So hillary has 2 separate email accounts but only wipes one...????

Only hater dupes care. There's NO evidence of any crime or any actual problem but total Foxbot bs and Clinton derangement syndrome....Nothing to cover up. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

No, people who actually care about this country, and the laws that our governmental officials are supposed to follow care. They are no better than we are and are supposed to follow the same laws we do. Only progressive totalitarians, such as yourself don't care because you all think you're above the law.

Guess what. You're not. And neither is she.
So what evidence do you have that she didn't follow any law, beside bs propaganda/speculation I mean, hater dupe? Why haven't any of you ignoramuses taken her to court? You live on an imaginary planet. This is for 23 years now...

The fact that she is trying like hell to not have to release them. If this were Bush you would be screaming for them you hypocritical jerkweed.
Boooshies illegally used RNC e-mails for almost all their lying bs, and got away scot free. In this case, there's no crime to cover up. Just infotainment for chumps.
She was using the server for State Department business. That much is very clear based on what has been released. The secret stuff is the back room deal making ole Sid was engaging in to enrich Hillary and company based on insider info that she was able to generate based on CIA, DIA, and NSA reports among others. In other words she was using government agencies to enrich herself.

IF she was using her private server to email someone at State, then the recipients' email inboxes are readily available. This whole thing is an extension of the Benghazi witch hunt.

And well it should be. The Benghazi "witch hunt" as you call it was hampered by the fact that her emails were not forthcoming. She was hiding the dirty deals that Blumenthal was doing and because she was worried about those coming to light I feel she pulled the rug out from under the guys in Benghazi.

The stand down order is a farce. There was a QRF an hour and a half away. Why weren't they sent?

Witch hunt? Far from it. A US ambassador was left hanging and we the People demand to know why.
She was using the server for State Department business. That much is very clear based on what has been released. The secret stuff is the back room deal making ole Sid was engaging in to enrich Hillary and company based on insider info that she was able to generate based on CIA, DIA, and NSA reports among others. In other words she was using government agencies to enrich herself.

IF she was using her private server to email someone at State, then the recipients' email inboxes are readily available. This whole thing is an extension of the Benghazi witch hunt.

And well it should be. The Benghazi "witch hunt" as you call it was hampered by the fact that her emails were not forthcoming. She was hiding the dirty deals that Blumenthal was doing and because she was worried about those coming to light I feel she pulled the rug out from under the guys in Benghazi.

The stand down order is a farce. There was a QRF an hour and a half away. Why weren't they sent?

Witch hunt? Far from it. A US ambassador was left hanging and we the People demand to know why.
Meh - The amount of people that dies in shitty circumstances in war are numerous. This happens to be more publicized because the timing and it was a diplomat rather than your run of the mill grunt but in all honesty the entire thing is asinine. There are REAL controversies here. Ones that have far more impact than an incorrect call in Benghazi.
She was using the server for State Department business. That much is very clear based on what has been released. The secret stuff is the back room deal making ole Sid was engaging in to enrich Hillary and company based on insider info that she was able to generate based on CIA, DIA, and NSA reports among others. In other words she was using government agencies to enrich herself.

IF she was using her private server to email someone at State, then the recipients' email inboxes are readily available. This whole thing is an extension of the Benghazi witch hunt.

And well it should be. The Benghazi "witch hunt" as you call it was hampered by the fact that her emails were not forthcoming. She was hiding the dirty deals that Blumenthal was doing and because she was worried about those coming to light I feel she pulled the rug out from under the guys in Benghazi.

The stand down order is a farce. There was a QRF an hour and a half away. Why weren't they sent?

Witch hunt? Far from it. A US ambassador was left hanging and we the People demand to know why.
Meh - The amount of people that dies in shitty circumstances in war are numerous. This happens to be more publicized because the timing and it was a diplomat rather than your run of the mill grunt but in all honesty the entire thing is asinine. There are REAL controversies here. Ones that have far more impact than an incorrect call in Benghazi.

I agree with you on that. I am wondering what old Bloomie was doing in Libya, really wondering.

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