So Horowitz determines the FBI lied 17 times and Comey says it’s “vindication”

Can someone please explain this to me?

I heard there were 17 different issues that should be looked at. Perhaps the existing rules should be changed in some of those cases, or existing procedures modified, but I don' recall seeing 17 lies pointed out, or 17 incidents where the existing rules were not followed. Do you have a link pointing out specific lies?
17 "errors"....That all fell in the same direction....In the same case....In favor of the police/spook state against civilians.

Not even you can pretend to be this naive....Or can you?

Have you ever noticed how these "errors" only happen to one side?

The FBI worked to clear Hillary while simultaneously working to frame Trump and anyone associated with him.
Can someone please explain this to me?

I heard there were 17 different issues that should be looked at. Perhaps the existing rules should be changed in some of those cases, or existing procedures modified, but I don' recall seeing 17 lies pointed out, or 17 incidents where the existing rules were not followed. Do you have a link pointing out specific lies?
17 "errors"....That all fell in the same direction....In the same case....In favor of the police/spook state against civilians.

Not even you can pretend to be this naive....Or can you?
Don’t forget 51 Woods procedures violations as well.
Can someone please explain this to me?
Comey may be the slimiest liar to ever head the FBI, even more corrupt than Mueller and J. Edgar Hoover.


Despite the clouds of unknowing emanating from the liberal press, Americans are catching on. Rasmussen asked the question: How likely is it that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency – very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely? 52% of likely voters responded that it is likely that senior federal law enforcement officials–the senior federal law enforcement officials–the FBI’s leadership–broke the law in an effort to defeat Trump (36% “very likely”), vs. only 39% who think such FBI lawbreaking unlikely. Amazingly, more people seem to be listening to Andy McCarthy and Lee Smith than to the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the Associated Press, etc. That’s what truth will do for you. Some of the time, anyway.

A plurality of 43% say that these federal law enforcement officials should go to jail if found guilty, up from 25% earlier this year. A merciful 22% just want them fired.

It’s weird how people sometimes can figure out the truth, no matter how much money is spent to try to cover it up.
17 lies, all were against Trump, and Comey says the FBI is vindicated?

For Libs who agree...just change the POTUS to Bush and the Candidate to Obama.

Now was it illegal spying?

Be honest.

If Bush pulled on Obama what Obama pulled on Trump, would Lefties be singing the same tune? To impeach Obama?

We all know the answer.

Link to those lies?

Come on’s in the IG report.

DOJ inspector general finds 17 'significant errors or omissions' in Carter Page FISA applications

OK. those were errors and omissions. where are the lies? That is a totally different thing.

Pretend Trump did them. Now they are lies.

See how easy that is?
Can someone please explain this to me?
Yes. James Comey is a Pathological Liar and his wife wears the Pussy Hat.

Before the first FISA application was signed and submitted by the pompous, self-serving serial liar James Comey, who signed three of them, Carter Page wrote Comey a letter telling him he was a government asset working with the CIA and the FBI. If that letter had been presented to the FISA court by Comey, as it should have been, the FISA court never would have approved the Obama administration surveillance of Carter Page and Team Trump. As Legal analyst Gregg Jarrett points out:

“If you don’t have a legal foundation to surveil somebody and you keep doing it, is that bad?” Sen. Graham asked Horowitz.

“Absolutely,” replied Horowitz, adding that “it’s illegal surveillance.”

Beyond Steele’s fictitious document, the FBI hid from the FISA Court exculpatory evidence that Page was not a Russian spy, which is how the initial warrant application boldly described him.

According to the IG, a top FBI attorney (identified by Graham during the hearing as Kevin Clinesmith) doctored an email that falsely portrayed Page as a Russian spy when, in fact, the original email confirmed that he had worked for a U.S. intelligence agency. Page had also helped to prosecute an espionage case against Russian agents.

Comey knew this before the first warrant was ever sought. This Witch Hunt was the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History. Page had sent a letter to the director in September 2016 advising that he had assisted the FBI and CIA for many years, acting as a valuable source.

