute anything that hasn't already been hashed over a thousand times.

Still was worth it to watch all you message board progressive hacks come out of the wood work to whine about the cost and defend your hero.

It's also been worth it to see you wingnuts struggle to come up with a justification for it all.

And the justification for every congressional committee created by that large eared troll waxman is what?

It's a dog and pony show when either side does it, you just get butthurt when the other side does it, like the good lapdog progressive hack you are.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.

the FBA said that she hadn't don't anything illegal with her emails ... what the FBI was doing was responding to the house who enquire about her emails ... this was stated by the FBI in the press... it was republicans like Darrell Issa who made remarksin the press about how she lied to us about emails, and saying that she lied about attack in Benghazi... that was over a video ... they right went crazy over that ... they never found her doing anything wrong they did find out that Darrell Issa lied on fox news saying she stopped all efforts of the military trying to rescue them ... that was a lie ... Darrell Issa also said that she lied about the video In the Benghazi killings w... when they captured Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the master mind of the attack, they found out that the attack was done by a group of terrorist in Benghazi who the leader of the group Ahmed Abu Khatallah stated he was attacking becasue of the video and because americans presents ... Darrell Issa lied about that too ... the problem you have is you hate liberals ... you will lie about liberals for your amusement ...we get it
In 2040 the liberal Democratics (i.e., the new proud Socialist Party of America) will still be denying that Shrillary lied and that the Benghazi committee investigation proved it beyond all doubt.

Bwahahaha.....they didn't prove anything, other than what buffoons Republican TeaBag politicians really are.

To waste taxpayer money on a witch hunt is what the Republican party is all about. Conservatives claim they are for smaller government and less spending, but they are nothing but a bunch of liars. They just want to be in control so they can shred the constitution, insert more of their draconian laws into our government and make this country into a third world country.

I enjoy your delusions and the trained seal clapping that follows from the hacks such as Shillian.

But you do remain flatly wrong. There is no honest doubt that Shrillary did lie. As did the Administration TO the American people.
prove to us where she lied if you can ... I realize you can't, by all of your false statements here with all your demagoging please show us 1 lie she told ...
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.

the FBA said that she hadn't don't anything illegal with her emails ... what the FBI was doing was responding to the house who enquire about her emails ... this was stated by the FBI in the press... it was republicans like Darrell Issa who made remarksin the press about how she lied to us about emails, and saying that she lied about attack in Benghazi... that was over a video ... they right went crazy over that ... they never found her doing anything wrong they did find out that Darrell Issa lied on fox news saying she stopped all efforts of the military trying to rescue them ... that was a lie ... Darrell Issa also said that she lied about the video In the Benghazi killings w... when they captured Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the master mind of the attack, they found out that the attack was done by a group of terrorist in Benghazi who the leader of the group Ahmed Abu Khatallah stated he was attacking becasue of the video and because americans presents ... Darrell Issa lied about that too ... the problem you have is you hate liberals ... you will lie about liberals for your amusement ...we get it

exactly... but they think if a rightwingnut says it, it must be true.

and therein lies the problem with confirmation bias.
You spent twenty million dollars in our tax dollars to get what?

A great showcase for Hillary Clinton to kick your butts and solidify her presidential chances.


Now tell us how we can't afford to feed the hungry and subsidize medical care.

The FBI will let you know
know what???

That Hillary didn't do anything wrong.

Actually, the FBI would have to literally go blind to even pretend to reach the "conclusion" that Shrillary didn't do anything wrong.

Of course, even if the FBI concludes that she deserves prosecution, they are not the prosecutors. And the Obumbler Administration's Miscarriage of Justice Department is very unlikely to actually SEEK justice when it comes to a favored liberal Democrat Parody individual, especially the likely liberal Democrat Party standard bearer for the Presidency.

Of course, I never expected the Obumbler Administration "Justice" Department to do the right thing. And I haven't spent any time longing for her to get dressed in the Federal Orange jump -- err --pantsuit, anyway.

Gowdy looks like banjo boy

he probably shouldn't elongate his face by having his hair tight and high

that said, at least he did what the wingers on the board haven;t ---admitted that they got nothing out of the hearing

I did, found out she she told her daughter that night and Egypt the next day it was a terrorist act.

