So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.
Last edited:
....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply MATCH what Hillary did.
as well as the last 40 years of presidents releasing ,,,,how in gods name can this repub moron hope to pass tax reform while not showing how he'd benefit ?
Damn , you sound like you have wealth envy? Cant you get off your parents couch and work 80 hours a fucking day, to grind in that $250,000 a year salary? Probably not, it is easier for you to smoke dope and use that EBT card that Uncle Sugar provides. There are 2 types of people in the US today. Those that have ambition and those that are a victim, which one are you?

I do envy the wealthy......being able to write the tax code any way you want, having an army of lawyers and accountants to hide your income, paying historically low tax rates, low working class wages

It is a great time to be wealthy.....I don't know why more people don't do it
It is a great time to be wealthy.....I don't know why more people don't do it
I did it, why cant you. Oh yeah, you are a victim of the EVIL rich class, who stole all your money. The first thing people need to do is leave their comfort zone. I on the other hand, developed marketable skills that allowed me to travel to the middle east, where I earned upper income, without paying taxes(except FICA) used the TAX LOOPHOLES(that the government wrote) burned off gobs of capital gains without paying a dime, and came back quite wealthy. God you must hate me for my success, and at one time I used to feel sorry for people like you. But after 20 years now of hearing your worthless kind bitch and moan how unfair life is, I just laugh at you, for being such duplicitous liberal morons(redundant statement) for letting the government dictate to you whether you built that or not..

View attachment 122154

Tell us again how those born on third base really hit a triple

I started at McD's making $2.10 an hour, that doesn't seem like I started on third base, but what I didn't do, was sit there on my parents couch in the basement and smoke dope feeling sorry for myself, like most loser liberals do. Most of US who have succeeded, not suck the governments dick for EBT cards, have gone the extra mile to either get properly educated or develop skills that God and this country allowed US to achieve the success that comes with Life, Liberty, and each persons pursuit of happiness. What I find out about you liberals, even when the government is punishing US rich people with higher taxes, it doesn't make you any happier. Yes, wealth envy is insidious as even if all of my money is taken, you liberals still wouldn't be happy, as liberals can never be happy. Unless fucking the rest of US over.

Anecdote from your little itsy bitsy tiny world noted. Now do yourself a favor and learn something about the world usually works.

ESPECIALLY in America, where social mobility is surprisingly low compared to the rest of developed world, If you are born into wealth odds are overwhelming the you will remain well off. If you are born into poor household odds are overwhelming that you will never see past low middle class.

If born into poor family in America, statistically you have 42% chance to remain there, 6% chance to get into 80+ percentile (~$90k income)
If born into 80th percentile you have 39% chance to remain there and just 9% to go broke.


If anyone didn't notice, he didn't post anything more recent than 2008, because since the 8 years of Obama, the statistics would look even worse, since Obama put more in poverty ever and the liberal Rich got much Richer. Why is that Dumb Winger? why not post what happened while Obama was in office?

Obamanomics: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer | Human Events
Well, I’m sure the toddlers with say it’s all Bush’s fault. Once we’re down to just adults in the room, we can talk about this as part of Obama’s failure to steward anything resembling a healthy recovery. He handed off a lot of money to his rich cronies, he worked up monetary policy that amounts to running an IV tube from the Treasury to Wall Street, he implemented policies that crushed job creation and encouraged the conversion of full-time jobs to part-time work, and he’s given us a titanic Food Stamp Nation whose residents find the notion of seeking employment illogical. It’s not surprising that the rich would get richer, while the poor got poorer.
That is because he had a loss from a bad investment. OF course you being a welfare recipient who never has any money to invest in, cant make that mistake, you just sit in your parents basement and smoke dope and bitch and moan because you don't have any money. Also notice, that the dope head, didn't say anything about the bi racial homosexual president how paid even less than Trump. Ah yep, liberals are the stupidest people in the universe.

You got no clue wtf you are saying, so take your little fantasies and shove up your ass...mmk?

1. He wrote off bank loss, not his personal loss

Loophole fixed in 2002, with Clinton vote no less:

Subchapter S corporation goes bankrupt, forcing the banks to write off $1 million in debt. The banks are out the $1 million, not you. Yet you get to claim an extra $1 million of losses on your individual return, which you can use to offset income from other sources for up to 20 years.

