So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

If we are lucky one good one will come along and play that shit and get that taken all the way to the Supreme Court and you will never see this level of stupidity ever, ever, ever again.

It was already decided by SCOTUS in 1905.

The government can force you to get vaccinated because your lack of vaccination imperils the health of others.

Other countries are already doing it, and while, at first, the US may not do a global passport, companies and businesses may require it for access to their buildings.

*shrug* I don't know, just seems thats the way its headed.
Documentation related to covid vaccines and testing is a major problem in traveling outside the US. A document accepted by all countries would be great. Keep in mind that Covid will likely be a thing of the past if vaccinations continue at current rate. However, Covid will be a major problem in many countries for years to come. Vaccine hesitancy can be just as bad or worse than it is in the US.
The government didn’t give the employers the ability to fire people. They just decided not to get involved.

The government that governs least, right?

Surely you aren't referring to dems.
Those same people who believe they should spend their time telling us women are men and men are women?

Other countries are already doing it, and while, at first, the US may not do a global passport, companies and businesses may require it for access to their buildings.

*shrug* I don't know, just seems thats the way its headed.
Is that why CCP Joe will not allow LEGAL immigration across the Canadian or Mexican borders, but illegals with covid are welcomed with open arms? More COVID BULLSHIT, I don't believe ANYTHING anymore.
Ok you morons bringing up morbidity and such...ease just shut up. Stick to the question. Lemmings.
They can demand but HIPAA states that they cannot inquire if you have had it unless medical vaccination was a requirement to assume the position.
One way they may be able to also is if you get your insurance through your employer. I don't for example.
Damn, you're just an expert at everything including HIPAA. I think you better read the HIPAA law again. Here's a little bit about it.

Damn, you're just an expert at everything including HIPAA. I think you better read the HIPAA law again. Here's a little bit about it.

Most likely they will line them up at work and shotz them.
Not really, i mean, I've never seen a company mandate that getting a flu vaccine is condition of employment.

Perhaps they could, but they never did. This is different. Many employers will likely push this.
I've seen a lot of health care worker's who could not keep their job if they did not get a flu shot. One was a nursing home my wife used to work for. Year's ago.
I don't think the unions will push back against this. The government just mandated that employers have the right to force vaccinations, I don't know if the unions will have the power to get that overturned.
/Unions have alrdy come out against it ....try to keep up
Dont need no stinking union....there simply is nobody to replace us......if my boss fired 25%....low ball may as well kiss 25% of your business goodbye cause ya wont be able to get to it....sorta like the IRS
Why do you hate science, the Constitution and America so much?
You wouldn't know science if it bit you in the ass. There hasn't been ANYTHING scientific in the way this SCAMDEMIC has been foisted on the populace. Science says that if you continue to imbibe the quantities of alcohol that you do, there is a great risk that you will suffer cirrhosis of the liver.

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