So Hillary Wants To Tax Soda.Then What?Tax On Flushing Toilets And Cursing?

Liberals love to tax the vices....cigarettes, alcohol, soda, etc. Then, demand will go down. Everyone's happy, right? Dem Libz done good BUTTT...there is a tax revenue shortfall for the Liberals' expansive programs. Hence, need to find something else to tax.
I wish there was a tax on stupid posts and inaccurate rhetoric... We would be out of debt by now
Rabbits should be taxed...

You're not allowed to pet the rabbits, George.
Goat fuckers should be taxed...
Hillarys Erection Tax. $5.00 for every time we get an erection,,,god, in that case we will all be declaring bankruptcy within 2 months
Every time slick willys eye wonders... Progressives should be taxed...
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Liberals love to tax the vices....cigarettes, alcohol, soda, etc. Then, demand will go down. Everyone's happy, right? Dem Libz done good BUTTT...there is a tax revenue shortfall for the Liberals' expansive programs. Hence, need to find something else to tax.
Legalize Pot and tax the shit out of it... Economic and Crime problems solved... thats what we call two birds one stone
Liberals salivate at the thought of taxation. They will support the taxing of anything consumed, enjoyed or inherited.
Liberals salivate at the thought of taxation. They will support the taxing of anything consumed, enjoyed or inherited.
I don't know why anybody would salivate over taxes... It is however how our economy works
Liberals salivate at the thought of taxation. They will support the taxing of anything consumed, enjoyed or inherited.

Liberals are lowlife filth who ruin everything they touch, a bigger group of buzz kills has never existed. The control freaks feel they are entitled to control everyone's lives and their money in spite of their long track record of failure, hypocrisy and double standards. I'm fine with dividing the nation and letting them wallow in squalor and depravity on their side of the border.

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