So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
I think the Democrats want to and will do anything to beat Trump and don't give a flying rat's ass who is hurt or what damage they do to this country.

As already stated, they would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed and prosper him Trump as POTUS.

Bitter, petulant traitors … every one of 'em.

Does that answer your question?
Yeah, that was a good, Trumpian, hyperbolic answer. Much appreciated!
Shut the fuck up you pathetic loser.
I sure will!
Keep ignoring my post about hollywood and democrat fucking losers blindly and loudly supporting Venezuelan chavez style of government you dumb fuck.

Keep pushing the myth of Nordic socialism. That way I will continue to call you a fucking liar My FINANCIAL ADVISER.

You pathetic loser. Keep asking your dumb fucking question you about Venezuela you fucking loser.



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Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mac the socialist loser along with the rest of them are ignoring this.


Hey Mac. You lose you fucking loser.

Let's all guess why they don't address this.
Dumbass what model created the million starving people? It sure wasn't capitalism. Cripes you're stupid
Venezuela’s economy was based entirely on oil. While oil boomed their economy boomed, when it collapsed the economy failed. What would capitalists have done differently when the oil economy collapsed? How would capitalists have helped the resulting millions of starving people?
Many oil producing countries have survived the dip and even Venezuela's Prez admitted it was their socialist economic model that failed them. How is it he can admit that and you can't, Comrade R?

Many oil producing countries survived because they had alternative sources of revenue

What would capitalism have done to force investment in other economic venues?
Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
I think the Democrats want to and will do anything to beat Trump and don't give a flying rat's ass who is hurt or what damage they do to this country.

As already stated, they would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed and prosper him Trump as POTUS.

Bitter, petulant traitors … every one of 'em.

Does that answer your question?
Yeah, that was a good, Trumpian, hyperbolic answer. Much appreciated!
Shut the fuck up you pathetic loser.
I sure will!
Keep ignoring my post about hollywood and democrat fucking losers blindly and loudly supporting Venezuelan chavez style of government you dumb fuck.

Keep pushing the myth of Nordic socialism. That way I will continue to call you a fucking liar My FINANCIAL ADVISER.

You pathetic loser. Keep asking your dumb fucking question you about Venezuela you fucking loser.



FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!!



Have a cookie.


While many ideologues blame “socialism” for the country’s economic ills, most economists point to a set of policy errors that have little or nothing to do with socialism. Most devastating has been the dysfunctional exchange rate system, which has led to a worsening “inflation-depreciation” spiral over the past four years, and now hyperinflation. Free gasoline and price controls that didn’t work also contributed to the crisis. The Trump administration’s financial sanctions—more than all previous destabilization efforts, which were significant—have made it nearly impossible for the government to get out of the mess without outside help.

As if this profoundly distressing situation weren’t enough, media outlets have frequently published exaggerated accounts of the conditions in Venezuela, depicting widespread starvation, for instance. To be sure, soaring food prices have contributed to increased undernourishment throughout the country, but this is a far cry from a large scale famine.

More importantly, there has been scant U.S. media reporting on the further economic damage provoked by the Trump administration’s financial sanctions, announced in late August last year (shortly after Trump’s statement about a “military option” for Venezuela).

As my colleague Mark Weisbrot has explained, Trump’s unilateral and illegal financial embargo – which cuts Venezuela off from most financial markets – has had two major consequences, both of which entail increased economic hardship for the Venezuelan people. First, it causes even greater shortages of essential goods, including food and medicine. Second, it makes economic recovery nearly impossible, since the government cannot borrow or restructure its foreign debt, and in some cases even carry out normal import transactions, including for medicines.

The United States’ Hand in Undermining Democracy in Venezuela
Where the hell do you come up with dingbat sites like this. Socialism was the very ruin of what should have been a Latin American economic powerhouse but now is a pauper-state whose citizens are clamouring to get to shit holes like Peru ffs!

Bernie could do that for the US.
While many ideologues blame “socialism” for the country’s economic ills, most economists point to a set of policy errors that have little or nothing to do with socialism. Most devastating has been the dysfunctional exchange rate system, which has led to a worsening “inflation-depreciation” spiral over the past four years, and now hyperinflation. Free gasoline and price controls that didn’t work also contributed to the crisis. The Trump administration’s financial sanctions—more than all previous destabilization efforts, which were significant—have made it nearly impossible for the government to get out of the mess without outside help.

