So how will MAGA, Rightwing Media and Huckabee Sanders spin the NK/Otto Warmbier Debacle?

I don’t even like Trump, but I might buy a MAGA hat just so you can attack me. Then I will get the last laugh, as they institutionalize you.

Make sure a Jimbo is with you. So I can get a twofer.
A fool and his money are soon parted.

Why stop at just one? You should buy TWO!!

Think of me while you're doing it too. LoL!!!
/----/ How would you negotiate with a dictator who drives a million dollar Maybach while his people eat roof tiles and bugs for lunch?
"Some really bad things happened to Otto — some really, really bad things. But he tells me that he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word." -President Trump

If you can't trust the word of a murderous tyrant than who can you trust?!
is there evidence he knew?

North Korea is an autocratic society. Nothing gets done without the blessing of Dear Leader. If you think he didn't know than you are as a blind as a bat.
/----/ Actually China pulls Kim's chain and makes him dance to their tune.
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.

Pointing out that the talks have failed utterly, isn't anything that people on the left are celebrating.

But what is utterly disgusting is that once again Trump has been completely played by Kim, and that while Trump has accepted all of Kim's bullshit about wanting nuclear disarmament, Trump has allowed Kim to build nearly 100 nuclear weapons with ICBM capability, while Trump was talking about how he had made the world safer and should get the Nobel Peace Prize for it.
What he is saying is NK is a terrible place but this is about trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific and possibly another hot war in Korea, so I am not going to be distracted from the goal of avoiding these real dangers by making a lame political gesture as Obama would have.

How is blaming the man responsible for the torture that lead an American's death a lame political gesture? President Trump's comment about taking Kim's word concerning Otto Warmbier was uncommonly stupid.

If you can't see how than you are more retarded than I previously thought.
In other words, you didn't so much think it as feel it.

You are free to take Kim's word on the matter if you like. After all, he's quite known for his honestly and loose grip on his nation. :lol:
In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.
----/ Actually China pulls Kim's chain and makes him dance to their tune.

No doubt. Kim is beholden to the aid and support of China, but I to think he had no idea what was occurring with Otto Warmbier is silly.
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Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
Otto Warmbier was an American college student who was detained in North Korea and subsequently sent back to America in 2017 under heavy sedation. Upon his arrival at a hospital, he was dying. They did all they could do to save him, but he died before his parents could talk with him if he ever came out of his comatose state.

President Trump took Wampier's story with him in delicate negotiations with NK, and though not knowing about this sad event, Kim Jong Un gave President Trump all American prisoners to take back home with him, at least that's what I gathered, and agreed to work with President Trump in the negotiations at Hanoi yesterday and today. With the press bowing to the footshoot that the Cohen hearings that coincided with the two-day Hanoi meeting, by placing President Trump under suspicion, it caused his negotiations to be postponed with more unanticipated demands that conflicted with the peace process going on there.

I think the Democrats are going to try to destroy every good thing President Trump does with these puerile antics of theirs, and I am offended at the nonsense of bad leadership on the part of power-obsessed members of the Democrat Congress that hurts America on all fronts. And that's what I think.
/----/ How would you negotiate with a dictator who drives a million dollar Maybach while his people eat roof tiles and bugs for lunch?
Without claiming I saved the world from a nuclear war and saying he's "my friend."
ONLY if Kim un agreed to sign a NDA.
Trump does not need one to bend tyrants over - he wants the world to see the US is stronger now with a strong leader, not some terrorist / enemy sympathizer who spread his legs for enemies of this country faster than you could say 'Bo Bergdahl'.
So you would shit talk the leader you are trying to negotiate with?

The kid is dead. Nothing Trump says or does will change that.

He should have just said no comment and moved on to the next reporter.

On the bright side at least you have something new to cry endlessly about.
Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
Otto Warmbier was an American college student who was detained in North Korea and subsequently sent back to America in 2017 under heavy sedation. Upon his arrival at a hospital, he was dying. They did all they could do to save him, but he died before his parents could talk with him if he ever came out of his comatose state.

President Trump took Wampier's story with him in delicate negotiations with NK, and though not knowing about this sad event, Kim Jong Un gave President Trump all American prisoners to take back home with me, at least that's what I gathered, and agreed to work with President Trump in the negotiations at Hanoi yesterday and today. With the press bowing to the footshoot that the Cohen hearings that coincided with the two-day Hanoi meeting, by placing President Trump under suspicion, it caused his negotiations to be postponed with more unanticipated demands that conflicted with the peace process going on there.

I think the Democrats are going to try to destroy every good thing President Trump does with these puerile antics of theirs, and I am offended at the nonsense of bad leadership on the part of power-obsessed members of the Democrat Congress that hurts America on all fronts. And that's what I think.
It's not like President Trump KNEW an attack was coming against US citizens and chose to do nothing, leaving them in harm's way, and allowing Americans to die Hillary and Barry did.
Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
Otto Warmbier was an American college student who was detained in North Korea and subsequently sent back to America in 2017 under heavy sedation. Upon his arrival at a hospital, he was dying. They did all they could do to save him, but he died before his parents could talk with him if he ever came out of his comatose state.

President Trump took Wampier's story with him in delicate negotiations with NK, and though not knowing about this sad event, Kim Jong Un gave President Trump all American prisoners to take back home with me, at least that's what I gathered, and agreed to work with President Trump in the negotiations at Hanoi yesterday and today. With the press bowing to the footshoot that the Cohen hearings that coincided with the two-day Hanoi meeting, by placing President Trump under suspicion, it caused his negotiations to be postponed with more unanticipated demands that conflicted with the peace process going on there.

I think the Democrats are going to try to destroy every good thing President Trump does with these puerile antics of theirs, and I am offended at the nonsense of bad leadership on the part of power-obsessed members of the Democrat Congress that hurts America on all fronts. And that's what I think.
I was being sarcastic. I don't fault Trump for accepting that NK will have ICBM and nukes for the foreseeable future. In fact, the 3 administrations before him were unrealistically thinking our threats to preemptively attack NK were in any dissuading NK from seeking nukes. The threats were empty because SK wasn't going to let us host the destruction of Seoul on their territory, and if anything the threats encouraged NK to seek womd so we WOULDN"T invade them.

But Trump is claiming a "win" where there's no win, and throwing the kid's family under the bus was just .... another example of Trump's sociopathic egomaniacal behavior
In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.

Our responsible leader gave a murderous tyrant cover for torturing an American citizen into an early grave and you'll gleefully suck his dick over it. Pathetic.
So you have nothing to say about the issues being discussed, nuclear arms race or war in the Pacific, but you still want to share your fantasies about Trump's cock.
In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.

Our responsible leader gave a murderous tyrant cover for torturing an American citizen into an early grave and you'll gleefully suck his dick over it. Pathetic.
Can you leave your disgusting fag jokes in the flamezone ffs
I don’t even like Trump, but I might buy a MAGA hat just so you can attack me. Then I will get the last laugh, as they institutionalize you.

Make sure a Jimbo is with you. So I can get a twofer.
A fool and his money are soon parted.

Why stop at just one? You should buy TWO!!

Think of me while you're doing it too. LoL!!!
Will do. Thanks.

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