So how long after the election will we get the "working together" speech by the Democrats?

No, it's just that nobody trusts our voting procedures any longer.
I do. So that’s a lie.

Just because you’re a conspiracy theorist sore loser crybaby doesn’t mean that everyone else is too.

Just because you lose an election doesn’t mean it was rigged. It just means you lost. You win some, you lose some. Grow up.
Just because people disagree with your politics doesn’t mean they’re stupid. It just means they have different perspectives.

You’re a truck driver. You’re not in position to judge intelligence.

Much more than you.

Okay, I'm going to vote in this election. I'm going to vote to continue high fuel prices, vote to keep inflation up, vote so I only have two choices: gasoline or groceries, going to vote to lose more money in the stock market, vote to keep that nuclear war threat hanging over our heads. Now you tell me, other than being politically ignorant or completely stupid, who would vote for that?
I do. So that’s a lie.

Just because you’re a conspiracy theorist sore loser crybaby doesn’t mean that everyone else is too.

Just because you lose an election doesn’t mean it was rigged. It just means you lost. You win some, you lose some. Grow up.

We can't see what goes on in technology inside those machines. That's why both sides scream foul when they lose. There is virtually no way to prove it one way or another. Get rid of technology, then we can always validate the winners and losers and nobody can complain the election was rigged.
If it were up to me, I'd get rid of any technology in voting
Well it’s not up to you. And nobody asked an uneducated truck driver what he thinks we should do.

We’ve had technology used in voting since 1973. It’s only an issue to you now because you lost and because you’re a conspiracy theorist crybaby.
Well it’s not up to you. And nobody asked an uneducated truck driver what he thinks we should do.

We’ve had technology used in voting since 1973. It’s only an issue to you now because you lost and because you’re a conspiracy theorist crybaby.

Your side does the same. They claim the election was fixed when they lose. Remember when this all started. It was Al Gore with the hanging chads thing. So don't point fingers at us. So if you don't want an uneducated truck drivers point of view, we should respect yours? What do you do for a living that you're on here all day champ?
We can't see what goes on in technology inside those machines. That's why both sides scream foul when they lose.
Because they’re whining sore loser crybabies, just like you.

You have no evidence whatsoever. You just have your feelings. And your feelings are that you’re sad, so it must have been rigged.

Grow up.
Based on what? Your feelings?

Just because you have different values doesn’t mean you’re more intelligent. How is this so complicated for you?

It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with observation. Look at the mess you people made of this country. You don't need to be an Einstein to see it. The late Ray Charles could see it.
Your side does the same. They claim the election was fixed when they lose.

And you’re acting just like them. Throwing baseless temper tantrums based on absolutely no evidence simply because you’re sad that you lost.

Both sides need to grow up. You especially.
That's why I offered to post the site myself. Read it and then tell me of the differences. You'll find very few.
Oh I did and I discovered the Democratic party agenda is actually very similar to the socialist, polygamist, techo capitalist party of the Lizard People Consortium of Alpha Centari Prime.
It has nothing to do with intelligence,

Then stop saying it does.

“Us losing the election can only be one of two things: the election was rigged or a majority of voters are completely stupid. You decide.”

Just because people disagree with your point-of-view doesn’t mean that they’re stupid.
Then stop saying it does.

“Us losing the election can only be one of two things: the election was rigged or a majority of voters are completely stupid. You decide.”

Just because people disagree with your point-of-view doesn’t mean that they’re stupid.

I agree. I'd like to think that most Americans are not stupid. But you have yet to explain to me how anybody can vote to keep our country going in this direction. The only other way is if it was rigged.
Oh I did and I discovered the Democratic party agenda is actually very similar to the socialist, polygamist, techo capitalist party of the Lizard People Consortium of Alpha Centari Prime.

Okay, that's all I was pointing out. It's not propaganda.
Oh I did and I discovered the Democratic party agenda is actually very similar to the socialist, polygamist, techo capitalist party of the Lizard People Consortium of Alpha Centari Prime.
it's actually very similar to the national socialist platform
I agree. I'd like to think that most Americans are not stupid. But you have yet to explain to me how anybody can vote to keep our country going in this direction. The only other way is if it was rigged.
Simple. Because they prefer it over the alternative.

It’s not complicated. Just because someone has a different perspective doesn’t mean that they’re stupid.
How long? WTF? Isn't that the common, decent and expected thing to do during the concession speech to their supporters? You know like most all losing candidate do, or should I say 'have done' up to 2020?

Oh that's right the p;arty of Benedict Donald has lost all sense of common decency and will never publicly accept defeat or call for coming together or honest dialog, consensus, or compromise. They even pretend to not know the reason for the traditions.

Vote them all out ladies. While you still can.
Simple. Because they prefer it over the alternative.

It’s not complicated. Just because someone has a different perspective doesn’t mean that they’re stupid.

It has nothing to do with a different perspective, it has to do with what this party has done to this country and the anguish it brought most Americans.

My sister planned on retiring next year. Now she's very worried she won't be able to make it with the stock market as it is. Even if she voted Democrat, why would she want to insure she won't be able to retire when she wants to?

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