Windfall: The Best Explanation Of Donald Trump's $916 Million Tax Loss

2. I'm you worst nightmare - well paid liberal that pays a lot of taxes, so you can fuck off.

3. Here is Obama's taxes (in full) for that very same year, 2005, where he made just ONE-HUNDREDTH of Trump's income at 1.65M and paid out 545k in taxes, or 30%

so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
I do envy the wealthy......being able to write the tax code any way you want, having an army of lawyers and accountants to hide your income, paying historically low tax rates, low working class wages

It is a great time to be wealthy.....I don't know why more people don't do it
It is a great time to be wealthy.....I don't know why more people don't do it
I did it, why cant you. Oh yeah, you are a victim of the EVIL rich class, who stole all your money. The first thing people need to do is leave their comfort zone. I on the other hand, developed marketable skills that allowed me to travel to the middle east, where I earned upper income, without paying taxes(except FICA) used the TAX LOOPHOLES(that the government wrote) burned off gobs of capital gains without paying a dime, and came back quite wealthy. God you must hate me for my success, and at one time I used to feel sorry for people like you. But after 20 years now of hearing your worthless kind bitch and moan how unfair life is, I just laugh at you, for being such duplicitous liberal morons(redundant statement) for letting the government dictate to you whether you built that or not..

View attachment 122154

Tell us again how those born on third base really hit a triple

I started at McD's making $2.10 an hour, that doesn't seem like I started on third base, but what I didn't do, was sit there on my parents couch in the basement and smoke dope feeling sorry for myself, like most loser liberals do. Most of US who have succeeded, not suck the governments dick for EBT cards, have gone the extra mile to either get properly educated or develop skills that God and this country allowed US to achieve the success that comes with Life, Liberty, and each persons pursuit of happiness. What I find out about you liberals, even when the government is punishing US rich people with higher taxes, it doesn't make you any happier. Yes, wealth envy is insidious as even if all of my money is taken, you liberals still wouldn't be happy, as liberals can never be happy. Unless fucking the rest of US over.

Anecdote from your little itsy bitsy tiny world noted. Now do yourself a favor and learn something about the world usually works.

ESPECIALLY in America, where social mobility is surprisingly low compared to the rest of developed world, If you are born into wealth odds are overwhelming the you will remain well off. If you are born into poor household odds are overwhelming that you will never see past low middle class.

If born into poor family in America, statistically you have 42% chance to remain there, 6% chance to get into 80+ percentile (~$90k income)
If born into 80th percentile you have 39% chance to remain there and just 9% to go broke.


If anyone didn't notice, he didn't post anything more recent than 2008, because since the 8 years of Obama, the statistics would look even worse, since Obama put more in poverty ever and the liberal Rich got much Richer. Why is that Dumb Winger? why not post what happened while Obama was in office?

Obamanomics: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer | Human Events
Well, I’m sure the toddlers with say it’s all Bush’s fault. Once we’re down to just adults in the room, we can talk about this as part of Obama’s failure to steward anything resembling a healthy recovery. He handed off a lot of money to his rich cronies, he worked up monetary policy that amounts to running an IV tube from the Treasury to Wall Street, he implemented policies that crushed job creation and encouraged the conversion of full-time jobs to part-time work, and he’s given us a titanic Food Stamp Nation whose residents find the notion of seeking employment illogical. It’s not surprising that the rich would get richer, while the poor got poorer.

under which president DIDN"T the rich get richer ?? and think those millions out of work in just gwb's last year went on welfare during obamas presidency ? ,,but dummies continue to blame Obama
....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

View attachment 121999

Remember that biased statement "paid just $38 million"???

So Trump paid 25% i.e. $38 million.

Paid "just" $38 million. Not too much bias...
Not when the nominal tax rate is over thirty percent and our Merchant in Commerce in Chief, is asking for lower taxes.
Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Dumbocrat.

