So how much did Trump pay in Federal Taxes?

You do know that the only thing IRS cares about is you paying what you legally owe in taxes? So yes, to that end, I have good confidence in IRS. What is your point?

Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.

It's like taking to a fn wall.
Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
If you understand the thinking of a liberal and for 30 years now I know how they think, here is the liberal reasoning for taxing the rich the most.
1. Liberals love to kill their babies born or unborn, so there aren't many of them left to win elections. There are some good things about abortion.
2. Liberals hate to work, which is why you see most inner cities, large bastions of welfare pukes who sit in their parents basement, smoke dope and use EBT for food.
3. Liberals hate working people, because those who work have more than the holes in the country who don't have much.
4. Liberals hate rich people because those that work want to take care of their families by providing not only the necessities of life, but creature comforts that make people happy.
5. Liberals hate rich people because when the rich person leaves this planet(poor) and goes to heaven, the children of the departed have something left for them by their loved ones.
6. Liberals don't love, so even if they have billions like Warren Buffet, he wont leave all his fortune to his children, because that would be too much, but will leave them 1 billion dollars each, the rest will go to charity because then he will have finally done something to redeem his crooked life against humanity. Will the rest of the bitching liberals get any of Buffets money? Not one fucking dime. And the stupid fucks still adore him, in his liberalness.

1. Total bullshit.
2. Total bullshit.
3. Total bullshit.
4. Total bullshit.
5. Total bullshit.
6. Total bullshit.

Why do you blatantly bullshit like that? Does putting out fantasies like that make you feel better about yourself?

You said something about being don't sound happy, you sound like a miserable fuck.

everything he said is true. the truth pisses you off doesn't it?
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
If you understand the thinking of a liberal and for 30 years now I know how they think, here is the liberal reasoning for taxing the rich the most.
1. Liberals love to kill their babies born or unborn, so there aren't many of them left to win elections. There are some good things about abortion.
2. Liberals hate to work, which is why you see most inner cities, large bastions of welfare pukes who sit in their parents basement, smoke dope and use EBT for food.
3. Liberals hate working people, because those who work have more than the holes in the country who don't have much.
4. Liberals hate rich people because those that work want to take care of their families by providing not only the necessities of life, but creature comforts that make people happy.
5. Liberals hate rich people because when the rich person leaves this planet(poor) and goes to heaven, the children of the departed have something left for them by their loved ones.
6. Liberals don't love, so even if they have billions like Warren Buffet, he wont leave all his fortune to his children, because that would be too much, but will leave them 1 billion dollars each, the rest will go to charity because then he will have finally done something to redeem his crooked life against humanity. Will the rest of the bitching liberals get any of Buffets money? Not one fucking dime. And the stupid fucks still adore him, in his liberalness.

1. Total bullshit.
2. Total bullshit.
3. Total bullshit.
4. Total bullshit.
5. Total bullshit.
6. Total bullshit.

Why do you blatantly bullshit like that? Does putting out fantasies like that make you feel better about yourself?

You said something about being don't sound happy, you sound like a miserable fuck.

everything he said is true. the truth pisses you off doesn't it?

Everything you just said is false...sooo umm.
Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.

It's like taking to a fn wall.

yes it is. you just can't comprehend that your issue is with the tax code, not Trump, or even rich people in general. If it was with all rich people you would be bitching about how little the hollyloonies pay in taxes.
....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.

It's like taking to a fn wall.

yes it is. you just can't comprehend that your issue is with the tax code, not Trump, or even rich people in general. If it was with all rich people you would be bitching about how little the hollyloonies pay in taxes.

Dumabass, talking to you is like talking to a wall is EXACTLY because you STILL say that I have an issue with rich people, while I keep saying that I DON'T HAVE ISSUE WITH RICH PEOPLE.

You don't listen to ANYTHING, just in the same way the wall doesn't listen to anything if you try to talk to it.
Someone put up a list of the Hollywood LIB elites and Manhattan 'Limousine Liberals' who paid more taxes than the law requires. Or ANY LIB billionaire/millionaire has.
That LIB tax lawyer eating $500 'wet lunches' in a Manhattan restaurant didn't get his millions by not finding every tax avoidance loophole possible for George Clooney there is.

Those wealthy "Limousine Liberals" support laws that will raise what they pay in taxes
Wealthy Republicans want to slash benefits to the poor

That is the difference
so you don't like the way the tax laws treat rich people. Tell me how that is Trump's fault. Who wrote the tax laws? The dem members of congress in order to help their rich croinies who fund their campaigns
your problem is not with Trump, its with your own party. Wake up.

Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
what percent or our country is subject to the inheritance tax?

very small %, so why is it such a big issue with you libs? If the govt took 100% of it, it would not make a dent in the national debt. This is about jealousy and envy, nothing more
Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

As a billionaire, I think Trump is obsessed with every nickel he pays in taxes
Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.

It's like taking to a fn wall.

yes it is. you just can't comprehend that your issue is with the tax code, not Trump, or even rich people in general. If it was with all rich people you would be bitching about how little the hollyloonies pay in taxes.

