So how will MAGA, Rightwing Media and Huckabee Sanders spin the NK/Otto Warmbier Debacle?

Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
You really need to stop shitting your pants in public. No wonder Trump is able to lead you cowardly rubes around by the nose.
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
You were one of the Republican bastards that was cheering on your leadership OPENLY proclaiming that you wanted President Barack Hussein Obama be a one-term President, and that was your party's number one concern.

GTFOH w/that fake unity mess.

They will probably say President Trump is a tough negotiator who kept his eyes on the prize and refused to be distracted by the temptation to make a cheap political gesture that might make making a nuclear deal more difficult.
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
You were one of the Republican bastards that was cheering on your leadership OPENLY proclaiming that you wanted President Barack Hussein Obama be a one-term President, and that was your party's number one concern.

GTFOH w/that fake unity mess.



Cohen was more important. not sure if you knew that, ask all the dems. That's all that was tv yesterday. no one cared about NK. now you want to ask a question regarding the correct thing trump did? why, you didn't care yesterday before it.
Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
He's the entitled white American man that went over to North Korea, committed a crime, and ended up dead over it.
/----/ Rather than caving like every other administration following Reagan, Trump stuck to his guns and insisted on his terms. Of course, you'd prefer if Trump caved into Kim and lifted the sanctions on a weak deal. Then you could still attack him. Proving once again, LIberalism is evil.
Cohen was more important. not sure if you knew that, ask all the dems. That's all that was tv yesterday. no one cared about NK. now you want to ask a question regarding the correct thing trump did? why, you didn't care yesterday before it.
Somebody said, politics is show business for ugly people, and what we saw yesterday was the House Democrats trying to look like the Kardashians.
/----/ Rather than caving like every other administration following Reagan, Trump stuck to his guns and insisted on his terms. Of course, you'd prefer if Trump caved into Kim and lifted the sanctions on a weak deal. Then you could still attack him. Proving once again, LIberalism is evil.
Kim was only offering one nuclear site. Trump and his team found out there were many. Trump asked kim to up the count and kim said no. Kim backed out. Not trump. let's get the story correct today.
One of the sticky points with NK and Kim are war crime tribunals...Trump does not want to push that issue at this time.....The murder of Warmbier was one of the events that got us here....lets not have the Warmbier killing be what ends the progress....that would be stupid....I'm sure Warmbier would agree....
Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
He's the entitled white American man that went over to North Korea, committed a crime, and ended up dead over it.
More precisely,

Otto Frederick Warmbier (December 12, 1994 – June 19, 2017) was an American college student who was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 after being convicted of theft of a propaganda poster. In June 2017, the U.S government secured his release.

Warmbier had been traveling to Hong Kong for a study abroad program when he decided to visit North Korea on a guided tour at the end of December 2015. While there, he allegedly attempted to steal a propaganda poster from his hotel, for which he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment with hard labor.

Otto Warmbier - Wikipedia
"Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really, really bad things. But he tells me that he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word." -President Trump

If you can't trust the word of a murderous tyrant than who can you trust?!
"Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really, really bad things. But he tells me that he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word." -President Trump

If you can't trust the word of a murderous tyrant than who can you trust?!
is there evidence he knew?

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