So I looked up Richard Spencer

He is one the "good people" on both sides...... said Trump

That is a lie, one I have repeatedly refuted on this site, with the full transcripts.

Are you a dupe or a liar?
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:
He is one the "good people" on both sides...... said Trump

That is a lie, one I have repeatedly refuted on this site, with the full transcripts.

Are you a dupe or a liar?
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:

Media frenzy. That's all it was.
He is one the "good people" on both sides...... said Trump

That is a lie, one I have repeatedly refuted on this site, with the full transcripts.

Are you a dupe or a liar?
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:

Media frenzy. That's all it was.
if you call the Republicans that spoke out against Trump on it, then sure! :rolleyes:
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.

Because Republicans welcomed these assholes into their party after the Civil Rights Act passed to help them beat the Democrats and win the South.

There are not enough rich, white men in America to win so Republicans had to broaden their appeal to win elections. Reagan forged an alliance with the evangelical Christian movement to oppose abortion, gay marriage but then did little for them once they helped elect him.

They did the same for white supremiacists, but unlike the Christians, who got little for their votes, they got more of what they wanted. Reagan railed against “Welfare Queens”, and cut benefits, raised income requirements on food stamps and tried to have ketchup declared a vegetable in the school lunch program. David Duke had found a home.

The one thing that Donald Trump has done that no other President before him has done, is to keep promises made to evangelical Christians. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was HUGE for them. His anti-gay stance, and his support of charter schools also plays into this.

Every parent I’ve spoken to who has their child in a “Christian” school, has said they did this so their children won’t have to go to school with blacks or other minorities. So there is fine crossover with the racism.

And let’s be honest here. When conservatives talk about the urban/rural cultural divide in the flyover states they’re taking about race.

Republicans have given aid and comfort to racists for more than 50 years now. When you look at Republican gatherings, it’s a sea of white faces.

As for conservatives, they’re an ideology without a party at the moment. Trump is in no way conservative. Since his election He’s increased the size of government adding a whole new branch of the military, and hiring thousands of border patrol. Cancelled all of your trade deals and instituted tariffs.

Yes he cut taxes, but he is had the largest budget deficit in history as a result, and Americans are getting nothing lasting for the money he’s spending. Roosevelt used deficit spending on massive infrastructure projects which Americans can look at today and see how their tax dollars were spent at that time. With Trump, the money went to him, his family, and his rich buddies.

Conservatives favour free trade and don’t want the government picking winners and losers. Trump picked coal over clean energy and is trying to force power companies to build more coal-fired plants. The same with steel and aluminum tariffs. Companies are closing and manufacturing jobs are being lost at a rate of 5 to 1. For every new job created in the steel industry, 5 are lost in manufacturing. Talk about picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

Trump is not a conservative but he’s not a liberal either. He’s an authoritarian.
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Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America

My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.
because his white supremacist position is something that the right wing passionately agrees with -- they just don't like the fact that spencer is overt about it

But Spencer has more traction in the "alt-right" venues than he does in any "liberal" venues because of his, say it with me, white supremacist views

All of this pretzel twisting that conservatives do to deflect from the fact that for decades their party has openly pandered to white racists in not only rhetoric but policy is pathetic..

Hell, I am sure klan members are in favor of air and water -- so am I -- but that doesn't make us both on the same side when it comes to civil rights
nooooooooooooo............ i don't condone it- but oh la la- gotta say that it's great capturing karma, however fleeting it may be................

Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America

My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.
because his white supremacist position is something that the right wing passionately agrees with -- they just don't like the fact that spencer is overt about it

But Spencer has more traction in the "alt-right" venues than he does in any "liberal" venues because of his, say it with me, white supremacist views

All of this pretzel twisting that conservatives do to deflect from the fact that for decades their party has openly pandered to white racists in not only rhetoric but policy is pathetic..

Hell, I am sure klan members are in favor of air and water -- so am I -- but that doesn't make us both on the same side when it comes to civil rights
Wrong, funny how he agrees with you on more issues than me

and it's not about civil rights, you tards accuse conservatives of being racist.....but atleast you have now said it's based on civil rights and not ideology, so lefties can be racist......thank yo for the admission...

PS righties weren't believers in eugenics, lefties were.
Case of arriving at some of the same places via different roads, sort of. Would Spencer support universal healthcare once all those dirty blacks and hispanics (in his mind) have access to it as well? Would he support abortion if more white women lined up to have abortions than blacks and hispanics? Nope. He's motivated entirely by race, not principle. He's the other side of the intersectionality coin.

