So I was wrong. The Republican do have a plan to combat inflation. Tax increases on moderate wage earners and small businesses by R. Rick Scott fl.

LOL. Well, the democrat's plans are working so well. So well, in fact, that they are going to be taking a drubbing in the midterm elections. Do you believe that elections have consequences? Do you believe that when 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction, should we change directions or keep on doing what we're doing?
LOL. Well, the democrat's plans are working so well. So well, in fact, that they are going to be taking a drubbing in the midterm elections. Do you believe that elections have consequences? Do you believe that when 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction, should we change directions or keep on doing what we're doing?

Unfortunately for our country, those getting freebees, and the child-like woke crowd, are getting dangerously close to controlling politics with their votes. Hopefully we have not reached the tipping point. Once we do, it is all over. They can simply vote themselives a paycheck from the federal coffers. Obviously the Democratic Party has been feverishly working for years in hopes of reaching this point. We even have actual working Democrats who make decent money who have been brow beaten to feel guilty about every wrong known to man in the US and vote against their own and our country’s well being.
Unfortunately for our country, those getting freebees, and the child-like woke crowd, are getting dangerously close to controlling politics with their votes. Hopefully we have not reached the tipping point. Once we do, it is all over. They can simply vote themselives a paycheck from the federal coffers. Obviously the Democratic Party has been feverishly working for years in hopes of reaching this point. We even have actual working Democrats who make decent money who have been brow beaten to feel guilty about every wrong known to man in the US and vote against their own and our country’s well being.
In 2016 the left proclaimed that Republicanism was dead, never to be seen again. Then Trump became the nominee and they laughed even harder. In 2020, they finally breathed a sigh of relief when Biden won and they took over both the House and Senate. Republicanism was dead, never to be seen again. Since then the right have won big time and even the Democrats realize the House is gone after the midterms and are scrambling just to hold on to their 50-50 Senate. Americans don't like paying high prices, the country getting overly woke for the average American, high crime is out of control in blue cities, and the country is on the brink of WWIII. Voters are deciding that the Democratic way is actually worse than the Republican way as they are seeing it first hand up close and personal. Not much else matters other than if you can afford to have a roof over your head, be able to buy groceries, and put gas in your car.
LOL. Well, the democrat's plans are working so well. So well, in fact, that they are going to be taking a drubbing in the midterm elections. Do you believe that elections have consequences? Do you believe that when 70% of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction, should we change directions or keep on doing what we're doing?

And the GOP will dream up fantastic stories that it was their economic magic that swung the elections, then proceed to continue their class warfare agenda, and lose it all back in 2024, just like clockwork., and things will not get better for Americans, just worse.

should we change directions or keep on doing what we're doing?

Keep re-electing sociopaths and wingnuts? Of course not. Ideologues are simpletons and loons, whether right or left wingers.
And the GOP will dream up fantastic stories that it was their economic magic that swung the elections, then proceed to continue their class warfare agenda, and lose it all back in 2024, just like clockwork., and things will not get better for Americans, just worse.

Keep re-electing sociopaths and wingnuts? Of course not. Ideologues are simpletons and loons, whether right or left wingers.
I think you missed the part about 70% of Americans thinking the country is heading in the wrong direction. Should you listen to voters or ignore them?
A flat tax of 14.5% on 1,000,000 income would produce what in taxes?


The same rate on 30,000.00 in income produces 2, 565.00 in taxes.

Which number is bigger, 145,000.00 or 2,565.00?
You’re asking someone who believes 2+3=5.
The filthy ass federal government needs to stop spending so much money. If it did a lot of our economic problems would evaporate.
70+% of Americans feel that way under any Establishment President.
Yes. It wouldn't been any different under Bernie though. Neither party seems to understand that a very huge block of Independents, which grows bigger every year, don't want either party to have full control of the government. The right are already saying and doing things that has my eyes rolling but my eyes are already rolling from the power hungry democrats.
I think you missed the part about 70% of Americans thinking the country is heading in the wrong direction. Should you listen to voters or ignore them?

I didn't miss it, I just don't see either Party changing the numbers much re discontent either way, since voting for the same two parties over and over again has gone nowhere since Nixon's election to his first term.
I can tell you why. Right wing media has flipped their lid and come out again st this plan.

Why because the taxes don't hit the right wing media millionaires.

You're handwringing over a plan that the Republican Party is no where's near adopting.
You're like the man that yells at the sky for no reason!!
I didn't miss it, I just don't see either Party changing the numbers much re discontent either way, since voting for the same two parties over and over again has gone nowhere since Nixon's election to his first term.
It's now up to 75%. Even liberal democrat Chris Todd is forecasting doom and gloom for the blue team.

The best solution is to undo everything democrats have done but some of that stuff can't be turned back. It's hard for Republicans to make a great plan but the solution sure as hell isn't to do more of the same that got us to this point in the first place.
It's now up to 75%. Even liberal democrat Chris Todd is forecasting doom and gloom for the blue team.

The best solution is to undo everything democrats have done but some of that stuff can't be turned back. It's hard for Republicans to make a great plan but the solution sure as hell isn't to do more of the same that got us to this point in the first place.

They have already appointed so many Federal judges it's impossible to govern this country anyway. Just enjoy the slide down, learn 20 foreign languages, and drink more.
Teach a man to fish...
The neo-Con Modus Operendi is Teach 10,000,000 men to fish and put them at the same pond.

The fact is that establishment "Representatives" are paid off to legislate US citizens into poverty while inviting H1-Bs at $15.00/hour.
The number of dollars in circulation increases every year, there is no limited supply of money that has to be divided among the population.
You SAY they didn't do well, but offer no proof that people's lives were not improved under Reagan...because you can't. Life was MUCH better after Reagan got control of Jimmy Carter's inflation and repaired the economy.
Many people retiring today have more money to spend each month than they did during their working lives specifically because of 401k's and private retirement accounts like SEP's, all products of that same Reagan administration.
Legislation that allows off-shoring manufacturing anything that can be manufactured in the US should be banned for 10 years.
The overwhelming majority of this work is overt slave labor at slave wages and puts millions of Americans on welfare.
The "Argument" Business Visas is the lack of US talent...Pure lies.
Under Trump almost all business visas were sent packing, US citizens were hired and our technology took major leaps.

Let's put it this way...
Who is putting out technology that is 100% engineered and produced by US Citizens and kicking the ass out of every other technology entity?
Tessla like every other electronics manufacturer has to source parts from overseas. Our environmental regs make it impossible to produce a whole lot of things or to do so profitably.
They've been doing that since that louse Reagen was POTUS.
It was only under Reagan's tax reforms that the rich finally began paying the majority of all income taxes.


Tessla like every other electronics manufacturer has to source parts from overseas. Our environmental regs make it impossible to produce a whole lot of things or to do so profitably.
Whoever provides the parts has to follow Tesla's specs.
Musk is saying hos phone will put Apple out of business.
I've watched a few Tesla phone YouTube videos; if it does what it says it will crush Apple.
It was only under Reagan's tax reforms that the rich finally began paying the majority of all income taxes.
And started off-shoring and using business visas and eliminated matching pension plans and cut health benefits.
Great for the Board of Directors and people with massive portfolios; sucked for everyone else who is in their 60s and still working.

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