So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.
Before I can even address your Venezuela claims this must be dealt with lest it be lent even just an iota of take two of the largest most egregious socialist failures [one current and the other former] in the world and blame their demise on a system they detest and has done everything they could to destroy it...
I have never heard anyone even remotely claim Noko is anything but socialist/communist and certainly not a country of "capitalism out of control", it boggles the mind trying to imagine where that even comes from until I remember that is how socialism defends its failures, with hyperbolic claims that forces detractors to look away from the disaster du jour, it's a sort of pressure relief valve...
and what ever claim and degree of Russian failure there may be today it is microscopic compared to the Soviet disaster that precede it...
Whats happening here is typical of left wing thinking ["when the truth offends, lie"], [it is the defining characteristic of left wing thinking] you used two of the most obvious socialist failures as examples to pretend it is capitalism that does not work, I would assume that is because any capitalist failures you could muster just would not convince anyone the way socialist failures do...
...That said, I am 61 years old and giving socialism a good hard look through the likes of Bernie and co. and since socialisms best day is its first day and all downhill after that I am going to let the future generations worry about it since the school system hasn't really taught them much more than to point fingers and demand money.
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These pathetic left wing losers still think socialism is a success in Venezuela.

Nothing else to say.

It was a success. That is, under Chavez. But the financial blocks that the US and Europe placed on them were crippling. But Chavez pulled the country from a complete disaster of a failed capitalistic system where the country was owned by outside corporations sucking it dry to a successful country. When he took over he was faced with other 50% poverty. In the first year alone, he got it down to 20% and it was going down fast. The education level was increased, the starvation rate was reduced, and many more things. The Corporations had suck the country dry. So he kicked them out. Mostly, it was the Oil Companies like Exxon/Mobil, Conaco, Total, BP and others that were sucking the one resource they had to offer. And they gave almost nothing in return. Of course, the legally "Elected" Government that was the "Pride" of the Democratic Government was so corrupt they ended up getting a rich beyond their richest imaginations through corruption. What came out of it was the boycotts. To try and break them, Chavez decided to break away from the Dollar Standard and the World Bank. So the US and Europe boycotted their oil productions, wouldn't allow them to buy oil refinery equipment, etc.. Chavez seemed to find ways around that. The US and Europe had a real problem with Chavez. He was so friggin loved, no matter what they did, the people stood behind him. The US and Europe were trying to get a Western Friendly Leader that they could manipulate and allow their Corporations back in for business as usual.

Then he died but his Heir apparent took over in a land slide election. Enter Meduro. Meduro isn't a pimple on
Chavez's ass. He ended up having to go heavy handed on many things. It's not that he's a bad socialists, it's that he's a piss poor administrator with a God Complex. It just kept getting worse. Today, it just can't get any worse. Marduro really has to go. Meduro isn't corrupt, he's incompetent.

To fix the problem, the US and Europe needs to open up the markets once again, allow Venzuealla to get the equipment and investment it needs to get back to where it once was and to have a competent Leader. It really doesn't matter if it's a Socialist or a Republic or not. As long as it's competent. Just as long as it's not like it is now where it's a Dictator.

Okay, you Capitalistic Pigs, take it on the chin on this one.
In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.
I don't disagree with you on some of our responsibility in thei [since chavez rejected our dollars it was only fitting he be rejected by them] but chavez jumped in at a time when there was great wealth in the nation [even if only half the nation enjoyed it] and spread it around until there was no more left to spread around, that wealth is now gone and you can tell that by the lack of interest on the left to jump in and promise to spread the pennies around in exchange for the reins of power...the country has now been compassioned to death.
When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.
Before I can even address your Venezuela claims this must be dealt with lest it be lent even just an iota of take two of the largest most egregious socialist failures [one current and the other former] in the world and blame their demise on a system they detest and has done everything they could to destroy it...
I have never heard anyone even remotely claim Noko is anything but socialist/communist and certainly not a country of "capitalism out of control", it boggles the mind trying to imagine where that even comes from until I remember that is how socialism defends its failures, with hyperbolic claims that forces detractors look away from the disaster du jour, a sort of pressure relief valve...
and what ever claim and degree of Russian failure there may be today it is microscopic compared to the Soviet disaster that precede it...
Whats happening here is typical of left wing thinking ["when the truth offends, lie"], [it is the defining characteristic of left wing thinking] you used two of the most obvious socialist failures as examples to pretend it is capitalism that does not work, I would assume that is because any capitalist failures you could muster just would not convince anyone the way socialist failures do...
...That said, I am 61 years old and giving socialism a good hard look through the likes of Bernie and co. and since socialisms best day is its first day and all downhill after that I am going to let the future generations worry about it since the school system hasn't really taught them much more than to point fingers and demand money.