Dumabass, talking to you is like talking to a wall is EXACTLY because you STILL say that I have an issue with rich people, while I keep saying that I DON'T HAVE ISSUE WITH RICH PEOPLE.

You don't listen to ANYTHING, just in the same way the wall doesn't listen to anything.

OK, then your issue is that you just don't like Trump. OK, I get it. Now, go back to sleep, you are making an idiot of yourself
....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

As a billionaire, I think Trump is obsessed with every nickel he pays in taxes

So am I and I am no where close to being a billionaire. But since you pay no taxes, you wouldn't understand.

Why would anyone want to pay more than they are legally obligated to pay?
You do know that the only thing IRS cares about is you paying what you legally owe in taxes? So yes, to that end, I have good confidence in IRS. What is your point?

Then I'm sure they would make sure Trump pays what he legally owes in taxes.

....ok thanks for your invaluable input, come again.

Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

so you are saying that Trump's current tax returns are in compliance with the tax laws. Same thing the IRS said.

This entire tax returns demand is nothing but a failed liberal attempt to distract from the successes that Trump has had in his first 3 months. If he were to release them, some media pukes would pull out one page (out of hundreds) make up lies about it and waste everyone's time going back and forth about what it really means.

This is a diversion, libs. and you fricken well know it.
Red you have to be kidding? His successes? China manipulation ? NO HC reform NO? Wall? NO Tax reform ?NO ,, Showing of his returns ? NO...Infrastructure ?? NO ,,,,,these are all things he ran on There's not a hint of any carry through and dumbbells say success?? Yeah success in conning a group of idiots
Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

You make a good point

Government officials who are not accountable to "We the People" are found in Cuba

The people have no right to question what government does, there is no free press, no right to vote. A leader in Cuba would never say how he personally profits from his official actions

This is what Republicans want for America

bullshit. that's what we got during 8 years of Obama.
Where did I fault Trump for taking advantage of tax laws?

What I fault him and some other rich guys is self-dealing (see him looking to get rid of inheritance and Minimum Alternate tax) and refusing to put in place laws (see Buffet Rule) that will ensure they pay what they ought to in taxes.
So what you are saying is that it isn't enough to pay on money EARNED, even though the liberals here don't EARN money they get it from welfare. Then you should be taxed when you spend it, but some programs like EBT, no taxes on food items, so the liberals here don't pay on that either. Then you also want money handed down from the workers, should be taxed because their kids don't deserve that money, while a liberal here who has nothing, earns nothing, leaves their child(if not aborted) with nothing? Gee, see what I mean about liberalism and FAIRNESS. Everyone will be poor and miserable, then everyone is equal.

Take your "workers" bullshit elsewhere. Very few states collect estate taxes and Federal estate tax exemption is currently at 5 million for single filer and 10 million for joint.

I personally think it's too generous of an allowance, but the point is there is a way to tax inheritance without affecting those that are just passing their small middle class savings.

And PLEASE, spare me the stories of struggle of people who are pocketing their dady's millions.

taxing inheritance is double taxation. But I get it. Punish success and reward failure---the libtardian motto
what percent or our country is subject to the inheritance tax?

very small %, so why is it such a big issue with you libs? If the govt took 100% of it, it would not make a dent in the national debt. This is about jealousy and envy, nothing more
I'm a dem and am all for it Also wheres his tax reform? For that too but how will he get tax reform passed when he won't show how'd he benefit buy it?
Trump has an army of CPA's who work with the IRS to make sure Trump pays what he owes, admit it and stop bitching.

Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

As a billionaire, I think Trump is obsessed with every nickel he pays in taxes

So am I and I am no where close to being a billionaire. But since you pay no taxes, you wouldn't understand.

Why would anyone want to pay more than they are legally obligated to pay?

And that is the difference

You are unable to influence the tax code....Trump is
That is why it is necessary to see how his decisions are being influenced by his bottom line
I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes
Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

You make a good point

Government officials who are not accountable to "We the People" are found in Cuba

The people have no right to question what government does, there is no free press, no right to vote. A leader in Cuba would never say how he personally profits from his official actions

This is what Republicans want for America

bullshit. that's what we got during 8 years of Obama.

You guys keep spouting that shit but it is nowhere supported by the facts
Obama released everything about his personal finances. He did not try to suppress a free press, he favored a right to vote without government obstruction....Trump doesn't
Someone put up a list of the Hollywood LIB elites and Manhattan 'Limousine Liberals' who paid more taxes than the law requires. Or ANY LIB billionaire/millionaire has.
That LIB tax lawyer eating $500 'wet lunches' in a Manhattan restaurant didn't get his millions by not finding every tax avoidance loophole possible for George Clooney there is.

Those wealthy "Limousine Liberals" support laws that will raise what they pay in taxes
Wealthy Republicans want to slash benefits to the poor

That is the difference
Those wealthy "Limousine Liberals" support laws that will raise what they pay in taxes
I have a bridge in Arizona that I would LOVE to sell you DumbWinger..
Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks
But they were good little liberals in Hollywood and Obama managed to reward them for their support. Snuck into the fiscal cliff deal was a provision to extend tax cuts for certain television and film productions. The tax breaks could amount to as much as $15 million to $20 million per production, depending upon where they are being filmed. Television is the biggest winner as the deduction doesn’t apply to a series, but to each individual episode.
Now for the liberal playbook.

