So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

"That means that 6% of those who died with COVID-19 didn’t have any other reported conditions" And that is pretty rare. Most deceased covid patients developed covid pneumonia and die due to respiratory failure, organ failure, or septic shock. So obviously the cause of death is Covid because it brought on the covid pneumonia which lead to the death. The cause of death is the event that lead to the chain of events that resulted in death.

Sorry, your source does not hold water--neither does Politifact, E Verify, Snopes or any other left wing political mouthpiece.
When I was a medical resident, they would have suspended me without pay for not getting influenza vaccine. It wasn’t that anyone was opposed to vaccines, we just had a lot of shit to do and put it off.

But yeah, it was required.
Well, again,, I think the medical field has always been that special exception. Most other businesses, as far as I can tell, have never mandated vaccines. I personally have never had an employer tell me I must get vaccinated. The only exception to that is the military, I believe they require certain vaccinations.
"Why don't you suck both nuts, hooker
That hooker .....
Eat shit ...... Go jump off a bridge.

You need a mandatory bottle of bleach to drink."
Eeeeeeuw! After that little outburst of thoughtful reasoning by one of the forum's articulate anti-Vaxxers.....well, I think maybe the rest of the forum needs to go get vaccinated against infectious jackassery.


If the chain of events are Covid causes respiratory failure and the respiratory failure, cause the heart attack then it is Covid that causes the death because Covid intiated the chain of events that led to the death.
Let's use AIDS as an allegory.
Very very few victims afflicted with AIDS....die of AIDS.
Noper. Something else gets 'em before AIDS does.
But AIDS has so weakened the immune system....that pneumonia, cardiovascular events, or some opportunistic infection can now more easily overcome the individual's weakened system.
Think Covid.
"...your source does not hold water--neither does Politifact, E Verify, Snopes or any other left wing political mouthpiece."
Which always spurs interested parties to ask such posters as Concerned American......well, what sources of information do you read/see/hear for you information?
Which do you recommend to the forum members here so that they can be as informed as you?
Not really, i mean, I've never seen a company mandate that getting a flu vaccine is condition of employment.

Perhaps they could, but they never did. This is different. Many employers will likely push this.
I'm a contractor and I couldn't begin work on one assignment with a health care company without getting a flu vaccine first.

And this was years before the pandemic hit.
Eeeeeeuw! After that little outburst of thoughtful reasoning by one of the forum's articulate anti-Vaxxers.....well, I think maybe the rest of the forum needs to go get vaccinated against infectious jackassery.



Let's use AIDS as an allegory.
Very very few victims afflicted with AIDS....die of AIDS.
Noper. Something else gets 'em before AIDS does.
But AIDS has so weakened the immune system....that pneumonia, cardiovascular events, or some opportunistic infection can now more easily overcome the individual's weakened system.
Think Covid.

Which always spurs interested parties to ask such posters as Concerned American......well, what sources of information do you read/see/hear for you information?
Which do you recommend to the forum members here so that they can be as informed as you?
Since the leftist/globalist government is controlling the tech and information sectors in this country, none of them. I'd just as soon trust TASS, or whatever they have in Iran or China. If the government controls it--it is not to be trusted.
Then which specific sources do you use?.........and would recommend to forum members here?

If other forum members use your sources Concerned American to buttress their discussions.....that could level the playing field for you. Everybody singing from the same hymnal. No?
No, I don't really care what hymnal you sing from. Just don't try to make me sing out of it.
Not angry with you, limitations of the written word. I am frustrated with the sheer number or contradictory directives, news releases, and supposed "science" that isn't science that is being disseminated as fact. Also not particularly happy with the number of lemmings that are just blindly following and not using common sense.
Just as in any war, the directives and news changes as the battle change and new information is received. I read where the CDC has over a dozens studies going on about Covid and that's in addition to research being done around the world. As data changes, the message changes

You should be frustrated if you hear the same thing today you heard a year ago from the CDC. In politics the message remains the same wherever possible because a constant changing of the message is evidence of indecisiveness and lack of cofidence where in an epidemic it is evidence of new data and new discoveries.
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I don't think the unions will push back against this. The government just mandated that employers have the right to force vaccinations, I don't know if the unions will have the power to get that overturned.
Unions are pushing back

Sorry, your source does not hold water--neither does Politifact, E Verify, Snopes or any other left wing political mouthpiece.
No, 94% of coronavirus deaths were not actually caused by something else. The 6%" of the people listed as coronavirus deaths "actually died from Covid without any other diseases present. The other 94% who died from covid had other conditions also. In some cases those conditions were part the chain originated by Covid that lead to the death and in others those conditions played no part in the death.
Eeeeeeuw! After that little outburst of thoughtful reasoning by one of the forum's articulate anti-Vaxxers.....well, I think maybe the rest of the forum needs to go get vaccinated against infectious jackassery.



