So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
kinda odd and ironic since tariffs are really just higher taxes, the life blood of socialism and embargoes are the equivalent result of higher taxes, the usual coffin for socialism.
What are the Dems pushing that makes us into Venezuela.?
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
There are no special tariffs on Venezuela that I'm aware of. They were able to sell their oil in US markets until quite recently. They began starving long before that happened. Your theories about Venezuela have no empirical evidence to support them.

It's called economic sanctions. You can call it tariffs or any other thing you want to. Here is just the latest

US Imposes Economic Sanctions on Venezuela
On August 24, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order (“Order”) imposing additional sanctions on Venezuela. The Order states that these sanctions, which primarily target the Government of Venezuela and the Venezuelan oil industry, are in response to the deepening political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The Order adds to a growing list of restrictions that apply to Venezuela, which is already subject to a US arms embargo and US licensing requirements on exports and reexports of specific categories of goods, software, and technology to military end-users or for military end-uses in Venezuela. The Order also follows the designation as Specially Designated Nationals of various Venezuelan government officials (including President Nicolas Maduro) pursuant to Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in

This is from the United States Government by way of Executive Orders from two presidents. But it doesn't mention the root cause where there was years of refusal to sell refinery equipment to be used in Venzuela or drilling equipment of any kind. The US and European Oil Companies affected a freeze of those sales even when they did not own those companies. Since the major income for Venzuela was oil, the economics started going down each year as the systems broke down. Plus, Venzuela refused to use the US Dollar Standard and that meant that the World Bank would not do business with them. The previous purchaser of their oil, being the US, refused to purchase oil from them in any product. It was either do business with the very companies that drained Venzuela dry before and caused over a 50% poverty rate or they would not do business with anyone. That is what initially caused the mess. Meduro isn't the brightest bulb in the pack. And he feels the US is bullying him and he is right. As it stands now, the US needs to stop with the bullying and Meduro needs to go on a long vacation. The US and it's heavy support of the Oil Companies are as much to blame for this mess as Meduro.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
kinda odd and ironic since tariffs are really just higher taxes, the life blood of socialism and embargoes are the equivalent result of higher taxes, the usual coffin for socialism.

It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
kinda odd and ironic since tariffs are really just higher taxes, the life blood of socialism and embargoes are the equivalent result of higher taxes, the usual coffin for socialism.

It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
Competition is a good thing in capitalism… Unlike in Socialism
The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
kinda odd and ironic since tariffs are really just higher taxes, the life blood of socialism and embargoes are the equivalent result of higher taxes, the usual coffin for socialism.

It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
Competition is a good thing in capitalism… Unlike in Socialism

Yes, it's good when you can get a Government to impose a Tariff or pass laws to hurt your competitor so that you can be more competitive than you really should be. And it doesn't have to be an overseas business either. It happens to stateside business. If you can come up with enough millions to buy enough Politicos you can get laws passed to hurt your stateside competitor. We have the best Politicians money can buy and they are purchased often.
The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
kinda odd and ironic since tariffs are really just higher taxes, the life blood of socialism and embargoes are the equivalent result of higher taxes, the usual coffin for socialism.

It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
Competition is a good thing in capitalism… Unlike in Socialism

Yes, it's good when you can get a Government to impose a Tariff or pass laws to hurt your competitor so that you can be more competitive than you really should be. And it doesn't have to be an overseas business either. It happens to stateside business. If you can come up with enough millions to buy enough Politicos you can get laws passed to hurt your stateside competitor. We have the best Politicians money can buy and they are purchased often.
Career politicians like high-level federal employees are accountable to nobody, and kickbacks is the way they get paid. How else do these career politicians and high-level federal employees get so rich so quickly... Pure corruption
Socialism timmy...Venezuela is just the latest failed left wing state to collapse in a long list of tragic left wing failures and they are all followed with cute little questions like yours.