As if this profoundly distressing situation weren’t enough, media outlets have frequently published exaggerated accounts of the conditions in Venezuela, depicting widespread starvation, for instance. To be sure, soaring food prices have contributed to increased undernourishment throughout the country, but this is a far cry from a large scale famine.

More importantly, there has been scant U.S. media reporting on the further economic damage provoked by the Trump administration’s financial sanctions, announced in late August last year (shortly after Trump’s statement about a “military option” for Venezuela).

As my colleague Mark Weisbrot has explained, Trump’s unilateral and illegal financial embargo – which cuts Venezuela off from most financial markets – has had two major consequences, both of which entail increased economic hardship for the Venezuelan people. First, it causes even greater shortages of essential goods, including food and medicine. Second, it makes economic recovery nearly impossible, since the government cannot borrow or restructure its foreign debt, and in some cases even carry out normal import transactions, including for medicines.

The United States’ Hand in Undermining Democracy in Venezuela
we have a Commerce Clause; failure at diplomacy should not be an option under federal policy.
Boo hoo boo hoo Now we have the greatest threat to the American way ever seen in our WH Good work Laugh while your king says he can do anything he wants
You don't understand, nothing could hurt the country more than what this animal named Trump is doing. Anything, yes, ANYTHING is better.
And he's doing a great job of threatening "the American way," Comrades. It's just fucking awful ... for bitter commie BITCHES like you:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Valenzuela is NOT a socialist country. It was for a short period of time. But it quickly moved to a Dictatorship. Socialism is not a Government. It's an economic method. And MOST successful countries have part of their economic methods from Socialism as well as Capitalism. You can cut this crap out any time now.

If you leave out Capitalism and just have socialism for your economic method, a Strong Man will emerge and it will become a Dictatorship or an Oliarchy. The same goes if you leave out socialism and only have Capitalism as your only economic method. Sooner, rather than later, a Strongman will take over or an Oliarchy. Oh, they all will claim to be a lot of things but they are NOT democratic or a republic in any way. Having one without the other you only get a few choices. You can have a Mussolini (Hitler) or a Stalin. Not a whole lot of difference in the end.

Valenzuela ended up with a Stalin.
The people VOTED for Valenzuela's "Stain". Why? B/C he promised all of them 'free shit'.
He couldn't deliver all the free shit. The fucking filthy rich wouldn't pony up the money for the free shit. Result: you can't buy a roll of ass-wipe now for less than $200 US.
I don't blame the poor. Just like in the US when a fucking DEM shows up and promises the poor free shit who are the poor going to vote for?
The Dems are the party of free shit.

Or when a Capitalist promises everyone a good paying jobs. The proceeds to ship the jobs overseas or opens the new factory with full automation. Hungry people listen to all sorts of promises.

Riddle me this: which are of these are heavily controlled by the government and which is relatively capitalist?

View attachment 265572

Let's see.

Healthcare......HMOs are Capitalists.
Tuition.....outside of a community college, controlled by Capitalists
New Cars.......Just how capitalist can you get.
Overall....... All of these are trying to make the highest profit they can. And that makes them Capitalistic in nature.

And who made the government the purveyor of college loans?

And saddled gullible students with $1.5T in student loans basically owned by the Federal Government which can't be discharged in bankruptcy - turning them into Debt Serfs for Life?

They can thank Obama for their shackles.
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F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.

You can STFU now, dumb ass.....

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Sure if you count going to school and school programs... LOL
Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

You morons are simply incapable of learning anything. Is it because you can't learn or don't want to learn? It's a question of ignorance or stupidity. Dumbass, every conceiablde variation of collectivism has been tried already and every single experiment with it has failed. And some of them right in front of your eyes. Believe me, you're all too damned stupid to come up with anything that will work so maybe you should leave stuff like this to better minds than you feeble minded idiots on the left.
Dumbass what model created the million starving people? It sure wasn't capitalism. Cripes you're stupid
Venezuela’s economy was based entirely on oil. While oil boomed their economy boomed, when it collapsed the economy failed. What would capitalists have done differently when the oil economy collapsed? How would capitalists have helped the resulting millions of starving people?
Many oil producing countries have survived the dip and even Venezuela's Prez admitted it was their socialist economic model that failed them. How is it he can admit that and you can't, Comrade R?
lousy management?

we have no provision for excuses in our federal doctrine; it may merely require a corps of engineers to make things happen.
How would Venezuela have done under unrestrained capitalism?
Would the people have been better off?

