So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

AOC will slowly go to the Social Democratic side of things as she ages. Bernie isn't a Democrat and never has been. If he were to win the nomination as a Democrat it would be as bazaar as Trump winning the Republican Nomination. Hell does freeze over sometimes I guess.
The fact they are popular should trouble old school Democrats. The Democrat party has become socialist. I hear them speak all the time. They want to flood America with people who hate it, collapse it, and take it over. All while punishing white people they blame everything wrong on.

They? You don't listen the "They" Thenews you listen to only present the "They" that "They" want you to hear. In the Real Workd, "They", meaning Me and others like me aren't pushing Sociialism at all. We do push for a misture of Capitalism and Socio Democracy. But, most of all, we are in favor of a Federal Republic. What we are against is what trashes MOST Governments and that is corruption. And we have that in the US just as much as anywhere else in the World. And it's on both sides of the Aisle.

There are some things that we want that you don't but it doesn't make us socialists.

Universal Healthcare. Sometimes called Medicare for All. Not controlled by just the Government but also overseen by the Doctors. Kicking the HMOs and the Insurance companies to the curb. I am sure you are aware that the US cost of Health Care is the absolute highest cost in the world right now and has been for decades. And it has never been the best. The reason this hasn't been done is that there is hundreds of millions spent on Lobbying every year so that the fringes (HMOs and Insurance) can keep raking in the billions. That's right, Billions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions. The cost savings by channeling the money sent to the HMOs and Insurance Companies being sent directly to the health providers will pay for the system. But I am not talking about doing all this for free. I am retired on SSI and also Tricare. My Medicare Part B costs me 135 a month (last year it cost 105) and my Tricare (2nd payer) costs me a deductible of 175 a year. But I primarily use the VA. But when the VA is not available (it isn't always like me going for cataract surgery) I use the two together that covers most of it. The VA drug their feet. If I had waited for them to get it done I would have been legally blind by that time. Most people are NOT that lucky to have that option and only have Medicare (80%) with it's 135 buck monthly premium and whatever a supplemental would cost which is usually even higher than Medicare Part B. Medicare is NOT free.

Pharmaceutical Companies. Why is the US paying the highest cost for medicine in the World? In Diabetic Medicine, why are we paying 10 to 100 times what the same medicine in other countries cost with just a different label? And that isn't the only life threatening medicines that comes under that category. Make it criminal to do this type of practice. If a company wants to play this game, take their right to have the patent and make it public domain so other companies can manufacture and distribute it. It can be done under the Sherman Anti Trust Act. Don't allow them to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to prevent this. Make it illegal to lobby like that. And make it illegal for our "Lawmakers" to accept those funds for anything including campaign contributions. WE can do this with a mixture of the Executive Branch and a panel of Doctor Controlled Panels which is appointed by the Medical Community themselves.

Education. Free Community Colleges. Again, not really free but low cost. Let's say, Free Tuition. But the other costs will still be there. And the States can pick up most of that cost. Since the States will be picking up the lions share of the benefits from the graduates they should pay the most for the tuition costs. If a state decides they don't want to do this, they don't have to. But enough states will opt in I have a feeling that most or all will end up doing it. I don't see Alabama doing it though. They seem to like having uneducated people for their low paying jobs but in 10 years, those jobs will be gone anyway to automation. Same goes for Kindergarten. Even Kansas has free Kindergarten and you don't get much Redder than that. The Education benefits are fantastic. But don't change the Universities and for pay upper level colleges.

Mining and Manufacture of Rare Earths and such. Right now, China is the main miner and manufacturer of items like this. You would think they have the most raw resources. They don't. The US has even more. But it's done on such a small scale because it's expensive to do cleanly. It's not expensive to mine, it's expensive to process. We have thousands of square miles in the west with absolutely nothing to destroy that we can used to process these raw materials. And we can come up with ways to do it much cleaner than China as well. Comon, it's the friggin 21st century. The US can invest in this technology and get things rolling. These rare earths and such are used in all sorts of things like computers, TVs, cars, and even Toasters. Invest in the future.

Notice, I took a couple or three from the New Green Deal without taking the whole thing. The New Green Deal is a concept only. It's something that might come true in 100 years or more. But parts of it can be done today. We should take those parts and do them rather than throw the whole thing out.

