So, I have not vaxed or boosted. I don't mask.

If you haven't had Covid you should go get vaccinated.

Because YOU WILL get Covid sooner or later and aside from risks of immediate and long term complications just cutting down lengh of the illness and increased immunity thereafter will be well worth the shot.

Don't be a scared little man, don't be afraid to do the right thing for yourself and others - go get a shot.
Key words:

"Due to government mandate..."
You really need to get more informed.

I am glad you trust our bureacracy more than the Canadian buracracy. . . but?

You really should not.

Freedom Convoy Prepares to Roll Over Mandates - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1691 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 01/28/2022
This week on the New World Next Week: OSHA withdraws the (temporary) big biz vaxx mandates; the Freedom Convoy prepares to roll into Ottawa; and the BBC license fee system is set to come to an end in 2027.

Story #1: Biden Withdraws Covid Vaccination, Testing Regulations Aimed at Large Businesses

Story #2: Why An Anti-Vaccine Mandate Trucker Convoy Is Driving Across Canada

Story #3: UK Government to Phase Out BBC TV License Extortion Racket By 2027


COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing ETS​

"Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard."

. . . so? If OSHA is making a finalized permanent rule for workplace standards, much like the secondhand smoke standards? That can only mean it is only a matter of time. . .

yes? :dunno:

If you had told me back in my twenties that they would ban smoking in bars, and Americans would stand for that? I would have told you, that you are nuts. . . :rolleyes:
You really need to get more informed.

I am glad you trust our bureacracy more than the Canadian buracracy. . . but?

You really should not.

Freedom Convoy Prepares to Roll Over Mandates - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1691 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 01/28/2022
This week on the New World Next Week: OSHA withdraws the (temporary) big biz vaxx mandates; the Freedom Convoy prepares to roll into Ottawa; and the BBC license fee system is set to come to an end in 2027.

Story #1: Biden Withdraws Covid Vaccination, Testing Regulations Aimed at Large Businesses

Story #2: Why An Anti-Vaccine Mandate Trucker Convoy Is Driving Across Canada

Story #3: UK Government to Phase Out BBC TV License Extortion Racket By 2027


COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing ETS​

"Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard."

. . . so? If OSHA is making a finalized permanent rule for workplace standards, much like the secondhand smoke standards? That can only mean it is only a matter of time. . .

yes? :dunno:

If you had told me back in my twenties that they would ban smoking in bars, and Americans would stand for that? I would have told you, that you are nuts. . . :rolleyes:

First comes the Mandatory Vax and Covid Tracking Pass on your phones.
Then comes The 666 Chip in your body.
What if I don't have a phone?

The 666 Tracking -Economic Chip will take a while to get people to comply with. There might be an intermediate step like a card with your Vax status on it for those who don't use cell phones, but eventually this will have to be digital and global for it to work.

This is all set up, but imo, they cannot do anything as long as people resist. Once people get to a state of near 100% compliance they can move on this thing. As long as people fight them in the courts, and resist the "Plan" for Global Control and surveillance of all people will continue to be derailed and delayed.
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The 666 Tracking -Economic Chip will take a while to get people to comply with. Their might be an intermediate step like a card with your Vax status on it for those who don't use cell phones, but eventually this will have to be digital and global for it to work.

This is all set up, but imo, they cannot do anything as long as people resist. Once people get to a state of near 100% compliance they can move on this thing. As long as people fight them in the courts, and resist the "Plan" for Global Control and surveillance of all people will continue to be derailed and delayed.
Non-compliance is the only way.

The oligarchs and corporations own the courts.
And who’s behind it?

Name names!
World Economic Forum
The United Nations
Sustainable Development
Global Warming Devotees

How about you start studying what you see going on right now by reading The Book of Daniel, Revelations and Isaiah, Ezekiel and the rest of the prophets instead of pretending you don't see what you are seeing?
And I am COVID free and healthy as a horse.

Others who get all the vaccines and all the boosters and wear mask EVERYWHERE including the shower, STILL end up getting COVID.

What should I do?

Live your life and ignore what you want, be cautious I'd you want.

No shots for me. I suspect I've had it a couple times as nearly EVERYONE around me has had it at least once.

Unless you have preexisting health issues it appears to be no big deal.
World Economic Forum
The United Nations
Sustainable Development
Global Warming Devotees

How about you start studying what you see going on right now by reading The Book of Daniel, Revelations and Isaiah, Ezekiel and the rest of the prophets instead of pretending you don't see what you are seeing?
Name some real people, not made up characters.

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