Venezuela had an economy based entirely on oil. When oil was booming, the Venezuelan economy was the best in South America
Once oil went bust, so did the economy

What part in the capitalist economy would have saved the Venezuelan people?
socializing costs is what socialism is Good for.

here is one area where that nation should have been upgrading technologies:

That is a prime reason Venezuela’s economy collapsed
Reliance on oil revenue as its sole economic product

Oil was highly profitable and easy money. Why would a capitalist economy have sought revenue elsewhere?

Politicians understand the diversity of diversification.
Thats not democratic socialism in Venezuela, that is a dictatorship. Democratic socialism is what you find in Western Europe, and it's working fine, much better than the predatory capitalism that exists in the U.S..

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
There are no socialist countries in Western Europe, jackass.
That's funny because they think they are. But of course but of course brainwashed idiots like you know better..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Of course ours is the rip-off GOP version even when we get Healthcare... You are the stupidest voters in the modern world....

No we know how to add one plus one and what a VALUE added tax is...
I'm not for value-added tax. But the flat tax if you count all taxes, the middle class and our infrastructure falling apart, with ridiculously expensive college and training, this is not working.

In your opinion Franco why is college so expensive?

Ronald Reagan and the GOP have destroyed the free or very cheap public University system..... Remember competition?
Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
I think the Democrats want to and will do anything to beat Trump and don't give a flying rat's ass who is hurt or what damage they do to this country.

As already stated, they would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed and prosper him Trump as POTUS.

Bitter, petulant traitors … every one of 'em.

Does that answer your question?
Yeah, that was a good, Trumpian, hyperbolic answer. Much appreciated!
Shut the fuck up you pathetic loser.
I sure will!
Keep ignoring my post about hollywood and democrat fucking losers blindly and loudly supporting Venezuelan chavez style of government you dumb fuck.

Keep pushing the myth of Nordic socialism. That way I will continue to call you a fucking liar My FINANCIAL ADVISER.

You pathetic loser. Keep asking your dumb fucking question you about Venezuela you fucking loser.



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A commune of Heaven on Earth may merely require Pareto Optimalities.
While many ideologues blame “socialism” for the country’s economic ills, most economists point to a set of policy errors that have little or nothing to do with socialism. Most devastating has been the dysfunctional exchange rate system, which has led to a worsening “inflation-depreciation” spiral over the past four years, and now hyperinflation. Free gasoline and price controls that didn’t work also contributed to the crisis. The Trump administration’s financial sanctions—more than all previous destabilization efforts, which were significant—have made it nearly impossible for the government to get out of the mess without outside help.

As if this profoundly distressing situation weren’t enough, media outlets have frequently published exaggerated accounts of the conditions in Venezuela, depicting widespread starvation, for instance. To be sure, soaring food prices have contributed to increased undernourishment throughout the country, but this is a far cry from a large scale famine.

More importantly, there has been scant U.S. media reporting on the further economic damage provoked by the Trump administration’s financial sanctions, announced in late August last year (shortly after Trump’s statement about a “military option” for Venezuela).

As my colleague Mark Weisbrot has explained, Trump’s unilateral and illegal financial embargo – which cuts Venezuela off from most financial markets – has had two major consequences, both of which entail increased economic hardship for the Venezuelan people. First, it causes even greater shortages of essential goods, including food and medicine. Second, it makes economic recovery nearly impossible, since the government cannot borrow or restructure its foreign debt, and in some cases even carry out normal import transactions, including for medicines.

The United States’ Hand in Undermining Democracy in Venezuela
You defend Venezuela because it reflects poorly on what you would do to the US.

Even the socialist that the V's elected to manage their socialism admitted it is the economic model that failed so miserably in Venezuela but then, WTF does he know, eh Comrade BB?

Socialist Venezuela Falling Apart As President Maduro Shockingly Blames Party

News flash! Socialism in poor, closed-door economies is a failure. So says Nicolas Maduro, who happens to be the president of one: the biggest failed state in the Americas, poor ol’ Venezuela.

In a surprising twist on Monday, Maduro went against the Socialists United (PSUV) playbook of blaming Washington (especially the CIA) for Venezuela’s troubles.

“The production models we’ve tried so far have failed, and the responsibility is ours—mine and yours,” Maduro told the PSUV party congress.

Venezuela’s economy is a disaster. The country faces a massive brain drain, with middle-class people leaving in droves to Madrid and Miami. Lower-income Venezuelans are trekking across borders into Colombia and Brazil.

Inflation is off the charts, up thousands of percentage points over the last few years, and up hundreds of percent this year alone. The currency is useless. Some towns have taken to bartering.

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