When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
There are no special tariffs on Venezuela that I'm aware of. They were able to sell their oil in US markets until quite recently. They began starving long before that happened. Your theories about Venezuela have no empirical evidence to support them.

It's called economic sanctions. You can call it tariffs or any other thing you want to. Here is just the latest

US Imposes Economic Sanctions on Venezuela
On August 24, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order (“Order”) imposing additional sanctions on Venezuela. The Order states that these sanctions, which primarily target the Government of Venezuela and the Venezuelan oil industry, are in response to the deepening political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The Order adds to a growing list of restrictions that apply to Venezuela, which is already subject to a US arms embargo and US licensing requirements on exports and reexports of specific categories of goods, software, and technology to military end-users or for military end-uses in Venezuela. The Order also follows the designation as Specially Designated Nationals of various Venezuelan government officials (including President Nicolas Maduro) pursuant to Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in

This is from the United States Government by way of Executive Orders from two presidents. But it doesn't mention the root cause where there was years of refusal to sell refinery equipment to be used in Venzuela or drilling equipment of any kind. The US and European Oil Companies affected a freeze of those sales even when they did not own those companies. Since the major income for Venzuela was oil, the economics started going down each year as the systems broke down. Plus, Venzuela refused to use the US Dollar Standard and that meant that the World Bank would not do business with them. The previous purchaser of their oil, being the US, refused to purchase oil from them in any product. It was either do business with the very companies that drained Venzuela dry before and caused over a 50% poverty rate or they would not do business with anyone. That is what initially caused the mess. Meduro isn't the brightest bulb in the pack. And he feels the US is bullying him and he is right. As it stands now, the US needs to stop with the bullying and Meduro needs to go on a long vacation. The US and it's heavy support of the Oil Companies are as much to blame for this mess as Meduro.
IN 2016 your hero Obama placed sanction only on specified individuals in the Venezuelan government. How would that affect the general population?

Trump didn't impose any sanctions until 6 months ago. Venezuelans began starving long before that.

Venezuela is an economic basket case because of the Chavez and Maduro regimes, not because of the USA. That couldn't be more obvious.

The stubborn hypocritical never believers will not listen to any of them.

The stubborn pathetic American socialists like Mac (he still the same stupid fucking question btw) will never get it.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
FDR had to save capitalism and we have had to bail out capitalism since then..Capitalism is a failure as an economic model..
Fuck you.

The free market saved it you ignorant brainwashed fucking hack.

Moon Blow(me) is a lib hack. Socialism isn't failing in Venezuela its working just like it's suppose too! Marx and Engel never finished the Manifesto because they knew it didn't and couldn't work! Unless yo decide to kill everyone who disagrees! Ask Stalin / Mao / Pol Pot they knew the truth.
Actually corruption ruined Ven.

When will Cons admit that Venezuela “socialism “ has nothing to do with the democratic socialist ideas we have in America.

And you think a Corrupt Democratic Socialist party in America will be your salvation. How will it be different Einstein. Some kind of New wave socialism? OOOOOO! No one is impressed by your Stupidity! Govt controls everything and you're okay with that? You should move because your dream is dead in America!:321:
When Capitalism fails, it usually ends up in a Gallows. It fails for exactly the same reasons. You seem to forget the ones that happened to. For instance, North Korea is where Capitalism is out of control. It's not socialism at all. It's a dynasty where one family member owns the entire country. The Modern World outgrew that hundreds of years ago when we sidelined the Kings. Russia is closer to a failed Capitalist Government where Putin is the king. Many times, Fascism masquerades as socialism.

