So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

Capitalist or Socialist, Venezuela suffered from inept and corrupt government.

There is nothing about Capitalism that discourages either

Dear rightwinger
The checks against abuse of Government are
DIFFERENT under socialist structure vs. capitalist.

1. With capitalist even if you have corrupt corporations that are private

2. With Govt FORCING taxpayers to PAY FOR PROGRAMS that the GOVT controls,
the taxpayers don't have the same freedom to NOT buy into the services.

This is why Conservatives and Constitutionalists argue to
MINIMALIZE what the people AUTHORIZE GOVT to manage
based on terms we CONSENT to, because it's harder to
correct and change policies that are controlled through CENTRALIZED GOVT.

rightwinger SOCIAL PROGRAMS such as health care
that involve DIVERSE and INDIVIDUAL choices and beliefs
are the WORST to try to "nationalize" through Centralized Govt
because people WANT TO RETAIN control of terms and choices.

You can't have it both ways.

You might imagine that "nationalizing" health care means
"federal govt will ONLY serve as the single payer"
while "the citizens will get to choose whatever they want paid for"

Because GOVT is required to represent other people and groups
then the collective pool and the terms of costs and services
is no longer the free choice of all the citizens. The central Govt
CANNOT represent or manage all those individual choices.

So by "socializing" the programs through a central Govt,
the choices GET DICTATED.


If choices get "dictated" by a private corporation, you don't
have to pay your money to it as you would with govt.

With Govt once you authorize tax money to go there,
the terms can change or you may not get the terms you
wanted to begin with (as with ACA) and you are
STILL STUCK PAYING because you made it publicly mandated.

Why would you do that?
so how come the United States is 27th in happiness and all these socialist and of course I mean Democratic socialist countries are ahead of us? Maybe it's the five week vacations and free college and Healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure. Why are you so stupid and afraid?
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.

Dude, you are a fucking IDIOT! OF course they get stipends, subsidies and food stamps. Are you REALLY that fucking stupid???? They don't vote? Who is stopping them if they have legal residency by showing a utility bill? Like they can check every single person and whose to say that those with the power to prevent them from casting a ballot would use that authority. You are beyond naive. Why do you think that leftards don't want any part of a voter ID law???? Kinda hard to "vote early and often" with that rule in place.
WTF is a happiness poll? Who the fuck designs the questions and chooses those to be questioned? Who cares about such silliness? How is it possible that anyone still believes polls and if you truly do, move to some socialist shithole that makes you happy.

Trust me ... you won't be missed.

Problem solved. :D
F*** you and the horse you rode in on, a******. People that want to improve this GOP mess are better citizens than you zombie brainwashed functional morons.anyway you need to be a billionaire or millionaire or doctor or married to a citizen to move. I tried, owned a bar in Spain you can't do it.

You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.

You can STFU now, dumb ass.....

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Which explains why so many Americans are so desperate to emigrate to Canada. Oh wait ... no they aren't but your life in The North is evidently so boring that you have nothing to do but obsess about the US and hate our prez. Very sad.

Meanwhile despite what you believe we are doing pretty well and waste no time obsessing about Canada or your PM:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
And our fed is considering anywhere from 1 to 3 rate cuts Why is that?
Market analysts believes 1 or 2 small moves - no Fed official said they are considering 3 - and I told you why last week ... it's because they overdid the increases last year, just as Trump said at the time.

The question is why do you LIE so persistently and why does American success & prosperity so bother you leftards? Are you a foreign US-hater?

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
U.S. central bankers may have “slightly overdone it” by raising interest rates in December, though it’s premature to talk about a rate cut, said Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard.

“Rates are at a good place in the U.S. right now, if anything we are a little restrictive I would say,” Bullard said in an interview with Bloomberg Television Wednesday in Hong Kong. “I am concerned we may have slightly overdone it with our December rate hike but I was pleased that the committee pivoted.”
The prosperity is very one sided Ivanka and Kurshner made close to 135 million last year Were you close?
Socialists can never be happy if there's a single person in the world having a better time in life than them.

