So, how many leftists will admit socialism failed Venezuela?

We had Great Depressions many times in the 1800's? Really, Moonie?
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
We had Great Depressions many times in the 1800's? Really, Moonie?
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
47 recessions and worse before the Great Depression. You'd think ignorance was an honor.... You never heard of going west and starting over oh, you ridiculous buffoon?
IN 2016 your hero Obama placed sanction only on specified individuals in the Venezuelan government. How would that affect the general population?

Trump didn't impose any sanctions until 6 months ago. Venezuelans began starving long before that.

Venezuela is an economic basket case because of the Chavez and Maduro regimes, not because of the USA. That couldn't be more obvious.

The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
What's amusing is that you really seem to think that Chavez himself wasn't corrupt.
IN 2016 your hero Obama placed sanction only on specified individuals in the Venezuelan government. How would that affect the general population?

Trump didn't impose any sanctions until 6 months ago. Venezuelans began starving long before that.

Venezuela is an economic basket case because of the Chavez and Maduro regimes, not because of the USA. That couldn't be more obvious.

The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
Every world leader plays the cards that are dealt to them. If socialism is so great, then why didn't it pull Venezuela out of its downward spiral?

Corruption is an intrinsic feature of socialism. Only fools believe it didn't exist under Chavez. The only difference is that Chavez still had some wealth left over from the capitalist period to loot. Corporate raiders are not "corrupt." They are the cure for corporate corruption. The entrenched management is where all the corruption lies, and socialist pigs like Chavez protect these scumbags. When you say "he didn't let them leave with their loot," you're saying he expropriated private property. You're admitting Chavez is a socialist thug.

It's about socialism, dumbass. You're litany of lies only fools the gullible. You're spouting propaganda. It's all lies that have already been debunked 1000 times.
So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
47 recessions and worse before the Great Depression. You'd think ignorance was an honor.... You never heard of going west and starting over oh, you ridiculous buffoon?

Recessions are a naturally occurring economic part of life, Franco...we did in fact regularly have and recover from recessions before FDR oversaw what came to be known as The Great Depression! Going "west" as you put it was what was happening when the US was primarily an agrarian society...moving to big cities to work in industries instead of on farms was what changed the nation...not moving west!
So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
47 recessions and worse before the Great Depression. You'd think ignorance was an honor.... You never heard of going west and starting over oh, you ridiculous buffoon?
I'm only counting 35, and most of them were less than a year long. Furthermore, prior to the Great Depression, people didn't get laid off. They had their pay cut for a short time. The idea that government can make the economy run without a hiccup is what allows things like the Gulag to be created. Government caused most of the recession. It certainly caused the Great Depression.
IN 2016 your hero Obama placed sanction only on specified individuals in the Venezuelan government. How would that affect the general population?

Trump didn't impose any sanctions until 6 months ago. Venezuelans began starving long before that.

Venezuela is an economic basket case because of the Chavez and Maduro regimes, not because of the USA. That couldn't be more obvious.

The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
And GOP sanctions and covert action since at least 2002, that have now made it impossible for them to sell their oil? LOL

They still are under economic sanctions and can't get the equipment nor the support to get the oil to sell much less process the oil. Only the Russians have come to their aid with their own equipment and support and will buy their oil. Of course, anyone making a deal with the Russians are making a deal with the Devil.

The US and Europe are still providing crippling economic programs to them. Vensuella has NO chance of pulling out of this mess.
They can't get the equipment nor the support because they don't pay their bills and they loot any company that is dumb enough to do business with them. Businesses aren't charities. They expect to get paid.
The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
What's amusing is that you really seem to think that Chavez himself wasn't corrupt.
It's amazing how brainwashed this drone is.
The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
Every world leader plays the cards that are dealt to them. If socialism is so great, then why didn't it pull Venezuela out of its downward spiral?

Corruption is an intrinsic feature of socialism. Only fools believe it didn't exist under Chavez. The only difference is that Chavez still had some wealth left over from the capitalist period to loot. Corporate raiders are not "corrupt." They are the cure for corporate corruption. The entrenched management is where all the corruption lies, and socialist pigs like Chavez protect these scumbags. When you say "he didn't let them leave with their loot," you're saying he expropriated private property. You're admitting Chavez is a socialist thug.