Instead of responding to Page or having the bureau interview him, Comey prepared and executed a warrant application to have him wiretapped and to secretly access all of his electronic communications going forward and backward.​

That letter by Page to Pathological Comey, hidden and never acknowledged or disputed by Lying Comey, is a deliberate fraud committed by Corrupt Comey upon the FISA court. This deliberate act by itself is a felony worthy of serious prison time. Slimeball Comey lied to the court and the action by FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith, another deliberate act, implies both intent and therefore bias. Vile Comey was not misled by underlings, as he told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, nor was the malfeasance seven layers beneath him as he claimed. He was the leader of the pack of lieutenants waging a criminal coup against a duly elected president of the United States.

Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, he with multiple criminal referrals against him, was not seven layers down from Rotten Skunk Comey. According to a House Intelligence Committee memo, written when it was chaired by the now-vindicated Rep. Devin Nunes, McCabe admitted that without the now fully discredited Steele dossier, there would have been no FISA warrants and no subsequent deep state coup against Trump under the guise of a counterintelligence investigation:

Venal Comey knew all this, or should have known all this. His deputy, McCabe, was at the heart of all the criminal activity and knows where the bodies are buried. The Steele dossier, despite McCabe’s prior obfuscations, was acquired illegally. Money was laundered through a law firm, to a dirt-gathering opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, to a foreign agent, Christopher Steele, to Russian sources making most of the stuff up. The fact that the transaction went through multiple hands does not make it any more legal. It just makes the coming indictment longer.

McCabe, Foul Comey, and the people who worked under McCabe, such as Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, then took this fruit of foreign interference and used it to commit a fraud upon the FISA court to trigger the illegal surveillance of one political campaign by another with the aid of co-conspirators at the DoJ and FBI.

That McCabe himself was a key architect of this coup is found in the texts of FBI Agent Peter Strozk, who speaks of the plan hatched in “Andy’s office” to stop Trump at all costs, with this end justifying any and all means:

These criminal activities by Loathsome Comey’s immediate subordinates imply intent and therefore bias. It was not done at some rogue field office but at FBI headquarters by Revolting Comey’s immediate underlings. Dishonorable Comey lied when in an earlier interview with Brett Beier on Fox News’ Special Report that the dossier was merely part of a “broad mosaic” of evidence indicating Carter Page was a Russian asset worthy of surveillance. It was the whole enchilada and a lie at that just as Execrable Comey’s “recollection” was a lie.

After a meeting with Obama; Wicked Comey went to the White House; not to warn Trump about foreign interference, or to give him a heads up or a defensive briefing, but to entrap him just as he bragged about how he entrapped Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn who was told not to worry, he didn’t need a lawyer. Comey bragged about taking advantage of the new Trump Administration’s inexperience and just send over a few agents to do the dirty work without going through proper channels.
Can someone please explain this to me?

I heard there were 17 different issues that should be looked at...
Well 17 specific "Inaccuracies And Omissions"
... Perhaps the existing rules should be changed in some of those cases, or existing procedures modified...
Or, perhaps the FBI should be accurate and complete. Their problem wasn't the "rules" or "procedures" but that they didn't follow them.


His Civil Rights Were Massively Violated By A Thoroughly Corrupt FBI

1) Omitted information from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an operational contact for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
The CIA repeatedly informed the FBI, in writing, that Carter Page interacted with Russian Intelligence, on OUR behalf. The FBI deliberately concealed this from FISC and used his contacts with Russian Intelligence as Probable Cause that he was a spy for Russia!

So what rule or procedure would you like modified? It's already against rules and procedures for the FBI to lie to FISC, and to withhold information.

2) Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” which overstated the significance of Steele’s past reporting and was not approved by Steele’s FBI handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;​

It's already against both rules and procedures to lie to FISC about the FBI's experience with sources and to lie about the quality of their resumes. It's already a rule and a procedure to get the approval of the Source's FBI handling Agent before furnishing the sources resume to The Court.

3) Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source, namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment”​

It's already a rule and a procedure that when you have a source that is a boaster, an egoist, known for exaggeration, that one must inform the Court. How exactly would you like to modify this rule and/or procedure?

4) Asserted that the FBI had assessed that Steele did not directly provide to the press information in the September 23 Yahoo News article, based on the premise that Steele had told the FBI that he only shared his election-related research with the FBI and Fusion GPS Founder Glenn Simpson; this premise was factually incorrect (Steele had provided direct information to Yahoo News) and also contradicted by documentation in the Woods File-Steele had told the FBI that he also gave his information to the State Department;
It's already a rule and a procedure that the FBI is NOT SUPPOSED TO LIE TO FISC. How would you like to "modify this rule and/or procedure"?