Socialism is NOT a style of Governing. It's an economic choice. If you are trying to use as a Governing choice, you are already in deep trouble. Same goes for Capitalism. The fight between the ones that want to force us into using Capitalism and the ones that want to us Socialism as a Governing Choice like it is right now is just destroying America. And the failures of trying are always blamed on the other side when reality, it's both sides.
Socialism is NOT a style of Governing. It's an economic choice. If you are trying to use as a Governing choice, you are already in deep trouble. Same goes for Capitalism. The fight between the ones that want to force us into using Capitalism and the ones that want to us Socialism as a Governing Choice like it is right now is just destroying America. And the failures of trying are always blamed on the other side when reality, it's both sides.
see, this is why ya start out with "capitalism is out of control" in communist countries, so that when you need to share the blame it doesn't come across as crazy as it would without that claim.
Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
Par for the course under socialism

Wrong, Chavez took a failed "Democratic" Capitalistic system that was sucking the country to nothing, kicked out the Corporations, nationalized the oil and other things, reduced poverty, hunger, increased literacy, and much more. All through what you would call Socialism. The Golden Age of Venzeuala was NOT under a Democratic Government, it was a duly and legally elected Democratic Social Government under Chavez. Chavez was also the leader that kicked the old regime out that was thought to be the Democratic Government that was Capitalism unchecked that allowed the Country to be, more or less, shipped to the US and Europe while stripping the people blind. Unchecked Capitalism is just as bad as what happens when Socialism fails and a Dictator seizes control. You can't allow either Socialism nor Capitalism to run your Government because they are economic methods, not governing methods. And both will sooner or later lead to corruption and downfall. You honestly believe that if we allowed the Corporations here in the US to continue like they are today that the United States would survive?
Wrong, Chavez took a failed "Democratic" Capitalistic system that was sucking the country to nothing, kicked out the Corporations, nationalized the oil and other things, reduced poverty, hunger, increased literacy, and much more. All through what you would call Socialism. The Golden Age of Venzeuala was NOT under a Democratic Government, it was a duly and legally elected Democratic Social Government under Chavez. Chavez was also the leader that kicked the old regime out that was thought to be the Democratic Government that was Capitalism unchecked that allowed the Country to be, more or less, shipped to the US and Europe while stripping the people blind. Unchecked Capitalism is just as bad as what happens when Socialism fails and a Dictator seizes control. You can't allow either Socialism nor Capitalism to run your Government because they are economic methods, not governing methods. And both will sooner or later lead to corruption and downfall. You honestly believe that if we allowed the Corporations here in the US to continue like they are today that the United States would survive?
You conveniently and continuously leave out the fact that chavez took over a country of great wealth and spent that wealth buying the love of his people until there was nothing left for his successors to buy their love with...and you are correct about the two economic systems but only as far as you go with them, socialism requires the infestation into all things [what do you think is meant by "owning the means of production"] while capitalism thrives without the burden of government and/or governing...
And I don't believe any country survives forever at the top of the pyramid, the best you can do is stay there for as long as you can and then you get in the bread line with the rest of the socialists.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! You billies kill me...What a "hoot."
The world is certainly made for those who are not under the curse of self awareness.

You are a fucking ignorant joke.

Here is an idea, buy your neighbor a new tooth!

Jerk off.

No need for that...
I live in one of the top five master planned communities in the country.

A "toothless" community?

You chuckle heads do make me laugh.


Aaaaand off you go.....
These pathetic left wing losers still think socialism is a success in Venezuela.

Nothing else to say.
learning how to catch red herrings and straw men, only means something to the right wing. a work ethic from the Age of Iron and learning how to fish, should be more productive.
So, you are claiming socialism failed that country?

Wait, you think the "hugo chavez" version was really really good?


Fucking morons
i am claiming Government is failing in that nation State.

There is no provision for excuses, in our federal doctrine.
Wrong, Chavez took a failed "Democratic" Capitalistic system that was sucking the country to nothing, kicked out the Corporations, nationalized the oil and other things, reduced poverty, hunger, increased literacy, and much more. All through what you would call Socialism. The Golden Age of Venzeuala was NOT under a Democratic Government, it was a duly and legally elected Democratic Social Government under Chavez. Chavez was also the leader that kicked the old regime out that was thought to be the Democratic Government that was Capitalism unchecked that allowed the Country to be, more or less, shipped to the US and Europe while stripping the people blind. Unchecked Capitalism is just as bad as what happens when Socialism fails and a Dictator seizes control. You can't allow either Socialism nor Capitalism to run your Government because they are economic methods, not governing methods. And both will sooner or later lead to corruption and downfall. You honestly believe that if we allowed the Corporations here in the US to continue like they are today that the United States would survive?
You conveniently and continuously leave out the fact that chavez took over a country of great wealth and spent that wealth buying the love of his people until there was nothing left for his successors to buy their love with...and you are correct about the two economic systems but only as far as you go with them, socialism requires the infestation into all things [what do you think is meant by "owning the means of production"] while capitalism thrives without the burden of government and/or governing...
And I don't believe any country survives forever at the top of the pyramid, the best you can do is stay there for as long as you can and then you get in the bread line with the rest of the socialists.

