So if a private business owner says one has to be vaxxed to work there

I can't speak to the rights of employees or employers for this thread.

But I can share a real-world reality at our dentist.
He has mandated that if you want dental work done in his office you must be vaccinated.

I was surprised when I heard that. Didn't know that he would or could take such a definitive stance.

This is what he told my wife (she ---and I ---have each been poked twice, since early March): He did it for his staff. He did it because his staffers demanded it. He said ---and there's about 8 of 'em -----but he said they came to him and said they didn't feel safe putting their hands in the mouths or being in close proximity in the operary with the un-vaccinated.

They asked him to inform all patients on the waiting list that they must show proof of vaccinations in order to get service from his office.

He agreed, and that's what they did. And that is the situation at his office now.
What it has cost him in patient drop-outs.....I dunno.

My dentist doesn't ask anyone far as I know.

And if his staff is afraid of putting their hands in the mouths of patients then why don't they refuse aids patients, patients with herpes and so on? Covid isn't the only disease they could get and it's certainly not the worst.

That's part of working in the medical field, you put yourself at risk of infection. So you just wear ppe and you follow procedure. If they don't like it then they need to leave the medical field.

"I don't feel safe" has somehow become a very popular phrase in the past 18 months. I'm 45 and up till the last 18 months I'd never once ever heard someone say they don't feel safe at their job, or in public, etc. Somehow half the country doesn't feel safe.
I’m vaccinated completely and up to date. It’s a requirement of my job.

Sorry your decision led to you potentially getting fired but you still have a choice.
Health care workers are not the same as the guy working for GM. To have a big corporation force something into your body is outrageous. That opens to door to all kinds of other shots... Completely absurd. I'm staying organic, I'm self-employed anyways, but I still find it totally wrong to get a jab of anything to hold a job. Maybe in China or North Korea... But here? Hell NO!
Health care workers are not the same as the guy working for GM. To have a big corporation force something into your body is outrageous. That opens to door to all kinds of other shots... Completely absurd. I'm staying organic, I'm self-employed anyways, but I still find it totally wrong to get a jab of anything to hold a job. Maybe in China or North Korea... But here? Hell NO!
Find a new employer. You’re not being forced.
It's discrimination, which is outlawed in the workplace. And it'll be fought with fake vaccine "passports", which are already available.
I’d be pretty careful about using fraud to get a job. I think there could be civil penalties for that.
that is the definition of forced. shit dude, you still don't understand english.
Nope. If someone says to you: "If you do 'x', I'll give you 'y' - if you don't, I won't" - they're not forcing you to do a fucking thing.
that's not a choice, it's really quite simple. Learn about it. Women who are Harassed have a choice right? Why is it harassment isn't allowed?
Of course it’s a choice. Get vaccinated or get a new job.

How hard is it to understand?
then harassing women should be allowed again?
More or less - yeah. The entire premise of that kind of state intervention is flawed. Ultimately, it produces the kind of idiocy you promote.

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