Do you have OCD? He is willing to show his tax returns if Hillary will show her 33,000 deleted emails, that she scrubbed with a washcloth. What does Hillary have to hide?

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Nothing about Trump's returns has to do with anyone but Trump.

Having said that, Hillary released a DECADE of her full tax filings, she didn't require a video of Trump grabbing some pussy to do that.

Trump should also release his tax returns to simply live up to the standard Hillary met, standard expected of American presidents since Nixon's financial scandals.

You make a good point

Government officials who are not accountable to "We the People" are found in Cuba

The people have no right to question what government does, there is no free press, no right to vote. A leader in Cuba would never say how he personally profits from his official actions

This is what Republicans want for America

bullshit. that's what we got during 8 years of Obama.

You guys keep spouting that shit but it is nowhere supported by the facts
Obama released everything about his personal finances. He did not try to suppress a free press, he favored a right to vote without government obstruction....Trump doesn't

Obama released everything!! that's what you said, right? Since everything was released please post his college records from Columbia and Harvard and show us how a poor mixed race kid from Hawaii paid the very high tuition at those two colleges. While you are at it, explain why he has a Conn SS number and why he traveled to Pakistan when US citizens were banned from going there.

Since he didn't try to suppress the media, give us some cites where his background with Ayers was covered in detail and his connections to Soros were addressed, as well as his connections to muslim factions in Indonesia.

So, Trump wont release his tax returns, but the IRS has said that he complied with all tax laws and that his returns were accurate and legal. WTF do you expect to find?
Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

As a billionaire, I think Trump is obsessed with every nickel he pays in taxes

So am I and I am no where close to being a billionaire. But since you pay no taxes, you wouldn't understand.

Why would anyone want to pay more than they are legally obligated to pay?

And that is the difference

You are unable to influence the tax code....Trump is
That is why it is necessary to see how his decisions are being influenced by his bottom line
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! LIfe isn't fair, because I(Rightwinger) suck as a person, just give me more dope and larger EBT account and I(RW) wont get a tax break like working people do and I still will never be happy...
Noooo, I think a much BETTER idea is for me and Americans to not become Trump suck-offs like you and keep on bitching, so shit has at least a chance of getting fixed.

The loophole that allowed Trump to write off loss he didn't actually take WAS FIXED in 2002 (with Hillary Clinton's vote no less), so Trump could not longer take advantage of it and actually had to pay some taxes in 2005. That was then, and tomorrow, when Trump puts Alternate Min Tax and Inheritance taxes on the chopping block you bet your sweet cheeks I'll be bitching.

I fail to see how Trump can put his name on ANY tax bill until we can see how much he personally benefits from the bill

Show your taxes

the man is a multi billionaire. Do you really think he cares if he pays an extra few % in income taxes?

you libs are stuck on this because its all you have. you ran shitty candidates and lost, your ideology has been rejected by the American people. Trump is creating American jobs and regaining respect for this country on the international stage.

you are pathetic, and you are too stupid to realize how foolish you look.

As a billionaire, I think Trump is obsessed with every nickel he pays in taxes

So am I and I am no where close to being a billionaire. But since you pay no taxes, you wouldn't understand.

Why would anyone want to pay more than they are legally obligated to pay?

And that is the difference

You are unable to influence the tax code....Trump is
That is why it is necessary to see how his decisions are being influenced by his bottom line

oh grow up. A few thousand more or less doesn't matter to Trump, Gates, Soros, Oprah, the Kochs, Redford, Pelosi, or any other of the elite super rich. Don't be so fricken naïve.
Someone put up a list of the Hollywood LIB elites and Manhattan 'Limousine Liberals' who paid more taxes than the law requires. Or ANY LIB billionaire/millionaire has.
That LIB tax lawyer eating $500 'wet lunches' in a Manhattan restaurant didn't get his millions by not finding every tax avoidance loophole possible for George Clooney there is.

Those wealthy "Limousine Liberals" support laws that will raise what they pay in taxes
Wealthy Republicans want to slash benefits to the poor

That is the difference
Those wealthy "Limousine Liberals" support laws that will raise what they pay in taxes
I have a bridge in Arizona that I would LOVE to sell you DumbWinger..
Just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Hollywood Supported Obama, Gets Rewarded With Tax Breaks
But they were good little liberals in Hollywood and Obama managed to reward them for their support. Snuck into the fiscal cliff deal was a provision to extend tax cuts for certain television and film productions. The tax breaks could amount to as much as $15 million to $20 million per production, depending upon where they are being filmed. Television is the biggest winner as the deduction doesn’t apply to a series, but to each individual episode.
Now for the liberal playbook.

View attachment 122157

That is totally ridiculous and has nothing to do with personal taxes

Trump is PERSONALLY benefitting from the tax cuts he is proposing. The American people deserve to know how much

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