What's funny, if you present the above items to most Republicans you will get a positive response on them as well. It ain't rocket science. It's common sense. Changes are coming and as changes happen we have to adapt. There are those of us that are Progressive Fiscal Conservatives that think like Republicans did back in the Eisenhower days before the Spend, Spend, Spend Spend Dems and Reps seized both parties.

So when you say "They" you aren't talking about the Majority of either the Democrats nor the Republicans. They "They" you are talking about are .......hell, I don't know who they are.
When I said they, I was referring to Bernie and AOC. Not some mystical they. Old school Democrats should be worried "they" are popular.

"They" ? There you go again. Speaking for these small number of people again like they are in charge. There is a wonder why Biden is leading. He IS old school. HE's the only old school that is running in the top 20 right now. He's not my pick of old school dems but the other old school dems won't make the cut in even the top 50 so the old school (the majority) will settle for Biden.

There are also old school Republicans as well that won't make even the top 100 cut that MOST Republicans would vote for but won't ever get the chance. Do you see a trend here?

"They"? Just who the hell are "They"?

Actually, Bernie Sanders is fairly old school as well.
Back in the 1950s, almost no one had health insurance, and you could easily get free health care at any hospital if you were poor.
Things only started getting really ultra capitalists around 1993.

Funny you should bring that up. My Parents were dirt poor yet we got medical care. Doctors weren't so attached to pocket books in the 50s and 60s like they are now. I really don't know how or even if they paid for that health care. I never asked. But I do know we received it. It wasn't just the Hospitals, it was also preventive medicine at the doctors offices.
The fact they are popular should trouble old school Democrats. The Democrat party has become socialist. I hear them speak all the time. They want to flood America with people who hate it, collapse it, and take it over. All while punishing white people they blame everything wrong on.

They? You don't listen the "They" Thenews you listen to only present the "They" that "They" want you to hear. In the Real Workd, "They", meaning Me and others like me aren't pushing Sociialism at all. We do push for a misture of Capitalism and Socio Democracy. But, most of all, we are in favor of a Federal Republic. What we are against is what trashes MOST Governments and that is corruption. And we have that in the US just as much as anywhere else in the World. And it's on both sides of the Aisle.

There are some things that we want that you don't but it doesn't make us socialists.

Universal Healthcare. Sometimes called Medicare for All. Not controlled by just the Government but also overseen by the Doctors. Kicking the HMOs and the Insurance companies to the curb. I am sure you are aware that the US cost of Health Care is the absolute highest cost in the world right now and has been for decades. And it has never been the best. The reason this hasn't been done is that there is hundreds of millions spent on Lobbying every year so that the fringes (HMOs and Insurance) can keep raking in the billions. That's right, Billions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions. The cost savings by channeling the money sent to the HMOs and Insurance Companies being sent directly to the health providers will pay for the system. But I am not talking about doing all this for free. I am retired on SSI and also Tricare. My Medicare Part B costs me 135 a month (last year it cost 105) and my Tricare (2nd payer) costs me a deductible of 175 a year. But I primarily use the VA. But when the VA is not available (it isn't always like me going for cataract surgery) I use the two together that covers most of it. The VA drug their feet. If I had waited for them to get it done I would have been legally blind by that time. Most people are NOT that lucky to have that option and only have Medicare (80%) with it's 135 buck monthly premium and whatever a supplemental would cost which is usually even higher than Medicare Part B. Medicare is NOT free.

Pharmaceutical Companies. Why is the US paying the highest cost for medicine in the World? In Diabetic Medicine, why are we paying 10 to 100 times what the same medicine in other countries cost with just a different label? And that isn't the only life threatening medicines that comes under that category. Make it criminal to do this type of practice. If a company wants to play this game, take their right to have the patent and make it public domain so other companies can manufacture and distribute it. It can be done under the Sherman Anti Trust Act. Don't allow them to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to prevent this. Make it illegal to lobby like that. And make it illegal for our "Lawmakers" to accept those funds for anything including campaign contributions. WE can do this with a mixture of the Executive Branch and a panel of Doctor Controlled Panels which is appointed by the Medical Community themselves.