It's about socialism, dumbass. You're litany of lies only fools the gullible. You're spouting propaganda. It's all lies that have already been debunked 1000 times.
The reason they won't admit socialism failed Venezuela is because they can't. They were too invested being on the side of chavez after he bad mouthed Bush at the UN. Especially when their gods in hollywood celebrated with him. Especially when chavez was so chummy with castro who they worship along with their god che.

If they admitted it, all of that long vested interest would crash down on their fucking heads.

They are so fucked that they have of course blame two things. One, they claim maduro is a tyrant and chavez of course was not. They are able to obfuscate blame from their god. They then circle all of it back to America being the reason and our free market that the entire middle class socialist world are desperate to get to.

They are demented double talking hypocrites. They are unable to see. Such sight has been taken from them.
Do you think the che guevera worshipers are able to admit that?

Thats not democratic socialism in Venezuela, that is a dictatorship. Democratic socialism is what you find in Western Europe, and it's working fine, much better than the predatory capitalism that exists in the U.S..

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist.
Funny they seem to think they are. Forbes editorial page are babbling idiots and brainwashed functional morons-Cold War dinosaurs. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Capitalism is what pays for those social safety nets. Some countries have larger ones than others that don't make them socialist.
All the socialists and Democratic socialists, which is the same thing in the modern world, are talking is about fair capitalism with a good safety net. Remain calm and try the real world, super duper.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
47 recessions and worse before the Great Depression. You'd think ignorance was an honor.... You never heard of going west and starting over oh, you ridiculous buffoon?

Recessions are a naturally occurring economic part of life, Franco...we did in fact regularly have and recover from recessions before FDR oversaw what came to be known as The Great Depression! Going "west" as you put it was what was happening when the US was primarily an agrarian society...moving to big cities to work in industries instead of on farms was what changed the nation...not moving west!
I never said
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!
47 recessions and worse before the Great Depression. You'd think ignorance was an honor.... You never heard of going west and starting over oh, you ridiculous buffoon?
I'm only counting 35, and most of them were less than a year long. Furthermore, prior to the Great Depression, people didn't get laid off. They had their pay cut for a short time. The idea that government can make the economy run without a hiccup is what allows things like the Gulag to be created. Government caused most of the recession. It certainly caused the Great Depression.
Deregulating fool crony GOP government to be concise... Just like 1989 and 2008....your version of 1800 economy is hilarious. And I just finished a book on the Pullman strike of 1894...
Thats not democratic socialism in Venezuela, that is a dictatorship. Democratic socialism is what you find in Western Europe, and it's working fine, much better than the predatory capitalism that exists in the U.S..

I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist.
Funny they seem to think they are. Forbes editorial page are babbling idiots and brainwashed functional morons-Cold War dinosaurs. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Capitalism is what pays for those social safety nets. Some countries have larger ones than others that don't make them socialist.
All the socialists and Democratic socialists, which is the same thing in the modern world, are talking is about fair capitalism with a good safety net. Remain calm and try the real world, super duper.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

So you're agreeing with Franco that we had Great Depressions about every 10 years prior to the actual Great Depression and that they were solved by westward expansion? Sure you want to jump on that train, Daryl? Next to R-Derp it's hard to find a more ignorant poster than Franco!

I say what I mean and mean what I say. I'll let Franco do the same. You can read anything out your ass you want to.
Ok they called them panics and they had them about every 10 years, ignoramus. Now we just have them every time the Republicans have 8 years 2 deregulate and cause giant corrupt bubbles and busts like 1929 1989 and 2008. And no doubt if Trump gets 8 years.... Only propaganda and brain washed fools Like you make it possible....

So we had Great Depressions about every 10 years? How in God's name did we manage to weather all of these "panics", Franco?
Went West

Don't have a you? Typical, Franco postings...

He may have been being glib and trolling but he's right. The Jobs were in the West and many men went west to the government jobs and then sent for the families later. They drove their cars, trucks, walked, rode the rails. whatever it took to get there.

