So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

Simply put the anti vaccers don't see a legit reason in an employer's mandating the vaccine. Employers can fire employees w/o contracts in all 50 states who refuse a mandate to do something reasonably beneficial to an employer's legit means, i.e. keep customers and gain new customers.

jc will not see a legit biz interest. either that or he somehow thinks an employee's interests outweigh the employers, when vaccines benefits are seen as outweighing any side effects. Same as with masks.
More or less - yeah. The entire premise of that kind of state intervention is flawed. Ultimately, it produces the kind of idiocy you promote.
well since it is not allowed, it follows all subsets of such forced mandates are discriminatory. plain and simple. Tell you what, get harassment back and I'll reconsider my statement. While you're at it, tell blacks to go work somewhere else as well, asians, show your true bigot self.
Pretty amazing how you guys are trying so hard to get people to see their freedoms as selfish.
Bingo, that's what it's really all about in a nutshell. I've read this entire topic just to read your responses, they've been awesome! lol
Sure, as long as they believe in equality and harass us back.
I realize you're being facetious, but with jc you probably shouldn't because he'll use a sarcastic comment as a serious post. A common exception to an employer being able to fire you for no reason is that if an employer fires you either for a reason that is illegal, or to prevent you from reporting something at a work site that is illegal
Yet, right-wingers claim the working Poor can easily find better jobs than minimum wage jobs.
who said that? What we said is there are other higher wage jobs to interview for, stop accepting minimum wage jobs and expecting a pay raise. Get it straight dumbo.
it's the discrimination that makes it illegal, the mindset accept or leave. Just like you said.
Harassment is never okay. It’s not discrimination that makes harassment illegal. It’s that it’s unwanted sexual advances.

The sex makes it illegal.
The ability to leave a job isn’t what makes harassment illegal.

Harassment and vaccination aren’t in the same universe. Harassment is never okay.
See, now all discrimination is a reason to prevent an employer from firing. Discrimination against smoking cigs at work. Discrimination for posting hate speech on a facebook site. Discrimination for taking part in an insurrection.
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I’d be pretty careful about using fraud to get a job. I think there could be civil penalties for that.
BOO-HOO-HOO, lol. The authorities push us to it. It outrageous that GM could tell me what to shoot into my body. The world is collapsing for real with shit like this.
Bingo, that's what it's really all about in a nutshell. I've read this entire topic just to read your responses, they've been awesome! lol
All freedom is selfish. That's what America is built upon. Each person having the right to do as he/she chooses .... within limits of criminal behavior.

Employment law is based on the 19th century concept of both employer and employee having equal bargaining power. Your or I can be fired for any (legal) reason and we can quit for any (legal) reason.
well since it is not allowed, it follows all subsets of such forced mandates are discriminatory. plain and simple. Tell you what, get harassment back and I'll reconsider my statement. While you're at it, tell blacks to go work somewhere else as well, asians, show your true bigot self.

Yes. You're using their logic against them - I get it. This is exactly why I've always opposed government getting mixed up in this shit in the first place.
Yes. You're using their logic against them - I get it. This exactly why I've always opposed government getting mixed up in this shit in the first place.
jc isn't using logic. He's using logical fallicies. In all states I've seen, it is ILLEGAL to fire an employee for not going along with an illegal scheme by an employer. There's no logical comparison to an illegal act and mandating a vaccine ... which is a legal healthcare item.

I can be fired for refusing to go into a smoking/drug cessation program. Weight loss. Blood pressure. A state can ban students from public schools for not getting the MMR vaccine.

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