Education. Free Community Colleges. Again, not really free but low cost. Let's say, Free Tuition. But the other costs will still be there. And the States can pick up most of that cost. Since the States will be picking up the lions share of the benefits from the graduates they should pay the most for the tuition costs. If a state decides they don't want to do this, they don't have to. But enough states will opt in I have a feeling that most or all will end up doing it. I don't see Alabama doing it though. They seem to like having uneducated people for their low paying jobs but in 10 years, those jobs will be gone anyway to automation. Same goes for Kindergarten. Even Kansas has free Kindergarten and you don't get much Redder than that. The Education benefits are fantastic. But don't change the Universities and for pay upper level colleges.

Mining and Manufacture of Rare Earths and such. Right now, China is the main miner and manufacturer of items like this. You would think they have the most raw resources. They don't. The US has even more. But it's done on such a small scale because it's expensive to do cleanly. It's not expensive to mine, it's expensive to process. We have thousands of square miles in the west with absolutely nothing to destroy that we can used to process these raw materials. And we can come up with ways to do it much cleaner than China as well. Comon, it's the friggin 21st century. The US can invest in this technology and get things rolling. These rare earths and such are used in all sorts of things like computers, TVs, cars, and even Toasters. Invest in the future.

Notice, I took a couple or three from the New Green Deal without taking the whole thing. The New Green Deal is a concept only. It's something that might come true in 100 years or more. But parts of it can be done today. We should take those parts and do them rather than throw the whole thing out.

What's funny, if you present the above items to most Republicans you will get a positive response on them as well. It ain't rocket science. It's common sense. Changes are coming and as changes happen we have to adapt. There are those of us that are Progressive Fiscal Conservatives that think like Republicans did back in the Eisenhower days before the Spend, Spend, Spend Spend Dems and Reps seized both parties.

So when you say "They" you aren't talking about the Majority of either the Democrats nor the Republicans. They "They" you are talking about are .......hell, I don't know who they are.
When I said they, I was referring to Bernie and AOC. Not some mystical they. Old school Democrats should be worried "they" are popular.
Why? The only scary thing is the word socialism for brainwashed functional morons.
Like I said before. Socialism is just a stepping stone to communism. Taxes will go up until they are 100%. Democrats will tax the rich until there are none. The only virtue socialism has is making everyone equally miserable .

Can you imagine a Democrat saying government is to big? I can't.

Government is always the answer.

There are not a lot of socialist countries, and never ever been a communist one in the last 1000 years, but all socialist countries have lower expensive than we do. They pay about the same in taxes, but then do not have to pay out an additional $1200 a month for health insurance.

Because they aren't Socialist Countries. They are a Socio Democracy. This is where you mix Socialism in with Capitalism and use whatever is healthy for your country. For instance, you might have social health but the jobs are capitalism.
The fact they are popular should trouble old school Democrats. The Democrat party has become socialist. I hear them speak all the time. They want to flood America with people who hate it, collapse it, and take it over. All while punishing white people they blame everything wrong on.

They? You don't listen the "They" Thenews you listen to only present the "They" that "They" want you to hear. In the Real Workd, "They", meaning Me and others like me aren't pushing Sociialism at all. We do push for a misture of Capitalism and Socio Democracy. But, most of all, we are in favor of a Federal Republic. What we are against is what trashes MOST Governments and that is corruption. And we have that in the US just as much as anywhere else in the World. And it's on both sides of the Aisle.

There are some things that we want that you don't but it doesn't make us socialists.

Universal Healthcare. Sometimes called Medicare for All. Not controlled by just the Government but also overseen by the Doctors. Kicking the HMOs and the Insurance companies to the curb. I am sure you are aware that the US cost of Health Care is the absolute highest cost in the world right now and has been for decades. And it has never been the best. The reason this hasn't been done is that there is hundreds of millions spent on Lobbying every year so that the fringes (HMOs and Insurance) can keep raking in the billions. That's right, Billions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions. The cost savings by channeling the money sent to the HMOs and Insurance Companies being sent directly to the health providers will pay for the system. But I am not talking about doing all this for free. I am retired on SSI and also Tricare. My Medicare Part B costs me 135 a month (last year it cost 105) and my Tricare (2nd payer) costs me a deductible of 175 a year. But I primarily use the VA. But when the VA is not available (it isn't always like me going for cataract surgery) I use the two together that covers most of it. The VA drug their feet. If I had waited for them to get it done I would have been legally blind by that time. Most people are NOT that lucky to have that option and only have Medicare (80%) with it's 135 buck monthly premium and whatever a supplemental would cost which is usually even higher than Medicare Part B. Medicare is NOT free.

