So how will MAGA, Rightwing Media and Huckabee Sanders spin the NK/Otto Warmbier Debacle?

In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.

Our responsible leader gave a murderous tyrant cover for torturing an American citizen into an early grave and you'll gleefully suck his dick over it. Pathetic.
So you have nothing to say about the issues being discussed, nuclear arms race or war in the Pacific, but you still want to share your fantasies about Trump's cock.

President Trump's words concerning Otto Warmbier at the summit are also apart of the issues being discussed not just what you listed, dummy. If you want to dictate the terms of the discussion go start a thread in the structured debate zone with the rest of the whiny control freaks.

North Korea continues to not nuke the United States, thus making President Trump the greatest negotiator in the history of the world.
In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.

Our responsible leader gave a murderous tyrant cover for torturing an American citizen into an early grave and you'll gleefully suck his dick over it. Pathetic.
So you have nothing to say about the issues being discussed, nuclear arms race or war in the Pacific, but you still want to share your fantasies about Trump's cock.

President Trump's words concerning Otto Warmbier at the summit are also apart of the issues being discussed not just what you listed, dummy. If you want to dictate the terms of the discussion go start a thread in the structured debate zone with the rest of the whiny control freaks.
Again, you seen to have no grasp of the situation and no interest in trying to understand it. Unlike Obama, who hid in the shadows and issued lame political gestures, President Trump has taken a hands on approach to trying to deal with the dangers in the Pacific, and that's why he called for a summit to deal with the issues rather than allowing the working groups to draw up a final agreement. You would have to be obamaly stupid to thin insulting Kim, whether or not he deserves it, would not make negotiating with him more difficult. Were you a thinking person rather than just an anti Trump gasbag, you would understand this.

As for the death of Otto Warmbier, this Administration will continue its policy of believing communists and dictators.

Yes, we are disappointed the President came home with tiny empty hands, but this is only their second date.
In other words you have no interest in trying to avoid a nuclear arms race in the Pacific or in avoiding another Korean war. All you are interested in is a lame political gesture that will accomplish nothing but make it harder to make the world safer for everyone. It's not your fault, after eight years of having a president who was more interested in looking presidential than in being an effective president, you've forgotten what responsible leadership looks like.

Our responsible leader gave a murderous tyrant cover for torturing an American citizen into an early grave and you'll gleefully suck his dick over it. Pathetic.
So you have nothing to say about the issues being discussed, nuclear arms race or war in the Pacific, but you still want to share your fantasies about Trump's cock.

President Trump's words concerning Otto Warmbier at the summit are also apart of the issues being discussed not just what you listed, dummy. If you want to dictate the terms of the discussion go start a thread in the structured debate zone with the rest of the whiny control freaks.
Again, you seen to have no grasp of the situation and no interest in trying to understand it. Unlike Obama, who hid in the shadows and issued lame political gestures, President Trump has taken a hands on approach to trying to deal with the dangers in the Pacific, and that's why he called for a summit to deal with the issues rather than allowing the working groups to draw up a final agreement. You would have to be obamaly stupid to thin insulting Kim, whether or not he deserves it, would not make negotiating with him more difficult. Were you a thinking person rather than just an anti Trump gasbag, you would understand this.

You're making excuses for President Trump giving cover to a communist tyrant that tortured an American citizen to an early death you shameless fuck.
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.

Yes, but the right did the same thing when Obama was President. Granted, TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has brought this kind of thing to a whole new level, but it is a sad state of affairs that the media is playing the entire U.S. population like little fools. They are the true enemy here.
Kim Jung Un was too busy deciding which end tables get doilies in Ryongsong Residence to know the government he rules with an iron fist was torturing an American citizen.

They told me I would be meeting someone named Kim...


And I thought, "Kim? I'll just grab her pussy and she'll let me because I'm a celebrity, right?"



Then I get there, and I'm like, "Who the hell is this guy?" It's a GUY!
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.

what makes them dangerous?