Ya know what's amusing to me Nixion had to Resign from the presidency after erasing 18 minutes of tape, Hillary erases what 30,000 e mails lies to the American public it wad just about a video, her state department mis places / loses 6 billion dollars and you guys still want to vote for her...

Your partisanship has no boundrys......


you mean partisanship that is based in the real world.

ok. :cuckoo:

but thanks for the rightwingnut talking points... all of which have been debunked.

p.s. again, nixon did not resign because he erased 18 minutes of tape. he resigned because he participated in a conspiracy to cover up a criminal act.

you loons don't know when to stop.

Nixon lied about a break in of a political office. No one died, no one was injured.

HRC lied about the reasons that 4 americans were murdered by islamic terrorists, she lied about landing under sniper fire, she lied about her husbands perverted sex life, if she is talking, she is lying.

the loons here are the ones who continue to support this lying old bitch.
Actually nixion never lied about the break in history has show he knew nothing about the break that I as a liberal knbow where the hell have you been ... what nixion did was lie about how he tried to cover up the break in and how he lied about breaking into the psychiatrists office and lied about money being paid ... I see you didn't watch the benghazi hearings... where did she lie about her husbands previous sex life???
he probably shouldn't elongate his face by having his hair tight and high

that said, at least he did what the wingers on the board haven;t ---admitted that they got nothing out of the hearing

I did, found out she she told her daughter that night and Egypt the next day it was a terrorist act.

Ya know what's amusing to me Nixion had to Resign from the presidency after erasing 18 minutes of tape, Hillary erases what 30,000 e mails lies to the American public it wad just about a video, her state department mis places / loses 6 billion dollars and you guys still want to vote for her...

Your partisanship has no boundrys......


you mean partisanship that is based in the real world.

ok. :cuckoo:

but thanks for the rightwingnut talking points... all of which have been debunked.

p.s. again, nixon did not resign because he erased 18 minutes of tape. he resigned because he participated in a conspiracy to cover up a criminal act.

you loons don't know when to stop.

Nixon lied about a break in of a political office. No one died, no one was injured.

HRC lied about the reasons that 4 americans were murdered by islamic terrorists, she lied about landing under sniper fire, she lied about her husbands perverted sex life, if she is talking, she is lying.

the loons here are the ones who continue to support this lying old bitch.
Actually nixion never lied about the break in history has show he knew nothing about the break that I as a liberal knbow where the hell have you been ... what nixion did was lie about how he tried to cover up the break in and how he lied about breaking into the psychiatrists office and lied about money being paid ... I see you didn't watch the benghazi hearings... where did she lie about her husbands previous sex life???

I didn't say she lied about bubba and his perversions during the benghazi hearings. What is true is that she helped in the campaigns to destroy those women rather than let the truth bring the rapist down.

the point I was trying to make about Nixon was that what he did was very very minor compared to what the clintons have done. sorry if it was too complex for you.
I did, found out she she told her daughter that night and Egypt the next day it was a terrorist act.

Ya know what's amusing to me Nixion had to Resign from the presidency after erasing 18 minutes of tape, Hillary erases what 30,000 e mails lies to the American public it wad just about a video, her state department mis places / loses 6 billion dollars and you guys still want to vote for her...

Your partisanship has no boundrys......


you mean partisanship that is based in the real world.

ok. :cuckoo:

but thanks for the rightwingnut talking points... all of which have been debunked.

p.s. again, nixon did not resign because he erased 18 minutes of tape. he resigned because he participated in a conspiracy to cover up a criminal act.

you loons don't know when to stop.

Nixon lied about a break in of a political office. No one died, no one was injured.

HRC lied about the reasons that 4 americans were murdered by islamic terrorists, she lied about landing under sniper fire, she lied about her husbands perverted sex life, if she is talking, she is lying.

the loons here are the ones who continue to support this lying old bitch.
Actually nixion never lied about the break in history has show he knew nothing about the break that I as a liberal knbow where the hell have you been ... what nixion did was lie about how he tried to cover up the break in and how he lied about breaking into the psychiatrists office and lied about money being paid ... I see you didn't watch the benghazi hearings... where did she lie about her husbands previous sex life???