I agree with plenty of the policy positions of the KKK, but for entirely different reasons. And if they were in control of the policies, there's no way they would apply those policies even-handedly. Context matters.
Ok, but how is this guy right wing.......I don't support those ideas any time. So he's a racist, but he's not right wing.
the left is in overdrive to classify racism as a right wing thing. if they can demonize a group then place people in that group they somehow equate that to being victorious in some imaginary war.
It looks more like the right is in overdrive to distance themselves from their ugly fringe. You might as well call Antifa rightwing.
Antifa is the left based idiot fringe.
He really has no clue......Antifa is made up of diversity loving multicultural social justice warriors...…..not right wingers….
D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

In the new Dinish D'Souza film, "Death of a Nation", Richard Spencer is interviewed. For those who don't know, Spencer is credited for founding the "alt.right" movement and is a loud and proud white supremacist

However, as D'Souza begins to talk to him in the interview, he sounds more and more like a flaming progressive. All of his favorite Presidents were racist democrat presidents, he does not believe in innate right, rather rights come from the collective state, and he is a socialist.

But the press keeps pounding in everyone's head the notion that the Nazi socialists, along with Spencer, are really right wing Republican conservatives. I assume it is based upon the premise that the GOP loves wars abroad and hates minorities, which is false. I know I am tired of the endless wars like Libya and Iraq, and I don't hate minorities.

But as seen in this interview, the Nazi mentality, along with Spencer, is not conservative at all. In fact, it mirrors Progressive ideology more than anything. Those the promote identity politics and wars abroad and just increasing the size and scope of government at all are the ones who mirror Nazi and white supremacist ideology.

Can the truth really reach society devoid of such media propaganda?
Is he and/or his followers currently members of the Democrat, or Republican party?

What is their current party affiliation?

Which party's members currently follow Richard Spencer, et al?

I've heard Trump condemn racism, although he was criticized for not condemning white supremacists fast and hard enough in Virginia.

But it's not enough. No amount of condemnation apparently is. The Left will still brand him a racist.

However, on the other isle, we have Maxine Waters who snuggles up to a racist like Louis Farrakhan who calls white people white devils and Jews vermin.

Yet the media never says anything about it.

So I will ask you, who is the bigger racist, Maxine or Trump?
Trump snuggled up to the white supremacists...very fine people.
REally how so?
The left loves anti-whities…….like Sara long john
They are largely bogeymen in the heads of liberals; numbering maybe two thousands but elevated to tens of millions.
White affirmation groups are not sinister but rather conforming to and confirming of a successful code of conduct for life.
Liberals don’t want that info out there, it’s white man oppression to “behave” so they demonize the messenger

Nice try. If your movement is righteous, why do you feel the need to minimize it?

Study: 11 million white Americans think like the alt-right
It is righteous.

Well, then address your retarded brother who is attempting to minimize it.
Republicans and right wingers aren't clones like you goons.

LOL. So he wasn't trying to minimize it? I'm only asking because you didn't address it. You just said some unrelated dumb shit.
No, he wasn't he has the same attitude I do, both groups can go to an island and kill each other, I wouldn't give a shit.
I never looked him up or cared until I watched DSouza's movie. How is this guy right wing?

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people.[121] Spencer supports a national single-payer healthcare system because he believes it would benefit white people.[122][123]

Spencer is an atheist,[124] but believes the Christian church previously held some pragmatic value, as Spencer believes it helped unify the white population of Europe. He opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code, due to Christianity being a universalizing religion, and not one based on ethnic and racial ancestry. Spencer references his views on Christianity as being influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.[125][126][127] Citing Nietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism, Scott Galupo writing for The Week, Sean Illing for Vox, and Jordan Harris for The Courier-Journal have described Spencer's interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy as incorrect.[128][129][125] Spencer's Radix Journal has promoted paganism, running titles such as "Why I am a pagan".[130] Spencer has also described himself as a "cultural Christian."[131]
Most white supremacists i have met online spout that same stuff.
Who cares if they are right or left wing?
They are ignorant assholes. Period.
Not to mention, both sides have horribly racist people with them. They wash themselves out.
Its time to grow up, America
My point, is why is he characterized as right wing, when he has very few positions that I agree with him on....and for different reasons.

Because Republicans welcomed these assholes into their party after the Civil Rights Act passed to help them beat the Democrats and win the South.

There are not enough rich, white men in America to win so Republicans had to broaden their appeal to win elections. Reagan forged an alliance with the evangelical Christian movement to oppose abortion, gay marriage but then did little for them once they helped elect him.

They did the same for white supremiacists, but unlike the Christians, who got little for their votes, they got more of what they wanted. Reagan railed against “Welfare Queens”, and cut benefits, raised income requirements on food stamps and tried to have ketchup declared a vegetable in the school lunch program. David Duke had found a home.

The one thing that Donald Trump has done that no other President before him has done, is to keep promises made to evangelical Christians. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was HUGE for them. His anti-gay stance, and his support of charter schools also plays into this.

Every parent I’ve spoken to who has their child in a “Christian” school, has said they did this so their children won’t have to go to school with blacks or other minorities. So there is fine crossover with the racism.

And let’s be honest here. When conservatives talk about the urban/rural cultural divide in the flyover states they’re taking about race.