In the Chavez days, it Venzuela was a Socialist country. He took over when the Capitalists system failed. He made promises and kept them. Of course, he kicked out the outside companies that controlled the country and sucked the life out of it. He nationalized the oil industry. Thsi was bade enough. It resulted in the US enacting some financial penalties. Then Chavez removed the country from the World Bank system that was controlled by the Dollar. . That was the straw that broke the camels back. The US lost all control at that point. The problem the US had with it was Chavez was truly loved. Chavez took a country that was in serious trouble and turned it into a fantastic economic powerhouse. You seem to forget that before Chavez, the country had over a 50 percent poverty rate. There was a HUGE gap between the rich and the poor. It's when the Capitalists get out of control. Chavez died but named Maduro as his Successor. Let's face it, Maduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. And the US really went to town on the penalties. The US was joined in by Europe. It seems Europe was angry over Total and BP being shown the door as well. All of a sudden, Venzeula didn't have the market for the largest oil reserves in the world they once had. The country had only that one resource and it crashed hard. Even if it did have a Capitalist style in country control of the oil production it wouldn't matter. What the US and Europe demanded was that THEY have control of it and they demand that a Western Friendly (meaning crony) leader be installed.

Maduro has long since worn out his welcome though. He has long since moved from the Socialism of Chavez to the Dictatorship of Maduro.
We've heard the story that socialism is really a form of capitalism 10,000 times.

The first step to ending this mess is to stop with the Tariffs and embargoes on Venzuella that were started because they kicked out the US and European Oil Companies in the first place. Yes, we need to do that AFTER Meduro is gone. But do it with out qualifiers. The US and European Governments are just as much to blame as Meduro is in this mess.
There are no special tariffs on Venezuela that I'm aware of. They were able to sell their oil in US markets until quite recently. They began starving long before that happened. Your theories about Venezuela have no empirical evidence to support them.

It's called economic sanctions. You can call it tariffs or any other thing you want to. Here is just the latest

US Imposes Economic Sanctions on Venezuela
On August 24, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive Order (“Order”) imposing additional sanctions on Venezuela. The Order states that these sanctions, which primarily target the Government of Venezuela and the Venezuelan oil industry, are in response to the deepening political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The Order adds to a growing list of restrictions that apply to Venezuela, which is already subject to a US arms embargo and US licensing requirements on exports and reexports of specific categories of goods, software, and technology to military end-users or for military end-uses in Venezuela. The Order also follows the designation as Specially Designated Nationals of various Venezuelan government officials (including President Nicolas Maduro) pursuant to Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015
Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in

This is from the United States Government by way of Executive Orders from two presidents. But it doesn't mention the root cause where there was years of refusal to sell refinery equipment to be used in Venzuela or drilling equipment of any kind. The US and European Oil Companies affected a freeze of those sales even when they did not own those companies. Since the major income for Venzuela was oil, the economics started going down each year as the systems broke down. Plus, Venzuela refused to use the US Dollar Standard and that meant that the World Bank would not do business with them. The previous purchaser of their oil, being the US, refused to purchase oil from them in any product. It was either do business with the very companies that drained Venzuela dry before and caused over a 50% poverty rate or they would not do business with anyone. That is what initially caused the mess. Meduro isn't the brightest bulb in the pack. And he feels the US is bullying him and he is right. As it stands now, the US needs to stop with the bullying and Meduro needs to go on a long vacation. The US and it's heavy support of the Oil Companies are as much to blame for this mess as Meduro.
IN 2016 your hero Obama placed sanction only on specified individuals in the Venezuelan government. How would that affect the general population?

Trump didn't impose any sanctions until 6 months ago. Venezuelans began starving long before that.

Venezuela is an economic basket case because of the Chavez and Maduro regimes, not because of the USA. That couldn't be more obvious.

The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?
FDR had to save capitalism and we have had to bail out capitalism since then..Capitalism is a failure as an economic model..

How did FDR "save" capitalism? His New Deal policies are believed by many economists to have extended the Great Depression.

Capitalism has some faults...all systems do...but it's created more wealth and prosperity than any other system. How you can label THAT as failure is rather amusing!
He got the big boys together and told them how it was going to go down if they didn't cough up some dough to save the system, if not then revolutionary forces were already in place, especially after Hoover released MacArthur on the Hooterville resident veterans..
FDR along with taxes increased the chances of a great depression not hitting us again like it did so many times during the 1800's.