That great wealth was in the hands of a few. Meanwhile the masses were greatly suffering. Chavez was the head of a popular revolution that overthrew a corrupt government. Now, I don't agree with all his methods after he gained control but if you compare them with what was before, the people did greatly benefit from it. But the Rich that sucked the country dry were put in prison or they grabbed the billions and fled. Most of them fled. What they left was a bankrupt country. Chavez had to dig the country out of that. And he did. But first, he had to get money flowing back into the country. That meant kicking out the very corporations that were draining the country dry and that was the oil corporations from the US and Europe. I'll admit it could have been done better probably. But something had to be done. Chavez was not a brilliant business man. He was a General. A Leader of Men. But his methods did turn the country around. The problem was, the US and Europe struck back hard in the form of Tariffs and boycotts that were designed to cripple Venzeulla. And those would have been more effective had Chavez not been able to work around it. When he died, his brilliance was lost and the full brunt of those tariffs and boycotts hit. Meduro didn't have the talent that Chavez had and Venzeula went into a steep nose dive. Meduro went into Dictator Mode because that was all he understood under that situation. He took complete control. When that happens, it's all lost. Meduro needs to go.

At the same time, the US and Europe needs to cut the crap and open up the markets to Venzuella as well. The US and Europe are as much to blame on this as Meduro is. No free rides.
When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.
Before I can even address your Venezuela claims this must be dealt with lest it be lent even just an iota of take two of the largest most egregious socialist failures [one current and the other former] in the world and blame their demise on a system they detest and has done everything they could to destroy it...
I have never heard anyone even remotely claim Noko is anything but socialist/communist and certainly not a country of "capitalism out of control", it boggles the mind trying to imagine where that even comes from until I remember that is how socialism defends its failures, with hyperbolic claims that forces detractors look away from the disaster du jour, a sort of pressure relief valve...
and what ever claim and degree of Russian failure there may be today it is microscopic compared to the Soviet disaster that precede it...
Whats happening here is typical of left wing thinking ["when the truth offends, lie"], [it is the defining characteristic of left wing thinking] you used two of the most obvious socialist failures as examples to pretend it is capitalism that does not work, I would assume that is because any capitalist failures you could muster just would not convince anyone the way socialist failures do...
...That said, I am 61 years old and giving socialism a good hard look through the likes of Bernie and co. and since socialisms best day is its first day and all downhill after that I am going to let the future generations worry about it since the school system hasn't really taught them much more than to point fingers and demand money.

Socialism is NOT a style of Governing. It's an economic choice. If you are trying to use as a Governing choice, you are already in deep trouble. Same goes for Capitalism. The fight between the ones that want to force us into using Capitalism and the ones that want to us Socialism as a Governing Choice like it is right now is just destroying America. And the failures of trying are always blamed on the other side when reality, it's both sides.
lol. why should we take the right wing seriously about economics? y'all have nothing but fallacy. women are funner.

Government is socialism and Government solves All problems for the right wing. What actual economic policies has Your guy implemented.

Government is solving all problems for the right wing, and it is even being financed so the Richest, can get tax breaks.

Nothing but socialized wealth redistribution is the best the right wing can do with tax cut economics.
What are the Dems pushing that makes us into Venezuela.?
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
FDR had to save capitalism and we have had to bail out capitalism since then..Capitalism is a failure as an economic model..

How did FDR "save" capitalism? His New Deal policies are believed by many economists to have extended the Great Depression.

Capitalism has some faults...all systems do...but it's created more wealth and prosperity than any other system. How you can label THAT as failure is rather amusing!
He got the big boys together and told them how it was going to go down if they didn't cough up some dough to save the system, if not then revolutionary forces were already in place, especially after Hoover released MacArthur on the Hooterville resident veterans..
FDR along with taxes increased the chances of a great depression not hitting us again like it did so many times during the 1800's.
What a malodorous mountain of horseshit.
What are the Dems pushing that makes us into Venezuela.?
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
What are the Dems pushing that makes us into Venezuela.?
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
There are no special tariffs on Venezuela that I'm aware of. They were able to sell their oil in US markets until quite recently. They began starving long before that happened. Your theories about Venezuela have no empirical evidence to support them.
What are the Dems pushing that makes us into Venezuela.?
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
There are no special tariffs on Venezuela that I'm aware of. They were able to sell their oil in US markets until quite recently. They began starving long before that happened. Your theories about Venezuela have no empirical evidence to support them.
Citgo for example. They are such fucking losers.
These pathetic left wing losers still think socialism is a success in Venezuela.

Nothing else to say.
learning how to catch red herrings and straw men, only means something to the right wing. a work ethic from the Age of Iron and learning how to fish, should be more productive.
So, you are claiming socialism failed that country?

Wait, you think the "hugo chavez" version was really really good?


Fucking morons
i am claiming Government is failing in that nation State.

There is no provision for excuses, in our federal doctrine.
No excuses for our federal doctrine? Pathetic.

Love how no one like you ever ponder why.....

No American has ever felt the need to "escape American Tyranny" and float down to Cuba. Yet it happens the other away around.

Are you fuckers trying to tell us that Cuba is a story of socialism success?

Yet those two were friends and chavez emulated the dictator.


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