So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

It is simple economics

What in a capitalist based economic model would have prevented an economic meltdown in Venezuela

What would capitalists have done when faced with millions of starving people ?

Dumbass what model created the million starving people? It sure wasn't capitalism.

Cripes you're stupid

Venezuela’s economy was based entirely on oil. While oil boomed their economy boomed, when it collapsed the economy failed

What would capitalists have done differently when the oil economy collapsed?
How would capitalists have helped the resulting millions of starving people?

There is a reason Venezuela's oil output collapsed and won't recover anytime soon.

Research it and you should feel stupid if you find the right answer. Hint...think state owned.

Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is simple economics

What in a capitalist based economic model would have prevented an economic meltdown in Venezuela

What would capitalists have done when faced with millions of starving people ?

Dumbass what model created the million starving people? It sure wasn't capitalism.

Cripes you're stupid

Venezuela’s economy was based entirely on oil. While oil boomed their economy boomed, when it collapsed the economy failed

What would capitalists have done differently when the oil economy collapsed?
How would capitalists have helped the resulting millions of starving people?

There is a reason Venezuela's oil output collapsed and won't recover anytime soon.

Research it and you should feel stupid if you find the right answer. Hint...think state owned.
Your post
You get to provide your own answers

What would capitalism have done once the oil economy collapsed?
The whining, sniveling mutts can never be happy ... period.

so how come the United States is 27th in happiness and all these socialist and of course I mean Democratic socialist countries are ahead of us? Maybe it's the five week vacations and free college and Healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure. Why are you so stupid and afraid?
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.
I don't need or want a bar in Spain, Princess. I had the will and the capacity to play and thrive here and now enjoy the fruit of MY labor. That you couldn't is still not my prob nor that of any other American.

Again ... suck it.
So greediness and short-sightedness are Republican? I'm shocked. Enjoy hell
I'm not Republican and it isn't people like me who insist this country must destroy everything so many American generations sacrificed so much to build and accumulate just to satisfy your socialist greed and envy, Comrade F.

Oh yeah … and :fu:

Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trust me. they will ignore this and pretend this is not who they all are.

Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trust me. they will ignore this and pretend this is not who they all are.

... and continue making posts that could be copied directly out from the agenda.
so how come the United States is 27th in happiness and all these socialist and of course I mean Democratic socialist countries are ahead of us? Maybe it's the five week vacations and free college and Healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure. Why are you so stupid and afraid?
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Franco is a typically leftarded life's loser (pronounced: traitor) who, because his failures have left him broke & bitter, seeks either to share the fruit of other's labors as compensation or to destroy what we and our ancestors built here so we can all share his misery.
Socialists can never be happy if there's a single person in the world having a better time in life than them.
The whining, sniveling mutts can never be happy ... period.
Aaand the truest reason the world hates America, despite the fact that this country gives more to charitable causes than every country in the world combined.
The so called citizens of this country think and truly believe this country should be abused in trade deals...
The world is desperately envious of this country. Which, again is what makes ALL American socialists the dumbest people on earth.
Some (but not all) hate America - envy is a powerful emotion - and some (but not all) Americans believe this country should be abused in trade deals.

You must know there are those who enjoy being abused and tend to live their lives on all fours.

We call 'em Democrats.
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Franco is a typically leftarded life's loser (pronounced: traitor) who, because his failures have left him broke & bitter, seeks either to share the fruit of other's labors as compensation or to destroy what we and our ancestors built here so we can all share his misery.
Your ancestors came over on the Mayflower ?? Just asking
The prosperity is very one sided Ivanka and Kurshner made close to 135 million last year Were you close?
Socialists can never be happy if there's a single person in the world having a better time in life than them.
The whining, sniveling mutts can never be happy ... period.

so how come the United States is 27th in happiness and all these socialist and of course I mean Democratic socialist countries are ahead of us? Maybe it's the five week vacations and free college and Healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure. Why are you so stupid and afraid?
How did they measure "happiness?" What are the units of measurements?

Leftwing turds like you are always using utterly bogus surveys that measure absolutely nothing.
In defense of pollsters they absolutely nailed Clinton's 2016 election to the White House. :cool:

One minute of pure joy that never fails to make me smile:


Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you shake hands with someone you support them! DUH!

Boo hoo boo hoo Now we have the greatest threat to the American way ever seen in our WH Good work Laugh while your king says he can do anything he wants
Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
I think the Democrats want to and will do anything to beat Trump and don't give a flying rat's ass who is hurt or what damage they do to this country.

As already stated, they would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed and prosper with Trump as POTUS.

Bitter, petulant traitors … every one of 'em.

Does that answer your question?
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Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Hey, dolt, for your edification, it was a "strong man" leader who ignored law that caused the country such grief.

BTW, you are a freakin idiot.

So you admit calipornia used "strong man" tactics when the electorate said no to gay marriage yet they implemented it anyway?
Do you not see where this leads?

You are an idiot.
Thats all you got you fuck? That is what I thought. The fact that you pathetic dipshits, predictably claim the Nordic countries when I never asked about them is pathetic.

When did a dictator or totalitarian leader take over under a free market style of rule you fucking idiot?

I already anticipate you pieces of shit bringing up hitler, cause you are that fucking dumb, and that fucking predictable. I always love how you stupid fucking morons ignore that National Socialist German Workers' Party. You dumb fucking loser.


Just the fact that you pieces of shit bring up the Nordic countries when I bring up Venezuela....

Hey, fuckface. Tell all of us how sean penn or oliver stone and the rest of you losers worshiping hugo chavez. You dumb fucking loser.

I know a fucking loser won't listen to this, but this for the rest of the losers that might. You dumb fuck.

What an angry little tRumpet.

Enjoy your day in the sun little Trumpet, soon you will be banished back to your closet.

Yet, the left here deny they support the Venezuelan style government and claim......I am not sure.

Has anyone seen any of the board left wing losers ever condemn their fellow hollywood losers for such blind support for the brown colored tyrant?

I have not. Not one of them.

Could you just imagine though if Trump ever supported a neo nazi. Oh wait.......They already claim that and they still go ape shit. Yeah, I said APE.

So, since they are so emphatic that Venezuela is not socialism and since they claim that it is overrun by a dictator......PLEASE EXPLAIN THEIR SILENCE IN REGARDS TO THE LEFT BLIND SUPPORT OF CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you shake hands with someone you support them! DUH!

Trump calls Kim Jong Un a good friend
Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
I think the Democrats want to and will do anything to beat Trump and don't give a flying rat's ass who is hurt or what damage they do to this country.

As already stated, they would much rather the US crash & burn than succeed and prosper him Trump as POTUS.

Bitter, petulant traitors … every one of 'em.

Does that answer your question?

You don't understand, nothing could hurt the country more than what this animal named Trump is doing. Anything, yes, ANYTHING is better.

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