What pisses off the sorry worthless liberals, is that THEY cant be in the top 10% income earners because WELFARE doesn't pay enough to get them there. So they want the government to take all that EARNED money away from the rich folks, and then everyone will be equal. Equally poor and equally miserable. That is liberal FAIRNESS.
worthless ?? My ass.....

Finally!!! You make a true and accurate statement that I agree with!

Yes, you ARE a worthless ass!
You got no clue wtf you are saying, so take your little fantasies and shove up your ass...mmk?

1. He wrote off bank loss, not his personal loss

Loophole fixed in 2002, with Clinton vote no less:

Subchapter S corporation goes bankrupt, forcing the banks to write off $1 million in debt. The banks are out the $1 million, not you. Yet you get to claim an extra $1 million of losses on your individual return, which you can use to offset income from other sources for up to 20 years.

Windfall: The Best Explanation Of Donald Trump's $916 Million Tax Loss

2. I'm you worst nightmare - well paid liberal that pays a lot of taxes, so you can fuck off.

3. Here is Obama's taxes (in full) for that very same year, 2005, where he made just ONE-HUNDREDTH of Trump's income at 1.65M and paid out 545k in taxes, or 30%

so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
what percent or our country is subject to the inheritance tax?
....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

Trump gets audited every year, just like all very rich people. If he was violating any tax laws the IRS would have already leaked it to the left wing media.

Your issue is not with Trump, you don't like the way the tax code treats the very rich, neither do I. So, why not complain to your senators and congressmen? They wrote the tax code and for the last 80 years or more congress has been controlled by democrats.

So, your real issue is with your own party---------do you understand that, doofus?
I did it, why cant you. Oh yeah, you are a victim of the EVIL rich class, who stole all your money. The first thing people need to do is leave their comfort zone. I on the other hand, developed marketable skills that allowed me to travel to the middle east, where I earned upper income, without paying taxes(except FICA) used the TAX LOOPHOLES(that the government wrote) burned off gobs of capital gains without paying a dime, and came back quite wealthy. God you must hate me for my success, and at one time I used to feel sorry for people like you. But after 20 years now of hearing your worthless kind bitch and moan how unfair life is, I just laugh at you, for being such duplicitous liberal morons(redundant statement) for letting the government dictate to you whether you built that or not..

View attachment 122154

Tell us again how those born on third base really hit a triple

I started at McD's making $2.10 an hour, that doesn't seem like I started on third base, but what I didn't do, was sit there on my parents couch in the basement and smoke dope feeling sorry for myself, like most loser liberals do. Most of US who have succeeded, not suck the governments dick for EBT cards, have gone the extra mile to either get properly educated or develop skills that God and this country allowed US to achieve the success that comes with Life, Liberty, and each persons pursuit of happiness. What I find out about you liberals, even when the government is punishing US rich people with higher taxes, it doesn't make you any happier. Yes, wealth envy is insidious as even if all of my money is taken, you liberals still wouldn't be happy, as liberals can never be happy. Unless fucking the rest of US over.

Anecdote from your little itsy bitsy tiny world noted. Now do yourself a favor and learn something about the world usually works.

ESPECIALLY in America, where social mobility is surprisingly low compared to the rest of developed world, If you are born into wealth odds are overwhelming the you will remain well off. If you are born into poor household odds are overwhelming that you will never see past low middle class.

If born into poor family in America, statistically you have 42% chance to remain there, 6% chance to get into 80+ percentile (~$90k income)
If born into 80th percentile you have 39% chance to remain there and just 9% to go broke.


If anyone didn't notice, he didn't post anything more recent than 2008, because since the 8 years of Obama, the statistics would look even worse, since Obama put more in poverty ever and the liberal Rich got much Richer. Why is that Dumb Winger? why not post what happened while Obama was in office?

