So I was wrong. The Republican do have a plan to combat inflation. Tax increases on moderate wage earners and small businesses by R. Rick Scott fl.

Whoever provides the parts has to follow Tesla's specs.
Musk is saying hos phone will put Apple out of business.
I've watched a few Tesla phone YouTube videos; if it does what it says it will crush Apple.
You still have a phone assembled in the US from parts made overseas as the final product.
And started off-shoring and using business visas and eliminated matching pension plans and cut health benefits.
Great for the Board of Directors and people with massive portfolios; sucked for everyone else who is in their 60s and still working.
Neither of those are true. We started offshoring jobs with the passage of the clean air and clean water acts.

Unions on the other and have been raiding pension funds for as long as unions have had pension funds.

Democrats for the last three decades have been trying to raid our private retirement accounts by creating a wealth tax, despite the fact we've already paid taxes on some and others are not taxable until you withdraw money.q
Neither of those are true. We started offshoring jobs with the passage of the clean air and clean water acts.

Unions on the other and have been raiding pension funds for as long as unions have had pension funds.

Democrats for the last three decades have been trying to raid our private retirement accounts by creating a wealth tax, despite the fact we've already paid taxes on some and others are not taxable until you withdraw money.q
I have never stated that Unions are any better than the scum on Wall Street.
Unions, at least, hire US citizens while Wall Street tells US citizens that they have no skills and can drop dead.
The filthy ass federal government needs to stop spending so much money. If it did a lot of our economic problems would evaporate.
Gov't spending has been propping up so much of our economy for so long that change would have to be implemented slowly over a decade or so to keep from completely collapsing the economy.
I didn't miss it, I just don't see either Party changing the numbers much re discontent either way, since voting for the same two parties over and over again has gone nowhere since Nixon's election to his first term.
While that is true, a person would be extremely naive to think that just voting for someone else would be better. Most third party candidates have even more extreme platforms than the R's and the D's and Libertarians are just worthless piles of shit.
They have already appointed so many Federal judges it's impossible to govern this country anyway. Just enjoy the slide down, learn 20 foreign languages, and drink more.
I'm not sure who "they" are. Are you talking about both parties because both parties have appointed many federal judges. In fact, it was Harry Reid who showed Republicans how to do it. If it were up to me, we would have an entirely different judicial system for judges, all the way up to the Supreme Court. There would be no such thing as liberal or conservative judges as all judges would be non-aligned judges. If you were aligned with one side or the other, you would be ineligible to be a judge.
Yes. It wouldn't been any different under Bernie though. Neither party seems to understand that a very huge block of Independents, which grows bigger every year, don't want either party to have full control of the government. The right are already saying and doing things that has my eyes rolling but my eyes are already rolling from the power hungry democrats.
never will an actual third party survive a national vote. ever. Trump figured out how to win that, and he is the only third party to succeed.
I'm not sure who "they" are. Are you talking about both parties because both parties have appointed many federal judges. In fact, it was Harry Reid who showed Republicans how to do it. If it were up to me, we would have an entirely different judicial system for judges, all the way up to the Supreme Court. There would be no such thing as liberal or conservative judges as all judges would be non-aligned judges. If you were aligned with one side or the other, you would be ineligible to be a judge.
I agree here.
So soak the poor is your answer. 😂😂😂 At least you are honest about wanting to shift the tax burden on the working poor. You go boy.
Are you saying the poor aren't paying more for supplies like the rest of us? The same supply Xiden is soaking out of all americans?

Inflation some how misses poor people and they are unaffected? Is that what you're saying?
I have never stated that Unions are any better than the scum on Wall Street.
Unions, at least, hire US citizens while Wall Street tells US citizens that they have no skills and can drop dead.
Unions suck money out of employees. And they don't have the backs of the members.
They’re better than the private market where you can be fired when they find someone willing to be paid $1.00/year less.
I have more than enough stories to tell.
they had value at one time in history, they escalated to criminal behavior and are just mostly criminals running money laundering
I have never stated that Unions are any better than the scum on Wall Street.
Unions, at least, hire US citizens while Wall Street tells US citizens that they have no skills and can drop dead.
no, companies hire employees and in right to work states employees have a choice to sign up or opt out. Most new employees with that choice are opting out.

they had value at one time in history, they escalated to criminal behavior and are just mostly criminals running money laundering
When Wall Street executives stop holding their Union meetings at BBQs and Banquest, we can get rid of Unions.
Every MNC is dying to replace their American professional with business visas.
My pals in construction, electric, plumbing, etc would never have a job at all if it weren’t for the unions.
Contractors hire illegals whenever they can get away with it.

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