So How Does It Feel, Democrats?

So you are mad that someone in Washington is acting like a decent human being? Seriously?

When Hitler passed on in 1945, neither President Truman nor PM Churchill, or Uncle Joe Stalin went to the state funeral, nor did they offer condolences to the Hitler Family.

The Libs have declared President Trump to be literally Hitler.
So you are mad that someone in Washington is acting like a decent human being? Seriously?
Yes, you would think everyone should have prayed for the health of Hitler.

None of the people quoted in the article attached to your screed have ever called Trump that.
It must take a great deal of energy to be outraged all the time.
Read the OP.

I did. No one looking at any of the people wishing him well thinks that.
But far be it from me to interrupt your faux outrage.
You’re reading comprehension ability is 1st grade level then. It’s about you freaks who call Trump Hitler and now your leadership wants Hitler prayed for.
Good for her. Classy statement.

The person for whom she prays wouldn't know anything about it.
Read the OP.
I did. Good for her. Nice to hear an intelligent adult speaking and not Trump.
Your reading comprehension sucks too. OP is about you moonbats who call Trump Hitler.
I have never called Trump Hitler.

Please stop lying about my positions. Thanks in advance.
Good for her. Classy statement.

The person for whom she prays wouldn't know anything about it.
Read the OP.
I did. Good for her. Nice to hear an intelligent adult speaking and not Trump.
Your reading comprehension sucks too. OP is about you moonbats who call Trump Hitler.
I have never called Trump Hitler.

Please stop lying about my positions. Thanks in advance.
Stupidest dodge possible, even for you.
Good for her. Classy statement.

The person for whom she prays wouldn't know anything about it.
Read the OP.
I did. Good for her. Nice to hear an intelligent adult speaking and not Trump.
Your reading comprehension sucks too. OP is about you moonbats who call Trump Hitler.
It's more apt to compare him to Mussolini.
Definitely closer, particularly in their flamboyant, absurd, clownish speaking patterns.

Closer is not the same, of course, but there are clear and disturbing similarities.
Imagine being the person who believes "Trump is Hitler" who has just witnessed their trusted political leaders pray for Hitler.

Obama, Biden, and the Clintons offer prayers for Trump after he tests positive for COVID-19

There is only one reason they did that, some poll told them that independents do not like their hate. But its a little too late to cover of the demonic insane hate of the Left
Good for her. Classy statement.

The person for whom she prays wouldn't know anything about it.
Read the OP.
I did. Good for her. Nice to hear an intelligent adult speaking and not Trump.
Your reading comprehension sucks too. OP is about you moonbats who call Trump Hitler.
I have never called Trump Hitler.

Please stop lying about my positions. Thanks in advance.
Stupidest dodge possible, even for you.
Please stop lying about my positions, thanks.
Good for her. Classy statement.

The person for whom she prays wouldn't know anything about it.
Read the OP.
I did. Good for her. Nice to hear an intelligent adult speaking and not Trump.
Your reading comprehension sucks too. OP is about you moonbats who call Trump Hitler.
I have never called Trump Hitler.

Please stop lying about my positions. Thanks in advance.
Stupidest dodge possible, even for you.
Please stop lying about my positions, thanks.
Stupid dodge again!
Imagine being the person who believes "Trump is Hitler" who has just witnessed their trusted political leaders pray for Hitler.

Obama, Biden, and the Clintons offer prayers for Trump after he tests positive for COVID-19

There is only one reason they did that, some poll told them that independents do not like their hate. But its a little too late to cover of the demonic insane hate of the Left
Yep. The anti God Left who mock prayer trying to pretend to pray is hilarious.
So you are mad that someone in Washington is acting like a decent human being? Seriously?
Yes, you would think everyone should have prayed for the health of Hitler.

None of the people quoted in the article attached to your screed have ever called Trump that.
It must take a great deal of energy to be outraged all the time.
WAit, no on on the left has called him Hitler, so that's what your going with?
Two of her deputies did that in the House. Did they get reprimanded?

Lefties, just do a quick Google search, it's not that hard.
You really cant fault them. Just a couple of Jew NAZI's democrats just as smart as the rest. If they weren't wearing four socks and 3 glove they could total up their IQ. Traitors to their race keepin em down on the plantation blaming Trump for all their problems. democrat stooges.
Anyone forgets that the Red States prayers tend to be about Matt 25: 14-30. Hitler, Mussolini and The Trumped-Up all can qualify: Even for the pastoral message of the Red States for baby abandonment. They appear to qualify too(?).

The residence quarters are now under quarantine, even, just this week. There will be a least a Tuesday IV of the Remdesivir anti-contagion cocktail, at the White House.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Red State pastoral prayer long-standing: Matt 25: 14-30! Is it any wonder the Speaker Pelosi is urging prayer(?)! There can be alms, thanksgiving and all kind of messages of relief!)
Imagine being the person who believes "Trump is Hitler" who has just witnessed their trusted political leaders pray for Hitler.

Obama, Biden, and the Clintons offer prayers for Trump after he tests positive for COVID-19
I'm sure you Trumptards would pray for Obama or Pelosi if they came down with COVID-19.
Imagine being the person who believes "Trump is Hitler" who has just witnessed their trusted political leaders pray for Hitler.

Obama, Biden, and the Clintons offer prayers for Trump after he tests positive for COVID-19

There is only one reason they did that, some poll told them that independents do not like their hate. But its a little too late to cover of the demonic insane hate of the Left
Yep. The anti God Left who mock prayer trying to pretend to pray is hilarious.
The right has long ignored the parable of the Samaritan and busied themselves with high sounding excuses to make passing by on the other side the superior moral choice. God does not justify your hatred, at least not in any bible I ever read.
So you are mad that someone in Washington is acting like a decent human being? Seriously?
Yes, you would think everyone should have prayed for the health of Hitler.

None of the people quoted in the article attached to your screed have ever called Trump that.
It must take a great deal of energy to be outraged all the time.
Read the OP.

I did. No one looking at any of the people wishing him well thinks that.
But far be it from me to interrupt your faux outrage.
You’re reading comprehension ability is 1st grade level then. It’s about you freaks who call Trump Hitler and now your leadership wants Hitler prayed for.

Well which is it? Is it you freaks call him Hitler? In which case, I wouldn't call him Hitler and never have. More apt to compare him to Mussolini (think someone already said that). Or is those people call him Hitler? Sounds like you got so enamored with posting, you forgot to actually make a point. If he actually got the virus, I hope he gets better....but, I feel strongly that any sympathy bump he's looking for here will be very short lived. Because right now, it looks like he intentionally went into that debate hall already infectious. We know he went to Bedminster showing symptoms. The governor of NJ isn't too happy about that right now!
Imagine being the person who believes "Trump is Hitler" who has just witnessed their trusted political leaders pray for Hitler.

Obama, Biden, and the Clintons offer prayers for Trump after he tests positive for COVID-19

And? Just shows they're human beings. But you go ahead and get outraged. But keep this in mind. Legitimate news media is already starting to talk about Trump's infection timeline. I'm going to play Karnac (slapping the card to my head) and say that sympathy may have its limits...and may be short lived.
Translation: I'm waiting for the illegitimate news media to tell Me what to think.

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