I'm curious, Daryl...what do you think had more of an impact on job creation in the US...westward expansion...or the industrial revolution? Hint...the Franco train's leaving the might want to jump off now!

Actually, both had a profound affect. I doubt if we could have had the huge industrial revolution without the resources of the west and the western expansion would not have expanded as fast without the industrial revolution. Both would have happened, just slower without the other. What's that, a trick question? I suggest you jump on or off that train but wait until it gets to at least 100 mph first.
The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
What's amusing is that you really seem to think that Chavez himself wasn't corrupt.

He wasn't but he did have some Generals that were. Meduro kept them on after Chavez died. They helped to keep Meduro in power even today.
The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
You are so full of shit it's unbelievable. Your narrative is total fantasy. For one thing, Perez was also a hardcore leftwinger. The differences between his policies and those of Chavez are indistinguishable. Somehow you manage to absolve Chavez of all blame and place it on the guy who came before and the guy who came after. The reality is that they were just three ducks in a row, and life for people in Venezuela got steadily worse under them.

Chavez played the cards that was dealt to him. He operated inside the countries Constitution. And he made one hell of a difference. He cleaned up the corruption that Perez made and put Venzeualla back on track. The operative word here is Corruption. No matter what the government style you have, if you allow corruption to the degree that Perez did you are going to have a bankrupt country. And then you do the same with Meduro it's bankrupt again. Chavez threatened to put the corrupt politicians and corporate raiders in prison and they left the country. He didn't let them leave with their loot. He invested in the people's infrastructure. Perez and Meduro allow the corruption to happen and it bleeds the country dry. It's not about socialism, it's about corruption.
Every world leader plays the cards that are dealt to them. If socialism is so great, then why didn't it pull Venezuela out of its downward spiral?

Corruption is an intrinsic feature of socialism. Only fools believe it didn't exist under Chavez. The only difference is that Chavez still had some wealth left over from the capitalist period to loot. Corporate raiders are not "corrupt." They are the cure for corporate corruption. The entrenched management is where all the corruption lies, and socialist pigs like Chavez protect these scumbags. When you say "he didn't let them leave with their loot," you're saying he expropriated private property. You're admitting Chavez is a socialist thug.

It's about socialism, dumbass. You're litany of lies only fools the gullible. You're spouting propaganda. It's all lies that have already been debunked 1000 times.

Perez got control because of the Corporate Raiders raped the country under the "Democratic" corrupt government before Perez. First Perez and then his Wife. Perez was the one that "Socialized" or "Nationalized" the oil companies and kicked the corporate raiders out. Unfortunately, Perez and his wife were about as corrupt as the corporate raiders they kicked out. Corruption doesn't know the difference between Capitalism and Socialism.
Funny they seem to think they are. Forbes editorial page are babbling idiots and brainwashed functional morons-Cold War dinosaurs. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Capitalism is what pays for those social safety nets. Some countries have larger ones than others that don't make them socialist.
All the socialists and Democratic socialists, which is the same thing in the modern world, are talking is about fair capitalism with a good safety net. Remain calm and try the real world, super duper.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.
Maybe you should get a refund on that degree.
The US Government backed to Oil Companies denying Venzeual the ability to operate the oil fields and refineries. It has been going on for a couple of decades. These are the same oil companies that worked with the rich capitalists that stripped Venzuala of their entire economy that brought the original Revolalution into being in the first place. That "Wonder" years that you keep pointing was wonderful for the unlta rich but the average person was hungry, ill educated, unemployed and less. This is why they were sent packing. Unchecked Capitalism without any regulation means that this is what happens. As I said, Chavez could handle it but after he died, Meduro isn't a pimple on Chavez's ass. There was only one Chavez. He used socialism to put things back on track and prevented the corruption from returning. Meduro didn't know how to do that so he ended up moving to Dictatorship. The other option was to have another revolution. And that is still an option.

You keep not allowing Capitalism to accept it's role in this disaster. Unchecked Socialism used as a Government is just as bad as unchecked Capitalism used as a Government and both end up disasters. Neither one can be used for a Government.