Pharmaceutical Companies. Why is the US paying the highest cost for medicine in the World? In Diabetic Medicine, why are we paying 10 to 100 times what the same medicine in other countries cost with just a different label? And that isn't the only life threatening medicines that comes under that category. Make it criminal to do this type of practice. If a company wants to play this game, take their right to have the patent and make it public domain so other companies can manufacture and distribute it. It can be done under the Sherman Anti Trust Act. Don't allow them to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to prevent this. Make it illegal to lobby like that. And make it illegal for our "Lawmakers" to accept those funds for anything including campaign contributions. WE can do this with a mixture of the Executive Branch and a panel of Doctor Controlled Panels which is appointed by the Medical Community themselves.

Education. Free Community Colleges. Again, not really free but low cost. Let's say, Free Tuition. But the other costs will still be there. And the States can pick up most of that cost. Since the States will be picking up the lions share of the benefits from the graduates they should pay the most for the tuition costs. If a state decides they don't want to do this, they don't have to. But enough states will opt in I have a feeling that most or all will end up doing it. I don't see Alabama doing it though. They seem to like having uneducated people for their low paying jobs but in 10 years, those jobs will be gone anyway to automation. Same goes for Kindergarten. Even Kansas has free Kindergarten and you don't get much Redder than that. The Education benefits are fantastic. But don't change the Universities and for pay upper level colleges.

Mining and Manufacture of Rare Earths and such. Right now, China is the main miner and manufacturer of items like this. You would think they have the most raw resources. They don't. The US has even more. But it's done on such a small scale because it's expensive to do cleanly. It's not expensive to mine, it's expensive to process. We have thousands of square miles in the west with absolutely nothing to destroy that we can used to process these raw materials. And we can come up with ways to do it much cleaner than China as well. Comon, it's the friggin 21st century. The US can invest in this technology and get things rolling. These rare earths and such are used in all sorts of things like computers, TVs, cars, and even Toasters. Invest in the future.

Notice, I took a couple or three from the New Green Deal without taking the whole thing. The New Green Deal is a concept only. It's something that might come true in 100 years or more. But parts of it can be done today. We should take those parts and do them rather than throw the whole thing out.

What's funny, if you present the above items to most Republicans you will get a positive response on them as well. It ain't rocket science. It's common sense. Changes are coming and as changes happen we have to adapt. There are those of us that are Progressive Fiscal Conservatives that think like Republicans did back in the Eisenhower days before the Spend, Spend, Spend Spend Dems and Reps seized both parties.

So when you say "They" you aren't talking about the Majority of either the Democrats nor the Republicans. They "They" you are talking about are .......hell, I don't know who they are.
When I said they, I was referring to Bernie and AOC. Not some mystical they. Old school Democrats should be worried "they" are popular.
Why? The only scary thing is the word socialism for brainwashed functional morons.
Like I said before. Socialism is just a stepping stone to communism. Taxes will go up until they are 100%. Democrats will tax the rich until there are none. The only virtue socialism has is making everyone equally miserable .

Can you imagine a Democrat saying government is to big? I can't.

Government is always the answer.
Bologna. The GOP is the one who grows the government by leaps and bounds and the Democrats never have. Change the channel to look at the Democratic platform. Nothing like that has ever happened but the GOP have wrecked the economy and the world the last 35 years. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Under Truman, the country grew leaps and bounds. In 1946, with the returning of the GIs, the Veteran Programs grew the country into a powerhouse that lead the world for the next 20 years. Back in the 50s, there wasn't a huge gap between a main stay democrat and a mainstay Republican. Much of what Truman started, Eisenhower continued and built on it.
If Democrats weren't socialist, Bernie Sanders and AOC wouldn't popular. Bernie, a full on socialist, might be elected by Democrats.