I didn't say she lied about bubba and his perversions during the benghazi hearings. What is true is that she helped in the campaigns to destroy those women rather than let the truth bring the rapist down.

the point I was trying to make about Nixon was that what he did was very very minor compared to what the clintons have done. sorry if it was too complex for you.
it wasn't complex ... where did you get the Idea that I said she lied about bubba and his perversions during the benghazi hearings ... never said that never implied it ... when the clintons went to court over these womans statements, the court determined that they lied ... nothing she said was accurate ... what they did was settle out of court ... what they also did find out was she received breast implants and a nose job along with 270,000 dollars paid by the RNC ... what ended up with clinton was he was convicted of giving misleading testimony .. look it up ... clinton by saying he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, where the law defines sexual relations at that time as sexual intercourse, when that statement was made, oral sex wasn't considered as sexual relation ... the have now changed the meaning in the legal dictionary .. he never was convicted of lying under oath ... he was convicted of giving misleading testimony ... thats not considered a lie its considered as misleading ...
I did, found out she she told her daughter that night and Egypt the next day it was a terrorist act.

Ya know what's amusing to me Nixion had to Resign from the presidency after erasing 18 minutes of tape, Hillary erases what 30,000 e mails lies to the American public it wad just about a video, her state department mis places / loses 6 billion dollars and you guys still want to vote for her...

Your partisanship has no boundrys......


you mean partisanship that is based in the real world.

ok. :cuckoo:

but thanks for the rightwingnut talking points... all of which have been debunked.

p.s. again, nixon did not resign because he erased 18 minutes of tape. he resigned because he participated in a conspiracy to cover up a criminal act.

you loons don't know when to stop.

Nixon lied about a break in of a political office. No one died, no one was injured.

HRC lied about the reasons that 4 americans were murdered by islamic terrorists, she lied about landing under sniper fire, she lied about her husbands perverted sex life, if she is talking, she is lying.

the loons here are the ones who continue to support this lying old bitch.
Actually nixion never lied about the break in history has show he knew nothing about the break that I as a liberal knbow where the hell have you been ... what nixion did was lie about how he tried to cover up the break in and how he lied about breaking into the psychiatrists office and lied about money being paid ... I see you didn't watch the benghazi hearings... where did she lie about her husbands previous sex life???

I didn't say she lied about bubba and his perversions during the benghazi hearings. What is true is that she helped in the campaigns to destroy those women rather than let the truth bring the rapist down.

the point I was trying to make about Nixon was that what he did was very very minor compared to what the clintons have done. sorry if it was too complex for you.
lying to the feds is a felony ... what he did was wrong, yes and nobody died ... this is true too ... you implied that hillary lied about the deaths in benghazi ... the hearings proved that she did everything she could to protect them and her efforts failed ... not because she tried, but because all of our military or any help was to far away to help ... this too was stated in the benghazi hearings if you watched it ... it seems to me that you didn't watch it ... it seems to me when these republicans kept repeating the same questions over and over you resorted to the lies that have been told in the press by republicans and you just won't accept that they lied to you ... you won't accept that she did everything she could to save them... we get it ... you like to be lied to
Which equates to utter failure on the part of the GOP given that the stated purpose of the Benghazi witch hunt committee was to harm Hillary's chances in 2016.

She's now on record when it comes to what happened. You have to give the diggers time to come up with any contradictions or questions, and of course, if anything comes out later that directly contradicts what she said in the hearing....

Who are we kidding, Clintons have been getting away with massaging the truth since the 90's.

Your incompetent chairman already admitted that she didn't contribute anything that hasn't already been hashed over a thousand times.

Still was worth it to watch all you message board progressive hacks come out of the wood work to whine about the cost and defend your hero.

It's also been worth it to see you wingnuts struggle to come up with a justification for it all.

And the justification for every congressional committee created by that large eared troll waxman is what?

It's a dog and pony show when either side does it, you just get butthurt when the other side does it, like the good lapdog progressive hack you are.


Who's "butthurt"?? Let the asshole House republicans drag this on even further, as far as I'm concerned.

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