Obamanomics: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer | Human Events
Well, I’m sure the toddlers with say it’s all Bush’s fault. Once we’re down to just adults in the room, we can talk about this as part of Obama’s failure to steward anything resembling a healthy recovery. He handed off a lot of money to his rich cronies, he worked up monetary policy that amounts to running an IV tube from the Treasury to Wall Street, he implemented policies that crushed job creation and encouraged the conversion of full-time jobs to part-time work, and he’s given us a titanic Food Stamp Nation whose residents find the notion of seeking employment illogical. It’s not surprising that the rich would get richer, while the poor got poorer.

under which president DIDN"T the rich get richer ?? and think those millions out of work in just gwb's last year went on welfare during obamas presidency ? ,,but dummies continue to blame Obama

Obama gets blamed because he claimed to be the champion of the poor and minorities. But who did he help? Rich democrats who funded his campaigns.
Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

You make a good point

Government officials who are not accountable to "We the People" are found in Cuba

The people have no right to question what government does, there is no free press, no right to vote. A leader in Cuba would never say how he personally profits from his official actions

This is what Republicans want for America

TOTALLY TRIGGERED! Thanks for the wonderful expo. of your brain exploding.

Though I'm quite happy. Thank you for your interest.

And no retard, going to Cuba is not required to demand from Trump a standard of financial transparency all modern presidents somehow managed to live up to.
Tell us again how those born on third base really hit a triple
I started at McD's making $2.10 an hour, that doesn't seem like I started on third base, but what I didn't do, was sit there on my parents couch in the basement and smoke dope feeling sorry for myself, like most loser liberals do. Most of US who have succeeded, not suck the governments dick for EBT cards, have gone the extra mile to either get properly educated or develop skills that God and this country allowed US to achieve the success that comes with Life, Liberty, and each persons pursuit of happiness. What I find out about you liberals, even when the government is punishing US rich people with higher taxes, it doesn't make you any happier. Yes, wealth envy is insidious as even if all of my money is taken, you liberals still wouldn't be happy, as liberals can never be happy. Unless fucking the rest of US over.

Anecdote from your little itsy bitsy tiny world noted. Now do yourself a favor and learn something about the world usually works.

ESPECIALLY in America, where social mobility is surprisingly low compared to the rest of developed world, If you are born into wealth odds are overwhelming the you will remain well off. If you are born into poor household odds are overwhelming that you will never see past low middle class.

If born into poor family in America, statistically you have 42% chance to remain there, 6% chance to get into 80+ percentile (~$90k income)
If born into 80th percentile you have 39% chance to remain there and just 9% to go broke.

If anyone didn't notice, he didn't post anything more recent than 2008, because since the 8 years of Obama, the statistics would look even worse, since Obama put more in poverty ever and the liberal Rich got much Richer. Why is that Dumb Winger? why not post what happened while Obama was in office?

Obamanomics: the rich get richer, the poor get poorer | Human Events
Well, I’m sure the toddlers with say it’s all Bush’s fault. Once we’re down to just adults in the room, we can talk about this as part of Obama’s failure to steward anything resembling a healthy recovery. He handed off a lot of money to his rich cronies, he worked up monetary policy that amounts to running an IV tube from the Treasury to Wall Street, he implemented policies that crushed job creation and encouraged the conversion of full-time jobs to part-time work, and he’s given us a titanic Food Stamp Nation whose residents find the notion of seeking employment illogical. It’s not surprising that the rich would get richer, while the poor got poorer.
under which president DIDN"T the rich get richer ?? and think those millions out of work in just gwb's last year went on welfare during obamas presidency ? ,,but dummies continue to blame Obama

Obama gets blamed because he claimed to be the champion of the poor and minorities. But who did he help? Rich democrats who funded his campaigns.
and rich republican were ignored? what's your beef? Sure there are rich dems as well as rich repubs that fund the repubs and why not? trickle down made many repubs even richer
You got no clue wtf you are saying, so take your little fantasies and shove up your ass...mmk?

1. He wrote off bank loss, not his personal loss

Loophole fixed in 2002, with Clinton vote no less:

Subchapter S corporation goes bankrupt, forcing the banks to write off $1 million in debt. The banks are out the $1 million, not you. Yet you get to claim an extra $1 million of losses on your individual return, which you can use to offset income from other sources for up to 20 years.