How many countries has NK invaded in the last two decades?

How many wars has NK started in the last two decades?

You people are told that NK is the boggieman and you would never once think to question it.
Does this mean Kim is Little Rocket Man again?
No, it means Kim over reached in the Summit and the President sent him home to rethink the issue. In a sense, he gave him a time out for bad behavior but the working groups continue to talk.

Yeah, poor Kim - making that long trip home, knowing his "friend" absolved him of responsibility for Otto Warmbier.

Three weeks ago, Trump was publicly disputing his intelligence community's assessment of North Korean capabilities. That's a ridiculous way to head off to an international summit. A little bit of homework, and a phone call or two, would have established basic parameters before the trip. He's an ignorant amateur, who thinks personalities will carry the day.
Does this mean Kim is Little Rocket Man again?
No, it means Kim over reached in the Summit and the President sent him home to rethink the issue. In a sense, he gave him a time out for bad behavior but the working groups continue to talk.

Yeah, poor Kim - making that long trip home, knowing his "friend" absolved him of responsibility for Otto Warmbier.

Three weeks ago, Trump was publicly disputing his intelligence community's assessment of North Korean capabilities. That's a ridiculous way to head off to an international summit. A little bit of homework, and a phone call or two, would have established basic parameters before the trip. He's an ignorant amateur, who thinks personalities will carry the day.
lol And you imagine you are an expert.
Trump elevated NK as an issue, because it fits his narratives of other countries see us as weak and Obama failed at everything. And the false narrative of the Trumpots is the "talks failed"

But what the Trumpbots don't get is that Trump never had any reason to think denuclearization was going to happen.

The pre-summit speculation is that Kim will offer up an old nuclear test site or two, a rocket test stand and maybe portions of the Yongbyon nuclear site for international inspection. This may look good to Trump, but none of that is a big win in the world of nuclear diplomacy.
If that is all that Kim has to offer, the president is unfortunately still unlikely to walk away, given his self-aggrandizing quest for the Nobel Peace Prize. He will argue that closing the nuclear test site and rocket stand are achievements that belong to no other U.S. president — which would be factually accurate but materially irrelevant, given the scope of the North Korean nuclear program today.
Opinion | A North Korea deal that benefits Trump's ambitions could be terrible for America

Trump actually did the responsible thing. Trump in reality walked back his demands and set the stage for economic development. And he got out of DC for Cohen's testimony.
Does this mean Kim is Little Rocket Man again?
No, it means Kim over reached in the Summit and the President sent him home to rethink the issue. In a sense, he gave him a time out for bad behavior but the working groups continue to talk.

Yeah, poor Kim - making that long trip home, knowing his "friend" absolved him of responsibility for Otto Warmbier.

Three weeks ago, Trump was publicly disputing his intelligence community's assessment of North Korean capabilities. That's a ridiculous way to head off to an international summit. A little bit of homework, and a phone call or two, would have established basic parameters before the trip. He's an ignorant amateur, who thinks personalities will carry the day.
lol And you imagine you are an expert.

It's not about me. I'm not the one flying 12,000 miles home, holding my ... Well, anyways.
Does this mean Kim is Little Rocket Man again?
No, it means Kim over reached in the Summit and the President sent him home to rethink the issue. In a sense, he gave him a time out for bad behavior but the working groups continue to talk.

Yeah, poor Kim - making that long trip home, knowing his "friend" absolved him of responsibility for Otto Warmbier.

Three weeks ago, Trump was publicly disputing his intelligence community's assessment of North Korean capabilities. That's a ridiculous way to head off to an international summit. A little bit of homework, and a phone call or two, would have established basic parameters before the trip. He's an ignorant amateur, who thinks personalities will carry the day.
The "theatre" is actually the substance. But that's been true for potus's before Trump. Trump elevated it for his reality tv base. And NK is no longer an issue for the US and China.

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