So I recently got a FOID Card.

I don't fear other people getting guns.

I fear crazy people getting guns, and the best argument for gun control is listening to you Ammosexuals rant about all the people you want to shoot. need to up your fear of and attack on're slacking

I have a far better chance of surviving a knife attack than a gun attack.
Uh, no, guy, it shouldn't be that easy to get a gun.

Kind of a healthy response when you make it easy for crazy people to get guns.

You are taking one phrase out of context, without understanding the larger context of the Second and Third Amendments combined specifically to restrict the definition and expanse of militias (and how the British abused them previously.)

The Founders didn't like armed mobs, they liked well-regulated militias. They quickly put down armed insurrections like Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, and other armed mobs that you guys seem to love.

Total Bullshit and this is the result of complete Communist indictrination

The Constitution was all about RESTRICTING government power.
I don't think you have any clue what the Constitution means or it's purpose.
Your personal interpretations are the result of your love of Communism since you have obviously personally benefited wildly from it,
which by the way, is the pinnacle of hypocrisy.

You're in Chicago (you say).
Some of the toughest gun laws in the nation....and one of the highest gun crime rates in the nation.
You'd think you would understand the correlation by now.

If your liberal policies were so superb there would be no crime problem.
You're in Chicago (you say).
Some of the toughest gun laws in the nation....and one of the highest gun crime rates in the nation.
You'd think you would understand the correlation by now.

You are missing the point. The "Strictest" gun law was me paying $11.00 and filling out a form to get a card that says I can own a gun. that's not terribly strict.
Uh, no, guy, it shouldn't be that easy to get a gun.

Kind of a healthy response when you make it easy for crazy people to get guns.

You are taking one phrase out of context, without understanding the larger context of the Second and Third Amendments combined specifically to restrict the definition and expanse of militias (and how the British abused them previously.)

The Founders didn't like armed mobs, they liked well-regulated militias. They quickly put down armed insurrections like Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, and other armed mobs that you guys seem to love.

militias of the time consisted of males, aged 16-45, no females, no one over a certain age.

which is why the right was given to the people, and not just that limited group.
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.

You still have to go thru an FBI background check when you buy the gun. I've had to do it every single time I bought one.....even when I bought the gun online from Classic Firearms or Cheaper Than Dirt.

You have to send the gun to a licensed FFL dealer....and they do an FBI background check.
My wife had an in court no contest charge for simple assault on her she was unable to buy one.
Also, if you've been treated for depression and are under a physician's care for a mental illness you won't be able to get one. This includes people with PTSD and have a record of treatment for the illness after serving in the military.
You are far more likely to die of any of a hundred or more different ways that you are to be murdered by a person using a gun. But you fear guns above all else.

Covid has killed more in the last 2 years, than firearms have in the last 10.
Covid has killed more in the last 2 years, than firearms have in the last 10.
Fentanyl has killed more people than COVID.

Reports are that COVID deaths have been over reported and are only 6% of what they claim.
The MSM claims that over 1 million have died from COVID in the US so far. So 6% of that would be around 6300. So far this year over 100,000 people have died from Fentanyl poisoning. George Floyd died from an overdoes of Fentanyl.
Not that I actually want to buy a gun... but I just wanted to see how easy it was to get.

Because I've heard the usual mewling from the Ammosexuals on this board screaming about how Illinois has the "Strictest gun laws in the nation!" and I wanted to see how strict they were.

I mean, they couldn't have been that strict if Robert Crimo AKA "Awake the Rapper" AKA the Highland Park shooter, was able to get one, and mow down seven people just trying to enjoy a nice parade. So I was curious.

So here's what happened.

I filled out a form.
I paid $11.00.
30 days later, I got my FOID Card, which means I can go into any store I want and buy a gun.

Now, obviously, I have no criminal record, am an honorably discharged veteran and have never been treated for a mental illness, so there's no reason why they SHOULD have denied me.

But man, I can't imagine they did a very thorough check for $11.00. I mean it must have cost at least $2.00 to make and mail the card.

Now I compare that to when I applied for my current job in 2020, or when I got my home loan in 2021. Those actually WERE Thorough background checks. They even found discrepancies that I wasn't aware of (and quickly got cleared up.) I should point out that my job happened because a manager there recommended me, and the bank that gave me my home loan had been doing business with me for 20 years. So neither was dealing with a stranger, but they STILL did the work.

I swear to Gawd you just made the dumbest mistake because the shooter in Illinois was able to get his guns because his stupid father signed off on it.

It was a loophole and had there been no loophole to allow a family member to do that then those people might be alive but then again maybe not seeing the father might have done a straw purchase instead.
I fear crazy people getting guns, and the best argument for gun control is listening to you Ammosexuals rant about all the people you want to shoot.

I have a far better chance of surviving a knife attack than a gun attack.
How you figure?
You can die from being shot in an arm or a leg....but you cut someone in the right spot you can bleed out in minutes.
Uh, no, guy, it shouldn't be that easy to get a gun.

Kind of a healthy response when you make it easy for crazy people to get guns.

You are taking one phrase out of context, without understanding the larger context of the Second and Third Amendments combined specifically to restrict the definition and expanse of militias (and how the British abused them previously.)

The Founders didn't like armed mobs, they liked well-regulated militias. They quickly put down armed insurrections like Shay's Rebellion, the Whiskey Rebellion, and other armed mobs that you guys seem to love.
Better as in that's what the law says and the new system is an improvement over the old one. Sheesh.

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