Gee, it's not the liberals who are here every day whining about how other countries are scewing the USA on trade, taking advantage of the American military for free, and immigrants, blacks, women and gays are stealing your jobs. Conservatives think that everyone is screwing them over and it makes them miserable.

I sitting by the side of the lake, sipping Margueritas, and thinking this is the best life ever.
Losers like you don't complain only because you're happy to bend over and take it up the ass. No one said blacks and women are taking our jobs. They are us. They are being screwed just like any other American. Illegal aliens, on the other hand, are not Americans. They have no right to any American jobs. Canadians are free to give them their jobs if they so desire.
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The prosperity is very one sided Ivanka and Kurshner made close to 135 million last year Were you close?
Socialists can never be happy if there's a single person in the world having a better time in life than them.
The whining, sniveling mutts can never be happy ... period.

so how come the United States is 27th in happiness and all these socialist and of course I mean Democratic socialist countries are ahead of us? Maybe it's the five week vacations and free college and Healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure. Why are you so stupid and afraid?
How did they measure "happiness?" What are the units of measurements?

Leftwing turds like you are always using utterly bogus surveys that measure absolutely nothing.
So we're still pretending that what they're after is a Venezuela-style socialism, with government ownership and control of production and distribution. We can pretend anything, but I don't know if anyone actually thinks this is what they're after. Who knows, maybe talk radio has really convinced some that this is the goal.
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?

Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.

Just asking for clarity. It was a question, not a statement.

So what's the answer?
Your question was a loaded question. It's leads. It doesn't deserve an answer.
This thread draws a very clear connection between the Democrats, Venezuela, and socialism.

My question is precisely on point. It couldn't possibly be more on point.

You just don't want to answer it.

That's okay. I don't expect straight answers here.
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Since Daryl Hunt won't answer my question, let's see if anyone else will.

This thread is about Venezuela, "Socialism" (however you want to define it) and the Democrats.

Do you think the Democrats want to emulate Venezuela?
That is the typically disingenuous pap of a Democrat Socialist who knows what his Party is about and knows that it's still gonna be a tough sell in America. The facade has been lifted Comrade Mac, the agenda is clear, and no amount of semantics, obfuscation, or pussyfooting will get the worms back into the can:

View attachment 265591
So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?

Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.

Just asking for clarity. It was a question, not a statement.

So what's the answer?
Your question was a loaded question. It's leads. It doesn't deserve an answer.
This thread draws a very clear connection between the Democrats, Venezuela, and socialism.

My question is precisely on point. It couldn't possibly be more on point.

You just don't want to answer it.

That's okay. I don't expect straight answers here.

What in the hell are you talking about? There is no government ownership of production in Venezuela.

A socialist party is running Venezuela. They are failing, hard. And they are a bunch of fascists as socialists always are.

Honestly, get the basics correct before making a point. And yes, the socialists in USA are talking about nationalizing the health care industry for example, even there you are wrong.
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So is that a "yes", you think the Dems want to emulate Venezuela?

Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.

Just asking for clarity. It was a question, not a statement.

So what's the answer?
Your question was a loaded question. It's leads. It doesn't deserve an answer.
This thread draws a very clear connection between the Democrats, Venezuela, and socialism.

My question is precisely on point. It couldn't possibly be more on point.

You just don't want to answer it.

That's okay. I don't expect straight answers here.

What in the hell are you talking about? There is no government ownership of production in Venezuela.

A socialist party is running Venezuela. They are failing, hard. And they are a bunch of fascists as socialists always are.

Honestly, get the basics correct before making a point. And yes, the socialists in USA are talking about nationalizing the health care industry for example, even there you are wrong.
Oh, calm down.

That appears to be a "yes". Thanks.
Ah, more post editing and taking things out of context.

Just asking for clarity. It was a question, not a statement.

So what's the answer?
Your question was a loaded question. It's leads. It doesn't deserve an answer.
This thread draws a very clear connection between the Democrats, Venezuela, and socialism.