Democrats be like... I'm not a socialist, I just like socialism and vote for socialist...

AOC will slowly go to the Social Democratic side of things as she ages. Bernie isn't a Democrat and never has been. If he were to win the nomination as a Democrat it would be as bazaar as Trump winning the Republican Nomination. Hell does freeze over sometimes I guess.
The fact they are popular should trouble old school Democrats. The Democrat party has become socialist. I hear them speak all the time. They want to flood America with people who hate it, collapse it, and take it over. All while punishing white people they blame everything wrong on.

They? You don't listen the "They" Thenews you listen to only present the "They" that "They" want you to hear. In the Real Workd, "They", meaning Me and others like me aren't pushing Sociialism at all. We do push for a misture of Capitalism and Socio Democracy. But, most of all, we are in favor of a Federal Republic. What we are against is what trashes MOST Governments and that is corruption. And we have that in the US just as much as anywhere else in the World. And it's on both sides of the Aisle.

There are some things that we want that you don't but it doesn't make us socialists.

Universal Healthcare. Sometimes called Medicare for All. Not controlled by just the Government but also overseen by the Doctors. Kicking the HMOs and the Insurance companies to the curb. I am sure you are aware that the US cost of Health Care is the absolute highest cost in the world right now and has been for decades. And it has never been the best. The reason this hasn't been done is that there is hundreds of millions spent on Lobbying every year so that the fringes (HMOs and Insurance) can keep raking in the billions. That's right, Billions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions. The cost savings by channeling the money sent to the HMOs and Insurance Companies being sent directly to the health providers will pay for the system. But I am not talking about doing all this for free. I am retired on SSI and also Tricare. My Medicare Part B costs me 135 a month (last year it cost 105) and my Tricare (2nd payer) costs me a deductible of 175 a year. But I primarily use the VA. But when the VA is not available (it isn't always like me going for cataract surgery) I use the two together that covers most of it. The VA drug their feet. If I had waited for them to get it done I would have been legally blind by that time. Most people are NOT that lucky to have that option and only have Medicare (80%) with it's 135 buck monthly premium and whatever a supplemental would cost which is usually even higher than Medicare Part B. Medicare is NOT free.

Pharmaceutical Companies. Why is the US paying the highest cost for medicine in the World? In Diabetic Medicine, why are we paying 10 to 100 times what the same medicine in other countries cost with just a different label? And that isn't the only life threatening medicines that comes under that category. Make it criminal to do this type of practice. If a company wants to play this game, take their right to have the patent and make it public domain so other companies can manufacture and distribute it. It can be done under the Sherman Anti Trust Act. Don't allow them to spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to prevent this. Make it illegal to lobby like that. And make it illegal for our "Lawmakers" to accept those funds for anything including campaign contributions. WE can do this with a mixture of the Executive Branch and a panel of Doctor Controlled Panels which is appointed by the Medical Community themselves.

Education. Free Community Colleges. Again, not really free but low cost. Let's say, Free Tuition. But the other costs will still be there. And the States can pick up most of that cost. Since the States will be picking up the lions share of the benefits from the graduates they should pay the most for the tuition costs. If a state decides they don't want to do this, they don't have to. But enough states will opt in I have a feeling that most or all will end up doing it. I don't see Alabama doing it though. They seem to like having uneducated people for their low paying jobs but in 10 years, those jobs will be gone anyway to automation. Same goes for Kindergarten. Even Kansas has free Kindergarten and you don't get much Redder than that. The Education benefits are fantastic. But don't change the Universities and for pay upper level colleges.

Mining and Manufacture of Rare Earths and such. Right now, China is the main miner and manufacturer of items like this. You would think they have the most raw resources. They don't. The US has even more. But it's done on such a small scale because it's expensive to do cleanly. It's not expensive to mine, it's expensive to process. We have thousands of square miles in the west with absolutely nothing to destroy that we can used to process these raw materials. And we can come up with ways to do it much cleaner than China as well. Comon, it's the friggin 21st century. The US can invest in this technology and get things rolling. These rare earths and such are used in all sorts of things like computers, TVs, cars, and even Toasters. Invest in the future.

