So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

A number huh?

What number, exactly?
Barely above zero, right? :rolleyes:

And the overreaction and "elite panic" displayed around the world is going to be the cause of far more deaths, than if we had simply ignored this and got on with our lives..
You are pathetic
Exactly what right do you think is being violated?
The integrity of your body is being violated. Only you should decide what goes into your body. Women have been fighting forever for choice over their own bodies. This is the same type of thing.
The integrity of your body is being violated. Only you should decide what goes into your body. Women have been fighting forever for choice over their own bodies. This is the same type of thing.
No one is holding you down and forcing you to get a vaccination.

The integrity of your body is perfectly intact.
I don't think you're rebutting them BUT it may be you hail from one of the states that implied covenant of good faith and dealing. In those states - which are still in the minority - an employer has to have a just cause to fire. It can't be to just avoid retirement benefits or something, and it has to be based on job performance. It can't be malicious.

But even then, your employer can say "no long long hair, and wear a collar and tie or a dress skirt with hose" because he/she may want to present an image to customers.

I see you still haven't defined what 'less likely' is... I'll take that as an admission of defeat.. ;)
‘if you don’t like how your employer treats you or his policies, go find a job elsewhere; your employer is under no obligation to accommodate his employees.’
that statement makes it obvious you don't work in any corporate environment. Sad human you are.
No one is holding you down and forcing you to get a vaccination.

The integrity of your body is perfectly intact.
Not cool if I get fired for not taking it. Plus, no adults are vaccinated completely and up to date. So it's hypocritical to tell me how to vaccinate when no adults giving the orders are up to date themselves.
Plus, it reeks of Dr Mengele (sorry Godwin, lol).
Not cool if I get fired for it. Plus, no adults are vaccinated completely and up to date. So it's hypocritical to tell me how to vaccinate when no adults giving the orders are up to date themselves.
Plus, it reeks of Dr Mengele (sorry Godwin, lol).
I’m vaccinated completely and up to date. It’s a requirement of my job.

Sorry your decision led to you potentially getting fired but you still have a choice.
What can the employee do? As of today? At will employment says all power is with the employer.

Actually "at will" employment splits the power equally between employer and employee- either party can end the employer-employee relationship at any time, for any reason or no reason.

What an employee can do?

He can get the vaccine.

He can quit.

He can take his chances, accept being fired if needed, and call the boss's bluff.

He can talk to the employer and ask for an exemption or postponement.

He can lie to the employer and say he got the vax, and present fake documents

Considering how tight the labor market is, it wouldn't be bad for a lot of employees to quit.
Then leave.

No one is forcing you to get vaccinated, but they may not want to be around you if you don’t. Freedom goes both ways.
sure they are if my 44 year career is threatened. You're still lost. then why don't people who get harassed just leave? their choice right? Spoken like a true bigot.
sure they are if my 44 year career is threatened. You're still lost. then why don't people who get harassed just leave? their choice right? Spoken like a true bigot.
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been at your job. You don’t have a right to keep it.

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