My question is precisely on point. It couldn't possibly be more on point.

You just don't want to answer it.

That's okay. I don't expect straight answers here.

What in the hell are you talking about? There is no government ownership of production in Venezuela.

A socialist party is running Venezuela. They are failing, hard. And they are a bunch of fascists as socialists always are.

Honestly, get the basics correct before making a point. And yes, the socialists in USA are talking about nationalizing the health care industry for example, even there you are wrong.
Oh, calm down.

That appears to be a "yes". Thanks.

Not only is it a resounding yes, these people are LUSTING after the Venezuelan style dictatorial take-over where the middle class will be eliminated completely. Only the rich and their army of 50 IQ drones remain. More and more of these people are pouring into the democrat party by the minute, try denying it, you can't.

Let's not forget how they praised Venezuela when the debacle started, sane people knew exactly where this train is headed into.
Socialism has not failed Germany and most of the planet.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Thats not democratic socialism in Venezuela, that is a dictatorship. Democratic socialism is what you find in Western Europe, and it's working fine, much better than the predatory capitalism that exists in the U.S..

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
There are no socialist countries in Western Europe, jackass.
That's funny because they think they are. But of course but of course brainwashed idiots like you know better..."we are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.

Of course ours is the rip-off GOP version even when we get Healthcare... You are the stupidest voters in the modern world....

No we know how to add one plus one and what a VALUE added tax is...
I'm not for value-added tax. But the flat tax if you count all taxes, the middle class and our infrastructure falling apart, with ridiculously expensive college and training, this is not working.

In your opinion Franco why is college so expensive?

You and other dishonest rightists need to stop with the moronic lies about ‘leftists’ advocating for ‘socialism’ – they don’t; you and others on the right only make yourselves look ridiculous and stupid.

Sweet jebus you've jumped the shark
The problem is You dupes equate socialism with Communism unlike everyone else in the world.

Because they got indoctrinated into thinking it wasn't you super Dupe.
And no matter how often they see the definition, they just ignore it and continue to spew their vast ignorance.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Or regulated it says for the billionth time.Always Democratic Fair capitalism with a good safety net nowadays everywhere but GOP dupe America.

How much more do you want? You can get SSI faster in California then you can buy a gram of heroin and that $800 or whatever is doesn't last long since their is homeless by the thousands.

Socialism has not failed Germany and most of the planet.

What protects them?

Protects them? Do me a favor look at the military budget of Russia and that of the EU. I think that disparity alone should show you the EU will be fine. I also will point out that the US military spending hovers around 4 percent of GDP while Healthcare cost is around 17 percent of GDP. Even if all countries that have social Democracy would spend a similar amount on defense and you would tally the cost. They still would spend less than you do on solely for your profit Healthcare system minus military budget. What does that tell you about relative cost you think?
  • Thanks
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Socialism has not failed Germany and most of the planet.

What protects them?

Protects them? Do me a favor look at the military budget of Russia and that of the EU. I think that disparity alone should show you the EU will be fine. I also will point out that the US military spending hovers around 4 percent of GDP while Healthcare cost is around 17 percent of GDP. Even if all countries that have social Democracy would spend a similar amount on defense. They still would spend less than you do on your for profit Healthcare system. What does that tell you about relative cost you think?

They don't have the military ships to protect their interest, see the recent mining by Iran on tankers. Only one country does.

Socialism has not failed Germany and most of the planet.

What protects them?

Protects them? Do me a favor look at the military budget of Russia and that of the EU. I think that disparity alone should show you the EU will be fine. I also will point out that the US military spending hovers around 4 percent of GDP while Healthcare cost is around 17 percent of GDP. Even if all countries that have social Democracy would spend a similar amount on defense. They still would spend less than you do on your for profit Healthcare system. What does that tell you about relative cost you think?

They don't have the military ships to protect their interest, see the recent mining by Iran on tankers. Only one country does.


France couldn't even take on Syria when Obama said the US wouldn't join them a few years back, so No they don't.


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