Notice, I took a couple or three from the New Green Deal without taking the whole thing. The New Green Deal is a concept only. It's something that might come true in 100 years or more. But parts of it can be done today. We should take those parts and do them rather than throw the whole thing out.

What's funny, if you present the above items to most Republicans you will get a positive response on them as well. It ain't rocket science. It's common sense. Changes are coming and as changes happen we have to adapt. There are those of us that are Progressive Fiscal Conservatives that think like Republicans did back in the Eisenhower days before the Spend, Spend, Spend Spend Dems and Reps seized both parties.

So when you say "They" you aren't talking about the Majority of either the Democrats nor the Republicans. They "They" you are talking about are .......hell, I don't know who they are.
When I said they, I was referring to Bernie and AOC. Not some mystical they. Old school Democrats should be worried "they" are popular.

I also notice you don't comment on the rest of my post. And that is the problem. When I hit things dead on the nose like that it gets overlooked. Try looking at the things I brought up about making it better rather than the things you think just make it worse.
You mean that they have strict immigration laws? Imagine that? Think of how much money would be saved if we were not subsidizing a good portion of the 20 plus MILLION illegals that work under the table while collecting stipends and other amenities intended for the serfs with legal citizenship....not like you give a shit. Your ilk seems them as the future of the leftard clown posse party of sniveling commies.
The wall is stupid and only the Democrats have the solution or give a damn it seems. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card and enforce it. End of problem. It is the GOP that gives them an open invitation to work here.

So amnesty, right, dumb ass? And that would ALSO end the subsidizing of them? Fucking moron, Franki....that's you.
Except for the criminals yes. They are all working, all the propaganda about illegals getting welfare and voting is pure baloney.

You can STFU now, dumb ass.....

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Sure if you count going to school and school programs... LOL

Ummm, no, little Frankie, the marxist clown.........and here is another bit of's not MY responsibility to subsidize them and their anchor babies nor will I. Capiche'?
France and various other countries are a Democratic Socialist government and they are not headed towards communism or revolution.

Corrupt politicians happen in all forms of government even in democracy.
France and various other countries are a Democratic Socialist government and they are not headed towards communism or revolution.

Corrupt politicians happen in all forms of government even in democracy.
Looks like France just love their socialism and their over $10 per gallon of gas......"for the planet."

Things sure seem to be going great with socialism in Norway and their open border policy

Wonderful open border policy in Sweden

Boy, things sure going great there. We should be sympathetic towards a bunch of brown muslim scumbags being able to rape white blonde women.
Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

There goes Timmy into the well again

When did they start calling Quaaludes a well?

Try answering the question, super dupes. Obviously all Democrats are talking about socialism like in France Scandinavia Germany Spain Canada Australia New Zealand even the UK. Not here, the only rich country withoutHealthcare daycare paid parental leave living wage Great vacations great infrastructure cheap college cheap training and mainly dupes taxing the rich more than the rest of us percentage-wise.
There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."

Your narrative gets destroyed and you result to insults yet again.
You're gonna have to get some substance or it's off you go....

What's that Billie? What is my narrative?

Dumb dolts saying nothing, you know you are dealing with a deplorable.

You havent addressed a single question in this thread....adios pendejo.

The questions hold no water. Only a fool would engage in such ignorance.

later, dolty!
There is no point, pinhead.

Nothing worse than you toothless Trumpets.

Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.

No need for that...
I live in one of the top five master planned communities in the country.

A "toothless" community?

You chuckle heads do make me laugh.
Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."

Your narrative gets destroyed and you result to insults yet again.
You're gonna have to get some substance or it's off you go....

What's that Billie? What is my narrative?

Dumb dolts saying nothing, you know you are dealing with a deplorable.

You havent addressed a single question in this thread....adios pendejo.

The questions hold no water. Only a fool would engage in such ignorance.

later, dolty!

Yet another none response....On the fast track to ignore.
Again you have no response.
As far as toothless goes? I have 40k in implants after a teenage mishap. Which I paid out of pocket.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.

No need for that...
I live in one of the top five master planned communities in the country.

A "toothless" community?

You chuckle heads do make me laugh.

Aaaaand off you go.....

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