Windfall: The Best Explanation Of Donald Trump's $916 Million Tax Loss

2. I'm you worst nightmare - well paid liberal that pays a lot of taxes, so you can fuck off.

3. Here is Obama's taxes (in full) for that very same year, 2005, where he made just ONE-HUNDREDTH of Trump's income at 1.65M and paid out 545k in taxes, or 30%

so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
If you understand the thinking of a liberal and for 30 years now I know how they think, here is the liberal reasoning for taxing the rich the most.
1. Liberals love to kill their babies born or unborn, so there aren't many of them left to win elections. There are some good things about abortion.
2. Liberals hate to work, which is why you see most inner cities, large bastions of welfare pukes who sit in their parents basement, smoke dope and use EBT for food.
3. Liberals hate working people, because those who work have more than the holes in the country who don't have much.
4. Liberals hate rich people because those that work want to take care of their families by providing not only the necessities of life, but creature comforts that make people happy.
5. Liberals hate rich people because when the rich person leaves this planet(poor) and goes to heaven, the children of the departed have something left for them by their loved ones.
6. Liberals don't love, so even if they have billions like Warren Buffet, he wont leave all his fortune to his children, because that would be too much, but will leave them 1 billion dollars each, the rest will go to charity because then he will have finally done something to redeem his crooked life against humanity. Will the rest of the bitching liberals get any of Buffets money? Not one fucking dime. And the stupid fucks still adore him, in his liberalness.

TOTALLY TRIGGERED! Thanks for the wonderful expo. of your brain exploding.

Though I'm quite happy. Thank you for your interest.

And no retard, going to Cuba is not required to demand from Trump a standard of financial transparency all modern presidents somehow managed to live up to.
If you were quite happy, retard, you wouldn't be bitching right now. HYPOCRITE of the 1st degree.
Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

Trump gets audited every year, just like all very rich people. If he was violating any tax laws the IRS would have already leaked it to the left wing media.

Your issue is not with Trump, you don't like the way the tax code treats the very rich, neither do I. So, why not complain to your senators and congressmen? They wrote the tax code and for the last 80 years or more congress has been controlled by democrats.

So, your real issue is with your own party---------do you understand that, doofus?

Do you care?

1. If Trump is heavily invested in countries in which he is negotiating trade deals?
2. If Trump is proposing tax code changes that benefit himself and his family?

Are you that happy that your guy was elected President that you are willing to ignore any conflicts of interest?
Any particular reason why you don't have any confidence in the IRS?

You do know that the only thing IRS cares about is you paying what you legally owe in taxes? So yes, to that end, I have good confidence in IRS. What is your point?

Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.
so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
If you understand the thinking of a liberal and for 30 years now I know how they think, here is the liberal reasoning for taxing the rich the most.
1. Liberals love to kill their babies born or unborn, so there aren't many of them left to win elections. There are some good things about abortion.
2. Liberals hate to work, which is why you see most inner cities, large bastions of welfare pukes who sit in their parents basement, smoke dope and use EBT for food.
3. Liberals hate working people, because those who work have more than the holes in the country who don't have much.
4. Liberals hate rich people because those that work want to take care of their families by providing not only the necessities of life, but creature comforts that make people happy.
5. Liberals hate rich people because when the rich person leaves this planet(poor) and goes to heaven, the children of the departed have something left for them by their loved ones.
6. Liberals don't love, so even if they have billions like Warren Buffet, he wont leave all his fortune to his children, because that would be too much, but will leave them 1 billion dollars each, the rest will go to charity because then he will have finally done something to redeem his crooked life against humanity. Will the rest of the bitching liberals get any of Buffets money? Not one fucking dime. And the stupid fucks still adore him, in his liberalness.

1. Total bullshit.
2. Total bullshit.
3. Total bullshit.
4. Total bullshit.
5. Total bullshit.
6. Total bullshit.

Why do you blatantly bullshit like that? Does putting out fantasies like that make you feel better about yourself?

You said something about being don't sound happy, you sound like a miserable fuck.
Someone put up a list of the Hollywood LIB elites and Manhattan 'Limousine Liberals' who paid more taxes than the law requires. Or ANY LIB billionaire/millionaire has.
That LIB tax lawyer eating $500 'wet lunches' in a Manhattan restaurant didn't get his millions by not finding every tax avoidance loophole possible for George Clooney there is.
You do know that the only thing IRS cares about is you paying what you legally owe in taxes? So yes, to that end, I have good confidence in IRS. What is your point?

Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

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