We had Great Depressions many times in the 1800's? Really, Moonie?
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
FDR had to save capitalism and we have had to bail out capitalism since then..Capitalism is a failure as an economic model..

How did FDR "save" capitalism? His New Deal policies are believed by many economists to have extended the Great Depression.

Capitalism has some faults...all systems do...but it's created more wealth and prosperity than any other system. How you can label THAT as failure is rather amusing!
He got the big boys together and told them how it was going to go down if they didn't cough up some dough to save the system, if not then revolutionary forces were already in place, especially after Hoover released MacArthur on the Hooterville resident veterans..
FDR along with taxes increased the chances of a great depression not hitting us again like it did so many times during the 1800's.

We had Great Depressions many times in the 1800's? Really, Moonie?
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West
These pathetic left wing losers still think socialism is a success in Venezuela.

Nothing else to say.
learning how to catch red herrings and straw men, only means something to the right wing. a work ethic from the Age of Iron and learning how to fish, should be more productive.
So, you are claiming socialism failed that country?

Wait, you think the "hugo chavez" version was really really good?


Fucking morons
i am claiming Government is failing in that nation State.

There is no provision for excuses, in our federal doctrine.
No excuses for our federal doctrine? Pathetic.

Love how no one like you ever ponder why.....

No American has ever felt the need to "escape American Tyranny" and float down to Cuba. Yet it happens the other away around.

Are you fuckers trying to tell us that Cuba is a story of socialism success?

Yet those two were friends and chavez emulated the dictator.

yet, we have the largest military in the world, and we have global warfare instead of global trade.
It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
Not the point, and I don't think you merely missed it but just avoided want tariffs lifted without qualifiers but do not recognize that higher taxes do more damage and are self inflicted, I would rather we stopped calling for higher taxes on ourselves than repeal tariffs on socialists, let the socialist elites feel the effects of higher taxes until they are honest about the devastation the higher taxes have on others...admit that taxes are bad and ruining our country before demanding we stop using them against those whose political survival is derived from them.
FDR had to save capitalism and we have had to bail out capitalism since then..Capitalism is a failure as an economic model..

How did FDR "save" capitalism? His New Deal policies are believed by many economists to have extended the Great Depression.

Capitalism has some faults...all systems do...but it's created more wealth and prosperity than any other system. How you can label THAT as failure is rather amusing!
He got the big boys together and told them how it was going to go down if they didn't cough up some dough to save the system, if not then revolutionary forces were already in place, especially after Hoover released MacArthur on the Hooterville resident veterans..
FDR along with taxes increased the chances of a great depression not hitting us again like it did so many times during the 1800's.

We had Great Depressions many times in the 1800's? Really, Moonie?
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
You ignoramus doops seem to think life was so wonderful back then LOL.
It's also part of Capitalism. How to hurt your competition.
Not the point, and I don't think you merely missed it but just avoided want tariffs lifted without qualifiers but do not recognize that higher taxes do more damage and are self inflicted, I would rather we stopped calling for higher taxes on ourselves than repeal tariffs on socialists, let the socialist elites feel the effects of higher taxes until they are honest about the devastation the higher taxes have on others...admit that taxes are bad and ruining our country before demanding we stop using them against those whose political survival is derived from them.
the flat tax system we have and you don't know about is killing the middle class and the working class and you dupes don't care. You just care about the rich lol....
Last edited:
the flat tax system we have and you don't know about is killing the middle class and the working class and you dupes don't care. You just care about the rich lol....
this is the kind of mush that passes for education on the left..who knows about the flat tax system besides you fran? and why do you feel it is the folks who do not know about this flat tax that are at fault for not caring? [they could not possibly care if they don't know about it]...take a chill pill fran, mueller will fix everything.

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