5) Omitted Papadopoulos’s statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like WikiLeaks in the release of emails;
When your spy learns that the suspect furnished information that undercuts your case that you are trying to make to FISC, it's already a rule and a procedure that you have to furnish the Court this information. How would you like to modify that rule or procedure?

6) Omitted Page’s statements to an FBI CHS [Confidential Human Source] in August 2016 that Page had “literally never met” or “said one word to” Paul Manafort and that Manafort had not responded to any of Page’s emails; those statements were in opposition with claims in Steele’s Report that Page was participating in a “conspiracy” with Russia by acting as an intermediary for Manafort on behalf of the Trump campaign;
When your spy learns that the suspect furnished information that undercuts your case that you are trying to make to FISC, it's already a rule and a procedure that you have to furnish the Court this information. How would you like to modify that rule or procedure?

7) Selectively included Page’s statements to an FBI CHS in October 2016 that the FBI believed supported its theory that Page was an agent of Russia but deliberately omitted other statements Page made, including denying having ever even met with Sechin and Divyekin, or even knowing who Divyekin was. Those statements directly contradicted the claims in Steele’s Report that Page had met secretly with Sechin and Divyekin about future cooperation with Russia and shared derogatory information about candidate Clinton.​

When your spy learns that the suspect furnished information that undercuts your case that you are trying to make to FISC, it's already a rule and a procedure that you have to furnish the Court this information. How would you like to modify that rule or procedure?

8) Deliberately omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

When the FBI interviewed Steele's source, they furnished exculpatory information that contradicted Steel's claims that formed the probable cause case that Page was a spy in the service of Russia engaged in a criminal conspiracy with the Trump campaign.

It is already a rule and a procedure that this exculpatory information must be provided to FISC, how would you like to modify or change this rule or procedure?

9) Omitted Page’s prior relationship with another U.S. government agency, despite being reminded by the other agency in June 2017, prior to the filing of the final renewal application, about Page’s past status with that other agency; instead of including this information in the final renewal application, the FBI OGC [Office of the General Counsel] Attorney altered an email from the other agency so that the email stated that Page was “not a source” for the other agency, which the FBI affiant relied upon in signing the final renewal application;​

It's already a rule and a procedure that the FBI cannot engage in forgery and submit the forgery in a FISA application. How would you like to alter this rule and procedure?

10) Omitted information provided by persons with direct knowledge of Steele’s work-related performance in a prior position about Steele’s professional judgment, including statements that Steele had held a “moderately senior” position (not “high-ranking” as noted in the applications), had no history of reporting in bad faith but demonstrated “poor judgment,” “pursued people with political risk but no intelligence value,” “didn’t always exercise great judgment,” and it was “not clear what he would have done to validate” his reporting;​

It's already a rule and a procedure that the FBI is not supposed to lie about the quality, resume, judgment, position and validation of their sources, how would you like to modify or alter this rule and procedure?

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page
17 lies, all were against Trump, and Comey says the FBI is vindicated?

For Libs who agree...just change the POTUS to Bush and the Candidate to Obama.

Now was it illegal spying?

Be honest.

If Bush pulled on Obama what Obama pulled on Trump, would Lefties be singing the same tune? To impeach Obama?

We all know the answer.

Link to those lies?

Come on’s in the IG report.

DOJ inspector general finds 17 'significant errors or omissions' in Carter Page FISA applications

OK. those were errors and omissions. where are the lies? That is a totally different thing.

Pretend Trump did them. Now they are lies.

See how easy that is?

I made 40 mistakes with my axe in the matter of my father,
followed by 41 incidents of unintentional sloppiness with my axe, with mum.
--Lizzie Borden, Fusion GPS operative​
Horowitz specifically said that no one was vindicated in his report.
In Trumpian logic that means TOTAL EXONERATION!
Yes it was total exoneration in the Muellar report. And now trumps claims of being spied on by the fbi have been corroborated. At what point do you misfits realize that this was a true. When Durham indicts everyone up to Obama will you still deny the truth. I suspect so.
Funny how every lie, mistake and omission hurt Trump.
It was always a pile of lies and a farce. That was the point Barr made recently about Comey, these were not simple errors and oversights.

Comey seems to think a dismissive whitewash like he gave Clinton is coming his way, and it seems to be slowly starting to dawn on him that is not the case.

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