That's the usual load of leftists horseshit when their god socialism is criticized. Most of the countries in the world are full of people who are hungry, ill educated and unemployed. Blaming the adoption of socialism on that is a diversion.

Capitalism isn't what causes poverty. The lack of capitalism is what causes poverty. The government's of all third world countries are profoundly corrupt. Whenever someone tries to start a business, there's a mountain of paper work and regulations to wade through, and then there is a line of government officials with their hands out.

Chavez didn't put things back on track. He sent the Venezuelan economy swirling down the toilet bowl. Things looked good to the poor for a short period while Chavez was looting the country's wealth, but the birds came home to roost, and when the money was all gone, they began starving. That's what always happens under socialism/communism.

Yeah, it's the fault of capitalism that Chavez ran off the people with the technical know-how to find and produce oil. What a laugh. Funny how that never happens under capitalism.

You seem to forget it was Perez that did most of the damage. He Nationalized the Oil Industry. And started the corruption in the Politicians. Not only were the seeds sown for failure, the whole damned garden was planted during the second half of the 1970s and beyond. Chavez had a real mess on his hands when he took power in 1998. And he was in the process of working on the corruption. Yes, many of the corrupt millionaires fled. Their only option was to stay and be thrown in prison. Chavez tried to work within the Venezuelan Constitution. But he died before he could get much done. When Meduro took over, Meduro used the very military that Chavez refused to use to quell the population. At that point, the US President Obama and then Trump laid even more economic sanctions. All of a sudden, starting in 2015, those very stores that Chavez set up to feed his people had long lines and empty shelves. Meduro wasn't smart enough to figure out how to deal with it. So he used military force. Chavez never did, he used his Military to get food to the people, get them medical help, and more. But the damage was already done after 1975 when the Oil Industry decided to not sell Valenzuela the badly needed equipment and support for it's oil industry, it's only means of national support and that was under Perez. If you can't find it, you can't pump it, you can't refine it, you can't ship it, it's pretty well worthless to have it in the ground. Chavez found work arounds for that and made inroads for the people. Meduro isn't a pimple off Chavez's ass and the corruption returned. But no where as bad as it was under Perez and before. You have to understand, the "Golden" period for Venzualla was all the way back to the early 70s. Under Perez, it slowly went downhill. By the time Chavez came along, Venzuealla was a bankrupt nation.
And GOP sanctions and covert action since at least 2002, that have now made it impossible for them to sell their oil? LOL

They still are under economic sanctions and can't get the equipment nor the support to get the oil to sell much less process the oil. Only the Russians have come to their aid with their own equipment and support and will buy their oil. Of course, anyone making a deal with the Russians are making a deal with the Devil.

The US and Europe are still providing crippling economic programs to them. Vensuella has NO chance of pulling out of this mess.
They can't get the equipment nor the support because they don't pay their bills and they loot any company that is dumb enough to do business with them. Businesses aren't charities. They expect to get paid.

They can't get the western equipment because the western companies boycotted them in 1975 when they booted the corporate raiders out of the country and still do today. But they are getting that equipment and support from Russia today. Russia did an end run. Look for things to get better. Still, Meduro needs to go.
Funny they seem to think they are. Forbes editorial page are babbling idiots and brainwashed functional morons-Cold War dinosaurs. "We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed.
Capitalism is what pays for those social safety nets. Some countries have larger ones than others that don't make them socialist.
All the socialists and Democratic socialists, which is the same thing in the modern world, are talking is about fair capitalism with a good safety net. Remain calm and try the real world, super duper.
You really do not know what socialism is do you ?
It isn't communism, brainwashed functional moron. I have a masters in history dumbass. Read any book or Wikipedia and it will tell you there have been three definitions of socialism since Marx.his ideology proven wrong, the USSR version which turned out to be a totalitarian scam, and ever since the 20s and 30sit has meant faire capitalism with a good safety net always Democratic. Unless you live in GOP dupe America or a communist country with their propaganda.and the new Dupe theory that Nazis were socialists is hilarious everywhere in the world but you stupid assholes to be concise.
"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when Obama Care passed.

I'm not Socialist in the least...did you want to try and take something of mine?

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