So how will MAGA, Rightwing Media and Huckabee Sanders spin the NK/Otto Warmbier Debacle?

Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.

You have never heard of Otto? Better look this one up.
It was sarcasm. The thread was how the Trumpbots will react to Trump throwing Otto's parents under the bus.
when did he do that? I thought he got him home. no?

oh, are you saying trump told Otto to go to Korea and fk with the propaganda on the wall? or what exactly?

Kim is playing Trump like a fiddle.


But, but, but he showed Kim his bone spurs or maybe his bone, oh that was why Kim was laughing hysterically.
absolutely the lowest person without dignity is you!!
The Left Advocates Committing Violence upon Non Compliant "Woke" Patriotic Americans all the time.

Hell, they advocate Assassinations of Law Enforcement.

ANTIFA attacks American Citizens, buildings, cars, and sheep anus every day.

Hell, Hillary Clinton paid Thugs to Criminally Assault Rally Attendees at all Trump Campaign Rallies the entire 2016 Campaign, including at The GOP convention.

Pretty Sure they cheered when they found out when a Christian like Otto was nearly beaten to death in North Korea.

Look how they dropped to their knees to worship Terrorist Bo Berghdahal and a Transexual Pervert Manning that betrayed our Country.

Someone should ask instead why Obama Bin Spying has a Mangina instead of The Big Balls President Trump has in trying to make America and The World a better, safer and more prosperous place.
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Better than Putin and Satan putting words in your mouth among other things every day.

By The Way, Apparently You are Now Famous.

LAKHOTA: My Love Affair With a Pool Raft

Man pleads guilty in sex act with pool raft

They told me I would be meeting someone named Kim...


And I thought, "Kim? I'll just grab her pussy and she'll let me because I'm a celebrity, right?"



Then I get there, and I'm like, "Who the hell is this guy?" It's a GUY!

OK, that was pretty funny. LOL.
Has Sum Fat Kim even apologized for killing Otto Warmbier?


Trump said Kim told him it was no big deal and Trump added that to his talking points??
Trump is very strong. I have no idea who this Otto guy is, but his name sound foreign.
Otto Warmbier was an American college student who was detained in North Korea and subsequently sent back to America in 2017 under heavy sedation. Upon his arrival at a hospital, he was dying. They did all they could do to save him, but he died before his parents could talk with him if he ever came out of his comatose state.

President Trump took Wampier's story with him in delicate negotiations with NK, and though not knowing about this sad event, Kim Jong Un gave President Trump all American prisoners to take back home with him, at least that's what I gathered, and agreed to work with President Trump in the negotiations at Hanoi yesterday and today. With the press bowing to the footshoot that the Cohen hearings that coincided with the two-day Hanoi meeting, by placing President Trump under suspicion, it caused his negotiations to be postponed with more unanticipated demands that conflicted with the peace process going on there.

I think the Democrats are going to try to destroy every good thing President Trump does with these puerile antics of theirs, and I am offended at the nonsense of bad leadership on the part of power-obsessed members of the Democrat Congress that hurts America on all fronts. And that's what I think.


Just stand aside and let the adults handle North Korea. Naive and whiny Liberals with the mentality of a 4 year old are way out of their league on this one.

'I Am the Only One' couldn't bullshit his way into a Nuclear Arms Agreement with L'il Kim? Now there's a surprise.
'I Am the Only One' couldn't bullshit his way into a Nuclear Arms Agreement with L'il Kim? Now there's a surprise.

So you say. But the good Trumpletons are proud of him, for he hasn't given away the store. And the farm. And Ivanka on top of all that. So there! He (They) won!
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
You were one of the Republican bastards that was cheering on your leadership OPENLY proclaiming that you wanted President Barack Hussein Obama be a one-term President, and that was your party's number one concern.

GTFOH w/that fake unity mess.


“But, but, but.....the Black Dude!”
Think about it lefties. Look to your sorry assed souls. N.K. remains a dangerous nuclear power and here you are celebrating the fact that the talks failed because you hate the President more than you fear nuclear destruction.
You really need to stop shitting your pants in public. No wonder Trump is able to lead you cowardly rubes around by the nose.

He actually made an excellent didn’t. How did his great post prompt you to post retardation?

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