Let's use AIDS as an allegory.
Very very few victims afflicted with AIDS....die of AIDS.
Noper. Something else gets 'em before AIDS does.
But AIDS has so weakened the immune system....that pneumonia, cardiovascular events, or some opportunistic infection can now more easily overcome the individual's weakened system.
Think Covid.

Which always spurs interested parties to ask such posters as Concerned American......well, what sources of information do you read/see/hear for you information?
Which do you recommend to the forum members here so that they can be as informed as you?
What is suppose to happen in completing a death certificate, the doctor or coroner should look at the medical records to determine the initial event that kicked off the chain of events that lead to the death. That is pretty straight forward with covid because the daily medical records will usually show a clear path from covid to the final event resulting in death. However with something like Aids or Cancer, it may not be clear in medical records because the records they look at are those during the hospital stay. In some cases it boils down to the doctor estimate. This is why we say people don't die of Cancer (or Aids). They die with Cancer (or Aids)

There's old rule of thumb used by doctors filling out death certificates long before we had all the wonders of modern medicine and that is: If the patient had not contracted this decease, would he be alive today. I suspect in some cases that is used today.
Yes, I was thinking about the same. :wink_2:

Really. I mean I have one of the cards of course and with some art background that I have + computer skills, it would be childsplay for me to create authentic cards with one eye tied closed, so I can't believe no one in this country isn't actually making and selling these things clandestinely for profit by now! I mean, it isn't rocket science and it isn't like the cards have some sort of scan code or biometric chip.

Another illegal market created and driven by leftwing government oppression just as they did with prohibition. They never learn.

I wonder how close we are to faked vax cards being charged as a schedule 1 counterfeiting felony akin to making fake money? :21:

Will there be people in the future in the penitentiary doing hard time for vaccine card fraud?? Is this where the psychopaths in Washington want to take the nation next in their delusional, paranoid fantasies as the GOP sits by and jerks off?

Where do we find these idiots?
Really. I mean I have one of the cards of course and with some art background that I have + computer skills, it would be childsplay for me to create authentic cards with one eye tied closed, so I can't believe no one in this country isn't actually making and selling these things clandestinely for profit by now! I mean, it isn't rocket science and it isn't like the cards have some sort of scan code or biometric chip.

Another illegal market created and driven by leftwing government oppression just as they did with prohibition. They never learn.

I wonder how close we are to faked vax cards being charged as a schedule 1 counterfeiting felony akin to making fake money? :21:

Will there be people in the future in the penitentiary doing hard time for vaccine card fraud?? Is this where the psychopaths in Washington want to take the nation next in their delusional, paranoid fantasies as the GOP sits by and jerks off?

Where do we find these idiots?

I got a copy of someone else's scanned ...its on the desktop ...I forget the paper stock....which I can find out In probably 30 seconds ..

I'll play around with it ...

After I make one I'm gonna laminate it they can't even touch it ...just in case

I got a copy of someone else's scanned ...its on the desktop ...I forget the paper stock....which I can find out In probably 30 seconds ..

I'll play around with it ...

After I make one I'm gonna laminate it they can't even touch it ...just in case

I think I will take a picture of mine and run off a small copy to carry in my wallet and keep the real card at home. Then at least if I really, REALLY need to prove anything in the future just to shut some nut up, I can always pull that out and if they don't like it, they can get stuffed, or if it gets damaged, no big loss.
I think I will take a picture of mine and run off a small copy to carry in my wallet and keep the real card at home. Then at least if I really, REALLY need to prove anything in the future just to shut some nut up, I can always pull that out and if they don't like it, they can get stuffed, or if it gets damaged, no big loss.
You got the jab ...oh noes..

Don't watch the video I just posted

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