Republicans have given aid and comfort to racists for more than 50 years now. When you look at Republican gatherings, it’s a sea of white faces.

As for conservatives, they’re an ideology without a party at the moment. Trump is in no way conservative. Since his election He’s increased the size of government adding a whole new branch of the military, and hiring thousands of border patrol. Cancelled all of your trade deals and instituted tariffs.

Yes he cut taxes, but he is had the largest budget deficit in history as a result, and Americans are getting nothing lasting for the money he’s spending. Roosevelt used deficit spending on massive infrastructure projects which Americans can look at today and see how their tax dollars were spent at that time. With Trump, the money went to him, his family, and his rich buddies.

Conservatives favour free trade and don’t want the government picking winners and losers. Trump picked coal over clean energy and is trying to force power companies to build more coal-fired plants. The same with steel and aluminum tariffs. Companies are closing and manufacturing jobs are being lost at a rate of 5 to 1. For every new job created in the steel industry, 5 are lost in manufacturing. Talk about picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

Trump is not a conservative but he’s not a liberal either. He’s an authoritarian.
No, he is a reactionary, a nationalist and an egomaniac.

Which means he is going to be anti-left for as long as they are in power.
I never looked him up or cared until I watched DSouza's movie. How is this guy right wing?

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people.[121] Spencer supports a national single-payer healthcare system because he believes it would benefit white people.[122][123]

Spencer is an atheist,[124] but believes the Christian church previously held some pragmatic value, as Spencer believes it helped unify the white population of Europe. He opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code, due to Christianity being a universalizing religion, and not one based on ethnic and racial ancestry. Spencer references his views on Christianity as being influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.[125][126][127] Citing Nietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism, Scott Galupo writing for The Week, Sean Illing for Vox, and Jordan Harris for The Courier-Journal have described Spencer's interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy as incorrect.[128][129][125] Spencer's Radix Journal has promoted paganism, running titles such as "Why I am a pagan".[130] Spencer has also described himself as a "cultural Christian."[131]
I never looked him up or cared until I watched DSouza's movie. How is this guy right wing?

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia

D’Souza Gets White Supremacist Richard Spencer To Admit Being A Socialist Progressive

Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people.[121] Spencer supports a national single-payer healthcare system because he believes it would benefit white people.[122][123]

Spencer is an atheist,[124] but believes the Christian church previously held some pragmatic value, as Spencer believes it helped unify the white population of Europe. He opposes traditional Christian values as a moral code, due to Christianity being a universalizing religion, and not one based on ethnic and racial ancestry. Spencer references his views on Christianity as being influenced by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.[125][126][127] Citing Nietzsche's criticism of anti-Semitism and nationalism, Scott Galupo writing for The Week, Sean Illing for Vox, and Jordan Harris for The Courier-Journal have described Spencer's interpretation of Nietzsche's philosophy as incorrect.[128][129][125] Spencer's Radix Journal has promoted paganism, running titles such as "Why I am a pagan".[130] Spencer has also described himself as a "cultural Christian."[131]
That's the point of this thread. Nazis are leftwingers and so is Richard Spencer. He believes nothing republicans and right wingers do.
That's the point of this thread. Nazis are leftwingers and so is Richard Spencer. He believes nothing republicans and right wingers do.
I always said, if I HAD TO CHOOSE between the communists and the National SOCIALISTS, I'd have to choose the National Socialists. Fortunately I don't have to. I side with the Founding Fathers.
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He is one the "good people" on both sides...... said Trump

That is a lie, one I have repeatedly refuted on this site, with the full transcripts.

Are you a dupe or a liar?
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:

The transcripts are clear.

That fools were led by the vile lying media to believe there was something there that was not there, is on the media and the fools.

He was clearly referring to the people on both sides of the issue of historical statues, and for those who are slow, he expressly clarified that by stately that he was NOT referring to white supremacists.

What part of this are you denying?
That is a lie, one I have repeatedly refuted on this site, with the full transcripts.

Are you a dupe or a liar?
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:

Media frenzy. That's all it was.
if you call the Republicans that spoke out against Trump on it, then sure! :rolleyes:

We've been calling out republicans stupid enough to play along with the media's games for a long time now.
Then why did he back flip the next day and day after?

Not sure what you are referring to. Do you want to go over the transcripts AGAIN?

Are you a dupe or a liar?
I leave all the lying for you Trumpsters! ;)

The left and the right in the public and in Congress were FURIOUS at Trump, for his comments and what they implied....

the following day or day after, the Republicans in Congress convinced Trump to clarify what he meant by good people on both sides, so he sorta did.... then a day or two afterwards he reneged on his reneging... :rolleyes:

Media frenzy. That's all it was.
if you call the Republicans that spoke out against Trump on it, then sure! :rolleyes:

We've been calling out republicans stupid enough to play along with the media's games for a long time now.
Its funny, they are so partisan and stupid, they don't even see that we criticize republicans all the time

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